��MIL,I.8, Flcreace Gertrude (Mrs. Alfred J. Mills),
Kalamazoo, Mich.
Born Rutland, Mich., Nov. 28, 1S51; dau. Luther C. and Sarah (Pointer) Balch; grad. Kalamazoo High £k;hool: taught four years; m. June 30, 1874, Alfred J. Mills; children: Gertrude, Mabel, James, Helen. Ex-pres. Mich. State Fed. of Women's Clubs; mem. Ijadies' Library Ass'n (ex-pres.), Kalamasoc Civic League (ex-pres.), Kalamazo-o Co. Fed. (ex-pres.); director of Art Ass'n of Kalamazoo: sec. State Fed. ui Art; mem. of St^hool Board Kalamazoo public schools; chairman of Associated Charities Dep't of Cii'ic League. Favors woman suSrage ; director and speaker of Kalamazoo Equal Suffrage Ass'n. Unitarian. MILLS, Harriet May, 928 W. Gene.ses St.,
Syracuse, N.T. (office, ISO Madison Av., N.T.
Lecturer, reformer; b. Syracuse, N.Y., Aug. 9, 1857; dau. Rev. Charles de Birard Mills and Har- riet A. (Smith) Mills; ed. Syracuse schools; Cornell Univ., B.L. Has served as ofScer in the N.Y. State V/oman Suffrage Ass'n since 1882; pres. since Oct., 1910. Wem. Sec. tor Pre-, ention of Cruelty to Children, George Junior Republic, College IJeague for Equal Suffrage. TTnitarian. Mem. Woman's University Club (N.Y. City), Fortnightly Club, Syracuse; Syracuse Political Equality Club, Ass'n Collegiate Alumnffi; Cor- nell Women's Clut. Has spoken in many States in behalf of votes for women. Lecturer on suffrage questions, also on Robert Browning's Poetry and Philosophy, and on Oriental travel. Recreations: Walking, music, theatre. MILLS, Mary Kj-seU (Mrs. Benjair.ir. Fay
Mills), 47 Chestnut St., Battle Creek, Mich.
Author and minister; b. Minneapolis, Winn., June 24, 1859; dau. Henry and Mary Lucy (Mills) Hill; m. Minneapolis, 187S, Benjamin Fay Mills; six children. Ordained in ministry of the Fel- lowship and was minister of the Los Angeles Fellowship, 1905-08. Author: The Art of Living; The Fellov.'ship Religion. Y'/sls associate editor of The Fellowship Magazine, L-cs Angsles; since 1911 associated with The Chicago Fellowship. MILMOE; Margaret Jriooney (Mrs. Patrick Fran- cis Milmoe), Seneca. Av., Canastota, N.T.
Bom Ithaca, N.Y., June 3, 1865; dau. Michael and Mary (Silke) Mocney; ed. Ithaca H'gh School; Cornell Univ., B.S. '85; m. Ithaca, Aug. B, 1891, Patrick Francis Milmoe; chUaren: Wheeler, b. April 18, 18S8; I-Iargaret Dorother,, b. June 6, 1899; James, b. July 16, 190C; P.obert Sandford, b. Dec. 5, 1901 ; E.&iward, b. Sept. 11, 1903; Mary, b. Deo. 25, 1905; Cornelius, b. :.:ar. 2, 1907; John, b. April 11, 1909. Preceptress high school, 1886-38. Roman Catholic. Mem. Colle- giate Alumnae Ass'n, Central N.Y. Ck>rneli Alv.m- ns Club, Fortnightly Club, Central N.Y. branch of Collegiate AiumniB. MILi^E, Alira Eliza Tuttle (Mrs. Mark H.
Milne), Delavan, Wis.
Born Hornell, N.Y. ; ed. in schools of Hornell, \.Y., and Vassar Coll., A.B. '96; m. Feb. 16,
1905, Rev. Mark H. Milne; one son. Teacher in Hornell High School, 1898-1902; Training School of Mich. State Normal Coll., 1902-04. Episco- palian.
ADNAKD, ilorence, 300 Angell St., Providence,
Painter; b. Houlton, Me.', Dec. 3, 1886; dau. Burton and Emma (Milhury) Minard; grad. high school; studied art at R.I. School of Design, Providence, R.I.; Colorossi and Grande Chau- miere Academies, Paris. Favors woman suffrage. MINER, Caroline Ida Doaise (Mrs. Robert F.
Miner), Wallingford, Conn.
Born Hawley, Mass., May 26, 1867; dau. James William and Angelinc B. (Butler) Doane; ed. Smith Coll., Northampton, Mass., A.B.; Brown Univ., A.M.; m. North Haven. Conn., Oct. 18,
1906. Rooerc F. Miner; one son: Robert Tyler Miner, b. 1908. Teacher in high schools in Mass. and Conn., l£8£-i906. Teacher Sunday-school
- iaES of young laaies; head of a King's Daughters
Circle of IS young ladies in Yalesville (Conn.) Baptist Church; pres. of Home and School Ass'n of Yalesville, Conn ; mem. Tf Oman's Club, Wal- lingford, Conn. Congregationalist.
��MINEK, Maude E., 19 W. Ninth St., N.T. City. Secretary N.Y. Probation Ass'n; dau. James R. and Mary E. (Newcomb) Miner; ed. high school, Greenfield, Mass.; Smith Coll., B.A. '01; Colum- bia Univ., N.Y. City, M.A. '06. Probation officer magistrates' courts, N.Y. City, 1906-09; much ol rime probation officer in Night Court; sec. N.Y. Probation Ass'n, 1908-12. Was instructor in mathematics, Woman's Coll., Frederick, Md., 1901-04; prof, history in same, 1904-05; in service of U.S. Geological Survey, Portland, Ore., sum- mer of 19€5. Favors woman suffrage; mem. Will- iam Lloyd Garrison Equal Rights Ass'n, Colle- giate Equal Suffrage League. Author tpamph- letsj : Proibatlon Work in ihe Magistrates' Courts of New York City; Problem of Wayward Girls and Delinquent v/omen; Two Weeks in the Night Court, also articles in The Survey. Congrega- tionalist. ivlem. Am. Acad of i-olitical and Social Science, Nat. Conference of Charities and Cor- rection, Ass'n of Collegiate Alumnas, Women's Trade UnioB_ League, Acad, of Political Science, (Consumers' l^eague of N.Y. vmem. of Board of Directors), Nat. Geographic S-oc., The Mazamas (mountain climbing ass'n; in West, mountain with jiving glacier on it: climbed Mt. Hood, Oregon). Mem. Women's tini/ersity Club. N.Y. City; Smith Coll. Club of N.Y. City. Founded Waverley House, 3? Y/. Tenth St., as tesc.porary home for girls from courts, now under the N.Y. Proba- tion Ass'n. Lectures on probation and protec- tive work, commercialized vice and the white slave traffic.
MISITEB, Edith May Do-sve (Mrs. John F. F.
Miniter), 17 Akron St., Roxbury, Mass.
Editor, writer; b. North Wilbraham, Mass., May 19, 1859; dau. V/illiam Hilton and lennie E. (Tupper) Dowe; ed. at heme under private tutors and grad. Mrs. Woodford's School, Worcester, Mass.; m. Worcester, Sept. 19, 1887, Johu F. P\ Miniter. Contributes to Century, Yout'n's Com- panion, Success, New England Reader, McCall's, Sunday Illustrated, National and various syndi- cates — fiction and poetry; poems in Century, 1911; contribution to Boston Globe in 18S9, Plow to Dress on |40 a Year; started Everybody's Col- umn Department, running ever since; twelve years editor Boston Home Journal and Home and Abroad, now on Banker and Tradesman, and Bankers' Magazine. Ex-pres. Nat. Amateur Press Ass'n; ex-pres. Interstate Amateur Press Ass'n. Mem. Hub Amateur Journalists' Club of Boston; ex-pres. and now sec. Recreations: V/alking, camping. Favors woman suffrage.
MINOK, Anae Rogers (Mrs. George Maynard
Minor), Y/aterford, Conn.
Artist; b. East Lyme, Conn.; dau. James Chap- man and Nancy (Beckwith) Rogers; ed. public and private schools and tutor; m. Waterford, Conn., 1907, George Maynard Minor; one son: George Rogers Minor (now deceased). Has pic- tures in many notable collections. Mem. Board of Directors Memorial Hospital, New London; mem. Nat. Conservation Com. of D.A.R. ; com- piler of Book of Rememlarance of Conn. D.A.R. (mem. Patriots' Educational Com. and chairman Finance Com.); Conn, candidate for vice-pres.- general of Nat. Soc. D.A.R. Mem. Municipal Art Soc, New London, Conn;. Nat. Geog. Soc, Daughters cf Patriots and Founders, Hempstead Soc, New London County Historical Soc, Walk- ing Club. Recreations: Golf, sailing, hunting, fishing. Unitarian. Favors woman suffrage.
SflNOT, Facny EEi^abeth Ficksrjng (Mrs. James MInot), 23 S. State St., Concord, N.H. , Born in Barnstead, N.H. ; dau. Hazen and Martha Ann (Drew) Pickering; ed. Concord, N.H. ; Wneaton Sem., Norton. Mass., grad. (vale- dictorian) '67; m. Concord, N.H., May 13, 1874, James Minot (died Nov. 15, 1911). Congregation- alist. Regent Rumford Chapter D.A.R., 1905-08; Nat. pres. Woman's Relief Corps, 1905; pres. N.H. Female Cent Institution and Home Missionary Union, 1901-C>S; pres. Concord Female Charitable Soc, 1911-14. Mem. Shakespeare Club; pres. Woman's Club of Concord, 1904-05; chairman Education Com. N.H. Fed. Women's Clubs, 1909- 10 and 1912-13; mem. Board of Education ol Concord.