��N.Y. City, May 20, 1880, William James Morton, [nteresteia in art and science. Mem. Mildred Manly Erston's Life as a Fine Art Club, Hudson Progressive Club, National Progressive Club. Protestant Episcopal. Favors woman suffrage (leader in the Woman Suffrage Party) ; mem. National Suffrage Organization, Consumers' League, Equal Suffrage League, William Lloyd Garrison's Equal Rights Ass'n, Equal Franchise Boc., N.Y. State Suffrage Ass'n. MORTON, Trances C»nistock (Mrs. Copeland
Morton), 10 E. Preston St., Baltimore, Md.
Born Rome, N.Y. ; dau. Edward and Mary Frances (Hulett) Comstock; grad. Smith Coll., B.L. '9S; m. Rome, N.Y., Dec. 27, 1906, Copeland Morton; children: Copeland Morton Jr., Frances Hulett. Mem. Baltimore Country Club. Episco- palian. MORTON, Irene Elder (Mrs. Albert P. Morton),
The Bluff, Clementsport, Nova Scotia.
Writer; b. Hartsport, Nova Scotia; dau. Samuel and Sarah (Shaw) Elder; ed. Acadia Sem., Wolf- ville, N.S. (then known as Island Bar Sem.); m. Hartsport, Albert F. Morton; children: Charles Forman, Alberta, Irene, Pearl, Josephine. Sin- gaged In various activities of a religious and philanthropic nature. Writer of many poems and much pro«e; for several years contributor to Portland Transcript and to various Canadian papers. Many of her poems are in The Treasury of Canadian Verse (edited by Dr. T. H. Rand). Baptist. Liberal in politics. Mem. of mission- ary and temperance societies. MORTON, Jennie C. (Mrs. John Calhoun Mor.
ton), Frankfort, Ky.
Author and editor; b. Bellsgrove, Franklin Co., Ky. ; dau. Judge Franklin and Annie (Bell) Chinn; ed. Frankfort and Shelby ville, Ky. ; m. Bellsgrove, near Frankfort, Ky., John Calhoun Morton (deceased). Author and editor of The Register, magazine of the Ky. State Historical Soc. (sec-treas. of this soc. by election and made permanent by it). Poet, known as Lady Laureate of Ky. Author: A Rhyme of the Women of Frankfort; Her Dearest Friend; Pic- tures in Silver, and many notable fugitive poems, also biographical sketches, with pictures of the Governors of Ky. from 1792, published in the Register, with histories of Ky. ; also novels: The Oaklands; The Orphans; Delris. Presbyterian. Democrat. Mem. Am. Historical Ass'n, Nat. Geographical Soc, Order of Eastern Star, Frank- fort, Ky.; D.A.R. MORTON, Mary Alpha Hanmer (Mrs. Norman
S. Morton), 516 Church St., Lynchburg, Va.
Born Lynchburg, Va., 1875; dau. W. G. and Ardelia (Gregg) Hanmer; ed. Woman's Coll., Richmond, Va., B.L. ; mem. Delta Alpha; m. Lynchburg, • Va., 1898, Norman S. Morton; one daughter: Rosalie Meredith Morton. Episco- palian. Mem. United Daughters of the Confed- eracy. MORTON, Nancy Jarrette Brayton (Mrs.
James Madison Morton Jr.), 130 Underwood
St., Fall River, Mass.
Born Somerset, Mass. ; dau. Israel Perry and Parthenia (Gardner) Brayton; grad. Smith Coll., A.B. '90; student Girton Coll., Cambridge, Eng., 1890-91; m. Fall River, Mass., June 10, 1S.46, James Madison Morton Jr.; children: James Madisoj 3rd, b. June 10, 1897 (died May 14, 1908; Brayton, b. Oct. 24, 1898; Sarah, b. Sept. 29, 1902; Hugh, b. Sept. 10, 1906. VIce-pres. Fall River Women's Union. Against woman suffrage. Con- gregationalist. Mem. Friday Club (Fall River), College Club (Boston). MORTON, Rosalie Slaughter, 701 Madison Av.,
N.Y. City.
Physician and surgeon; b. in Lynchburg, Va., daughter of John Flavel and Mary Haines (Harker) Slaughter; ed. in private schools In Va. and Md., Women's Med. Coll. of Pa., M.D. '97 (won two of the three prizes open to gradu- ating class); three years of post-graduate study in nervous diseases, gynecology and surgery in Berlin, Vienna, Paris and London, and eight months' study of tropical diseases in India and Ceylon; m. 1905, George B. Morton Jr. (died 1912). Represented Med. Soc. of D.C. at Pan-
��Am. Med. Congress, Panama, 1905; Am. Soc. ol Sanitary and Moral Prophylaxis in Buffalo, 1908, and at Quinquennial Congress of the Interna- tional Council of Women, Toronto, 1909. Chair- man 1909-11, honorary chairman 1912-13; Am. Med. Ass'n Com. on Publie Health Education Among Women; chairman Med. Soc. of City of N.Y. Com. on Public Health Education, WOJ-'IS; vice-chairman Am. Med. Ass'n Section on Pre- ventive Medicine and Public Health, 1911-12, and its alternate to Am. Med. Ass'n House of Dele- gates, 1913; mem. House of Delegates Med. Soc. State of N.Y., 1910-13. Prof, physiology, Univ. of Vt. Summer School, 1912; lecturer on physi- ology and hygiene, Adelphi Coll., Brooklyn, 1911- 12, and Pratt Inst., Brooklyn, 1912-13; mem. lec- ture staff N.Y. State Dep't of Health, 1912-13; N.Y. City Dep't of Education, 1902-13. Resident physician Alumnae Hospital and Dispensary of Women's Med. Coll. of Pa., 1897-98; gynecologist in Women's Clinic, Washington, D.C, 1903-5; clinical instructor, gynecology, N.Y. Polyclinic Med. School and Hospital, 1912-13; lecturer to nurses of N.Y. City Hospital, 1910-12, and nurses of the Metropolitan Hospital, 1913. Mem. Am. Med. Ass'n, Med. Soc. of County and State of N.Y., Women's Med. Ass'n of N.Y. City and State, Clinical Soc. of N.Y. Polyclinic Med. School and Hospital, Zeta Psi Sorority, Alumnaa Ass'n Women's Med. Coll. of Pa., Y.W.C.A. of same college. Clinical Congress of Surgeons, Surgeons' Club of Rochester, N.Y. (pres. 1911); fellow N.Y. Acad. Medicine; mem. Am. Soc. of Sanitary and Moral Prophylaxis. Author of scientific medical articles in professional jour- nals and articles in literary magazines on archaeology. Favors woman suffrage; mem. Col- legiate Equal Suffrage League of N.Y. State, Equal Suffrage League of the City of N.Y. Episcopalian; mem. Women's Auxiliary of St. Thomas' Church, N.Y. City. Mem. D.A.R. , Peace Soc. of City of N.Y., United Daughters of the Confederacy, Women's University Club, Mac- Dowell Club, College Women's Club, Colonial Dames of America, and Round Table of Columbia Univ.; associate mem. N.Y. City Fed. of Women's Clubs (chairman Hygiene Com.). Recreations: Horseback riding, walking, swimming.
MOSELEY, EUa T^owery (Mrs. Robert A. Mose- ley), 391 Harvard St., Cambridge, Mass. Writer; b. Montevallo, Ala.; dau. Calvin An- drew and Eliza Miriam (Hudson) Lowery; ed. Florence (Ala.) Normal School; attended Sum- mer School, Harvard, 1908-09; m. Montgomery, Ala., 1892, Dr. Robert A. Moseley (died 1900). After leaving normal school was teacher at Mont- gomery, Ala. ; on editorial staff of Birmingham (Ala.) Times, 1895-99. Author: The Wonder Lady, 1911.
MOSELEY, Martha Alger (Mrs. Frank Moseley), "Mandesley," Everett Av., Wedgemere, Win- chester, Mass.
Born Boston, Mass., Aug. 23, 1858; dau. Charles Henry and Adeline Blanchard (Tyler) Hawes ; ed. Boston, Mass., In private school of Miss Ellen Hubbard; m. Boston, Mass., April 29, 1880, Frank Moseley; one daughter: Elise Moseley (Mrs. Cut- ler Belknap Do^vner). Mem. Soc. of Mayflower Descendants, Colonial Governors, Daughters of Founders and Patriots, D.A.R., Daughters of tha Revolution.
MOSENTHAL, Johanna Kroeber (Mrs. Herman O. Mosenthal), 157 W. Seventy-ninth St., N.Y. City.
Teacher, paleontologist; b. N.Y. City; dau. Florence and Johanna (Muller) Kroeber; ed. Miss Annie Brown's School and Dr. J. Sach's School for Girls, N.Y. City; holder of first Bryn Mawr matriculation scholarship for N.Y. and N.J., 1896-97, and Anna Powers Memorial Scholarship at Bryn Mawr Coll., A.B. 1900; graduate student Columbia Univ., 1900-03, and 1905-06; m. N.Y. City, 1908, Dr. Herman O. Mosenthal, physician; children: Barbara Andrese, Joseph. Teacher in Dr. J. Sachs's School for Girls, 1900-03; teacher of German, biology, Wadleigh High School, N.Y. City, 1903-08; research ass't, dep't of paleontology. Am. Museum of Natural History, N.Y. City, since 1908. Favors woman suffrage.