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��MONROE, Harriet Earhart (Mrs. A. Q. Mon- roe), 204 A St., S.E., Washington, D.C. Writer, lecturer; b. Indiana, Pa., 1S42; dau. Rev. D. and Mary W. (Fatten) Earhart; ed. by private tutors; m. Atchison, Kan., 1865, A. Q. Monroe; children: Mabel, Eugene E. Pres. Atchi.son (Kan.) Coil. Inat., 1870-85; lived in Pliiladelphia, 1S88-1901. Has lectured in every large auditorium from Boston to Omaha, and in all the Atlantic Southern States. Active worker in city Gospel mission work in own church, in associated charities. Writes a weekly letter to the Lutheran Observer (Philadelphia and Lan- caster, Pa.). Favc^rs woman suffrage. Author: The Art of Conversation; The Heorine of the Mining Camp; Washington — Its Sights and In- sights; Historical Lutheranism; Life of Gustavus Adolphus. Lutheran. Mem. Monday Evening Club, which is a clearing house for locaJ charities and social service work.

MONROE, Lilla Day (Mrs. Lee Monroe), 909

Harrison St., Topeka, Kan.

Lawyer, writer, lecturer; m. 1885, Lee Monroe (lawyer, afterward district judge of 23d Judicial Dlst. of Kansas); four children. Began teaching in schools in Ind. at age of 15; later studied In Terre Haute and then resumed teaching until her marriage; studied law, assisted her husband in his practice and was admitted to the bar of the Kansas Supreme Court in 1895. Mem. Kan. State Fed. of Women's Clubs; Kan. sec. of Gen. Fed. Women's Clubs; pres. Topeka City Fed. EJditor of several departments in various journals. Mem. Order of Eastern Star, Daughters of Re- bekah, W.C.T.U. Methodist. Favors woman suffrage; former pres. Kan. Equal Suffrage Ass'n; active as manager of campaign for Suffrage Amendment in Kansas, 1912.

MONTAGtE, Amy Angell CoUier (Mrs. Gilbert Holland Montagrue), 152 E. Thirty-seventh St., N.Y. City.

Boru Burlington, Vt. ; dau. Peter and Caroline (Angell) Collier; ed. private schools, Washing- ton, D.C; Art Students' League, N.Y.; Univ. of Mich. (mem. Collegiate Sorosis); m. N.Y. City, Oct. 3, 1907, Gilbert Holland Montague. Mem. (Tlonsumers' League of N.Y. City; director woman's dep't of Nat. Civic Federation. Prot- estant Episcopalian. Recreation: Riding. Mem. Women's Ck>smopolitan Club (N.Y. City). Espe- cially interested in music (piano) and art (painting).

MONTAGUE, Elizabeth Lyne Uoskins (Mrs.

Andrew Jackson Montague), 1111 Grove Av.,

Richmond, Va.

Born Carltons, King and Queen Co., Va., Feb. 24, 1868; dau. Dr. William and Janet Carter (Roy) Hoskins; ed. Hollins (Va.) Coll.; m. Carl- tons, Va., Dec. 11, 1889, Andrew Jackson Mon- tague (Governor of Va., 1902-06); children: Ma- tilda Gay, Janet Roy, Robert Latane. Pres. Home for Needy Confederate Women; pres. Lee Chapter United Daughters of the Confederacy. Mem. Colonial Dames of America in the State of Va., D.A.R., Ass'n for Preservation of Va. Antiquities. Baptist.

MONTAGUE, Margaret Prescott, White Sulphur

Springs, W.Va.

Writer; b. White Sulphur Springs, W.Va.; dau. Russell W. and Harriet Ann (Gary) Montague; ed. in schools in Washington and Richmond, Va., but chiefly at home. Author: The Poet, Miss Kate and I, 1906; The Sowing of Alderson Cree, 1907; In Calvert's Valley, 1909; Linda, 1912. In- terested In various philanthropic societies. Epis- copalian. Recreations: Gardening, athletics. Favors woman suffrage.

MONTGOMERY, Caroline VV. (Mrs. Frank Hugh Montgomery), 5549 Woodlawn Av., Chicago, 111. Born Troy, N.Y., June 17, 1865; dau. Robert H. Williamson, M.D., and Charlotte (Waterbury) Williamson; grad. Wellesley, B.A. '89, M.A. '94 (mem. Shakespeare Soc); m. Jan. 11, 1897, Frank Hugh Montgomery, M.D.; children: Hamilton, b. May 21, 1S98; Charlotte, b. Jan. 24, 1901; Mary Louise, b. Sept. 2, 1903. Mem. Univ. of Chicago Settlement, Hyde Park Centre (under Juvenile Protective League, Consumers' League). Has

��been pres. and sec. of College Settlements Ass'n. Editor of Bibliography of Social Settlements, 1900, 1905. ProtesUnt Episcopal. Mem. Chicago College Club, Chicago Woman's Club, Wellesley Club, Ass'n of Collegiate Alumnae.

MONTGOMERY, Charlotte Elizabetli WjmmI

(Mrs. John T. Montgomery), Charleston. 111.

Born Utlca, N.Y., July 14, 1867; dau. Philip Rupert and Celeste Berrian (Smith) Wood; ed. Rockford Coll; Chicago Univ., B.A. ; m. Rock- ford, 111., Oct. 2, 1901, Dr. John T. Montgomery; one daughter: Charlotte Wood. Taught in Fort Worth Univ., Tex.; Tilford Acad., Vmto, la, and in Sunday-school; mem. missionary societies. Against woman suffrage. Congregatlonalist. Clubs: Literary, Art, Mothers'. Has done some newspaper work and translations.

MONTGOMERY, Hortense Hoban (Mrs. Edwin K. Montgomery), 233 E. Franklin St., Shelby- vlUe, Ind.

Born Tipton, Ind. ; dau. Hopkins E. and Helen A. (Bu.xton) Hoban; ed. Shelbyvllle High School and Ind. State Normal; m. Shelbyvllle, Ind., 1903, Edwin K. Montgomery. Taught eleven years in the public schools of Shelbyvllle. Has been active in all the dep'ts of work in the First M.E. Church; leader for several mission study classes; taught in Sunday-school; leader in social dep't of Epworth League several years. Favors woman suffrage. Mem. Woman's Foreign Missionary Soc., Queen Elsther Soc. and Mrs. May W. Donnan's Class. Especially interested in art matters; now beginning a campaign for organization of an art ass'n in Shelbyvllle. Recreations: Books and theatre. Mem. The Coterie of Shelbyvllle; chairman Sixth Dist. Clubs; mem. Ind. Fed. of Women's Clubs.

MONTGOMERY, Mary Williams, 126 W. 104th

St., N.Y. City.

Orientalist; b. Marash, Turkey; dau. Giles F. and Emily (Redington) Montgomery; grad. Wel- lesley Coll., B.A. '96; Berlin, Ph.D. '01. On edi- torial staff Historians' History of the World. Contributor of articles and Orientalia to Jewish Encyclopedia. Mem. Vorderasiatlsche Gesell- schaft, Deutsche Orient Gesellschaft, Nat. Geog. Soc. Author: Briefe aus der Zeit Hammurabis (dissertation) : Told in a Garden of Araby (with lora Chandler). Mem. Woman's Univ. Club.


William Alfred Marsh), 729 Main St., Mt.

Pleasant. Pa.

Physician; ,b. Coleraine, Lancaster Co., Pa.; dau. John and Rebecca (Kerr) Montgomery; ed. public school; Union High School of Coleraine; Swarthmore Coll.; Woman's Med. Coll. of Phila- delphia, M.D. '95 (mem. Pi BeU Phi); m. Cole- raine, Nov. 17, 1900, Dr. William Alfred Marsh; children: Jean, b. Nov. 6, 1902; Rebecca, b. Nov. 10, 1904; Florence Louise, b. Oct. 19, 1910; Will- iam Edward, b. May 10, 1912. Interne in New England Hospital for Women and Children for 15 months after graduation; on staff of Mt. Pleasant Memorial Hospital since founding In 1904; lec- turer to nurses of same. Mem. Pa. State Med. Soc., Westmoreland Co. Med. Soc. Interested in church aid and missionary work. Presbyterian. Mem. Civic Club.

"MONTREUIL, Gaetane de" — see Gill, Georglne Belanger.

MOODY, Agrnes Claypole (Mrs. Robert Orton Moody), 2826 Garber St., Berkeley, Cal. Born Bristol, England; dau. Edward Waller and Jane (Trotter) Claypole; ed. at home; Buchtel Coll., Akron, O., Ph.B. '92; Cornell, M.S. '94; Univ. of Chicago, Ph.D. '96 (Delta Gamma); m. Pasadena, Cal., 1903, Dr. Robert Orton Moody. Taught zoology in Wellesley Coll., 1890-98; histology in Cornell, 1S98-1900; zoology, biology and geology In Throop Polytechnic Inst., 19OO-1S03; mem. Board of Education of Berkeley, Cal., 1913—. Mem. Civic League, A.A.A.S., Ass'n Collegiate Alumnae, Delta Gamma, Emereoo Mothers' Club, Town and Gown Club. Rec- reations: Sports, walking, camping, gardening. Favors woman suffrage. Progressive.


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