��Teachers' Institute, Warren Co., 1907. Cor. sec. Woman's Foreign Missionary Soc, Oil City Dls't. Favors woman suffrage. Author: My Pennsyl- vania; Thy Will Be Done; Have Faith; Creep Into the Father's Bosom; also a writer of stories for Presbyterian Banner and Light and Life Evangel. Methodist. Mem. W.C.T.U., D.A.R., Nat. Educational Soc, Pa. State Educational Soc.
MORSE, Abbl© Fish (Mrs. Edward J. MorBo),
W^est Wardsboro, Vt.
Bom Nerwfane, Vt., Nor. 30, 1860; dau. Fred- erick A. and Sarah M. (Gates) Fish; ed. Leland and Gray Sem., Townshend, Vt. ; m. Newfane, Vt., May 20, 1903, Edward J. Morse. Interested in church work and education. Held office of sup't of schools three years. Congregatlonalist.
MORSE, Bertha Glaspell (Mrs. Burton E.
Morse), 136 Tenth Av., N., Twin Falls, Idaho.
Born Davenport, la., Jan. 4, 1868; dau. Barton Stone and Martha Ellen (Lyter) Glaspell; ed. Davenport public schools, high school, St. Katha- rine's Hall, Davenport; m. Chicago, 1892, Burton E. Morse; one son: Ralph Lyter, b. May 18, 1895. Has organized In T-win Falls an Emerson Class, Fortnightly Club and Departmental Wo- man's Club (pres. for two yeers). Against woman suffrage. Has written on ethics for club organs. Mem. People's Liberal Church of Chicago. State chairman Woman's Branch of the Progressive Party of Idaho. Recreation: Reading John Burroughs. At present teaching (gratis) parliamentary law to the women who are interested in Twin Falls.
MORSE, Blanche, 2033 Bancroft Way, Berkeley,
Educator; b Oakland, Cal., Jan. 31, 1870; dau. Ralza Austin and Ellen Sophia (Pratt) Morse; ed. Univ. of California, Ph.B. 1894; Yale Univ., one year post-grad. work. Cor. sec. California Fed. of Women's Clubs, 1908-9, 1909-10; pres. Berkeley Center of California Civic League, 1911- 12; State organizer Cal. Civic League, 1912-13. Mem. Collegiate Alumnae, Cal. branch. Clubs: Town and Gown (Berkeley), Sierra Club of Cal., Hillside Club (Berkeley). Recreation: Traveling. Favors woman suffrage; mem. of College Equal Suffrage League (campaign speaker). Progres- sive Republican.
MORSE, Blanche Leonard, 22 Dale Av., Glou- cester, Mass. (business, 4 Joy St., Boston Mass.).
Interior decorator; b. West Bolyston, Mass.; dau. George and Abby M. (Swan) Morse; ed. Gioucester public schools; Smith Coll., A.B. '92; Amy M. Backer's School of Design. Profession- ally engaged as interior decorator in firm of Morse & Pen n ell. Instructor In design at Sim- mons Coll., Boston, since 1907 — . Mem. College Club (Boston).
MORSE, Effie Dallas Custeed (Mrs. Vlrsll D.
Morse), 512 Edgewood Place, Ithaca, N.T.
Bom Cleveland, Ohio; dau. Philip W. and Marietta (Dallas) Custeed; Scotch-Irish-Dutch descent; ed. in U.S. and Germany; m. Virgil D. Morse; children: Robert Virgil (Cornell Univ., '11), Dorothea C. (Randolph-Macon Coll., '12). Philanthropic worker and clubwoman. Ex- dlrector N.Y. State Fed. of Women's Clubs; pres. Ithaca Visiting Nurse Ass'n; treas. As- sociated Charities and officer in various other philanthropic and literary societies. Served sev- eral terms as pres. of Woman's Club of Ithaca; treas. I'Alliance Frangaise of Cornell Univ., 1904-12; mem. George Junior Republic Ass'n, Internat. Peace Society.
MORSE, Leonice Brockway (Mrs. John Alden
Morse), 42 Summer St., Bath. Me.
Bom Clinton, Mass., Sept. 13, 1873; dau. Lo- renzo Harriman and Martha P. (Sawyer) Brock- way; ed. Boston public schools, Charlestown High and Girls' High schools; m. Charlestown, Mass., Dec. 15, 1892, John Alden Morse; children: Horace Gray, b. April 19, 1894; Leonice Brockway Morse, b. Sept. 9, 1895. Favors woman suffrage. Ckmgregationallst. Free. Bath Fortnightly Club, 1913—. Mem. D A.R. (State Regent of Maine, 1911-13).
��MORSE, Margaret Feesenden, 60 Burroughs St., Jamaica Plain, Mass. (summer, Grasmere, Falmouth, Mass.).
Autho.'; b. Jamaica Plain, Nov. 28, 1877; dau. Robert McNeil and Anna E. (Gorham) Morse; ed. Boston private schools and Mass. Inst, of Technology. A director of Boston Animal Rescue League; mem. Exec. Board of Boston Public School Ass'n, 1912-13. Author: The Spirit of the Pines, 1906; On the Road to Arden, 1909; Scottie and His Lady, 1910. Unitarian. Anti-suffragist.
MOK8E, T. Vcrnette (Mrs. Joslah Gorham Morse), 2827 Michigan Av., Chicago, 111. Artist, writer, philanthropic work; b. Cortland, N.Y., . 1852; dau. Bradley Moore and Laverne (Green) House; ed. Cortland Acad, and Cortland Normal School; m. 1875, Joslah Gorham Morse; children: Mrs. Belle Laverne (Morse), Steere, Charles Gaylord. Art writer during World's Fair In Chicago. Organized two of leading art ass'ns in America; publishpd Arts for America, 1893-1900, In Chicago. Received medal from Paris Exposi- tion of 1900; Interested in all art movements; organized first kindergarten and first art ass'n in Kansas. Has for twelve years been pres. of the Artcraft Inst, and Guild, which she organ- ized In 1900 for the promotion of vocational art In America, and for the purpose of assisting women v;ho were unexpectedly thrown upon their own resources to get started in business; elected (1312) pres. at large for life and nat. organizer of this institute. Author of an entire set of prac- tical How to Do It books for workers in hand work; also special magazine articles on voca- tional art training. Mem. New England Club, Kansas Club, D.A.R., 111. Colony Club. Has lectured before the principal clubs on art and the related Industries.
MORTEtfEB, Edith Beale (Mrs. Lawrence Mor- timer), 1 Dwlght St., Brookllne, Mass. Bom Boston, Mass., May 28, 1878; dau. Joseph Henry and Frances Elizabeth (Messinger) Beale; ed. public schools of Boston, Miss Heloise Her- sey's private school; m. Barnstable, Mass., Oct. 1, 1906, Lawrence Mortimer; children: Katherine, Edith. Episcopalian.
MORTON, Anna Dierfeld (Mrs. Stratford Lee Morton), 107 Joy Av., Webster Park, Webster Groves, Mo.
Born Appieton City, Mo., Nov. 28, 1889; dau. Emil and Katherine (Egger) Dierfeld; ed. Wash- ington Univ., St. Louis, 1311; St. Louis School of Fine Arts; mem. Pi Beta Phi; m. Appieton City, Mo., Mar. 3, 1910, Stratford Lee Morton; chil- dren: Katherine, b. Dec. 5, 1910; Stratford Lee Jr., b. Oct. 15, 1912. Favors woman suffrage; mem. Equal Suffrage League. Mem. Art Stu- dents' League, Algonquin Golf Club.
MOBTON, EUza Happy, P.O., Portland (Wood- ford's Sta.), M«. ; home. The Cedars, 365 Allen Av., North Deering, Me.
Author; b. Westbrook (now Portland), Me.; dau. William and Eliza Hannah (Phenix) Mor- ton; ed. Westbrook Sem. From 1SS4 to 1911 busi- ness manager, sec. and treas. of Maine Tract Soc. (Maine branch of Review and Herald Pub- lishing Ass'n of Washington, D.C.). Teacher in Battle Creek Coll., 1880-83. Began teaching when 18 years old; taught 10 years. Interested In mlssionarj' and sunshine work, and in philan- thropic work for children. Author: Still Waters (poems); Lessons on the CJontinenta; Geograph- ical Spice; Chalk Leeeons for Geography Classes; Potter's Elementary Geography; Potter's Ad- vanced Geography (also teachers' editions of both works); Morton's Elementary Geography; Mor- ton's Advanced Geography; Thought, Its Origin and Power; Star Flowers, or Songs In the Night (poems); also the words of many songs and hymns, among the most popular of which are: The Songs My Mother Sang; My Mission; Long- ings for Rest (mr.sic by D. B. Towner), etc. Seventh Day Adventist. Mem. Nat. Geog. Soc., Internat. Sunshine Soc.
MORTON, Elizabeth Lee (Mrs. William James
Morton), 224 Riverside Drive, N.T. City.
Born Wllkes-Barre, Pa.; dau. Washington and
Emllr (Thomas) Lee; ed. at home with gov-
emesB, and at Miss Bayard's, Pbiladelpbla; m.