��MOODT, Clara Amalia (Mrs. Frank E. Moody), 1408 Park Av., Minneapolis, Minn. Born Mt. Vernon, Wis., Aug. 23, 1879; dau. Hon. Herman B. Dahle (U.S. Congress) and A.nne M. (Kittelson) Dahle; ed. Mt. Horeb Acad., Wis. Acad, at Madison, Wis.; three vears at Univ. of Wis.; m. Mt. Horeb, Wis.. Mar. 29, 1904, Frank E. Moody (dentist); children: Har- old Jerome, Marie Louise, and stepson Richard Willard Moody, b. April 13, 1S9S. Charter mem. of Fairview Hospital Auxiliary, Concordia; char- ter mem. of Mindegave Soc, Federation of Wom- en's Clubs, W.C.T.U., Minnesota Soc. of Fine Arts, Swedish Hospital Ass'n, Thursday Musicale. Lutheran (Englis'h). Mem. Ladies' Aid of St. John's Lutheran Church.
MOODY, Elizabeth Eddy (Mrs. Carlton Montague
Moody), 124 S. Twelfth St., Philadelphia, Pa. Born Philadelphia, Sept. 4, 1856; dau. Richard Anthony and Sarah Patterson (Hail) Lewis; ed. Mary Ann Loagstreth School, Philadelphia; m. Philadelphia, Mar. 8, 1879, Carlton Montague Moody; children: Prof. Lewis Ferry Moody, b. Jan. 5^.1880; Elizabeth Haile (Mrs. DeWitt Weeks Barlow), b. Oct. 7, 1883; William Montague, b. Mar. 25, 1891. Mem. D.A.R. (vice-regent). Con- sumers' League, Civic Club, New Century Club (Philadelphia), Paragraph Club (Beverly, N.J.). Mem. New Church (Swedenborgian). Favors woman suffrage; mem. Philadelphia Soc. for Woman Suffrage.
MOODY, Helen Watterson (Mrs. Winfleld Scott Moody), 16 Gramercy Park, N.Y. City. Writer; b. Cleveland, O., May 17, 1860; dau. William R. and Sarah (Ruggies) Watterson; ed. Univ. of Wooster, 0., A.B. '83 (cum iav.de); A.M. '87 (Kappa Alpha Theta) ; m. Cleveland, Sept, 16, 1891, Winfield Scott Moody (editor). F.emov^ to N.Y., 1889, under an engagement to do edi- torial work for the Evening Sun; created the column known as The Woman Abo'it Town, "actil marriage. Editorial writer m Scribner's Maga- zine, The Century Magazine, Harper's, McClure's, etc.; first woman editor for McClure's syndicate. Books: The Unquiet Sex (essays); A Child's Let- ters to Her Husband. Reader for publishing houses. Recreations: Golf, boating, traveang, cooking. Clubs: Barnard, Cosmopolitan, 'Mac Dowell. Against woman suffrage. MOODY, Julia Eleanor, 22 Park Drive, Brook- line, Mass.
Teacher; b. Canton, N.Y., Jan. 22, 1869; dau. Harnel D. and Adelia R. (Hewett) Moody; grad. Mt. Holyoke Coll., B.S. '94, M.A. '09; Columbia Univ., Ph.D. '12. Instructor in zoology, Mt. Holyoke Coll., 1905-11; instructor in biology, Simmons Coll., 1912-14; instructor in zoology, Wellesley Coll., since 1913. Favors woman suf- frage. Author: Little Busybodies; A Holiday with the Birds; Story-told Science (in collabora- tion with Miss Jeannette Marks) ; Observations in the Life-History of Two Rare Ciliates, Spathi- dium Spathula and Actinobolus Radians (Journal of Morphology). Presbyterian. Mem. College Club, Boston.
MOODY, Mary Noel (Mrs. Thomas E. Moody),
Athens, Tean.
Born in Haywood Co., West Tenn., Nov. 8, 1864; dau. Judgf J. H. and Martha Ann (Mann) Estes; ed. Brownsville Female Coll., B.A. '80; Hollins Inst., Va., 1880-82; literary degree (con- sisting of diplomas in five dep'ts); m. Orysa, Haywood Co., Tenn, 1884, Thomas Edwin Moody; children: T. E. Jr., H. Shelton, P. M., Gladys, Gray. Represented the women of Athens on various public occasions. Sup't Baptist Sunday- school. Mem. of State Health Com. and an ass't in work among the mill people. Favors woman suffrage. V/rlter for newspapers, also missionary dialogues and articles. Sup't of Mission for Women in the Sweetwater Baptist Ass'n for 10 years; pres. Women's Missionary Union in Athens Baptist Church for many years. Pres. Athens Browning Circle 22 years.
MOORE, Agnes Lawrence Hall (Mrs. Elbridge J. Moore), 235 W. Seventy-flfth St., N.T. City. Born Minneapolis, Minn.: dau. Edward Liv- ingston and Urania (Lawrence) Hall; ed. in Sem. at Waterbury, Conn.; m. (1st) Brooklyn, 1875,
��John T. Walker; (2a) i8S0, E. J. Moore of Brooklyn; one daughter: Florence LeBaron Wal- ker (now Mrs. Ernest S. Emanuel of N.Y. City). Interested in women's work along all lines. Favors woman suffrage. Presbyterian. Demo- crat. Mem. Nat. Democratic League, Eclectic Club, Nat. Soc. New England Women, D.A.R., United Daughters of the Confederacy, Post Par- liament, Political Study Club, N.Y. City Fed. of Women's Clubs.
MOORE, Alice Medora Rogers (Mrs. Fred Por- ter Moore), 132 Winsor Av., Wuthering Helffhts, Watertown, Mass.
Author, special writer; b. Quincy, 111.; dau. Hon. William IMmothy and, Catharine Wilhel- mina (Murray) Rogers; ed. Miss Chapin's Sem., Quincy, 111.; public school, grad. 1877; four years special at Radcliffe Coll. ; two and one-half years at Boston Univ. Law School (mem. Radcliffe Union); m. Quincy, HI., Jan. 6, 1880, Dr. Fred Porter Moore (died 1SS9) ; children: Arthur Will- iam, b. Oct 30, 1S80; Katharine Elizabeth, b. Nov. 25, 1884; Oliver Timothy, b. Jan. 7, 1887 (all died in infancy) ; Dr. Fred Porter Moore Jr. (S.B., M.D., Harvard), b. April 28, 1882. Special writer for press; edited and contributed to woman's page of Cambridge (Mass.) Press, 1898; lecturer on Radiation Theory of Light and Color at Wuthering Heights, before Radcliffe Science Club, Radcliffe Coll., 1912; also in Boston Public Library I^eoture Hall. Pres. of Boston Rusktn Club two years; vice-pres. of Cantabrigia Club; pres. of Social Union Women's Club; six years sec. and treas. of Billings Family Reunion; mem. Board of Social Union of Cambridge, Mass. Au- thor: Tom Blivens in Wormdom, 1890; In the Fireflies' Glow, 1901; The Radiation Theory of Light and Color, 1911; Image and Color in the Eye; also newspaper and magazine articles on planting fruit and nut trees on public streets and parks; Shall the Curfew Toll Again? The Daily Newspaper; (story) The Johnstown Ex- press; Echoes of Old Colonial Farm House, etc. Mem. Mayflower Soc, Colonial Dames, Boston Browning Soc., Ass'n of Colonial Families, Billings Family Ass'n, New England Press Ass'n, A.A.A.S., D.A.R. (Boston Tea Party Chapter), Watertown Historical Ass'n, Portia Club, Rad- cliffe Union, Cantabrigia Club, Watertown Women's Club, Winsor Club. Recreations: Gardening, experimenting with hybrids (horti- cultural); has developed new nectarine, "Alice Rogers." Unitarian. Favors woman suffrage; mem. Cambridge (Mass.) Political Equality Ass'n (served as recording sec. four years).
MOORE, Anna Lewis. Framingham, Mass.
Normal school teacher; grad. Smith Coll., B.A. '95; student of history, Columbia Univ., 1899- 1900, M.A. 1900. Teacher of history in private school. Great Barrington, Mass., 1895-97; Fram- ingham High School, 1897-1904; State Norma) School since 1904. Mem. Am. Historical Ass'n, Smith College Alumnse Ass'n.
MOORE, Anne, 204% W. Thirteenth St., N.Y-
Investigator; b. Wilmington, N.C.; dau. Rogei and Eugenia (Beery) Moore; ed. St. Mary'! School, Raleigh, N.C. ; Vassar Coll.", A.B., A.M (Phi Beta Kappa); Babbott fellow, Univ. ol Chicago, Ph.D. Favors woman suffrage; as- sociated with the Twenty-Five Players of the 25tb Assembly Dist. Writer of articles, the result ol scientific research in biological bulletins, JournaJ of Physiology and other periodicals. Author- Physiology of Man and Other Animals (book); The Feeble-Minded in New York (special report).
MOORE, Ajmett€, 3044 Troost Av., The Lyndon,
Kansas City, Mo.
Business woman; b. Montreal, Can., Jan. 6, 1874; dau. Richard B. and Marietta (Sturgesj Moore; ed. Hannibal (Mo.) High School and Hannibal Business Coll. Was a teacher in Han- nibal public sehools, 1891-1901; now connected with business dep't of the Board of EMucatior of Kansas City. Interested in social settlement work and private charities. Favors woman suf- frage. Mem. of the Equal Suffrage Ass'n ol Kansas City, Mo. Mem. Christian (Disciples)