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��an*8 Med. CoD. of N.Y. Inflnnary, M.D. '98. Interne Memorial Hospital, Worcester, Mass., 1898-99; In Charge of Wilhelmlna Hospital, Amoy, China, 1900-04; of St. Klzabeth's Hospital, Shanglml, China, since 1910.

MTEBS, Clara 'Louioe, "Weartem Reserve Univer- sity, Cleveland, O.

Associate prof, of EngJiah: b. Straaburg, C, Mar. 2, 1866; dau. John and Martha (FiteGerald) Myers; ed. Ohio Normal Univ., B.S. '87; Cornell Univ., Ph.B. '96; grad. student Univ. of Chi- cago, 1899-1902. Teacher in high school of Fen- ton, Mich., and New Philadrfphia, C; instructor in Ohio Normal Univ., 1891-94; ass't in English literature, Cornell Univ., 1896-97; Instructor in Bnglteh, Coll. for Women, Western Beserve Univ., 1900-01; 083*1 prof., 1906-12; assoc. prof., 1912 — . Favors woman suffrage. Writer of ar- ticles In educatltmal publicationa. Recreation: Farming. Mem. College Club (Cleveland, O.), the Consumers* League, State Woman Suffrage Aaf*n.

MTEBS, Irene T., Lexington, Ky.

Dean of -women, Trarasytvania Univ.; b. Rapides Parish, La. ; dau. Andrew Emmons and Charity A. (Cox) Myers; ed. Bethany CoD., W.Va., B.A., M.A.; Yale Univ., Ph.D. 1900; fellow at Yale. Aset principal Normal School at Fair- ment, W.Va., 1893-98; lecturer In Sloyd Training School, Boston, Mass., 1900-03; dean and prof, of history in Transylvania Univ. since 1904. Mem. Education Com. Federated Clubs of Ky. ; chair- man Social Service Dep't Woman's Club of Cen- tral Ky. ; chairman School Patrons Com. of Nat. Educational Ass'n for Ky. Favors woman suf- frage. Author: A Study In Epic Development; Report on the Public Archives of Ky. Mem. Christian Church. Mem. Nat. Educational Ass'n, Ass'n of Collegiate Alumnse, Southern Ass'n of College Women, Y.W.C.A. South Central Terri- torial Com., Soc. for Prevention of Blindness, Am. Historical Ass'n, Mississippi Valley His- torical Ass'n, Ohio Valley Historical Ass'n. Recreations; Walking, rowing, golf. Mem. Womian's Club of Central Ky., Filson Club.

HYISTER, Agnea, 666 Delaware Av., Buffalo,


Piano teacher; b. Buffalo, N.Y., Jan. 11, 1877; dau. Herman and Minnie (Hoyt) Mynter; grad. BufEalo Sem., '94; Smith Coll., B.A. '99. Studied piano with Wlenzkowska, Marie Dahl, Paul Schliiter In Copenhagen, with Edmond Monod in Geneva and Howard Wells in Berlin. Author of many translations of Danish and Norwegian songs used in concerts in this country and also verses pu'bllshed in various pai)ers. Presbyter- ian. Mem. Smith Alumnse Ass'n. Recreations: Going to Europe, raising flowers and ensemble playing. Mem. Women's University Club of N.Y. City; vice-pres. Chromatic Club; mem. Smith Ccdlege Club; treas. Business Women's Club. Against woman suffrage.

BtTTNTEB, Harriet Bnell (Mrs. Herman Myn- ter), 666 Delaware Av., Buffalo, N.Y. Born East Bloomflrfd, N.Y., Nov. 13, 1849; dau. Frederick and Eliza M. (Storrs) Buell; ed. Cen- tral High School, Buffalo, N.Y. ; m. Buffalo, June 16, 1887, Herman Mynter, M.D. (died Feb. 9, 1903). Presbyterian. Mem. Saturday Class, Buf- falo; mem. Twentieth Century Club. Formerly Identified with the Buffalo Gen. Hospital on its Board of Woman Managers, of which was one time pres. ; also was trustee Buffalo School of Pedagogy, and the Buffalo School Visiting Com.; now confining attention to philanthropic enter- prises of the Westminster Presbyterian Church. Against woman suffrage.

MTRICK, Hannah Gllddeo, 26 Sumner St.,

Dorchester, Mass,

Physician; grad. Smith Coll., B.A. '96; John Hopkins Med. School, M.D. 1900. Interne New England Hospital for Women and Children, 1900- Dl; since 1904 attending physician New Ehigland Hospital and In private practice at Dorchester, Maas. Mem. Ass'n of Collegiate Alumnae, Smith Coll. Alumns Ass'n.


NAGEL, Anne Shepley (Mrs. Charles Nagel), 8t.

Louis, Mo.; 1731 K St., Washington, D.C.

Born St, Louis, Mo., June 24, 1866; dau. John Rutledge and Mary A. (Olapp) Shepley; ed. Mary Inst,, St. Louis, Mo., and Miss Porter's School, Farmington, Conn.; m. St. Louis, May 1, 1895, Charles Nagel; children: Mary, Edith, Charles, Dorothea. Against woman suffrage. Episco- palian. Lived In St Louis from childhood, ex- cept four years, 1909-13, in Washington, where her husband was Secretary of Commerce and Labor in the Cabinet of President Taft. NAGLEB, Sirs. EUen ToreUe, 151 W. Wilson St.,

Madison Wla.

Biologist, author and lecturer; b. Marine Mills, Minu.; daughter of M. Nelson and Augtista Marie (von Mehlen) Torelle; grad. Univ. of Minn., Ph.B. '01, M.A. '02; at Bryn Mawr Coll., scholar in biology, 1902-03, fellow 1903-04; scholar of the Naples Table Ass'n at Zoological Station at Naples, Italy, 1909; mem. Phi Beta Kappa and Sigma XI; m. June, 1912, L. B. Naylor. Teacher In graded schools, Minneapolis, five years; princi- pal graded school, Rathdrum, Ida., two years; teacher of biology, Hackley High and Manual Training School, Muskegon, Mich., one year; dean and prof, biology, Milwaukee-Downer Coll., three years; now lecturer, University Extension Dep't, Univ. of Wis. Editor of scientific articles of the Standard Reference Book, an encyclopedia for young people. Author (under her maiden name, "Ellen 'Torelle): Plant and Animal Chil- dren—How They Grow— A Primer of Biology, 1912; Report of Work Done in Biology with Chil- dren of the Eighth Grade Elementary and First Year High School (Bulletin of Am. Acad, of Medicine), 1906; Method of Work in Biology- presented in lectures before societies of scientists in Acad, of Medicine, N.Y. City; Coll. of Physi- cians and Surgeons, Philadelphia, and Medical- Chirurgical Soc, Baltimore (Transactions of Am. Soc. of Sanitary and Moral Prophylaxis), 1910; also several papers embodying results of research in Am. Journal of Physiology, 1903; Roux's Archiv fflr Entwickelungsnaechanik, 1904; Bulletin Wis. Natural History Soc, 1907; Zoologischen Anzeiger, 1909, and Preliminary Report on Protozoa of Wisconsin (in preparation). Founder of University Liberal Ass'n at Univ. of Minn., 1901 (first organization of its kind in any Ameri- can university), before which questions of philosophy, science, ethics and religion were dis- cussed by able and scholarly men. Unitarian; director of philanthropic work carried on by First Unitarian Church of Minneapolis, 1900-02. Former mem. Wis. Acad, of Science and Wis. Natural History Soc; mem. Am. Ass'n for Ad- vanc«m«it of Science. Menu City Club and Down Town Club (Milwaukee), Ass'n CoUegiate Alum- nse. Fa.Y0T6 woman suffrage. NAJLL, C«ra Ermina Smith (Mrs. James Home

Nail), 1123 Glrard St., Washington, D.C.

Bom West Wlnfleld, N.Y., Feb. 10, 1872; dau. Samuel Lyman and Ann (Saunders) Smith; ed. West Wlnfield Acad.; Ithaca High School; Cor- nell Univ., B.L. (mem. Kappa Alpha Theta); m. Ithaca, N.Y., Sept. 9, 1907, James Home Nail; one son: James Smith Nail. Engaged in library work, Cornell Univ. Library, Indiana Univ. Library, Worcester Polytechnic Inst. Library, Lihrary of Congress. Episcopalian. NALL, Mrs. Bichmrd H., Mena, Ark.

Born New Madrid, Mo.; dau. Dr. R. M. and M. E. (Bryan) Phillips; ed. St. Josepli's Acad., St. Louis, Mo.; m. Fredericktown, Mo., 1879, Richard H. Nail; children: Fred, Clarence, Mar- guerite, Gladys, Hazel. Roman Catholic. Pres. Martha and Mary Circle. Mem. United Daugh- ters of Confederacy, Bridge Whist Club, Woman's Literary Club of Mena, Ark. (treas.); second vlce-pres. Ark. State Fed. of Woman's Clubs. Former mem. Self Culture Club In Marianna, Ark., seven years (pres. three year«). NASH, CI»ra Hosmer Hapgood (Mrs. Frederick

Cushing Nash), West Acton, Ma£S.

Lawyer; b. Fitchbnrg, Mass., Jan. 15, 1839; dau. John and Mary Ann (Hoemer) Hapgood;


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