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��Coll, Alpha Soc. of Smitti, Voice Club of Smith. Recreations: Tennis, golf, walking, canoeing, traveling. Mem. College Women's Club of Wash- ington. UOKGAN, Letitia (Mrs. Lancaster Morgan), 175

W. Fifty-eighth St., N.T. City.

Born Utica, N.Y., Jan. 31, 1868; dau. Alexander T. and Mary W. (Wager) Goodwin ; ed. Mrs. Piatt's school, Utica, N.Y., and i)rivate tutors; m. Nov. 2, 1892, Lancaster Morgan (treas. Gen. Chemical Co. of N.Y.); children: James Lancas- ter, b. 1893 (died 1S94) ; Helen Ridgely, b. 1896. Pres. St. Cecilia Club of N.Y. City; sustaining mem. of Philharmonic Soc. of N.Y. ; mem. Froebel League of N.Y.; active in mission and religious work of the Protestant Episcopal Church. Against woman suffrage; active mem. of the N.Y. State Association Opposed to Woman Suffrage. Mem. Soc. of Colonial Dames. Devoted to art of music and much interested in its de- velopment in the city of N.Y. MORGAN, Lillian Vanghan Sampson (Mrs.

Thomas Hunt Morgan), 409 W. 117th St.,

N.T. City.

Biological research worker; b. Philadelphia; ed. Wellesley Preparatory School, Germantown, Philadelphia; Bryn Mawr Coll., A.B. '91; holder of Bryn Mawr European fellowship, 1891-92; stu- dent Univ. of Ziirich, 1892-93; graduate student Bryn Mawr Coll., 1891-92 and 1893-99; m. German- town, Philadelphia, 1904, Thomas Hunt Morgan, M.S., Ph.D., prof, experimental zoology in Co- lumbia Univ. Engaged in research work In biology since 1904. MORGAN, Louise, University Hall, Madison, Wis.

Instructor In English; b. Herbertst&wn, Ire- land, 1886; dau. P. A. and Margaret (Baggott) Morgan; ed. Brown Univ., A.M. 1907; Bryn Mawr Coll., Ph.D. 1912. Instructor in English in Univ. of Wis. Favors woman suffrage. Writer of articles in Modern Language Review, April, 1910; Shakespeare Jahrbuch, 1911; Modern Phil- ology, 1908; an edition of an unpublished Jaco- bean play, soon to appear In Bang's Materialien. MORGAN, Marian Baird (Mrs. Reed Augustus

Morgan), "Norwood," Chestnut Hill, Phila- delphia, Pa.

Born Darby, Delaware (3o., Pa., May 27, 1875; dau. Matthew and Anna (Wrlg'ht) Balrd; ed. at home, by governess and tutors; m. Merion, Pa., June 12, 1901, Reed Augustus Morgan; chil- dren: Marian Morgan (died), Elizabeth Morgan, Reed Augustus Morgan Jr. Mem. Chestnut Hill Hospital Boa,rd, St. Martha's Auxiliary, Church Training and Deaconess House Board, German- town Relief Soc. Board, Red Cross Soc. Protest- ant Episcopal. Republican. Mem. D.A.R. Rec- reations: Motoring, traveling. Mem. Civic Glut). MORGAN, Mary Aull (Mrs. Elisha Morgan), 431

N. Linden Av., Highland Park, 111.

Bom Philadelphia, Feb. 4, 1880; dau. James and Hetty (Grant) Aull; ed. Miss Brann's School, Kansas City, Mo.; Smith Coll., B.L. 1901; m. St. Louis, Mo., June 2, 1906, Elisha Morgan; chil- dren: Elisha Jr., b. 1907; Donald Grant, b. 1911. Interested in various local philanthropic and literary interests. Recreation: Out-door sports. Presbyterian. Favors woman suffrage (ia modi- fied form).

MORGAN, Mary Ctirran (Mrs. James H. Mor- gan), Carlisle, Pa.

Born Williamsport, Pa., April 28, 1867; dau. Hugh A. and Sarah L. (Harris) Curran; ed. Bloomsburg State Normal School and Dickinson Coll., A.B. '88, A.M. '91; m. Bloomsburg, Pa., Dec. 30, 1890, James H. Morgan, Ph.D. (prof, ol Greek, now dean of Dickinson Coll.); children: Julia, Margaret Harris, Hugh Curran. Inter- ested in church work, particularly among chil- dren. Active In club work. Chairman Educa- tional Dep't of Civic Club. Methodist. Mem. Phi Beta Kappa Soc, Carlisle Civic Club, Car- lisle Fortnightly Club. MORG.A>', Mary Holmes, 65 4 Maryland Av.,

Pittsburgh, Pa.

Teacher, writer; b. Pittsburgh, Pa.; grad. Vas- sar Coll.. A.B. '98; student Marine Biological Laboratory, Wood's Hole, Mass., 1900; Italy and Univ. of Gottlngen, Germany, 1896-97; corre-

��spondence work with Univ. ol Chicago, 1906-08. Teacher in Pittsburgh High School since 1S98. Author (In collaboration with Mary D. Potter): Outlines for Mediaeval History. MORGAN, Maud, 13 Livingston Place, N.T.


Harpist; b. N.Y. City, Nov. 22, 1864; dau. George Washbourne Morgan (organist) and Eleanor Morgan; ed. schools of N.Y. City; pupil of her father, and of Chevalier Charles Oberthur, harpist to the Queen of the Belgians. First ap- peared as solo harpist, as a ehlld, in a concert given by Ole Bull in N.Y. City, 1875. Has ap- peared in concerts all over the U.S. Harpist in Grace Church, N.Y. City, 1895-1912. Former con- ductor of Lenox Choral Society. MOBHARD, Jeanne £mma, 24 Navarre Bldg.,

Gilbert Av., Walnut Hills, Cincinnati, O.

Teacher, lecturer; b. Geneva, SwiUerland ; dau. Charles Louis and Euggnie (Moynat) Morhard; ed. Ferney-Voltaire . (Ain), France; Geneva (Switzerland) High School and Univ.; Univ. of Cincinnati. Taught in Hughes High School, Cin- cinnati, for 23 years; has lectured under auspices of Alliance Frangaise, Univ. of Cincinnati, Cincinnati Woman's Club and other clubs of Cincinnati, and in many cities of U.S. Founder of Cercle Frangais in Cincinnati; sec. of Alliance Frangaise (Cincinnati). Clubs: Woman's, Women Teachers (Cincinnati). Favors woman suffrage. Twice decorated by French Government for work in America, as OfEcier d'Acadfimie, and Officier de I'lnstruction Publique. MORLARTY, Rose, City Hall, Elyria, Ohio.

Born Elyria, Dec. 18, 1882; dau. Thomas and Ellen (Enrlght) Moriarty; ed. Elyria High School. Deputy city auditor, sec. of the Sink- ing Fund, sec. Civil Service Commission, sec. Dep't of Public Safety and clerk of City Council of Elyria, Ohio. Law student. Favors woman suffrage; active in Ohio campaign. Recreations: Theatre, books, tennis, children. MORLEY, Margaret Warner, care A. C.

McClure & Co., Chicago, 111.

Author; b. Montrose, la., Feb. 17, 1858; dau. Isaac and Sarah Robinson (Warner) Morley; ed. Brooklyn public school; N.Y. City Normal Coll.; Oswego Normal School, and private instruction. Engaged in teaching several years in Oswego Normal, Milwaukee Normal and Leavenworth (Kan.) Normal; later instructor in biology in tlie Armour Inst, of Chicago; afterward becoming a lecturer on nature topics in Boston, and a writer of books about flowers and Insects, and other volumes. Author: A Song of Life; Honeymakers; Renewal of Life; Little Mitchell; Donkey John of the Toy Valley. Favors woman suffrage. MORREY, Grace Hamilton (Mrs. Charles Brad- field' Morrey), 1S8 W. Tenth St.. Columbus,


Concert pianist and teacher; b. St. Louis, Mo.; dau. Eathan Allen and Mary Prances (Shawen) Jones; grad. East IHorida Sem., Gainesville, Fla. ; studied music in Washington, D.C., with John Porter Lawrence, later became pupil of Leschetlzky and Marie Prentner in Vienna, and of Emil Paur in Berlin; m. Vienna, Austria, Oct. 4, 1S98, Dr. Charles Bradfield Morrey; chil- dren: Marion, Jessie, Charles Bradfield Jr. Has concertlzed all over this country from N.Y. to -onver and in Berlin with the Philharmonic Or-

^estra in her debut concerts April 8 and April 11, 1911. Favors woman suffrage. Episcopalian. Mem. Faculty Women's Club of Ohio State I'niv. and the Women's Club of Columbus, Ohio (largest music club in the country — sole artist mem. of this club). MORRII.L, Georgiana Lea, 117 W. 58th St.,

N.T. City.

Teacher; b. Bolivar, Tenn.; dau. Abner and Ann Maria (Hussey) Morrill; ed. Vassar Coll., A,B., A.M. '89; Univ. of Heidelberg, Ph.D. '96; grad. student in Elnglish, Bryn Mawr Coll., 1888- 89; Univ. of Ziirich, '93; Univ. of Leipzig. '94; Univ. of Berlin, 1894-95. Head of English dep't, Norfolk Coll. : State Normal School, Platteville, Wis.; Mme. Rull's School, N.Y. City; instructor In English, Smith Coll. and Univ. of Wis. Au- thor: Speculum, by de Warenyke, editio pricepa (Early English Text Soc, extra series IJCXV);


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