��MURTFELDT, Mary Esther, E. Adams Av.,
Klrkwood, Mo.
Entomologist; b. N.Y. City; reared In North- ern III., where she removed In her early child- hood; ed. in school of that section and Rockford (111.) Coll., 1858-60, but did not complete course because of failing health. Father removed to St. Louis, 1868, to edit Colman'a P.ural World, through which connection she was thrown into association with Prof. C. V. Riley, then State entomologist, and so became attracted to the study of entomology, in which she has since been engaged; served for 10 or 12 years as local assistant in the Bureau of Entomology of the U.S. Dep't of Agriculture; has specialized in life histories of insects In general, but more particularly in the Mlcro-Lepldoptera. A large part of her collection of the latter was disposed of some years ago to Cornell Univ. and is now in its Museum of Natural History. Editorially connected with Farm Progress (agricultural weekly). Author: Outlines of Entomology (in reports of Mo. State Board of Agriculture); joint author (with Clarence M. Weed): Stories of Insect Life. Fellow A.A.A.S.; mem. Mo. State Horticultural Soc.
SruSGRAVE, Fanny Wood, "Holmworth," Au- burn, Nova Scotia,
Author; D. Antigua, West Indies; dau. Hon. Bunthorn Musgrave; niece of Sir Anthony Mus- grave, later governor of Queensland, Australia; pd. by private tutors at home. Writer and lec- turer on temperance, equal suffrage, hygiene, etc.; formerly, with sister, conducted private school; managed a farm. For many years pres. local branch W.C.T.U. Favors woman suffrage; frequent speaker and writer for woman suffrage. Author (novels): Gypsy; A Ray of Light; True to the Last; Gabriella Amythyst; and others. Prohibitionist.
MUSSEY, Ellen Spencer (Mrs. Reuben Delevan Mussey), 1317 New York Av., Washington, D.C.
Lawyer; b. Geneva, Ashtabula Co., O. ; dau. Piatt R. and Persis (Duty) Spencer; ed. Rock- ford Coll., 111.; Lake Erie Coll., O., and sec- ondary schools; Washington Coll. of Law, LL.M. (honorary); m. June, 1871, Reuben Delevan Mussey (deceased); children: Spencer (deceased), William H. Member of the Bar of Supreme Court of U.S. and all inferior courts in the District of Columbia; only woman dean of a law school; attorney for the Legations of Sweden and Nor- way; wrote for International (Jouncil of Women an abstract of laws In U.S. for women. Led in getting laws changed for equal guardian- ship by parents in children; laws changed to give married women right to own earnings; approba- tions for free kindergarten in D.C; to establish free schools for sub-normal children; for juvenile courts; compulsory education; establishment of Federal Child Bureau. Favors woman suffrage; mem. Woman Suffrage Ass'n; spoke before U.S. Senate Ck>m., 1910. Author of articlas on Marriage and Divorce; I^gal Relations of Parent and Child (Good Housekeeping, Nov., 1910); Laws Relating to Women in the Forty-six States of the Union, 1912; Laws of Nations Relating to Women, 1912; Historic Washington (Am. Monthly Maga- zine, Apr., 1912; editor Am. Monthly Magazine, Jan. 1-July 1, 1912. Mem. Church of New Jerj- salem. Mem. Nat. Geog. Soc, Red Cross, Nat. Educational Ass'n, Woman's League of N.Y. City, D.A.R., Daughters of Founders and Pa- triots. Founded 1896, and now dean, Washington Coll. of Law (primarily for women, but admits men7; mem. Board of Education of District of Columbia for six years (vice-pres. three years); resigned 1912
MUSSEY, Mabel Hay Barrows (Mrs. Henry Raymond Mussey), Sonnevanck, Croton-on- Hudson, N.Y. ; summer, Blrchbay, Georgevllle, Quebec, Can.
Dramatic director and dancer; b. Cambridge, Mass., May 3, 1873; dau. Samuel June and Katha- rine Isabel (Hay) Barrows; grad. Girls' Latin School, Boston, '93; special courses at Radcliffe; JIass. Inst. Technology; Boston Normal School
��of Gymnastics; Central Inst, of Gymnastics (Stockholm) Uriv. of Leipzig; m. Cedar Lodge, Georgeville, Quebec, June 28, 1905, Henry Ray- mond Mussey (prof, of economics In Columbia Univ); one son: June Barrows Mussey, b. Mar. 30, 1910. Many Greek dances have been origi- nated and Latin plays produced by her in many colleges and schools; organized first performance of the Ajax of Sophocles given in this country, enacted by native Greeks, at Hull House, Chi- cago; given later with Greeks in N.Y. Produced an original Dutch pageant on the Hudson In 1912. Lived at several settlements. Favors woman suffrage. Author: The White Butterfly, a play o^ten produced by amateurs, but not pub- lished; writes verses for musicals. Unitarian. Recreations: Camping, tramping, dancing, cross- stitch embroidery and weaving.
MUrCH, Annie Elizabeth (Mrs. John Mutch), 4 Maltland Place, Toronto, Canada. Art critic ("Jean Grant"); b. Hamilton, Ont. (Irish descent) ; ed. in private schools and Ham- ilton Collegiate Institute; m. Rev. John Mutch, M.A. (now deceased); children: Rev. J. Mutch, B.A., B.D. ; Douglas Straith Mutch, B.Sc. ; Charles M. (sec. Confederation Co.), Jean Grant, Gordon Cavin. Some time art editor Toronto Saturday Night; contributor to the Art Magazine, The Artist and The Studio (London) and occa- sional sketches to newspapers; prepared pro- gram for Rosedale Travel Club. Vice-pres. for several years of Central League of School Art. Active in W.C.T.U.; also in foreign mission work. Presbyterian. Mem. Local Council of Women, Women's Council of Social Service, Rosedale Travel Club; organized Parkdale and West End Clubs of Toronto. Recreations: Music, visiting art gallery, reading.
i\niTSCHEL, Anna Elizabeth (Mrs. Charles Eugene Mutschel), 310 Hurlbut Av., Detroit,
Born Stony Creek, Mich., Dec. 1, 1872; dau. Thales L. and Callsta (Woodward) Buck; ed. Ann Arbor High School; Univ. of Mich., two years; m. Ann Arbor, Aug. 31, 1897, Charles Eugene Mutschel. Interested In philanthropic work; mem. Hospital Auxiliary. Against woman suffrage. Methodist. Recreations: Boating, cards, gathering mushrooms. Mem. Detroit Re- view Club (literary) ; Detroit Inst, of Science.
MUZZY, Florence Emlyn Downs (Mrs. Adrian James Muzzy), 47 Prospect PI., Bristol, Conn. Author and illustrator; b. Bristol, Conn.; dau. Franklin and Emellne (Upson) Downs; ed. high and normal schools and business college; m. Bristol, Conn., Adrian James Muzzy; children- Leslie Adrian, Floyd Downs, Adrienne Florence Favors woman suffrage. Sec. Woman's Pro- gressive League, organized in fall of 1912. Au- thor: New England Childhood (sketches); A Cliff Dweller; Katherine Gaylord, Heroine (prize national historical article, D.A.R.), etc; also child stories, newspaper articles and short poems; has done much illustrating. Mem. Colonial Dames of Vt, D.A.R. (organizing regent of Katherine Gaylord Chapter). Recreations: Travel, writing, music. Mem. Beta Reading Club of Bristol.
MYER, Elizabeth Rachel Glllett (Mrs. James
E. Myer), Harrlman. N.Y.
Physician; b. EUenvllle, Ulster Oj., N.Y., Dec. 29, IffiS; dau. Ephraim H. and Rachel K. (Mance) Gillett; ed. Women's Med. Coll. of the N.Y. Infirmary; m. 1880, Harrlman, N.Y., James E. Myer; children: Elizabeth Rachel, Edward Herman. First woman phj-siclan to belong to Orange Co. (N.Y.) Med. Soc. (1877). Interested In the Circle of King's Daughters at Harrlman, Orange Co., N.Y.; several years lodge deputy of Independent Order of Good Templars; mem. (two years pres.) local Epworth League; mem. Women's Medical Ass'n of N.Y. City. Methodist Favors woman suffrage.
MYERS, Angle Martin, 2 Avenue Road, Shan- ghai. China. Physician; b. Upper Red Hook, N.Y. ; grad.
Vassar Coll., A.B. (Phi Beta Kappa) 1894; Worn-