��her work; have studied together many social questions, and h*ve been particularly interested in criminology. Mem. of Ladies' Relief Soc. (a charitable organization), has worl{ed and written for the child labor laws. Mem. Tacoma Country Club, Woman's Cluto (the oldest woman's club on the Pacific Coast), Civic Club, Enati Club, His- tory Club, Thurston Co. Educational Club. Recreations: Out-door sports, cards, dancing, automobiling (belongs to several social clubs). Favors woman suffra^. Republican.
MOWER, Sarah Brown (Mrs. Martin Mower),
Cstmbrldge, Mass.
Singer; b. Providence, R.I. ; dau. Amasa M. and Maude (Dunnell) Baton; ed. Radcliffe Coll., A.B. 1900; m. Providence, R.I., Aug. 16, 1906, Martin Mower; one daughter: Evelyn Mower, b. 1908.
MOWBY, Blanche Swett (Mrs. Arthur May Mowry), Hou«« of Good Will, 177 Webster St., East Bos.on, Mass.
Head resident settlement house; b. Carland, Me., 1870; dau. Heory A. and Mary Marilla (Preble) Swett; grad. public schools Cilouceater, Mas«. : m. Gloucester, July, 1888, Artfeur May Mowry. Author: Flr»t Steps in the History of England; American Heroes and Heroism; Ameri- can Pioneers; The Essentials of American His- tory. Coagregatlonaltot Mem. Soc. of Charities and Correction, Nat. Fed. of Settlementa.
MOWRY, MiHxtie Wtasor (Mrs. Marshall W.
Mowry), Greenville, R.I.
Born Johnston, R.I., Nov. 82, 1864; dau. Martin and Maria (Atwood) Winsor; ed. Jotmston public schools, Providence public scaools, private tuition in painting and music; m. Somerville, Mase., June 23, 1897, Marshall W. Mowry. Mem. .Bap- tist Women's Missionary Society, Smlthfleld Puh- lic Health Ass'n. Baptist. Recreations: Riding, driving. Charter mem. Crawford Ciub; mem. Rhode Island Ex Club.
MOYEE, Harriet Wheeler (Mrs. John W. Moy- er), 50C7 Penn St., Philadelphia, Pa. Bom Wellsboro, Pa., May 13, 1864; dau. Julius C. and Emily Bulkeley (Bartle) Wheeler; ed. Wellsboro High School and privately by tutors; m. Wellsboro, Pa., July 7, 1886, John W. Moyer; tine daughter: Blanche Wheeler. Vice-pres. Home and School League of Philadelphia; mem. Board of Directors Playground Ass'n of Philadelphia; sec. Burd Industrial School; State chairman of liducatlon, Pa. Congress of Mothers; director Needlework Guild; mem. Public Education Ass'n; interested in the Franliford Hospital, Yisiting Nurse and philanthropic and educational work. Has prepared several genealogies for print, all research work. Mem. D.A.R., New Century Club of Philadelphia, Current Events Club. Presby- terian; active in home and foreign missionary and pastor's aid work. Favors woman suffrage.
MOYKK, Sarah J. Atleo (Mrs. Geori?^ Moyer), 450S Circle Av., WInton Place, Cincinnati. O. Bom Cincinnati, 1831; dau. William and EHra- beth (Soott) Atlee; ed. Cincinnati Hleh School and old Wesleyan Coll.; m. George Moy«r. Fa- vors woman suffrage. One of the very few re- maining members of the famous old KlmWe Cir- cle, next to the earliest library club in Ctmeln- nati. Formerly Episcopalian, now Methodist. Favors woman suffrage.
MUCHMOBE, Minnie Sweet (Mrs. John Edwin Muchmore), Carlton Chambers, Forty-seventh St. and Madison Av., N.T. City. Interior decorator; b. Buffalo, N.Y. ; dau. Allen Slocum and Helen (Olcott) Sweet; ed. by gov- erness and in public schools; grad. high school, Detroit. Mich.; m. Detroit, 1881, John Edwin Muchmore; one daughter: Edwina, b. 1832 (died 1890). Interior decorator for nine years in firm of Lewis & Muchmore; retired from firm 1911; now consulting decorator. Especially interested in kindergarten work; founded Edwin's Kinder- garten In 1895. Favors woman suffrage. Mem- Pen and Brush Club (first pres.). Painted under Rhoda Holmes Nichols, and has done designing of wall papers and also newspaper and magazine work.
��MUHLENBERG, Georgeine Kurtz (Mrs. Nich- olas Hunter Muhlenberg), 412 S. 5th St., Reading, Pa.
Born Juniata Co., Pa., July 15, 1858; dau. Dr. Samuel L. and Sarah (Morgan) Kurtz; ed. Swarthmore Coll., A.B. ; m. Reading, Pa., Jan. 15, 1885, Nicholas Hunter Muhlenberg. Pres. Civic League; pres. Needlework Guild (both of Read- ing, Pa.); mem. State Com. on Progressive Legis- lation; mem. Fortnightly Whist Cluh. EJpis- copalian.
MUJRSK, Efla Funk (Mrs. Albert Charles Muhse), 3S18 Seventeenth St., Washington, D.C.
Biologist; b. Funk, 0., June 13, 1877; dau. Laban and KliEa (Bair) Funk; ed, Ind. Univ., A.B. '03; A.M. '06; Ph.D. '08; Corne!! TJnlT., Feb., 1904- June, 1905 (Sigma XI, Phi Beta Kappa); m. Hebron, Ind., Aug. 12, 1899, Albert Charles Muhse. Research Investigator; lecturer on eu- genics and health. Favors woman suffrage. Wrote: The Eyes of Typhlops Lumbricalis, a blind snake of Cuba, 1903; The Cutaneous Glands of the Common Toads, 1909. Mem. Christian (Disciples) Church. Mem. A.A.A.S., Biological Soc. of Washington, 20th Century Club (Wash- Ingrton), EJlstophos Science Club, College Suffrage League, Cornell Women, College Women's Club (Washington).
MlXnt, Ijaiira Findley (Mrs. James Archibald Mulr), 1506 Sixth Av., Port Huron, Mich. Born Cleveland, O., 18S8; dau. Stmuel (Ph.D.) and Mary (Hardle) Flndley; ed. Akron public schools; Eucbtel Coll., 1885-88 (Kappa Kappa Gamma); la. Akron, O., 1903, James Archibald Mulr, lawyer. Port Huron, Mich. Mem. Public Library Board, consisting of three members. Congregatlonallst. Pres. Annex Tuesday Club, Port Horon, lJll-12; treas. Mich. SUte Fed. of Women's Clubs, 1310-15.
MulK, Margaret Purdum, 114 The Marlborough,
St. Paul, Minn.
Born Santa Cruz, Cal.; dau. Andrew and Fran- ces (Purdum) Mulr; grad. Smith Coll., B.A. Teacher of history and English in Mechanic Arts High School, St. Paul. Mem. Town and Country Club. Episcopalian. Recreation: Golf. Mem. Board of St. Paul Institute of Arts and Science.
MULiDENKB, Hsrie Lonlse, Professional Wom- an's League, 1999 Broadway, or Actors' Soc. of America, W. Forty-flfth St., N.T .City. Actreee; b. Brooklyn, N.Y., Feb. 23, 1858; dau. EJrnest and Ida (Belzlng) Muldecer; ed. private school in Brooklyn. Made stage dSbut on Ameri- can stage with Ms.ry Anderson, at Fifth Av. Theatre; leading lady wath Sdw'n Booth, Lester Wallack, Modjeska, Ernesto Rossi; leading part in N.Y. production lately, with Walker White- side In The Melting Pot. Interested in all the leading questions of the day concerning all nations, being a cosmopolitan in tastes and char- acter. Mem. Actors' Soc. of America; charter mem. Actors' Fund of America; mem. Profes- sional Woman's League. Recreations: Reading, languages.
MCLFOBD, Aana IssbeUa, UeKlnley High
School, St. Louis, Mo.
Teacher; b. East Orange, N.J. ; grad. Vassar Coll., A.M. '86; Washington Univ., '95. Instruc- tor In Vassar Coll., 1883-89; now science teacher in McKinley High School, St. Louts, Mo. Author: Study of Saccharomycetes and Sclzomycetea ; The Agaves of the United States.
MULFORO, Margaret BiddJe Ooeet Blackwell
(Mr-j. Roland Jessup Mulford), Ridgefield
School. Rldgefleld, Conn.
Born Baltimore, Md., Mar. 1J2, 1879; dau. George and Sarah Margaret (Canipbeli) Guest; grad. Bryn Kawr School, Baltimore, June, 1897; holder of Bryn Mawr School scholarship at Bryn Mawr Coll., 1897-98; m. Baltimore, Dec. 21, 1901, Roland Jessup Mulford, Ph.D.; children: Helen Black- well, John. Episcopalian. Mem. Colonial Dames of America, Bryn Mawr College of N.Y. Against woman suffrage.