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��SIcn^AN, Helen St. Clair (Mrs. George Vincent Mullan), 118 W. 183d St., University Heights, N.T. City.

Lawyer (not practising); b. N.Y. City, June 28, 18/7; dau. Harry Hull and Mary Louise (Harber) St. Clair; ed. Classical School for Girls, N.Y. City; Barnard Coll., Columbia University, A.B. '98, honors in classics and English, chemistry prize (Phi Beta Kappa); New York Univ. Law School, LL.B. 1901; Elliot F. Shepard scholarship, 1900; second senior prize, 1901; m. N.Y. City, June 28, 1S99, George Vincent Mullan; one daugh- ter: Georgia St. Clair Mullan, Chairman local Bchcoi board, District 26, N.Y. City; mem. ad- visory board Mayor's Terminal Market Commis- sion, N.Y. City. Baptist. Mem. Alpha Omicron Pi (^grand pres. 1906-08), Phi Beta Kappa Soc., Associate Alumnae of Barnard Coll. (first vice- pres. 1911-12, pres. 1912-13), Women's University Club, N.Y. City.

MULr,EB, Margaretho, Wellesley College, Wel- lesley, Mass.

Professor of German; b. Hanover, Germany, Sept. 25, 1862; dau. Hermann Fricdrich Christian and Emile Louis Elisabeth (Baucrmeister) Mul- Icr; grad. Hanover Normal School, '84; student Univ. of Gottingen, 1S95-97. Came to U.S. 188G; teacher at Concord, N.H., 1885-89; since then con- nected with dep't of German at Wellesley Coll. OS instructor, 1889-95; associate prof., 1897; now prof, of German. Editor of German texts for school use: Schiller's Maria Stuart, 1900; Keller's Legenden, 1901. Author: Gluck Auf, 1901. Also contributor to various magazines. MULLIGAN, Minna Kawson (Mrs. Henry Cool- idge Mulligan), 7 Highland St., Natlck, Mass. Born Geneseo, 111., May 31, 1861; dau. Caleb and Anna Maria (Jones) Rawson; ed. Worcester High School; Wellesley Coll., 1881-82; m. Wor- cester, Mass., Dec. 22, 1886, Henry Coolidge Mulli- gan, lawyer. State Senator 1908-12; children: Ralph Coolidge, Ruth, Alice Gardner. Has al- ways been interested in all religious, social and civic matters In home town; pres. Natick Woman's Club, Woman's Civic League; director Village Improvement Soc. ; director Mass. State Fed. Women's Clubs; pres. State Fed., 1911-13. Congregationalist. Mem. Order Eastern Star, D.A.R. ; mem. New England Woman's Club. MULLFNEK, GabrieUe Stewart (Mrs. Walter Glrdwood Mulliner), 109 East 56th St., N.Y City; summer. Lake Mohegan, Westchester Co., N.Y.

Lawyer; b. Cleveland, O., Oct. 24, 1872; dau. N. Coe and Gabrielle (Townsend) Stewart; ed. Cleve- land public schools; Ohio State Univ. Law School (mem. Ohio bar); m. Sept. 26, 1904, Walter Glrdwood Mulliner. Counsel for Soc. of Women Tax Payers. Author: New York Laws of Interest to Women (a pamphlet issued by the N.Y. State Fed. of Women's Clubs. Episcopalian. Mem. Nat. Soc. Patriotic Women, D.A.R. , N.Y. County Lawyer's Ass'n. Recreations: Music, literature. MXfLLLNEB, Mary Roes, 520 Beacon St., Boston, Mass.

Physician, lecturer; b. Camden, N.J. ; dau. Nathan and Hannah A. (Shute) Thatcher; ed. Camden (N.J.) public schools, Friends" Central High School, Philadelphia, Pa.; Durant Normal School of Physical Training, Boston Univ. School of Medicine, M.D.; honorary diploma, Sargent School for Physical Education. Ass't in Durant Normal School and Boston Univ. School of Med- icine (after graduation from Durant Normal School, during course in medical school); lec- turer in Harvard Univ. Summer School, Dr. Sargent's Normal School for Physical Educa- tion, and in Boston School of Physical Educa- tion; has specialized in mechano-therapy since fiegree was received. Favors woman suffrage. Protestant Episcopalian. ■ Mem. Am. Inst, of Homceopathicians, International Hahnemannian Soc. Am. Physical Education Ass'n. Mem. Women's City Club of Boston, Medical Women's Ass'n for Aiding Women in Medical Work in ForeiKU Countries, Boston University Women Graduates' Club.

MULOCK, Marjorie Crissy (Mrs. Edwin McCord Mulock), Faxtang, Harrlsburg, Pa. Born Philadelphia, Sept. 29, 1881; dau. John P.

��and Jean C. (Moore) Green; ed. Case & Hallo- well's School, Philadelphia; St. Timothy's, Ca,- tonsville, Md. ; Bryn Mawr Coll., 1899-1900; m. Bryn Mawr, Pa,, April 25, 1907, Rev. Edwin Mc- Cord Mulock; children: John (3reen, b. Nov. 14, 1909; Edwin McOord Mulock Jr., b. Jan. 27, 1913. Active mem. of Wednesday Club (musical) of Harrisburg. Favors woman suffrage. Mem. ad- visory board for Central Pa. Ass'n for Womaji Suifrage. Presbyterian. Recreations: Tennis, golf, swimming. Mem. Harrisburg Country Club, College Club.

MUMl^OKD, Mary Eno (Mrs. Joseph P. Mum- lord), The Gladstone, Philadelphia, Pa.

Bom New Britain, Conn., May 9, 1842; dau. Ozias B. and Emeline (Eno) Bassett; grad. New Britain High School, Conn. State Normal School; m. New Britain, (Donn., May 9, 1866, Joseph P. Mumford; children: Mary Eno, Edward Warlock, Alice Turner. Pres. Woman's Medical College oJ Pa. ; a founder of the Gen. Fed. of Women's Clubs; 'hon. vice-pres. Nat. Congress of Mothers; mem. Board of Pa. Branch of Nat. Congress of Mothers; served for 12 years, 1889 to 1901, on Philadelphia Board of Public Elducation. Mem. Limited Elqual Suffrage League, Philadelphia. Wrote about 1870 book for children: Hilda Dart, or the Born Romp; has written occasionally for children's magazines and papers on social ques- tions. Episcopalian. Mem. New Century Club, Civic Club (women), Contemporary Club, Brown- ing Soc. and Public Education Ass'n. MUNCE, Leila GiUiam (Mrs. John Sinclair

Munce), 5 W. Main St., Richmond, Va.

Born Richmond, Va. ; dau. George W. and Sarah Elizabeth (Anderson) Gilliam; grad. Rich- mond Female Sem.; m, Richmond, Va., April 17, 1888, John Sinclair Munce; children: John G., David L., George G., Marshall G. Mem. Soc. for Prevention of Cruelty to Animals of Rich- mond (oCacer), D,A,R. (officer). Daughters of the Confederacy, (Confederate Memorial Literary Soc, Holywood Memorial Soc., Ass'n for Preservation of Va. Antiquities, Hugiienot Soc, King's Daugh- ters, Archeeological Inst, of America, Nat. Civic Federation (welfare dep't). Peace League, Y.W.C.A., Richmond Education Association; offi- cer Va. Mountain Education Soc. ; Virginia Folk- Lore Society. Favors woman suffrage. Auditor of Equal Suffrage League of Va. Presbyterian. Mem. Woman's Club of Richmond (officer), Coun- try (illub of Va., Richmond. MUNFOKD, Mary Cooke Branch (Mrs. Beverley

Bland Munford), 502 E. Grace St., Richmond,


fiorn Richmond, Va. ; dau. James R. and Mar- tha Louise (Patteson) Branch; ed. Richmond pri- vate schools; N.Y. (Misses Peebles' and Thomp- son's school) ; m. Nov. 22, 1893, Beverley Bland Munford; children: Mary Safford, Beverley Bland, Jr. One of ten organizers and mem. of Woman's Metropolitan Club of N.Y. City; one of organ- izers Richmond Educational Ass'n (pres. seven years) ; one of organizers of Co-operative Educa- tional Ass'n of Va., and now its pres. Has been closely connected with the educational work of Va. and the Conference for Education in the South since the beginning, in 1900. Favors woman suffrage. Episcopalian. Mem. Ass'n for Preservation of Va. Antiquities, Baltimore Ass'n for Promotion of University Education for Women, Nat. Soc. for Promotion of Industrial Education, Archaeological Soc. of America, Nat. Soc. for Promotion of Labor Legislation, Am. Acad, of Political and Social Science. Recrea- tions: Reading and driving. MtlNGEB, Edith C. (Mrs. Louis P. Munger),

Hart, Mich.

Born Muskegon, Mich., Nov. 18, 1865; dau. Louis and Sarah (Tracy) Cushnay; ed. Whitehall (i\'ich.) High School, Whitehall, class of '81; m. Whitehall, Mich., Aug. 6, 1895, Louis P. Munger; one son: Robert C. Taught school seven years, last four years in Muskegon schools. Was chair- man State Corrections and Charities for two years; was sent by Governor Osborne to repre- sent Mich, at Nat". Child Welfare Conference at St. Louis, Mar,, 1912 (Governor's delegate). Fa- vors woman suffrage; chairman Oceana organiza- tion working for votes for women. Has written


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