��Church. Mem. Nat. Art Soc. Recreations: Golf, tennis, rowing. Mem. Woman's Dining Club of Kansas City, Mo. (pres. 1911-12), made up exclusively of representative business and professional women.
MOOKE, Eleanor M. Hi«?tand (Mrs. William Moore), 6427 Sherwood Road, Philadelphia- Lecturer, journalist; b. Pittsburgh, Pa.; dau. Wylie and Annie (Blair) Gill; ed. Pennsylvania Coll.; Vassar Coll.; Bryn Mawr Coll.; Woman's Med. Coll., M.D. '90; m. (1st) Philadelphia, Dec. 1879, J. Howard HiesUnd; (2d) Woodbury, N.J., June, 1892. William Mowe. Ass't editor Med. Register, 1887 -8S; demonstrator of chemistry, Woman's Med. Coll. of Pa., 1S90-95; public lec- turer, 1906—. Press correspondent and magazine writer. I'^'avors woman sufirage. Mem. Kqual Franchise Soc. of Pa. Episcopalian. Recrea- tions: Travel, art.
MOORE, EUa M. (Mrs. Joseph E. Moore),
Thomaston, Me.
Writer; b. Warren. Me., July 22, 1849; dau. S. Emerson and Maria (Copeland) Smith; ed. public schools of Thomaston; m. Thomaston, June 11, 1872, Joseph E. Moore; one daughter: Christina E. Moore. Author of book of poems: Songs of Sun- shine and Shadow. Baptist. Mem. Woman's Christian Union, D.A.R., Daughters of Am. Revolution.
MOOKE, Emil.y Duii|;an (Mm. George W.
Moore), Woodbury, N.J.
Born Halifax, Pa., June 17, 1878; dau. Rev. Jonathan Dungan, B.D., and Margaret (Steacy) Dungan; grad. Lower Merlon High School, Ard- more. Pa., '96; Philadelphia Collegiate Inst, for Girls, '98; Bryn Mawr Coll., '02; student In voice in Sternberg School of Music; pupil of Frederick Peakes, Philadelphia, teaches of voice; m. East Mauch Chunk, Pa., 1903, Dr. George W. Moore, osteopathic physician. "Teacher of Ger- man in Sternberg School of Music, 1906; con- tralto soloist in Epiphany Baptist Church and Northminster Presbyterian Church; teacher of German and music in Grand Island Hig^ School, 1909-13. Teacher of music in Grand Island Con- servatory of Music, 1912-13. Favors woman suf- frage. Mem. Methodist Episcopal Church. Mem. St. Cecilia Soc. (musical) of Grand Island; sec. Delaware County (Pa.) Sabbath-School Ass'n, 1906-09.
MOORE, Emmeline, Churchvllle, N.T.
Teacher; b. Batavla, N.Y., Apr. 29, 1872; dau. John and Christina (Huaer) Moore; ed. Batavia (N.Y.) district and high schools; Qeneseo Normal School, '95; Cornell Univ., A.B. '06 (Sigma XI honors); Wellesley Coll., M.A. '06. Teaching ex- perience includes work in all grades from the primary to the high school, college and univer- sity. Substitute professor of botany and zoSIogy for year 1911 at Huguenot Coll., Wellington, South Africa. Extensive traveler in U.S., Canada, Alaska, Europe and Africa. Lecturer In nature study. Author of contributions in Bulle- tin of Torrey Botanical Club, Mar., 1909; Torreya, School Exchange, Journal of Geography, Sept., 1912; Nature Study Review. Author: Outlines of Nature Study (Trenton, N.J.), 1908. Presby- terian. Mem. A.A.A.S., Cornell Women's Club.
MOORE, Era Perry (Mrs. Philip North Moore),
3125 Lafayette Av., St. Louis, Mo.
Former president Gen. Fed. Womien's Clubs; b. Rockford, 111., July 24, 1852; dau. Seely and Elizabeth (Benedict) Perry; grad. Vassar Coll., A.B. '73; m. Nov. 6, 1879, Philip North Moore, mining engineer; children: Elizabeth, Perry North (Harvard '08). Long identified with the federated club movement; was pres. of the Wednesday Club of St. Louis, 1892-94; correspond- ing sec. and treas. of the Gen. Fed. of Women's Clubs, 1894-1900; vice-pres., 1904-08, and pres., 1908-12. Pres. Mo. Fed. of Women's Clubs. 1901- 05. Alumnae trustee Vassar Coll., 1902-08. In- terested in various philanthropies; pres. Visiting Nurses' Ass'n of St. Louis and director St. Louis Training School for Nurses; director St. Louis Provident Ass'n: mem. Nat. Child Labor Com. Nat. Convention on Prison Labor. Served as a member of the Superior Jury of the Louisiana
��Purchase Exposition at St. Louis, 1904. Congre- gationalist. Mem. Exec. Com. of the Civic League, Nat. Civic Federation (Woman's Welfare Dep't); vice-pres. Nat. Conservation Congress; mem. Ass'n Collegiate Alumnae (pres. 1903-07), St. Louis Symphony Ass'n. Mem. Wednesday Ciub, Contemporary Club.
MOORE, Henrietta Greer, The Highlands.
Springfield, O.
Minister, public speaker; b. Newark, 0.; dau. Oliver Perry and Luclnda Denton (Parsons) Moore; ed. Warren Ck)., O., principally under private tutors. Engaged in teaching and later in preaching; ordained in ministry of Universalist Church, 1891; long lecturer for the W.C.T.U. Trustee of Buchtel Coll. and mem. Board of Education of Springfield, O. ; elected on Prohibi- tion ticket over two men candidates on the Re- publican and Democratic tickets, une or exec, board of Woman's Nat. Universalist Missionary Ass'n; pres. Civic League of Springfield, having a membership of 50 women and men. Univer- salist. Has visited every State and Territory of the U.S. and nearly all the Canadian provinces in the Interests of temperance ard equal suf- frage. Pastor of Church of Good Shepherd fUnl- versalist), Springfield, Ohio, for past 13 years; also pastor Church of Divine Love (Universalist) at Dayton, O., organized by her in 1908; chapel was built and dedicated to house the congrega- tion and promote all departments of church work.
MOORE, Inez Macondray (Mrs. Percy Preston Moore), Atherton, Menlo Park, Cal. Bom San Francisco, Cal.; dau. Frederic William and Elena (Atherton) Macondray; ed. private schools and at home with governesses; m. Menlo Park (Atherton). Percy Preston Moore; one daughter: Frances Alejandra. Favors woman suffrage. Catholic. Republican. Mem. Civic Center League, Colonial Dames, Catholic Alumnae League. Recreation: Golf. Mem. Totvh and Country Club, Burlingame Club.
MOORE, Isabel (Mrs. Ernest E. Moore), Wood- stock, Ulster Co., N.Y.
Journalist, writer; b. Detroit, Mich., Dec. 26, 1872; dau. Walter Parmelee and Isabella fChapin) Kellogg (ninth in descent from Phillippe Kellogg, grandson of Nicholas Kellogg, of Braintree, England); ed. private schools; m. Denver, Colo., 1890, Ernest E. Moore, of London, England (died 1907). For twelve years engaged in various kinds of literary work, reading manuscript foi G. P. Putnam's Sons, book reviewing on Mail and Express (now the Evening Mail) and writing general magazine articles and verse. Editor: English speeches and articles of Baron Kaneko; Autobiography of Moncure D. Conway; Talks in a Library, by Lawrence Hutton; ilemoirs of Clara Lcmise Kellogg. Recreation: Out-door life Lived several years !n Portugal and especially interested in the literature, folklore, archeeology and people of that country.
MOORE, Joanna Patterson, 3654 Vernon Av.,
Chicago, 111.
Home missionary; b. Clarion Co., Pa., Sept. 26, 1832; ed. public schools of Clarion Co., Pa.; Bel- vldere. 111. ; Episcopal School In Pa. ; Rockford Sem., Rockford, III. School teacher, 15 years; home missionary, 1863-1912, among negroes; 14 years Independent missionary, and since 1877 sup- ported by Woman's American Baptist Home Mis- sion Soc. Author: Kind and True, or Courtship and Marriage; For Mother While She Rocks the Cradle; In Christ's Stead; Little Sunshine (fot children); Power and Work of the Holy Spirit, and many religious tracts and leaflets. Editor of paper called Hope, containing Bible lessons foi home reading (since 1910 honorary editor). Bap- tist. Mem. Christian and Missionary Alliance. Recreations: Attending religious conventions and meetings. Originated plan of Fireside School, beginning work in Island No. 10, Mississippi River, for contraband worapn and children. Went to Helena, Ark., and Lauderdale, Mi.^s. Helped In colored orphanages, and founded a home foi aged colored women In New Orleans, La., latei at Little Rock, Ark., and from there lo Nash- ville, Tenn., where her work is carried on b) others