��legiate lust-, Brooklyn; Drexel Inst., Phiia- delpMa; Univ. of Pa. Instructor in bacteriologr and dwnestic science in Drexel Inst., Phila- del];Ala, 1900-09; instructor In Bruce School of Household Science, N.Y. City, from 1910. Mem. Philadelphia Choral Soe. for 10 years; mem. Grange, Dewlttville, N.Y., since 1909.
MrrCHEXI,, Hattie Moore (Mrs. James F. Mitchell), home address, R.F.D. 5, Des Moines, Iowa; office address, Drake Univ., Des Moines, Iowa.
Professor of methodology; b. Marble Rock, la., Aug. 15, 1866; dau. Allan and Margaret (Boldan) Moore; ed. Drake Univ., Des Moines, la., normal couree, Pd.B. '98; Liberal Arts, Ph.B. '06, A.M. "07; m. Marble Rock, la., July 6, 1S96, James F. Mitchell; one daughter: Margaret Olive. Teacher of rnathematics in high school, Mason City, la., 1S8S-90; principal of schools, Floyd, la., 1893-95; preceptress In Nora Springs Sem., 1895-97; su- pervisor of Training School for Primary Teachers, Drake Univ., 1897-1902; dean of women, 1902; Instructor in mathematics, 1902-09; ass't professor of mathematics, 1909-10; professor of nethodology, 1910- . Hag extensive work in farmers' institutes, Chautauqua and teachers' Institutes; has Phllathea Class in University Place Church of Christ of 200 young ladles. Favors woman suffrage.
MITCHELL,, Julia M. (Mrs. Louis H. Mitchell),
1413 Marengo Av., Pasadena, Cal. Born UUca, N.Y., Nov. 9, 1859; dau. Dr. D. C. ind Dorothy (Roberts) Davles; grad. Columbus (Wis.) High School, '78, and from Chautauqua course; has diploma from Dr. William R. Harper of Chicago for successfully passing the examina- tion on the Bible offered toy the Am. Inst, of Sacred Literature; m. Columbus, Wis., May 14, 1879, Rev. Louis H. Mitchell, D.D. Not or- dained, but has filled pulpits in this country and England. Interested in temperance, mis- sionary and hospital work and Y.W.C.A. After bitter opposition to woman suffrage was con- verted and became anxious to see the State de- cide for suffrage. Author of many articles on temperance, religion and philanthropy and sev- eral poems. Presbyterian. Prohibition or inde- pendent voter. Pres. Southern Cal. Indian Ass'n; was pros. Chicago Presfbyterial Soc. of Foreign Missions for seven years; pres. W.C.T.U. of Rochester, Minn., for four years. Recreations: Music, literature, fancy work. First pres. Mitchell Club, Blue Earth, Minn.; first pres. Washington Heights Clu^bs, Pasadena, Cal. Has been specially Interested In pushing medical in- spection In public schools and teaching of sex hygiene to ttie young In schools and colleges; especially anxioue to have a "National Dep't of Health. MITCHELL, Lucy Spragiie (Mrs. Wesley Clair
Mitchell), 37 W. Tenth St., N.Y. City.
Bom Chicago, 111., July 2, 1878; dau. Otto S. A. and Lucia (Atwood) Sprague; ed. Marlborough School, Los Angeles; Radcliffe Coll., A-B. 1900; m. San Francisco, Cal., May, 1912, Prof. Wesley Clair Mitchell. Dean of women, Univ. of Cal, Berkeley, 1904-12; Instructor in Engllsih, 1904-05; assistant prof, of English, 1905-12. Interested in public sc£ool education and labor legislation. Mem. Nat. Educational Ass'n, Ass'n of Collegiate Alumnae, Public Education Ass'n of N.Y. City, Nat Consumers' League, Nat. Child Labor Com. Recreation: Mountaineering. Favors woman suf- frage. MITCHELL, Mabel Stebblns (Mrs. James Brady
Mitchell), care Capt. J. B. Mitchell, War
Dep't, Washington, D.C.
Bom etaten Island, N.Y., Feb. 8, 1876; dau. Charles H. and Minnie (Vail) Stebblns; grad. Cornell Univ., B.S., in architecture, '95 (mem. Kappa Kappa Gamma); m. North Hatley, Can., Oct. 1, 1904, James Brady Mitchell, U.S. Army. Favors woman suffrage. MITCHELL, Slargraret Johnes, 430 W. 118th St.,
N.Y. City.
Teacher and author; b. Chicago, 111.; dau. Arthur and Harriet E. (Poet) Mitchell; ed. pri- vate schools and Drexel Inst., Philadelphia. Instructor Oxford Coll., Ohio, 1895-98; dieUtian
��Manhattan State Hospital, 1900-02; director do- mestic science public schools, Bradford, Pa., 1902-06; instructor Drexel Inst, 1907; principal Bruce School of Household Science, N.Y. City, 1900. Author: Cereal Foods and Their Prepara- tion; The Fireless C3ook Book; also magazine articles. Mem. Am. Home Economics Ass'n, Country Club (Bradford, Pa.). MITCHELL, Marion Sheffield, St John's College,
Shanghai, China.
Teaching; b. Newburgh, N.Y. ; dau. John J. and Philena B. (Rose) Mitchell; grad. Wellesley, B.A. '94; studied music in Boston, N.Y. City and Paris (mem. Phi Sigma). Joined mission ol Am. Church Mission in Shanghai, 1903, and has worked since then in teaching Chinese girls of St. Mary's Hall music. Episcopalian. Recrea- tion: Golf. Mem. Shanghai Am. Woman's Club. MITCHELL, Mary Annie Clark (Mrs. Bmlyn
Valentine Mitchell), 14 Charter Oak Place,
Hartford, Conn.
Born Northampton, Mass. ; grad. Smith Ck)ll., B.A. '83; m. Oct. 25, 1883, Emlyn Valentine Mitchell of Hartford, Conn.; children: Jean, b. April 28, 1S86; Ruth, b. Sept. 13, 1888; Edwin Valentine, b. April 24, 1890; Blanche, b. Nov. 6, 1891. Trustee of the new Connecticut Coll. for Women, now in course of organization. Pres. Hartford City Missionary Soc. ; director School of Religious Pedagogy; director Spruce St. Set- tlement; director Consumers' League, 1906-08; pres. Smith College Club, 1897-99; pres. College Club of Hartford, 1905-08. MITCHELL, Mary Greening (Mrs. Harry B.
Mitchell), 318 Fifth Av., Great Falls, Mont.
Born Greeningehame, Wis., 1867; dau. William and Catherine (Cameron) Greening; ed. White- water (Wis.) State Normal Coll.; m. Greeninge- hame, 1896, Harry B. Mitchell; children: Cath- erine Mary, Fergus Greening, Hugh B. Was teacher in Milwaukee public schools under San- ford A. Hooper as principal. Called first meet- ing which resulted in the organization of the Travel Club of Great Falls, Mont. ; also called the meetings which led to the organization of the Great Falls Civic Club and the Great Falls Woman's Club; was first pres. of Montana Fed. of Women's Clubs after the clubs united in 1903 (now chairman of Forestry (3om.). Unitarian. Favors woman suffrage.
MITCHELL, Mary Paulsell (Mrs. H. W. Mitch- ell), State Hospital, Warren, Pa.
Physician; b. San Joaquin Co., Cal., Jan. 27, 1870; dau. Arminius Calvin and Almira (Garden- shire) Paulsell; ed. Mills Coll., Cal., A.B. '90; Women's Med. Coll. of N.Y. Infirmary, M.D. '95; m. Danvers, Mass., Aug. 16, 1902, H. W. Mitchell, M.D. Interne in New England Hospital for Women and Children, Boston, 1895-96; resident physician Woman's Charity Club Hospital, Bos- ton, 1896-98; ass't physician Danvers (Mass.) In- sane Hospital, 1898-1907; ass't physician Eastern Maine Insane Hospital, Bangor, 1907-10. Favora woman suffrage. Mem. Maine Suffrage Ass'n. Unitarian. Mem. Mass. Med. Soc, and Pa. Med. Soe MITCHELL, Mary Warren Otey (Mrs. William
M. Mitchell), 33 Columbia Av., AUanta, Ga.
Born Lynchburg, Va. ; dau. Hon. Peter J. Otey (mem. Congress from Sixth Va. Dist.) and Mallie (Floyd) Otey (granddaughter of John Floyd, Governor of Va. and great-niece of John B. Floyd, also Governor of Va. and Secretary oi War under President Buchanan) ; ed. Convent of Visitation, Frederick, Md.; m; Lynchburg, Va., 1887, William M. Mitchell; one son: Otey Burn- ham Mitchell. Favors woman suffrage. (Catho- lic. Mem. Colonial Dames, Daughters of the Revolution, Daughters of the Confederacy. Or- ganized the Thomas Jefferson Chapter D.A.R. in Atlanta and its first regent.
MITCHELL, Minnie Belle (Mrs. John Fowler Mitchell), 422 W. Main St, Greenfield, Ind.
Born Victoria, Tex., July 24, 1860; dau. Andrew J. and Arabella Jane (Hart) Alexander; ed. Edinburg, Indianapolis; m. Dec. 23, 1879, John Fowler Mitchell; one son: John Fowler Mitchell Jr., b. 1SS3. Author of children's stories pub- lished in Eastern and Western magazines. Mem.