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��Easterr Star; pres. Hesperian Reading Club; treas. Greenfield Fed. of Literary Clubs; director In4. State Fed. of Women's Clubs. Recreation: Motoring. Presbyterian. Favors woman suf- frage; chairman Sixth Ind. Congressional Dist. of Woman Suffrage organization. MITCHELL, Nfllle Louise, 722 Asylum Av.,

Hartford, Conn.

Graduate Smith Coll., B.L. '99. Teacher In private school, New Bedford, Mass., 1899-1900; tutor, St. Paul, Minn., 1900-01; teacher, College Acad., New London, N.H., 1901-02; clerk and statistician State Board of Education, Hartford, Conn., since 1902. Mem. Smith Coll. Alumnae Ass'n. MITCHELL, Rosalie Leonard (Mrs. J. Nicholas

Mitchell), 1505 Spruce St., Philadelphia, Pa.

Born Philadelphia; dau. Samuel and Ann (Bid- die) Leonard; ed. Germantown, Philadelphia; m. Oct. 16, 1895, Dr. J. Nicholas Mitchell. Bibleclass teacher in E>piscoi>al Church since age of 15. Educational sec. under bishops since 1906 in mis- sion study work. One of the originators of the Consumers' League of Eastern Pa., vlce-pres. since 1905. Officer in Travelers' Aid; mem. Board of New England Soc.; mem. New Century Club (active as officer and lecturer).

MITCHELL, Sara Patterson Snowden (Mrs.

John Stevenson Mitchell), The Colonial, 11th

and Spruce Sts., Philadelphia, Pa.

Artist, historian; b. Philadelphia; dau. James Ross and Susan Engle (Patterson) Snowden; ed. private schools In Philadelphia, Pa. ; Acad, of Fine Arts; studied art In Paris under Le Roy and Colin, and in America under William M. Chase and Joseph De Camp; m. John Stevenson Mitchell (now deceased). Pres. Plastic Club of Philadelphia, 1903-04; reelected 1908, and annually since. Historian of Pa. Chapter Daughters of Founders and Patriots of America; pres. Penn- sylvania State Soc. and regent of (Jen. Robert Patterson Chapter, U.S. Daughters of 1812. Fa- vors woman suffrage. Mem. Pa. Limited Suf- frage League. Has devoted much time to his- torical research in London and Paris. Presby- terian. Mem. Pa. Historical Soc, Colonial Dames of America, Pa. Soc. of New England Women, Philadelphia Chapter D.A.R., Guadelupe Soc, Dames of the Loyal Legion. Fellow Pa. Acad, of Fine Arts. Recreation: Traveling. Clubs: Arts and Letters, Plays and Players, Le. Coin d'Or. MITCHNER, Lillian M. (Mrs. Charles W.

Mitchner), 1535 W. Fifteenth St., Topeka,


State pres. Kansas W.C.T.U. ; b. Adell, la., April 10, 1862; dau. Joseph C. and Mary A. (Talboys) Early; ed. Lafayette, Ind.; m. La- fayette, Ind., Mar. 30, 1882, Charles W. Mitchner; one son: B. E. Mitchner, State Bank Examiner. Has charge of the W.C.T.U. dep't at four of the largest Chautauquas in the State and belongs to the International Lyceum Ass'n. Mem. Kansas Woman's Christian Temperance Union 15 years; served as district pres. seven years; State recording sec. one year; sec. four years and State pres. four years; sec. of the Kan. M.E. Confer- ence for the Home Missionary Soc Has written leaflets, a suffrage and legislative drill; editor- in-chief of Our Messenger, official organ of the Kansas W.C.T.U. Mem. (Jood Government Club of Topeka; mem. of the Legislative Com., also mem. of a com. which considers applicants for office. Methodist. Prohibitionist. Field lecturer for suffrage for a year; hon. vice-pres. Kan. Equal Suffrage Ass'n. Mem. Woman's Advisory Board of Topeka, appointed by the Mayor; also vice-ores. State Public Welfare League. MOCHEL, Maude McKinney (Mrs. L. S. Mochel),

1114 Sontlam Rd., Albany, Greg.

Bom Mishawaka, Ind., April 16, 1882; dau. John and Majgaret Elisabeth (Kerr) McKinney; ed. public and high schools, Bremen, Ind., three years and one term's work at Indiana Univ.; m. Woodburn, Ore., June 24, 1908, Rev. L. S. Mochel; children; John McKinney, Mathew Schode. In- terested in missionary society and mission study classes. Favors woman suffrage. Presbyterian. Mem. Eastern Star. Recreations: Books, tennis,

��walking. Mem. Modern Travelers (literary club); charter mem. and former pres. Woman's Club of Woodburn, Ore. MOITAT, Jessie Emerson (Mrs. Joseph

Alphens Moffat), 5 35 W. Twenty-ninth St.,

N.Y. City.

Writer; b. near Fredonla, N.Y., Aug. 22,- 1883: dau. Edward R. and Idanthea Antoinette (de Lacy) Emerson; ed. public schools and private tutors; m. Joseph Alpheus Moffat; one daughter: Jessica Idanthea. Congregationalist. Mem. Nat. Soc. Daughters of the Empire State, Nat. Soc. D.A.R., Professional Woman's League, Actors' Church Alliance. Author: A Friend at (3ourt; also a play: The Mirror of Miyama (produced at Herald Square Theatre, N.Y. City, 1907); maga- zine articles and short stories. Mem. Soc. of Daughters of Ohio; Woman's Press Club. MOFFETT, Edna Virginia, 1125 Grove Av.,

Richmond, Va.

(College professor; b. Richmond, Va. ; dau. Major John G. and Virginia E. (Austin) Moffett; ed. private schools of Richmond, Hollins Inst., Hollins, Va. ; Vassar Coll., A.B. '97; Cornell Univ., A.M. '01, Ph.D. '07 (Andrew D. White Fel- low, 1901-02, 1905-06). Teacher of history in the State Normal Coll., Farmviile, Va., 1897-1900; Wellesley CJoll. since 1902; associate prof, of his- tory since 1908. Mem. Am. Historical Ass'n, Va. Historical Soc, College Club, Boston. MOLINEUX, Marie Ada, 2 Regent Circle,

Brookllne, and 97 Newbury St., Boston, Mass.

Literature; b. Centerville, Cal. ; ed. Chauncy Hall School (Boston); Boston Univ.; Mass. Inst. of Technology; State Normal Art School; Lowell Inst. Drawing School; Sauveur School of Lan- guages; NeTv England Conservatory of Music, and private tutors; A.B. '79; A.M. '80; Ph.D. '82; Bos- ton Univ. (mem. Women Graduates' Club B.U., Technology Women's Ass'n). Has lectured before many clubs and societies on various topics. At one time engaged on bacterial work for the State Board of Health as one of Dr. W. T. Sedgwick's assistants; taught psychology in several private schools in Boston. Presented paper on Roman Archaeology before the World's Congress Auxil- iary in Philology, 1893, Chicago. Author: A Phrase-Book from the Poetic and Dramatic Works of Robert Browning; also a special writer for the press. Trustee of the Hyatt Field Les- son Memorial Ass'n (founded in memory of the late Alpheus Hyatt, and annually helping school children with their teachers to learn from Na- ture's laboratory). Director on board College Equal Suffrage League of Mass. (charter me^"., was treas. three years). Unitarian. Republica.i. Mem Boston branch American Folk-Lore Soc, Boston Browning Soc (cor. sec), 1897-1900. Rec- reation: Books. Club: New England Women's (life mem.). MOLLEK, Sarah Isabel Towle (Mrs. Irving

Clark Moller), Hotel Cambridge, Beacon St.,

Boston, Mass.

Artist; b. Massachusetts; ed. High School, Wakefield, Mass.; Cambridge (Mass.) School for Girls: Bryn Mawr Coll., 1897-1900; Radcliffe Coll., 1900-01; Museum of Fine Arts, Boston, 1901-04; student of painting In Paris, 1904-05; Art Stu- dents' League, N.Y. City, 1906-07; m. 1905, Irving Clark Moller. Painter of portraits from 1908. MOLLOY, Mary Alo.vsla, College of Saint

Teresa, Winona, Minn.

College dean; b. Sandusky, O. ; dau. Patrick J. and Mary (Lambe) Molloy; ed. Ohio State Univ. Ph.B. '03; A.M. '05; Cornell Unlr., Ph.D. '07 (Phi Beta Kappa). Ass't principal, Winona (Minn.) Sem., 1907-11. Dean of the Coll. of Saint Teresa since 1911; teaching fellow in English Ohio State Univ., 1903-05; grad. fellow in English and philology, Cornell Univ., 1905-07. Interested in the Celtic movement and Gaelic revival. Au- thor: The Celtic Rite in Britain; Studies in Lan- guage and Literature (Hart Memorial Volume, 1910); collaborator in Wordsworth Concordance, London, 1911; also writer of reviews, pedagogical articles and articles on the Celtic Revival. Ro- man Catholic. Mem. Concordance Soc, Phi Beta Kappa Soc, Ass'n of Coll. Alumnae, Authors' League of America, Nat Geographic Soc. Rec- reations: Music, gardening, housekeeping.


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