MOORE, Jnlia Katherlne de Clercq (Mrs. Bir- an's Page and Children's Paper for Rochester ney Moore), 418 Hamilton St., Evanston, III. Post-Express. Author: Old China Book; Old Fur- Born Cazenovia, N.Y. ; dau. Gysbert and Marion niture Book; Pewter, Copper, Brass; Collectors' (Savage) de Clercq; grad. Vassar Coll., B.A. '69; Manual; Flower Fables and Fancies; Old Lace m. Chicago, 111., June, 1873, Birney Moore; one Book; r>eeds of Daring: Old Clock Book; con- son: Charles K. Moore. Interested in girls' trlbutor to magazines on art topics and esi>e- charitable club in connection with D.A.R. work daily on antiques.
in Evanston, 111. Congresationalist. Mem. Vas- mooRE, Rebecca Deming, Warren Goddard
sar Alumna Ass n Ass n Coll. Alumnae, Fort House, 248 E. Thirty-fourth St., N.Y. City.
Dearborn Chapter D.A.R. Magazine writer; b. St. Stephen, N.B., July
MOOKE, Margaret King, 151 S. Second East 31, 1877; dau. Harry H. and Jessie (Deming)
St., Salt Lake City, Utah. Moore; ed. St. Stephen public schools, Calais
College Instructor; b. in Illinois; grad. Smith (Me.) High School; grad. '95; Wellesley Coll.,
Coll., B.L. '01. Instructor in German, Black- B.A. '99; Brookline Training Class for College
burn Coll., Carlinville, 111., 1902-05; Germaji and Graduates, 1900. Taught in Guilford (Me.) High
English literature, Westminister Coll., Salt Lake School, 1901-4; Saugus (Mass.) High School,
City, Utah, 1905-07; preceptress and associate 1904-9; Mechanics Arts High School, and Girls'
prof, modern languages, Macalester Coll., St. Latin School, Boston, Mass., 1909-12. Interested
Paul, Minn., 1907-08; since 1908 preceptress Salt in settlement work in N.Y. City. Contributes
Lake City Collegiate Institute. juvenile stories and verse to Youth's Companion,
MOORE, Mary Carr (Mrs. J. C. Moore), 1808 St. Nicholas and other magazines Recreations:
E. Denny Way, Seattle, Wash. Walking, skating. Episcopalian. Favors woman
Composer; b. Memphis, Tenn., Aug. 6, 1873; suffrage.
dau. Byron Oscar and Sarah (Pratt) Carr; ed. MOORES, Elizabeth Nichols (Mrs. Charles
Vineland Dist. School and Armstrong Acad., St. Washington Moores), 1918 North Penn St.,
Helena, Cal.; Miss Darling's Sem., Napa, Cal., Indianapolis, Ind.
and Miss Chase's Sem., Santa Rosa, Cal.; Born Philadelphia; ed. Friends Central School,
studied piano from seven to eighteen with sev- Philadelphia; Bryn Mawr Coll., A.B. '93; fellow
eral teachers, beginning with Emma Dewhurst, in biology, 1893-94; graduate student, 1894-95,
ass't to William Mason; voice from twelve to Bryn Mawr Coll.; m. Philadelphia, Oct. 5, 1896,
twenty with Walter B. Bartlett, H. B. Pasmore, Charles Washington Moores, lawyer and author
Mme. Louise Mariner Campbell; theory from of Indianapolis. Teacher of science In the Girls'
twelve to eighteen under great-uncle, John Hav- High School of Philadelphia. Sec. Indianapolis
aden Pratt (graduate of Leipsig Conservatory Branch of the Needlework Guild of America,
and pupil of Richter and Jadassohn; m. Le- MOORHEAD, Helen Armstrong Howell (Mrs.
moore. Kings Co., Cal., Feb. 15, 1898, Dr. J. C. John J. Moorhead), 301 W. 89th St., N.Y.
Moore; children: Byron Carr Moore, b. 1899; City.
Marian Hall Moore, b. 1904; John Wasley Moore, Born New Brunswick, N.J., Aug. 14, 1882; dau.
b 1907. Composed opera, and sang leading role John Russell and Evangeline (Kealey) Howell;
at nineteen; taught singing fourteen years, be- ed. Brearley School, N.Y. City; Bryn Mawr Coll.,
ginning at seventeen; composed grand opera, A.B. '04; XJniv. of Grenoble, France, m. N.Y.
Narcissa, orchestrated and conducted same (first City, Oct. 31, 1907, Dr. John J. Moorhead. Mem.
woman in America to do this). Composer: three Girls' Club of Fifth Av. F'resbyterian Church;
kindergarten songs — The Wild Flowers, The But- pres. Label Shop Corporation; mem. N.Y. City
terfly and The Boy and The Moon; Midsummer; Visiting Committee; mem. Ladies' Committee St.
When Thou Art Near Me; Lullaby; Narcissa, Andrew's Convalescent Home for Women; treas.
grand opera in four acts (book by Sarah Pratt N.Y. branch Bryn Mawr Alumnas Ass'n, Exec.
Carr) ; in all has composed over 100 separate Com. of Bryn Mawr Club. Favors woman suf-
songs, many choral numbers, instrumental trios frage. Presbyterian. Recreation: Out-door sports,
and many sacred works. Mem. Ladies' Musical MOOT, Carrie A. Van Ness (Mrs. Adelbert Moot),
Club, Chapter of Washington P.E.O. Recrea- 35s Elmwood Av., Buffalo, N.Y.
tions: Dancing, concerts, theatre, automobiling. 30^^ Cuba, N.Y., June 10, 1861; dau. Enos
Unitarian. Favors woman suffrage. Progressive warner and Sara Adelia (Moses) Van Ness; ed.
(1912). State Normal School, Geneseo, N.Y., '78; m. Cuba
MOORE, Mary Norman, Athens Coll., Athens, N.Y., July 22, 18S2, Adelbert Moot; children:
Ala. Richmond D., Welles V., Seward A. Pres.
(College president; b. Huntsville, Ala., Aug. Women's Educational and Industrial Union,
6, 1874; dau. William H. and Mary (Norman) Buffalo Free Kindergarten Ass'n; mem. Twen-
Moore; ed. privately by father and mother, also tieth Century Club, Country Club, Housewives'
at Huntsville Female Coll., Harvard Univ. Sum- League, Archaeological Soc, Physical Education
mer School. Elected pres. of Athens Coll., July Soc. Unitarian. Mem. Tedesco Country Club of
17, 1904. Has declined presidency of several Marblehead, Mass.
leading Southern colleges for women. Mem. mORCOMBE, Katherine Elizabeth (Mrs. Jo- Board of Missions, Woman's Missionary Council, seph E. Morcombe), Storm Lake, Iowa, pres. North Ala. Conference Woman's Missionary Newspaper writer; b. Dubuque, Iowa, April 26, Soc. of Methodist Episcopal Church, South, igyg; dau. Joseph and Anna (Wissman) Sohm; ed. Mem. John Wade Keyes Chapter D.A.R. Author jjigij school, Sutherland (Iowa) Coll., Buena of several educational pamphlets; minor contrlb- vista. Storm Lake, Iowa; m. Newell, Iowa, May utor to religious publications. Recreations: 24, 1908, Joseph E. Morcombe. Began newspaper Driving, walking. Favors woman suffrage. work in 1902, purchased plant in 1905; taught MOORE, Myra Drake (Mrs. Stuart Hull Moore), school two years. Favors woman suffrage. Ac- 43 McDonough St., Brooklyn, N.Y. tive in newspaper work for suffrage. Author of Born Portland, Me., June 27, 1856; dau. Levi book of ooems: Scattered Leaves. Mem. Chris- Fairbanks and Susanna (Fobes) Drake; ed. tian Church. Democrat. Mem. Order of Eastern Brooklyn, N.Y. ; m. Brooklyn, N.Y., April 26, Star and local organizations.
1879, Stuart Hull Moore; children: Arthur Stand- MORE, Louise Bolard (Mrs. Charles Husted ish, Elliot Drake, Dorothy, Douglas Stuart. As- More), 1241 Ogden St., Denver, Colo, sociate editor and editor-in-chief Ladies' World, Born Tidioute, Pa., April 2, 1876; dau. Dr. J. 1887-1906. Interested in church and philanthropic j^_ a^d Jennie (Brennesholtz) Bolard; ed Mead- work, hospital and free kindergarten societies, yille (Pa.) High School, Allegheny Coll., Welles- Congregationalist. Mem. Mayflower Soc; vice- jgy coll., B.A. '98 (mem. Kappa Kappa Gamma); regent L.I. Soc. D.R., Brooklyn Soc. of New q^: nqv. 23, 1904, Charles Husted More (lawyer); England Women (first pres.). Mem. Brooklyn children: James, b. 1907; Mary, b. 1909; George Ex-Presidents' Club. Roberts, b. 1910. Settlement worker in Boston MOORE, N. Hudson (Mrs. Samuel P. Moore), and N.Y. City. Fellow for Greenwich House 100 Berkeley St., Rochester, N.Y. (N.Y. City) Com. on Social Investigations, 1903-6. Journalist, autaor; b. N.Y. City; dau. Ward Since marriage mem. Board of Directors of Social W. and Louisa (Howland) Hudson; m. N.Y. City, Settlements; active worker in free kindergarten '^ec. 2, 1S90, Samuel P. Moore. Editor of Worn- associations, and first woman director of CJeneva