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��Catholic. Mem. Press Club, American Daughters ot Ireland, Round Table Club. Favors woman suffrage.

MURPHY, Zela M. (Mrs. William Wilson Mur- phy), Basin, Wyo.

Born Sedalia, Mo., 1877; dau. Harlow Allen and Massa (Linnabary) Longshore; ed. Central High School Paris, 111.; Normal School, Chattanooga, Tenn.; m. bovell, Wyo., Oct. 9, 1901, William Wilson Murphy. Teacher of elocution; suffrage propagandist; assistant cashier of Dovell (Wyo.) State Bank, six years; elected by large majority in 1910 as county treas. of Big Horn Co., Wyo.; reelected without opposition for second term, Nov. 5, 1912; first woman county officer in county except school sup't. Identified with social lite, literary, suffrage cause and a betterment of con- ditions of wage earners. Mem. Royal Neighbors of America, Basin Woman's Club; treas. of Wyo. State Fed. of Women's Clubs, 1912-13. Recreations: Motoring, basketball, baseball. Favors woman suffrage. Democrat.

MUERAH, Benlah Fitshagh (Mrs. William

Belton Murrah), Jackson, Miss.

Bom Brandon, Miss., Feb. 10, 1834; dau. Lewis T. and Juliette (Delony) Fltzhugh; grad. Union Female Coll., Oxford, Miss.; studied vocal mu- sic at Whilworth Coll. several year.s; one year under private teacher in New Orleans; special three-vear co'jrse in literature and modern lan- guages in Millsaps Col!., Jackson, Miss.; m. Ox- ford Miss., 18S1, ¥Alllam Belton Murrah; one son: William Fitzhugh. Specially interested in foreign missions; active in social and philan- throoic works. Author: Around the World (let- ters' of travel). Mem. Ivlethcdist Episcopal Church, South. Mem. of all church societies. Pres. Fortnightly (leading literary club of Jack- son)- mem. Federated Clubs of Jackson, Miss. State Fed. of Women's Clubs. V^^idely traveled in U.S. and abroad (twice around the world).

MURRAY, Almey Constance, Hanover Hospital,

Milwaukee, Wis.

Hospital superintendent; b. Dorchester, Ont., Can.; dau. Dr. S. S. Murray (M.B., M.D., F.R.C.S.) and Almey Jane (Breckon) Murray; ed. St. Mary's (Ont.) Collegiate Inst.; Seaforlh (Ont.) Coll. ■ Riverdale Hospital Training School, gold medalist. Ass't sup't Riverdale Hospital, Toronto, Can., seven years; sup't city hospitals. Grand Rapids, Mich.; later general sup't of Muni- cipal Hospitals and Tuberculosis Sanatorium, Grand Rapids, Mich.; for three years sup't Gushing Hospital (general); Leavenworth, Kan., two years; now in charge of South Side Training School, Hanover Hospital, Milwaukee, Wis. Writer of articles for magazines; has given by request articles on hospital management to the hospital journals. Methodist. Mem. Delphian Soc. (art and literature). Has devoted four years to special study of music and art.

MURRAY, Mrs. Ella Maud, Room 305, 47 W. 42nd St., N.Y. City, and 348 South St., Hali- fax, N.S., Can.

Writer and lecturer; b. Halifax, Nova Scotia; dau. William and Martha (Elliott) Murray; ed. in Halifax schools and Provincial Normal School; m. Halifax, 1887. Teacher in public schools of Halifax; associate city editor of Halifax Morn- ing Chronicle; editor Yarmouth (N.S.) Times. Two years pres. of Women's Henry George League of N.Y. City, after serving several years as sec. and vice-pres. Lecturer once a week on econonriics for Manhattan Single Tax Cluib; mem. al6o of Woman's Council of Can. Favors woman suffrage. Mem. Woman Suffrage Party; lecturer for suffrage; does all public work through the Single Tax Club, of which she Is a mem. Writer of editorials, special articles, children's stories and poems. Part author of several books not appearing over her name. Recreations: Truck farming, chicken raising, camping and fishing, theatre. Mem. Women's Henry George League, N.Y. City ;' Manhattan Single Tax Club, N.Y. City; Halifax Local Branch of Woman's Council, Halifax, N.S.; The Hub Club (literary), Boston, Mass.

��MURRAY. Ella Rush (Mrs. William Spencer Murray). 64 Cold Spring St., New Haven, Conn. Born Philadelphia, Pa., 1876; dau. Richard Rush (captain U.S. Navy) and Ella Mary (Day) Rush; ed. private schools in Washington, D.C., and in Lausanne, S'witzerland; m. Catskill, N.Y., Sept. 23, 1905, William Spencer Murray; children: Richard Rush, b. 1907; John Maynadier, b. 1909; William Spencer Jr., b. 1910. Mem. Consumers' League, the Civic Fed. of New Haven, Conn. ; Y.W.C.A. of New Haven, Conn.; New Haven Lawn Club. E)plscopaIian. Favors woman suf- frage; pres. the Women's Political Union of New Haven, Conn. ; mem. of the Political Equality Club of New Haven, Women's Political Union of N.Y., Conn. Woman Suffrage Ass'n.

MURRAY, Grace Peckham (Mrs. Charles H. Murray). Hotel Seymour, 50 W. Forty-fifth St., N.Y. City.

Physician; b. Putnam Heights, Conn.; dau. Fenner Harris and Catherine Davis (Torrey) Peckham; grad. Mount Holyoke Coll., M.A. ; Women's Medical Coll. of N.Y. Infirmary, M.D.; m. Worcester, Mass., Feb. 11, 1893, Hon. Charles H. Murray, Judge of the Court of Claims. Edi- torial writer N.Y. Medical Record; collaborator on the Journal of Nervous and Mental Diseases; on editorial staff of Women's Medical Journal. Writer of many monographs, reviews, etc., for medical journals and contributed articles to medical hand-books, etc. Honorary pres. of Woman's Medical Soc. of N.Y. State; mem. Am. Medical Ass'n, N.Y. State Med. Soc, Acad, of Medicine, N.Y. County Med. Soc, N.Y. Neurolog- ical Soc, Women's Med. Ass'n. Formerly prof, adjunct to chair of gynecology N.Y. Post-Grad. School; attending physician in N.Y. Infirmary and Dispensary. Mem. D.A.R., Barnard Club, Wednesday Afternoon Club, etc. MURRAY, Margaret Poison (Mrs. ^J. Clark Mur- ray), 20 McTavish St., Montreal^ Can. Born Paisley, Scotland, 1844; dau. William and Margaret (Maclean) Poison; ed. in Glasgow; m. Paisley, July 20, 1865, Prof. J. Clark Murray, LL.D. (Glasgow), F.R.S.C. (then of Queen Univ., Kingston, Ont.; now of Mc(J;ll Univ., Montreal); children: Alfred, Edith, Margaret, Elizabeth, Grace Founder of the Daughters of the Empire and the Children of the Empire (head office first in Montreal, now In Toronto). Founder of the Canadian South African Graves Ass'n, the first movement in history for the graves of men fallen in war to be located and cared for by the loving hands of women; first sec. of the Y.W.C.A. movement in Canada; hon. mem. Guild of Loyal Women of South Africa; press correspondent Montreal, Ottawa and Washington for The Week, Toronto. Contributor to the Contemporary Re- view, London, and the Nineteenth Century, London; hon. mem. (representing Canada) of the General Fed. of Women's Clubs of U.S. Recrea- tion: Musician. Promoter of every form of edu- cation and philanthropy. Founder, 1913, of Mo- tion Pictures for the Schools of the British Em- pire. Favors woman suffrage.

MURRAY, Virgrinia M., Juvenile' Court, 50 E.

Mound St., Columbus, Ohio.

Chief probation officer Juvenile (Jourt; b. Mlamisiburg,' O., May 7, 1876; dau. John M. and Annetta (Billman) Murray; ed. high school, boarding school, N.Y. School of Philanthropy, Columbia Univ. Court stenographer eight years in Dayton, 0.; in volunteer work in Brooklyn Children's Court. Chief probation officer Juvenile Court of Columbus, O., since June 1, 1910. Fa- vors woman suffrage; mem. College Elqual Suf- frage Ass'n, Columbus. Protestant Episcopal.

MURTFELDT, Augusta C, East Adams Av.,

Klrkwood, Mo.

Born N.Y. City; reared in Northern 111.; grad. Rockford (111.) Coll., '63. Taught parts of two years in Rockford Coll. ; was for many years a teacher of natural history in both public and private schools of St. Louis, from which work she retired some years ago. Has been Identified v/ith philanthropic work in the Flower Mission and Needlework Guild. Presbyterian; active ir Woman's Missionary Soc. Mem. Tuesday Read ir.g Class of KirUwood, Mo.


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