��MOSES, Annahay Sneed (Mrs. Cornelius Frank
Moses), De Soto Hotel, Savannah, Ga, Born Savannah, Ga. ; dau. Col. James Roddy and Leonora (Cohen) Sneed; ed. Mt. Vernon Sem., Washington, D.C. ; m. Washington, D.C., Cornelius Frank Moses; one son: Perclval Sneed Moses. Episcopalian. Recreations: Golf, tennis, swimming. Mem. Huntingden Club of Savannah, Golf Club, Yacht Club. Favors woman suffrage. MOSES, Belle, 210 W. Elghty-flfth St., N.T. City.
Writer; b. Savannah, Ga. ; dau. Moneflore J. and Rose (Jonas) Moses; ed. home coll., Mont- gomery, Ala. Author: Life of Louisa M. Alcott, 1909; Life of Lewis Carroll, 1910; Charles Dickens and the Girls He Wrote About, 1911; Helen Ormesby, 1912. Also contributor of articles and short itoriee to magazines and neiwspapers. MOSES, Ellen Allen (Mrs. James Rlley Moses),
Cassville. R.F.D., N.T.
Born Brookfleld, N.Y., Jan. 14, 1853; dau. Jona- than and Cynthia (Saunders) Allen; ed. Brook- field Acad., West Winfield Acad, and Whltestown Seminary; m. Bridgewater, N.Y., Dec. 22, 1875, James Riley Mosea. Interested In neighborhood improvement. Favors woman suffrage; mem. Good Government Club of Bridgefwater, N.Y. Congregationalist. Mem. Kismet Chapter, Order of the Eastern Star (past matron). Recreations: Reading, gardening, nature and country life. Mem. Woman's Art Club of Bridgewater, Cornell Club of Farmers' Wives and Daughters. In- terested In domestic science. MOSES, Harriet Roberts (Mrs. Elliot Leonard
Moses), Colfax, Wash.
Born Medford, Mass., Aug. 4, 1881; dau. Charles A. and Joanna Roberts; ed. Tufts Coll., Mass., A.B., Phi Beta Kappa (mem. Alpha Omicron Pi Sorority); m. Medford, Mass., Aug. 1, 1906, El- liot Leonard Moses; children: Harriet Norma, b. May 3, 1909; Ruth, b. June 21, 1911; Elizabeth, b. Nov. 31, 1912. Teacher of languages in high school, 1904-6. Favors woman suffrage. Congre- gationalist. Recreations: Walking, siwimming, tennis. Mem. Athenagum Woman's Club. MOSES, Lydia Theresa, 1121 Washington St.,
Bath, Me.
Teacher; b. Bath, Me.; dau. Eben and Eleanor T. (Parshley) Moses; ed. high school, Bath, Me. Taught 21 years in Bath primary, grammar and high school; went to Boston, 1876; taught 26 years in Boston Normal School, most of the time as first ass't. Has served as School Com. Pres. of Ladies' Club. Mem. New Church (Swe- denborglan) ; active In church work. Helped establish hospital, etc. Much interested in woman suffrage. Swedenborglan. Recreations: Socials, bridge, reading, history. Mem. Monday Club, Shakespeare Club. MOSES, Mary Edith (Mrs. Bernard Moses), 2225
College St., Berkeley, Cal.
Born N.Y. City; dau. Rev. Winsor and Mary Augusta (Payne) Briggs; ed. high school, Ala- meda, Cal., and In the Univ. of Cal., Ph.B.; m. Berkeley, Cal., Bernard Mosea (prof, of history and political science, Univ. of Cal.); one daugh- ter: Auria, b. Berkeley, Cal., 1893. Writer of articles in magazines. Author: UnoflBcial Letters of an Official's Wife (Appleton), a record of three years' experience and observations In the Philippine Islands. Episcopalian. Mem. D.A.R. MOSES, Mary Frances Goddard (Mrs. C. Sibley
Moses), 92 Church St., Saratoga Springs, N.T.
Teacher of piano, voice and harmony; b. Wollaston Heights. Mass., Aug. 12, 1875; dau. Betijamin and Katherine Frances (Badger) God- dard; grad. Everett (Mass.) Grammar School, '88; Somerville (Mass.) High School, '92, author of Class Hymn; Tufts Coll., A.B. '96, author of Class Ode (Phi Beta Kappa); Holt Normal Inst. of Vocal Harmony, '98 (honors in Latin and Ger- man upon graduation, Goddard prize in Latin prose in sophomore year) ; has passed the exami- nation at Boston Public Library for general work, also for music dep't. and Boston School examination for position of ass't in music; m. West Somerville, Mass., Sept. 17, 1905, C. Sibley Moses; children: Katherine Badger, b. 1906; Theodora Gibson, b. 1907; Gertrude La.ngdon, b. 1909: Vesta Holllngsworth, b. 1910. Supen'lsor of
��music, Plymouth (N.H.) Normal and Training School; ass't to principal of grammar school, Calais, Me.; supervisor of music and ass't In high school fit Vergennes, Vt. ; supervisor music, Northfleld, Mass. ; also supervisor of music in Bernardston, Mass.; Warwick, Mass., and Hins- dale, N.H., and high school teacher in North- fleld, Mass. (all this work was previous to mar- riage). Now pres. of Philathea Class of First Baptist Church, Saratoga Springs, N.Y. ; mem. of Boston Soc. of New Jerusalem (Sweden- borglan). Sup't of Junior Christian Endeavor Soc. of First Baptist Church, Saratoga Springs; county sup't of same. Recreations: Chorus at Skidmore School of Arts, vocal and instrumental music, choir singing at Baptist Church. Favors woman suffrage. BIOSHER, Clelia I>uel, Stanford University, Cal.
Physician, teacher; b. Albany, N.Y. ; dau. Dr. Cornelius Duel and Sarah (Burritt) Mosher; grad. Leland Stanford Jr. Univ., A.B. '93 (Phi Beta Kappa); A.M. '94; Johns Hopkins Univ., M.D. 1900; student Wellesley Coll., Cornell Univ. (summer school), 1891; Univ. of Wis., 1891-93 (Kappa Alpha Theta). Ass't in hygiene, Stanford Univ., 1893-94; instructor in hygiene, Stanford Univ., 1894-96; exteme !n Johns Hopkins Hos- pital Dispensary and gynecological ass't in Dr. Howard A. Kelley's Sanatorium, Baltimore, Md., 1900-01; acting medical adviser to women, Stan- ford Univ., 1910-11; ass't prof, personal hygiene and director woman's gymnasium, Stanford Univ., 1911. Physician, Palo Alto, Cal., 1901-10. Author: Normal Menstruation and Some of Its Modifying Factors; Frequency of Gall Stones In United States, 1901; Analysis of Cases of "Typhoid Fever in P^idemlc of April, 1903, In Palo Alto; A Case of Onychogniposis, 1910; Functional Periodicity In Women and Some of the Modify- ing Factors (second note), 1911. Mem. Dutch Reformed Church. Democrat. MOSHER, Edna, 605 Daniel St., Champalern. 111.
Teacher; b. Kempt Shore, Nova Scotia; dau. John and Margaret (Harvle) Mosher; ed. publics schools and provincial Normal School (winner of Governor (jeneral's medal for essay at Normal); Cornell Univ., B.S.A. '08; scholarship at Univ. of 111., 1912-13. Teacher at Clifton, N.S., having a MacDonald rural school garden; supervisor of nature study in Hampton (Va.) public schools, 1908-10; Gary (Ind.) public schools, 1910-12. At Virginia State Summer Inst., Emory, Va., aa teacher of nature study and agriculture, sessions of 1909, 1910, 1911. Interested In Sunday-school work. Presbyterian. Mem. Entomological Soc. of America, Nature Study Ass'n. Recreations: Tramping, collecting. Favors woman suffrage. MOSHER, Eliza Maria, office, Galen Hall, 184
Joralemon St., Brooklyn, N.Y.
Physician, author; b. Cayuga Ck)., N.Y., 1846; dau. Augustus and Maria (Sutton) Mosher; grad. Friends Acad., Union Springs, N.Y., '62; TTnlv. of Mich., '75; studied In London and Paris. 1879- 80 (Alpha Epsllon Iota, medical); grad. Univ. of Mich., M.D. "75. Resident physician Mass Re- formatory for Women, 1877-79; sup't same. 1881- 83; assoc. prof, physiology and resident physician Vassar Coll., 1883-86; physician in general prac- tice, Brooklyn, N.Y., 1886-96; prof, hygiene dep't of literature, science and arts, and women's dean. Univ. of Mich., 1896-1902; lecturer on physiology, Chautauqua Summer School of Physi- cal Education, since 1888; lecturer on special hygiene, Adelphl Coll., Brooklyn, 1903-06; lecturer on anatomy. Union Missionary Training School Brooklyn, N.Y., 1888-96, 1902-12. Now practising In Brooklyn. Mem. Women's Press Club, Moth- ers' Club (N.Y. City), Women's Ass'n for Pre- vention of Crime (N.Y. City). Brooklyn Woman's Club. Author: Chapter on Care of Infants and Young Children (Success Library); Chapter on Home Nursing (10th vol.. Women's Athenjeum); Health and Happiness, a Message to Girls; j5n.lology Prophylaxis and Early Treatment of Pelvic Disorders in Girls and Young Women; The Influence of Hatltual Postures on the Health and Symmetry of the Body; Habitual Postures of School Children; The Human In Medi- cine. Surgery and Nursing; The Bkseps Cruris Muscle, Its Relation to Diseasea In and About