��the Knee Joint; Prison Discipline; The Health of Criminal Women, etc. Mem. Am. Med. Ass'n, Am. Public Health Ass'n, Am. Med. Milk Com- mission, Med. Soc. of N.Y. State, Med. Soc. of Co. of Kings, N.Y.; Brooklyn Pathological Soc; chairman for Kings County of the Public Health Com. Am. Med. Ass'n. Recreation: Traveling. Favors woman suiTra.?e. MOSS, Elizabeth Wilson (Mrs. Harry Corwin
Moss;. Albion, 111.
Born Richview, 111., April 29, 1872; dau. Rev. John C. and Amanda (Rushing) Wilson; ed. pub- lic schools of 111. and Shurtleff Coll., Upper Al- ton, 111.; special work in art and music; m. Marissa, 111., Sept. 17, 1895, Dr. Harry Corwin Moss, 'iaught music for five years prior to mar- riage. Allied with all public movements for the betterment of the city and community. Favors woman suffrage. Missionary Baptist. Progree- sive in politics. Mem. Eastern Star, Royal Neighbors, Ladies' Beautifying Com. of Albion. Recreation: Automobiling. Mem. Shakoepeare Club of Albion (pres. 1913), the Woman's Music Club. MOSS, Mary, care the Pennsylvania Co., 517
Chestnut St., Philadelphia, Pa.
Writer; b. Philadelphia, Pa., 1864; dau. William and Mary (Novonia) Moss. ; ed. in private school. Since 1900 engaged as writer of newspaper and magazine articles, literary criticism and short stories in many of the leading publications. Au- thor: A Sequence in Heajts, 1903; The Poet and the Parish, 1906. MOSS, Mildred Emily, Providence, R.I.
Teacher; b. Philadelphia, Oct. 15, 1874; dau. Benjamin and Emily M. (De Boos) Moss; ed. in Cleveland primary, grammar and high schools, finished at high school, Beaver Falls, Pa,; has taken several terms of teachers' courses at Brown Univ. Began to teach, Beaver Falls, 1S90; Providence, in Point St. Grammar School, Oct., 1893 — . Mem. Beneficent Congregational Church, Women Teachers' Federation, Public School Teachers' Ass'n. Recreation: Travel. Mem. Sarah E. Doyle Club. Has half a dozen lectures on the Holy Land, British Isles, Italy, the Rocky Mountains, etc., all of which, except the Rocky Mountain lecture, are illustrated with slides, the photographs for most of which were taken by herself. MOTLEY, Ethel Leveringr (Mrs. James Marvin
Motley), 125 Butler Av., Providence, R.I.
Born " Baltimore, June 10, 1878; dau. Eugene and Mary (Armstrong) Levering; ed. Bryn Mawr School, Baltimore; Chateau Dieudonne, Paris, France, and Bryn Mawr Coll., A.B. '99; m. Bal- timore, May 12, 1909, James Marvin Motley (prof. Brown Univ.). On Board of Directors of Sprague House Settlement Ass'n (Providence) ; Providence Y.W.C.A. r>apcist. Mem. Wednesday Debating Club (Providence). MOTLEY, Katherine LlnecVn (Mrs. Robert Lee
Motley), Bowling Green, Pike Co., Mo.
Club woman; b. Liberty, Clay Ck)., Mo.; dau. James E. and Margaret Pislee (Bird) Lincoln; grad. Liberty Ladles' Coll., B.L. (in art) '98; post-grad, course in literature (Phi Kappa Zeta, local); m. Liberty, Mo., June, 1900, Rob«rt Lee Motley; children: Dorothy Margaret, b. 1902; Blanche Duncan, b. 1907. General Fed. State sec. for four years. Writer for newspapers; con- tributor to magazine, working for subecrlbers for Gen. Fed. Bulletin. Chairman Com. on Civics; sec. Pike Co. Memorial Ass'n; ex-prss. Fortnightly Musical Club. Interested in work of Baptist Young People's Union and library wor'K. Favors woman suffrage. Baptist. Mem. D.A.R, Woman's Missionary Soc, Pike Co. Me- morial Hail Ase'n, Chautauqua Circle; mem. State Board of Fed. of Woman's Clubs. Recrea- tions: Horseback riding, tennis. Mem. Woman's Reading Club. MOULTON, Daisy Adldns (Mrs. William Thomas
Moulton). P.O. Box 538, Richmond. Va.
Born Rolling View, Va. ; dau. John Wilson and Maria (Crump) Adkins; ed. public and private Echools of Richmond, Va.; m. Richmond, Va., 1884, William Thomas Moulton; children: Mary Adkins, William Thomas Jr., John Adkins Moul-
��ton. Episcopalian. Mem. W. T. Moulton Sr. Club, Westmoreland Club.
MOULTON, Eliza-beth ArmiBgrton (Mrs. Edward S. Moulton), 3244 Pawtucket Av., E. Provi- dence, R.I.
Bom Brooklyn, N.Y., Aug. 14, 1S77; dau. Jamea H. and Mary Augusta (Butts) Armington; ed. Miss Abbott's Girls' School, Providence, R.I. ; Temple Grove Sem., Saratoga, N.Y., and Brown Univ.; m. Providence, R.I., May 14, 1902, Ed- ward S. Moulton; one daughter: Pruda Arming- ton, b. Jan. S, 1905. Founder and pres. Arming- ton Memorial Fresh Air Home; sec. Immigrant Educational Bureau; charter mem. and sec As- sociated Charities of East Providence; chairman Com. on Supervision of Nurses of the East Providence District Nursing and Anti-Tubercu- losis Ass'n, also charter mem. Against woman suffrage. Unitarian. Recreations: Sailing, swim- ming, automobiling.
MOULTON, Helen Winifred Siinte (Mrs. War ren Joseph Moulton), 25 Fourth St., Bangor, Me.
Bom Boston, Mass.; grad. Smith Coll., B.A. '87; fellow in Teutonic philology, Bryn Mawr (3oll., 1S93-95; student Teutonic philology, psychology and Old and Middle English, Univ. oi Gottingen, 1S96-98; m. June 21, 1900, Rev. Warren Joseph Moulton, D.D., Hayes prof. New Testament lan- guage and literature in Bangor Theological Sem. Instructor in German, Smith Coll., 1888-93. Alumnae trustee, Smith Coll., 1902-05. Congrega- tionaJist.
MOULTON, Martha Dever (Mrs. Frank War- wick Moulton), Portsmouth, Ohio. Born Portsmouth, Ohio, Dec. 25, 1885; dau. Noah J. Dever and Martha (Gillilaud) Dever; ed. Portsmouth High School (grad. 1903), Univ. of Minnesota, Wellesley Coll., B.A. 1907 (mem. Delta Gamma); m. June 30, 1909, Frank War- wick Moulton, lawyer. Favors woman suffrage. Methodist. Recreations: Golf, social organiza- tions. Mem. Portsmouth Golf Club. Pres. Clover Club (federated 1S97).
MOULTON, Olivia Woodbum, Box 202, Spring- vale, Me.
Born Elkton, Md., April 29, 1870; dau. J. H. V. and Olivia (Johnson) Woodburn; ed. public schools of Omaha, Neb., And Baltimore, Md.; short courses at the German Convent, Omaha, and Elkton (Md.) Acad. ; m. Baltimore, June 4, 1894, Dr. B. M. Moulton. Interested in the pro- motion of the Nasson Institute (a vacational school for girls. Universalist. Mem. Ruth Chap- ter Order Eastern Star, Ruhamah Rebecca Lodge, Arbutus Camp and State recorder-re- ceiver of Royal Neighbors of America. Pres. Springvale Woman's Club; past pres. Search- light Club of Sanfcrd.
MOUNT, Mary Vi'. Miller CMrs. William Bos- well Mount), 904 South 47th St., Philadelphia, Pa.
Born Philadelphia, Sept 23, 1874; dau. Rev. James Russell Miller, D.D., and Mrs. Louise E. (King) Miller; ed. Wellesley Preparatory School, Philadelphia; Wellesley Coll., two years; Bryn Mawr, one year; piano study under Constantia von Sternberg, Edward MacDoweil, and ensemble work In Berlin (mc4n. Phi Sigma, Wellesley (Doll.); m. Philadelphia, Jan. 3, 19C0, William Bos- weU Mount; children: Emma Kooar, Russell Baber, Philip King, Julia Lyman. In seml,-pro- fesslonal work as pianist both before and since marriage; active work in musical and college clubs, settlement work and some church work. Presbyterian. Mem. Matinee Musical Club, Cof- lege Club, Wellesley Club.
MOWELL, Ada Sprague (Mrs. John Wilson Mowell), 200 E. Union Av., Olympia, Wash. Born Ada County, Idaho; dau. Alfred D. and Wilhelnrina (Sager) Sprague; ed. public schools, Olympia high school, and normal course of Univ. of Washington; m. Tumwater, Wash., June 15, 1898, John WilsiJn Mowell, M.D. Edu- cator; was prln. of Olympia Lincoln School at time of marriage. Has made a study of the geological history of the Puget Sound country especially; with her husband has studied as- tronomy and has a very good telescope to aid