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��MORKIS, Sarah Roberts (Mrs. Ira K. Morris), 139 Bodlne St., West New Brighton, S.I., N.T. Born Philadelphia, Pa.; dau. Robert W. and Amanda (Hackney) Roberts; her father went through the Civil War and into the regular army, from which he resigned as major; ed. in tlie Model and Normal Schools at Trenton, N.J. (mem. Alumni Ass'n); m. Trenton, N.J., Nov. 16, 1S87, Ira K. Morris. Teacher in Trenton (N.J.) High School for several years before mar- riage and mem. of State Inst, lecture staff of the Dep't of Education of State of N.Y. for a short time afterward. Became interested in the W.C.T.U. and for 20 years worker therein; for 18 years pres. of Richmond Co. W.C.T.U. of N.Y. State. Favors woman suffrage. Has been a newspaper and magazine writer for years; hus- band is a journalist and the historuin of Staten Island; always assists htm in literary work. Methodist. Prohibitionist. Mem. N.Y. City Fed. of Women's Clubs.

MORRISON, Caroline Baldwin (Mrs. Charles Theobald Morrison), 951 HamlUon Av., Palo Alto, Cal.

Born San Francisco, June 30, 1869; dau. Alfred and Fannie (Willard) Baldwin; ed. in city schools of Santa Cruz, Cal., with much supplementary work in language, etc., with mother; UniT. of Cal., B.S. '92; Cornell, D.Sc. '98; did much ad- vanced work in mathematics and *oieEce In Unlr. of Gal., and was the first woman to grad. from dep't of mechanics of that university, ranking third In the entire class (Phi Beta Kappa, Sigma XI from Cornell for physics); m. Alameda, Cal., Oct. 11, 18»8, Charles Theobald Morrison; chil- dren: Frances Elisabeth, b. 1900; George Willard, b. 1904. Teacher of physics In Cal. School of Mechanical Arts, San Francisco, 1895-1900. In- teretrted in religions, social and philanthropic work. Joint author (with George A. Merrill): Physics Course of the California School of Me- chanical Arts. Unitarian. Progressive Republi- can. Mem. WoBQin's Alliaace of Onltarlan Church. Recreations: Automoblling, mountain trips. Mem. Woman's Club, Palo Alto; Ass u Coll. AlumnaB.

MORRISON, Caroline Wood (Mrs. Mark L. Mor- rison), 407 W. Seventh St., Chattanooga, Tenn. Author; b. N.T. City; dau. W. W. and Mary Ann (Dorwin) Wood; ed. on the classics in a Blck room; m. Mark L. Morrison; children: Mark C, William J. Episcopalian. Author: The Ptxies and Elaines (first published in Ladies' Home Journal); William and Bill, also many short stories, alone and in collaboration with the MacGowan Cooke sisters and others. Recrea- tions: Auction bridge, puns. Mem. Kosmos Club, Fin de Siecle Book Club.

MORRISON, Elizabeth Gearhart (Mrs. L. D. Morrison), 2022 K, University Place, Neb. Public reader; b. in Pennsylvania, June 24, 1875; dau. James R. and Emaline (Miller) Gear- hart; ed. high schools of Neb., Columbia CoU. of Elxpression, Chicago, B.C.; Neb. Wesleyan Univ.; m. Lincoln, Neb., July 3, 1900, L. D. Morrison; children: Donald J., Margaret. Public reader for fifteen years. "Visits State and Federal prisons for recitals on Sundays. Donates service also to every old soldiers' home or Government hospital. Favors woman suffrage. Methodist. Mem. W.C.T.U. Mem. Woman's Club of Lincoln, Neb.

MORRISON, Florence Roberts (Mrs. Lewis Morrison), Morrison Manor, Peeksklll, N.T. Actress; b. N.Y. City, Feb. 14, 1871; dau. Henry B. and Anna (Alexander) Roberts; ed. N.Y. public schools; m. Washington, D.C., 1892, Lewis Mor- rison (died Aug. 18, 1906). Began stage career in utility parts at Baldwin Theatre, San Fran- cisco, and later played minor parts in short engagements with William Morrison, William Gillette, Otis Skinner and Julia Marlowe, then returned to Lewis Morrison, whom she mar- ried; played Marguerite to his Faust, and lead- ing feminine rdles in Hamlet, Richelieu, The Merchant of Venice, Romeo and Juliet, Camille, etc. Later starred on Pacific Coast In Zaza, Sappho, Marta of the Lowlands, The Unwelcome Mrs. Hatch, Magda, A Doll's House, Tess of the

��D'UrbervIlles, etc., and later became star in The

Strength of the Weak, in which she appeared at

Liberty Theatre, N.Y. City, in 1905. Later

starred in The Struggle Everlasting, Jim the

Penman and Dlplomac"'. Mem. Actors' Fund


MORRISON, Margaret L., Compton, Cal.

Born Wilmington, Cal., Sept. 4, 1874; dau. John Keyes and Letitla (Loughey) Morrison; ed. Poly- technic Inst., Pasadena, Ca. Favors woman suf- frage. Republican. Recreation: Automobiling. Pres. Pathfinder Club of Compton, Cal. MORRISS, Margaret Shove, 1904 Mt. R'-.-al Av., Baltimore, Md.

Teacher; b. Poughkeenr- N."5., June 25, 1884; dau. William Hayles and Mary Elizabeth (Hair- land) Morriss; grad. Girls' Latin School, Balti- more, and Goucher Coll., A.B. 1904; foundation scholarships, Bryn Mawr Coll., 1904-6; Alumnae fellowships, Goucher Coll., 1906-7; student at Public Record Office, London, 190«-7; fellow In History, Bryn Mawr Coll., 1907-8, Ph.D. 1911 (mem. Delta Gamma) ; Instructor In history, Mt. Holyoke Coll., 1908-13. Favors woman suffrage; mem. Mt. Holyoke Chapter of Am. College Equal Suffrage League. Has written articles on The Authorship of the De Ortu Walnuaril and Vita Meriadoci, 1908 (Modern Language Ass'n). Mem. FYiends Church, Phi Beta Kappa, Am. His- torical Ass'n, Goucher Coll. Alumnee Ass'n, Bryn Mawr Coll. Alumnse Ass'n. Recreations: Walk- ing, tennis. Mem. College Club of Baltimore. MORRISSEY, Mary H. Bradley (Mrs. George R. Morrlssey), 51 Clarence Av., S.E., Minneapolis, Minn.

Club woman; b. St. Paul, Minn., June 6, 1861; dau. Richard and Ellen (Moc.aghan) Bradley; ed. St. Paul private schools and Normal school; m. St. Paul, Oct. 3, 1894, George R. Morrlssey; chil- dren: Richard B. Jones, George Russell Jr., Don Isle de la Poer. Pres. Prospect Park Study Club, 1911-13; mem. Oivio Com. of Fifth Dist. Minn. Fed. Woman's Clubs, 1911-12. Identified with several religious and social organizations. Fa- vors woman suffrage. Recreations: Motoring, walking, lectures, music, theatre. MORRISSON, Mary Foalbe (Mrs. James Will- iam Morrison), 719 Rush St., Chicago, III. Bom Richmond, Ind., Nov. 14, 1879; dau. Will- iam Dudley and Mary Taylor (Reeves) Foulke; grad. from Bryn Mawr College, A.B. '99; m. RKhmond, Ind., February 7, 1900, James William Morrisson; children: Robert, b. Feb., 1901; Foulke, b. Mar., 1907; Rosemary, b. Feb., 1909. Pres. Woman's League for Civic Betterment, Richmond, Ind., 1905-09; sec. Lower North (Coun- cil of United Charities, Chicago, lSll-12; mem. Woman's City Club, Juvenile Protective Ass'n, Antiquarian Soc. Art Inst., Immigrants' Protec- tive League, Parents' Ass'n of Francis Parker School, Kxec. Board of Richmond Art Ass'n, 1905-09. Sec. North Shore Suffrage Ass'n; mem. Cook Co. SuIfrsLge Alliance; 111. Equal Suffrage Ass'n; 111. Suffrage Fed. Hicksite Friend. Rec- reation: Camping. Pree. Bryn Mawr Club (Chicago).

MORROW, Libbie Luttrell, 2325 Church St., Nashville, Tenn.

Newspaper woman; b. Nashville; dau. William and Elizabeth (Luttrell) Morrow; grad. Nash- ville CoJl. for Young Women; Vanderbilt yniv. For nine years editor of the Woman's Dep't Nashriile Banner. For several years officer Tenn. V/oman's Press and Authors' Club, and served Fome years as director of Internal. League of FTess Cluba. Charter mem. of Nashville Equal Suffrage League. Mem. Methodist Episcopal Church, South. Mem. Centennial Club, Nashville Golf and Country Club.

MORROW, Nancy Clarissa, 1256 Elk St., Frank- lin, Pa.; home, Tldioute. Pa. Teacher; b. Dayton, Pa., Dec. 23, 1866; dau. John Wilson Morrow, M.D., and Rebecca M. (McFarland) Morrow; ed. Westminster Coll. and Indiana State Normal School, Pa., M.E. '94. Has been a teacher in grammar schools of Forest County; teacher of primary dep't, 1899-1904, Tio- nesta; Tldioute, 1904-9; one of the primary schools at Rockv Grove since 1910; sup't Primary Dep't,


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