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��(111.) Publir Library. Favors woman suffrage; mem. Fox River Equal Suffrage Ass'n and active worker and spealcer in same. Author: Wage Earners' Budgets. 1907 (a study of the cost of living in 200 wage-earners' families in N.Y. City). Congregationalist. Mem. Ass'n of Collegiate Alumnae. Removed from Geneva, 111., to Denver In May, 1913.

MOBEI.AND, Mary Leona, Chebanse. III.

Minister; b. Westfleld. Mass.; dau. .James William and Harriet Atwood (Smith) Moreland; ed. Massachusetts, 111. Wesleyan Univ., Ph.B., M.A.; Creal Springs Coll., Ph.D.; took oratory in School of Oratory, Chicago; also attended Chi- cago Sem. Was ordained to the ministry July 19, 1889 (the first woman ordained In the Congrega- tional Chureh by regular council). Interested In the lecture and authors' fields and W.C.T.U. National Evangelist. Favors woman suffrage and as a minister has lectured for the cause. Author: Which, Right or Wrong; Under His Wings. Also booklets: Domestic Problem; Women in the Bible; The Flag of the Free; Mother's Opportunity; His Guidance and other booklets. Congregationalist. Mem. W.C.T.U., Missionary Soc, Suffrage Soc. Recreations: Physical Culture, oratory, writing, domestic science, out-door life. Has been on the platform as a speaker ever since her seventeenth year; has been in regular pastoral work for 20 years without any intermission. Represented the women of the ministry of the Congregational de- nomination at the World's Congresses held in Chicago, 1893.

MOKEY, Anna Riordan (Mrs. Charles Free- man Morey), Hastings, Neb. Artist; b. Columbus, O., Oct. 12, 18r.9; dau. Henry Clay and Stella (Turner) Riordan; ed. Chicago public schools; Dearborn Sem.; Chicago Art Inst; m. Chicago, June 27, 1883, Charles Freeman Morey; one son: Clive Riordan. Re- ceived two medals at World's Fair, one in Woman's Bld'g, one In Mercantile Eld'g, both for ceramic work; paintings accepted and hung at exposition in (Chicago; medals at State fairs and ceramic exhibitions. Lecturer on art and travel; lectures with the stereopticon before pub- lic schools and clubs and conventions. Assisted Bishop Beecher in his church work with lectures on religious subjects in art, with lantern; also other churches and Sunday-schools. Author of papers on art for newspapers and magazines. Episcopalian. Mem. D.A.R., Daughters of the King (Episcopal Church); mem. Hastings Woman's Club; chairman of art dep't of Neb. Fed. of Women's Clubs; com. mem. of Art Com. Gen. Fed. of Women's Clubs; guest of many clubs for lectures on rottery, painting and glass, traveling with the ga.llery of paintings (loaned); assists and makes the study program In art for the clubs. Has had studios in Chicago, 111., and Hastings, Neb.

MOREY, Jeannette Metcalf (Mrs. James P.

Morey), 1069 21st St., Des Moines, la.

Born Elk Grove, Wis., Feb. 9, 1855; dau. John Edwards and Claretta (Richards) Metcalf; ed. at Darlington, Wis., by private tutor; grad. from Chautauqua Literary Circle, '88; m. Darlington, Wis., 1876, James P. Morey; one daughter: Maude Metcalf Morey. Congregationalist. Mem. Abigail Adams Chapter D.A.R. ; founded the Tuesday Club (pres. three years), also the Twenty-first Street Literary Club of Des Moines, la. (being pres. four years). Mem. Des. Moines Woman's Club; delegate to City Federation; mem. North- west Bridge Club (pres.); also pres. of Monthly Dinner Club.

MORGAN, Adelia A. (Mrs. Samuel Huntington Morgan), Cuba, Allegany Co., N.Y. Born Cuba, N.Y., May 20, 1845; dau. David and Rosannah (McKlnney) Preeborne; grad. • Alfred (N.Y.) Univ., '65; m. Cuba, N.Y., Oct. 12, 1870, Samuel Huntington Morgan; children: Samuel DeLancy, Helen Freeborne, Robert David, Atha- lene Huntington. Mem. First Presbyterian Church; interested in all Sunday-school work. Favors woman suffrage; has been pres. Greenleaf Political Equality Club of Cuba, N.Y., for 12 yeaxs. Presbyterian. Prohibitionist. Mem. Or-

��der Eastern Star (worthy matron two years; now treas.). Mem. W.C.T.U. 30 years.

MORGAN, Alice M. iliU (Mrs. James L. Mor- gan), 7 Plerrepont St., Brooklyn. N.Y. Bom Albany, N.Y. ; dau. John J. and Mary (McMurdy) Hill; ed. Mme. Duren's School, Brooklyn; Mme. Relchard's School, N.Y. City; m. June i, 1866. James L. Morgan ot Brooklyn; children: Lancaster, John Hill Morgan. Protest- ant Episcopalian. Mem. Woman's Work Ex- change, Female Employment Soc, Y.W.C.A., Health Protective Ass'n, Consumers' League, Mayflower Descendants, Colonial Dames of N.Y., Soc. of Colonial Goverjiors, 20th Century Club (Brooklyn), Mrs. Fields' Literary Club, Brooklyn Woman's Club, Civitas Club. Against woman truffrage.

MORGAN, Anna, Fine Arts Bld'g, Chicago, 111. Teacher of voice culture; b. Fleming, N.Y. ; dau. Allen D. and Mary Jane (Thornton) Mor- gan. Began career as putlic reauer in Chicago, later becoming a teacher, and In 1897 founded and Is present head of the Anna Morgan School of Expression, Fine Arts Bld'g, Chicago, 111. Author: The Art of Speech and Deportment; The Great Experiment; A Shakespearian Fantasy; Se- lected Readings. Presbyterian. Republican. Mem. 20th Century Club, The Little Room, An- tiquarians, Chicago Woman's Club.

MORGAN, Carrie E., 777 Harris St., Appleton,


Superintendent of schools; b. Plattsburgh, N.Y.; dau. John and Mary Jane (White) Morgan; ed. Appleton High School; Univ. of Wis. (Gamma Phi Beta). Teacher of languages in high school, Neenah, Wis. ; sup't of schools, Appleton, Wis. Sec. of Visiting Nurse Ass'n; business manager of the Crescent of Garama Phi Beta; chairman of standing com. of Univ. of Wis. Alumnae to Investigate Sorority conditions at university, and cooperate with dean of women. Mem. Political Equality League. Congregationalist. Mem. Wis. Teachers Ass'n, Univ. of Wis. Alumni Ass'n, Milwaukee Alumnae of Gamma Phi Beta; mem. Clio Club, Health Culture Club; sec. Public Li- brary Board.

MORGAN, Elizabeth Wetmore (Mrs. W. Rogers

Morgan), Newport, R.I.

Born Newport, R.I. ; dau. Thomas Robinson and Frances Wetmore (Hamlin) Hunter; ed. Newport, R.I.; m. Newport. R.I., Dec. 25, 1902, W. Rogers Morgan of N.Y. City. RecreaUons: Music, reciting, acting, dancing. Protestant. Against woman suffrage. MORGAN, Flora A. Hower (Mrs. Edmund Nash

Morgan), 6407 Euclid Av., Cleveland, Ohio.

Playwright; b. Cleveland, Ohio, 1855; dau. John G. and Eleanor (Smurr) Hower; ed. Brook- lyn Heights Sem. and Vassar Coll.; m. Cleve- land, 1875, Edmund Nash Morgan; one daughter- Eleanor (now Mrs. Robert Hartley Perdue). Playwright, novelist. Interested in the Trinity Cathedral, St. James' Church. Author: Though the Gods and the Years Relent (novel); short stories, also play: Terence (played two seasons by Chauncey Oleott), and vaudeville sketches. Recreations: Theatre, bridge. Episcopalian. Against woman suffrage.

MORGAN, Frances Riddle Williams (Mrs. Ran- dal Morgan), Wyndmoor, Chestnut Hill, Phila- delphia, Pa.

Born Philadelphia, Feb. 17, 1884; dau. Charles and Hannah N. (Biddle) Williams; ed. Miss Hill's School, Chateau de Dieudonne, Bomel, Oise, France; ro. April 30, 1910, Randal Mor- gan. Mem. Acorn Club. Episcopalian. Against woman suffrage.

MORGAN, Laura Dana (Mrs. Raymond B. Mor- gan), 41 B St., N.W., Washington, D.C. Born Framington, Mass., Nov. 23, 1874; dau. George Dana and Ellen (Dench) Puffer; ed. Smith, A.B. '95; Radcllffe, A.M. '99; m. 1908, Raymond B. Morgan. Instructor and adjunct prof, of mathematics at Univ. of Neb., 1903-07. Mem. of Educational Com. of Washington Branch of Ass'n of Coll. Alumnae; chairman of Vocational Opportunity Com. of same society. Favora woman suffrage. Mem. Alumnae Ass'n of Smitb


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