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��MONAGHAN, Anna Jackson (Mrs. James Mon-

aghan), 3309 Baring St., Philadelphia, Pa.

Born West Chester, Pa. ; dau. John and Massey (Lownes) Jackson; ed. Kennett publ;o schools; Swayne's Acad., Kennett Square; Swarthmore Coll., '78; Drexel Inst., Philadelphia; Somerville Soc. ; m. Kennett Square, Pa., June 7, 1882, James Monaghan; children: Florence, Gertrvi4e, Kannah Darlington, James. Favors woman suffrage. Birthright mem. Society of Friends. Recreation: Traveling. Mem. New Century Club, and Brown- ing Soc. of Philadelphia. At West Chester helped organize women's clubs, a day nursery and a university extension centre, and was on the Board of Managers of the Pabllc" Library; at Swarthmore helped organize the Woman's Club, and in Philadelphia has taken part in activities of the Century Club, women's rights societies and settlement organizations. MONELL, Frances Wallaeh (Mrs. S. H. Monell),

214 W. lOBth St., N.T. City.

Physician; b. N.Y. City, 1852; dau. Tristram and Elizabeth Hicks (Brown) Allen; ed. the Catherine Aiken School, Stamford, Conn.; N.Y. (3oJl. and Hospital for Women, N.Y. City, M.D., '89; m. (1st) 1871, John Oakey; (2) 1899, Dr. S. H. Monell; children: May V/oodworth, Lillian Allen and Frances Wallaeh (by first marriage). Was pioneer woman bicycle rider and brought the first drop-^rame bicycle into N.Y. State in 1889; excepting Washington, D.C., also pioneer woman bicycle rider from Maine to California. Favors woman suffrage. Has written for maga- zines and newspapers on various topics, notably on the benefits of bicycling for women of 20 or more. Writer for medical journals on medical subjects. Protestant Episcopal. Mem. Nat. Soc. Daughters of the Empire State (now a trustee), Daughters of the Union, Soc. for Political Study, Housewives' League, Associated Clubs of Do- mestic Science; was elected pres. of Woman's Press Club of N.Y. City in 1907.

MONTORT, Adele Harwood Bloss (Mrs. Freder- ick Delos Monfort), 354 Summit Av., St. Paul, Minn.

Born N.Y. City, Jan. 5, 1884; dau. Adelbert Clinton and Julia Clarissa (Shea) Bloss; ed. at home with governesses until 1896; the Misses Ely's School for Girls, N.Y. City, 1896-1900; grad. Mrs. Leslie Morgan's School for Girls, N.Y. City, '01; m. N.Y. City, April 18, 1906, Frederick Delos Monfort (then vice-pres. Second National Bank); one daughter: Claire Edgerton Monfort, b. Feb. 9, 1908. Ass't sec. of Board of Lady Managers of St. Paul Free Medical Dispensary. Favors woman suffrage; mem. Woman's Welfare League of St. Paul, Minn., and favors Pro- gressive Party of 1912. Protestant Episcopal. Genealogist; mem. St. Paul Chapter D.A.R. ; chairman Entertainment Com., 1907-09; historian, 1909-10; sec. 1910-13: St. Paul Colony of New England Women (first treas. in 1907 and now chairman Ways and Means Com.). Recreations: Golf, dancing, singing, fencing. Mem. Ely Club of Ely School, Town and Country Club of St. Paul and Minneapolis, White Bear (Minn.) Yacht Cluh, Minn. Fed. of Women's Clubs. MONGES, Josephine de Teiaseire, The Lincoln, Philadelphia, Pa.

Born Philadelphia, Pa., July 20, 1863; dau. Gordon and Louisa (de Telsselre) Monges; ed. Miss Sanford'B School, Philadelphia. Manager of EVo-jr of Blessing, a home for discharged fe- male prisoners. Mem. Swedisih Colonial Soc., Pa. Historical Soc, Transatlantic Soc, Pa. Acad. of Fine Arts, Nat. Geographic Soc, la Societe Francalse del Bienfaisance, Acorn Club, Civic Club; second vice-pres. of Prisoners' Chapter of King's Daughters, Philadelphia. Recreations: Travel, driving. Episcopalian. Against woman suffrage; mem. of Standing Com. of Ass'n Op- posed to Woman Suffrage.

MONKS, Sarah Preston, Normal School, Loa Angeles, Cal.

Biologist, teacher, writer; b. Cold-Spring-on- Hudson, N.Y.; ed. in school at Cold Spring, N.Y. ; Vassar Coll., A.B. '71, A.M. '76. Teacher at Santa Barbara, Cal., one year; Los Angeles Nor- mal School, 1884-1906. Writer of numerous mono-

��graphs and articles, results of her biological re- search, notably on Trapdoor Spiders, Diatoms, Regeneration of Phataria, etc.

MONNETT, Mary Zouck (Mrs. Wallace L. Mon-

nett), Bucyrus, O.

Born Baltimore Co., Md., Dec. 26, 1876; dau. Henry Jacob and Martha (Millender) Zouck; ed. Maryland Coll., LutherviUe, Md. ; Coll. of Music, Cincinnati, 0.; m. Reisterstown, Md., Apr. 6, 1897, Wallace L. Monnett (lawyer); children: MartJia Elizabeth, Margaret Louise, Charlotte, Wallace L., Jr. Pres. Bucyrus Suffrage Ass u, pres. Crawford Co. suffrage organization. Or- ganized a Mothers' Club, Mar., 19U (membership is composed of mothers in all walks of life), mu- sic, lectures pertaining to health and home and a social hour composes the program at each meeting. Lutheran. Mem. King's Daughters, Crocus Club (literary).

MONKAD, Anna Marie, Yale Univ. Library, New

Haven, Conn.

Library reviser; b. Karrera, New Zealand; dau. Johannes H. and Marie (Frederiksen) Monrad; ed. Winnetka (111.) High School, 1897-1900; Rock- ford (111.) Coll., B.S. "06 (mem. Chi Theta Psi). Ass't Newberry Library, Chicago, 1900-02; cata- loguer, Nov., 1906, at Yale Univ. Library, New Haven, Conn. ; reviser Yale Univ. Library, 1910. Arranged and classified Catalogue of An Exhibi- tion in Commemoration of the Tercentenary An- niversary of the King James Version of the Bible, 1911. Classified the Day Mission Library of Theological School of Yale Univ. Favora woman suffrage.

MONRAD, Margaret, care Miss Anna M. Mon- rad, Yale Univ. Library, New Haven, Conn. Sculptor; b. Karrera, New Zealand; dau. John H. and Marie (Feredericksen) Monrad; grad. Rockford (111.) Coll., B.A. '01; Chicago Univ., 1901-02 (scholarship); student Royal Acad, of Fine Arts, CJopenhagen, Denmark, 1909; studied in Italy a year; later traveled in Europe for another year, visiting the chief art galleries. Has done portrait work in America; made a relief for Rockford College. Exhibited in Copen- hagen, 1910-11; in Pa. Acad, of Fine Arts, 1912- 13; Architectural League, 1S12. Received stipend from Royal Acad, of Denmark in 1911. Inter- ested in socialism, social work and educational work. Author oif articles on American educa- tion and social settlement work in the Danish magazines and periodicals.

MONROE, Anna Hamill (Mrs. W. S. Monroe),

64 E. Elm St., Chicago, 111.

Born Chicago, April 19, 1869; dau. Charles M. Clark, M.D., and Julia (Hamill) Clark; ed. Dear- born Sem. and Loring Sem. ; m. Oct. 31, 1898, William Stanton Monroe; children: Ernest Hamill, Henry Stanton. Pres. Indiana House (home for working girls) ; sec. 111. Soc. for Men- tal Hygiene; director of the Chicago Woman's City Club; officer Joint Com. on Vocational Training for Girls. Mem. Woman's Trade Union l^eague. Juvenile Protective Ass'n, New Future Ass'n (home for unfortunate girls), Hungarian Woman's Home (associate mem.). Favors woman suffrage; mem. North Side Branch of 111. Woman Suffrage League, Chicago. Clubs: Friday, Scribblers'.

MONROE, Harriet, 1720 Railway Exchange

Bldg., Chicago, 111.

Poet, art editor; b. Chicago, Dec. 23, 1860; dau. Henry Stanton and Martha (Mitchell) Monroe; ed. Chicago schools and Visitation Acad, of Georgetown, D.C. Selected by Com. on Cere- monies of Columbian Exposition to write Colum- bian Ode, which was recited and sung at dedica- tion of World's Fair, Oct. 21, 1892. Art editor Chicago Tribune. Favors woman suffrage; mem. 111. Suffrage Ass'n. Author: Valeria and Other Poems, 1892; John Welborn Root, a Memoir, 1896; The Passing Show; P'ive Modern Plays in Verse, 1905; The Columbian Ode, 1S93. Organize-i. and is editor of Poetry, a monthly magazine of verse, subsidized by over one hundrf.d persons for the encouragement of the art. Clubs: The Fortnightly (Chicago), the Friday (Chicago), Lyceum (London).


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