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��A Nineteenth Century Poem, London, 1890; Teu- tonic Antiquities In the Old English Exodus and Daniel (CaBdmon's metrical paraphrases) ; Years After (a volume of local history); also magazine and newspaper articles and editorials. Favors woman suffrage. Mem. Soc. of Associate Alumnae of Vassar Coll., Vassar Student's Aid Soc, Ass'n of Coll. Alumnae, Woman's Univ. Club (N.Y. City).

IMORKIM., Katharine Carleton (Mrs. Henry Lewis Morrill), 6 Sewall St., Augusta, Me. Born Augusta, Me., Jan. 1, 1865; dau. Thomas Carleton and Sarah Bangs (Heath) Hoyt; ed. Augusta High School, Dirigo Business Coll. and private schools in Augusta, Me., and Boston, Mass.; m. Augusta, June 20, 1887, Henry Lewis Morrill (died Aug. 9, 1911). Mem. Channing Guild of Unitarian Church, Augusta Gen. Hos- pital Aid, director in Augusta Woman's Ass'n. Favors woman suffrage. Foreign correspondent for Grand Chapter of Maine, Order Eastern Star; writer of magazine and newspaper articles, pa- pers in historical research, etc. Unitarian. Past pres. Am. Woman's League; past matron Rose of Sharon Chapter of O.E.S. ; past grand matron of Grand Chapter of Maine, O.E.S. Recreations: Riding, driving, boating, gymnastics, tennis, dancing. Vice-pres. Current Events Club ('fed- erated literary) ; mem. Parnassas Cluti, Maine Historical Soc, Cecelia Club (musical); past pres. Browning Club; mem. Am. Isle of Pines Ass'n, Cuba, West Indies; mem. Nat. Woman's Reput)- lic, St. Louis. Has been teacher, private sec. to pension claim attorney, bookkeeper, cashier and proprietor and manager of a theatre.

MORRILL, Peuelope Patten, 615 W. 136th St.,

N.Y. City.

Normal teacher; b. Turner, Me.; grad. Vas- sar Coll., A.B. '86. Teacher Delaware Literary Inst., Franklin, N.Y., 1886-87; Keystone Acad., Factoryville, Pa., 1887-88; Lyndon Hall, Pough- keepsie, 1889-93; Miss Mackie's Sehool, Newburgh, N.Y., 1893-1903; Miss Beard's School, Orange, N.J., 1903-07; Normal Coll., N.Y. City, since 1907.

MORRIS, Agues L. (Mrs. Robert Carlton Mor- ris), 1081 Lincoln Av., Toledo, Ohio. Teacher, lecturer; b. London, Ohio, March 8, 1865; dau. Rev. John Morgan and Sara Phillips (James) Thomas; grad. Mt. Union Coll., Ph.M. 1887; Nat. School of Oratory (Philadelphia), B.O. 1888 (mem. Delta Gamma); m. Dec. 30, 1891, Robert Carlton Morris; children: Vivian A., Robert Thomas. Mem. Board of Directors of Toledo Woman's Ass'n, Advisory Board Ed- ucational Club; mem. Com. on Literature of Ohio Fed. Women's Clubs; sec. Toledo Shake- s^ieare Ass'n. Author: Every Day With Shake- speare (used as text-ibook by Shakespeare clubs in U.S., Canada and England). Congregation- alist Mem. Writer's Club, Sorosis Club (To- ledo). Prepares Syllabi for Shakespeare clubs.

MORRIS, Anna P. (Mrs. William H. Morris), 241 W. Eighth Av., Columbus, Ohio. Born N.Y. City; dau. Wharton and Mary (Long) Peters; ed. in schools of Oxford, Ohio, and Wesleyan Female Coll., Cincinnati; m. South Charleston, Ohio, William H. Morris; chil- dren: Carrie, Herbert, Henry, Frank, Mary E., Alice Louise. Prominent in woman's federated club activities in Columbus, Ohio; oflSce Ohio Fed. Women's Clubs for six years (auditor, mem. Legislative Com., vice-pres. Southeast Dlst., and chairman of Household Economics). Lecturer. Mem. Wells Post Woman's Relief Corps. Baptist; active In church affalr.s. Mem. State Pioneer Ass'n. Clubs: Olla Po^a. Ida, Al- trurlan, Sorosis, College Woman's. Favors woman suffrage.

MORRIS, Aramlnta Hynson (Mrs. Jacob

Morris), Lewes, Del.

Music teacher; b. Peckville, Pa., Apr. 9, 1867; dau. Rev. Edwin Harman and Mary Wint (Hynson) Morris; ed. Wilmington Conference Acad., Dover, Del.: grad. Virgil Piano School, N.Y. City; m. Lewes, Del., Dec 16, 1908, Jacob Morris. Professionally engaged as teacher of piano. Sunday-school teacher and mem. of church societies. Mem- Methodist Episcopal

��Church. Mem. Chautauqua Soc. Recreation: Floriculture. Opposed to woman suffrage. MORRIS, Clara (Mrs. Frederick C. Harriott),

The Pines. Riverdale, N.Y. City.

Actress, author; b. Toronto, Cslu., March 17, 1848; ed. public schools of Cleveland, Ohio: m. N.Y. City, Nov. 30, 1874, Frederick C. Harriott. Entered theatrical life by way of old Academy of Music, Cleveland, Ohio, 1861; leading lady Cincinnati, 1869; great first night triumph N.Y. City, Daly's Theatre, 1870. Starred in many roles; entered literary profession about 1893. Author: Life On the Stage; Life of a Star; Pasteboard Crown; Trouble Woman; Little Jim Crow, etc. Recreations: Riding, driving, gar- dening, fond of horses and dogs. Episcopalian. Favors woman suffrage. MORRIS, Elisabeth Woodbridge (Mrs. Charles

Gould Morris), 67 Mansfield St., New Haven,

Conn.; summer, "Chestnut Ledges," Sandy

Hook, Conn.

Writer; b. Brooklyn, N.Y., 1870; dau. Charles Lester and Irene (Cartwright) Woodbridge; ed. Brooklyn Heights Sem. and Packer Collegiate Inst., Brooklyn; Vassar Coll., B.A. '92; Yale Univ., Ph.D., '98 (Phi Beta Kappa); m. Brooklyn, N.Y., 1899, Charles Gould Morris; children: Laura Wylie, b. 1902; Woodbridge Edwards, b. 1903; Martha Cartwright, b. 1905; Daniel Luzon, b. 1907; Charles Lester, b. 1908. Teacher Packer Inst,, 1893-96; teacher of English Vassar Coll., 1898-99; graduate student in English, Yale, 1896- 97, 1897-98. Author: Studies in Jonson's Comedy (Ph.D. thesis, Yale '98); The Drama, Its Law and Its Technique; A Course in Expository Writing (In collaboration with Gertrude Buck, Vassar); A Course in Narrative Writing (with Gertrude Buck) ; The Jonathan Papers (book of out-door sketches), also essays and stories In various periodicals. Recreations: All out-doors— hunting, fishing, rowing, tennis and tramping. Favors woman suffrage. MORRIS, Florence Ward (Mrs. Felix Morris),

250 W. Elghly-fifth St.. N.Y. City.

Actress; b. Missouri; ed. Monticello (111.) Sem., Dearborn Seminary, Chicago, and entered upon a stage career; m. San Francisco, 1879, Felix Morris (the comedian; died 1900); children: Felice, Mildred. Favors woman suffrage. Mem. Threa Arts Club.

MORRIS, L. E. (Mrs. Charles S. Morris), Ber- lin, Wis.

Born Green Lake, Wis., 1850; dau. Samuel W. and Almera (Carable) Smith; ed. public schools and Convent of Notre Dame, Milwaukee; grad. Musical Acad, of Beaver Dam, 1872 (mem. Notre Dame Alumnas Ass'n of the Northwest); m. Green Lake, May, 1876, Charles S. Morris. State chair- man of correspondence for Gen. Fed. of Women's Clubs, 1894-1896; first pres. of the Wis. Fed. Women's Clubs, 1896-98; mem. Board of Direc- tors of Gen. Fed., 1S9S-1900; mem. of Wis. Fr*€ Library Commission since 1896; has been pres. of the Berlin Library Board for five years. Was mem. Wis. Board of Managers for the World's Fair at St. Louis; always active in re- ligious and philanthropic matters, serving aa pres. and sec. of the Woman's Club of Union Church of Berlin. Favors woman suffrage; vice-pres. Wis. State Suffrage Ass'n. Author of srtudy outlines entitled. Epochs of English His- tory in Association With Shakespeare's Plays. Congregationallst. Mem. D.A.R., Friends Id Council of Berlin (was pres. eight years); pres. Athena Club of Berlin since 1890. MORRIS, Nora Ja^e Smith (Mrs. John H.

Morris), 530 N. Columbia St., Union City.,


Born Bloomlngton, Ind., Sept. 2, 1876; dau. James Cameron and Mary (Cathcart) Smith; grad. Bloomlngton (Ind.) High School; attended Ind. Univ. two years; grad. from Bloomington Shorthand School with honors; m. Bloomlngton, Ind., Oct. 21, 1903, John H. Morris. Interested in religious, social, philanthropic and other societies. Reformed Presbyterian; Sunday-school teacher. Lover of horses, riding, driving and sports. Mem. Independent Literary Soc. in university; now mem. Tlcknor Club of Union City. Favors woman suffrage.


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