��MFLLER, Elizabeth C. North (Mrs. Phlllppus
William Miller), Belford, St. Davids, Pa.
Born Wilkes-Barre; dau. Thomas Clemson and Harriet (Belford) North; ed. Dobbs Ferry-on-the- Hudson; m. Wilkes-Barre, Pa., April 17, 1S95, Philippus William Miller; children: Philippus, b. Jan. 26, 1896; Elizabeth C, b. Oct., 1S9S; Mary H., b. Sept. 4, 1903. Sec. Women's Auxiliary of Jefferson Hospital; treas. united offering, St. Mary's Church, Wayne, Pa. JEpiscopalian. Mem. Colonial Dames of America, Chapter 2, Sedgeley, Philadelphia. WILLKK, Elizabeth Cravath (Mrs. Herbert
Adolphus Miller), Olivet College, Olivet, Mich.
Born Saratoga, Minn., Oct. 7, 1868; dau. Eras- tus Milo Cravath (pres. Fisk Univ.) and Ruth Anna (Jackson) Cravath; ed. Smith Coll., A.B. '90; Vanderbilt Univ., M.A. '01; m. Aug. 22, 1903, Herbert Adolphus Miller; children: Gustova Cra- vath, b. 1909; son, b. 1911. Teacher of French and history before marriage. Interested in church work and social life among the students of the college and child study. Congregationalist. Favors woman suffrage; local mem. of the county press com.
MILLER, Ellen Robertson (Mrs. Edgar E. Mil- ler), 6527 Hough Av., Cleveland, Ohio.
Writer; b. New London, Ohio, Nov. 30, 1859; flau. Peter and Martha (Coleman) Robertson; ed. public schools, Cleveland, Ohio; studied at Ohio State Univ, Cornell Univ., and at Nat. Acad, of Design, N.Y. City, where took Halgarten School prize for best portrait; m. Cleveland, Ohio, April >9, 1892, Edgar E. Miller. Interested in teaching
- hildren to see and understand Nature. Favors
(voman suffrage. Mem. Cleveland Suffrage Party. Author of articles on insects, published in maga- zines and newspapers; also Butterfly and Moth Book, 1912. Makes her own drawings of insects used to illustrate her Nature stories. Mem. Am. Entomological Soc, Cleveland Women's Press Club, Cornell Club of Cleveland. MILLER, Emily Huntington (Mrs. John Edwin
Miller), 239 Summit Av., St. Paul, Minn.
Author; b. Brooklyn, Conn., Oct. 22, 1833; dau. Dr. Thomas and Pauline (Clarke) Huntington; ed. Oberlin Coll., A.M. "57 (Phi Beta Kappa, Northwestern Univ.); D.Litc. (honorary) North- western Univ.; m. Brooklyn, Conn., 1860, John Edwin Miller; children: Harry Huntington, Fred- erick Clark, Emily Louisa, George Alfred. For- mer dean of women and ass't prof, of English literature in Northwestern Univ. Interested in Sunday-school, temperance work, home and for- eign missions, settlement work. Author: From Avalon (collection of poems) ; Songs from the Nest; Little Lad of Bethlehem Town (dramatic poem); contributor of both prose and poetry to the best literary papers and magazines for fifty years; editor Little Corporal. Against woman suffrage. MILLER, Emily Van Dora, 1221 N St., N.W.,
Washington, D.C.
Writer; b. Port Gibson, Miss.; sister of the late Major General Earl Van Dorn, C.S.A. ; ed. at Shelby ville, Ky., and Collegiate Acad, at Port Gibson, Miss. Writer of articles on educational subjects. Edited and published (under title "A Soldier's Honor") sketches of the life of Major General Van Dorn by his comrades. Mem. United Daughters of the (Confederacy. MILLER, Erie Henry (Mrs. F. C. Miller), 304
Seventh St., BalUnger, Tex.
Born Camden, Tenn., May 30, 1870; dau. T. A. ajid Mary (Duncan) Henry (lineal descendant of Patrick Henry); ed. Buffalo Gap (Tex.) CcU., A.B. '89; m. Abilene, Tex., Jan. 11, 1893, F. C. Miller; children: Betty Forest, Hattie, Juliet B. Interested in religious work, Sunday-school work and work for Carnegie Library. Mem. Shakes- peare Club, Bellinger, Tex. Presbyterian. MILLER, Etta Laura, 627 Franklin St.. Napa,
Teacher; b. Newport, N.H., of which place her maternal grandfather was one of first settlers; ed. in public schools of Newport until 1879, when removed with parents to Napa, Cal., continuing education there, and teaching over four years in public schools of Napa Co.; entered Smith Coll.,
��'83, grad. B.L. '92; taught In Napa, Cal., 1892-94; ass't in English literature. Smith Coll., 1894-97, M.A. in English literature and philosophy; stu- dent in Stanford Univ. (English philology), 1897- 99; head of Dep't of English, Univ. of Denver, 1899-1910; returned to Napa, 1910, to keep house for parents. Spent H months in Germany and Italy, 1904-05, including one semester in Univ. of Munich, studying languages and the Italian Re- naissance. Former mem. Ass'n Collegiate Alumnae. MILLER, Flo Jamison (Mrs. W. Scott Miller),
Wilmington, 111.
Superintendent State institution; b. Montlcello, 111., Nov. 8, 1859; dau. Col. W. H. and Martha J. (Tinder) Jamison; ed. public schools of Monti- cello; m. Farmer City, 111., Sept. 30, 1879, W. Scott Miller; children: Imogene, Zola. Mem. Am. Ass'n for Labor Legislation, Nat. Confer- ence of Charities and Corrections, Nat. Soc. of Sociology; vice-pres. League of Am. Pen Women; vice-pres. Nat. Patriotic Instructors; vice-pres. Bureau Am. Patriotism; vice-pres. Great Lakes Peace and Arbitration Soc; mem. General Fed. of Women's Clubs, Woman's Welfare League. Favors woman suffrage; mem. State Suffrage Soc, formerly State chairman 111. Women's Republican Com. EMitor of newspaper for pa- triotic societies, special writer. Mem. Wonian's Relief Corps, Nat. Council of Women of U.S., Maccabees of the World, D.A.R., Daughters of Veterans, Historical Soc, Nat. Geographic Soc. Sup't of State institution, the Soldiers' Widows' Home, for 12 years, an institution which she founded. MILLER, Harriet F. Huffman (Mrs. Clarence
C. Miller) 10 Lagrange St., Winchester, Mass.
Born Springfield, 0., Oct. 10, 1878; dau. William S. and Mary C. (Black) Huffman; ed. Miss Brown's School for Girls, N.Y. City; Smith Coll., B.L. 1900; m. June 7, 1905, Clarence C. Miller; one son : Robert Huffman. Favors woman suf- frage; mem. Winchester Equal Suffrage League, Coll. Equal Suffrage League. Unitarian. Recrea- tions: Swimming, golf, dancing, motoring. Mem. Coll. Club (Boston). MILLER, Harriet Mann (Mrs. Watts Todd
Miller), 5928 Hays Av., Los Angeles, Cal.
Author (pen-name "Olive Thorne Miller); b. Auburn, N.Y., June 25, 1831; dau. Seth Hunt (banker) and Mary (Holbrook) Mann; ed. private schools; m. Rock Island, 111., Aug. 15, 1854, Watts Todd Miller; children: Charles W., Mary Mann, Robert Erie. Lived in Chicago for 20 years after marriage, after that in Brooklyn, but for the past few years has lived in California. Has written many magazine articles and delivered many lectures on Birds and Bird Life. Au- thor: Bird Ways; In Nesting Time; Upon the Tree Tops; The Bird Lover In the West; With the Birds in Maine; The Bird Our Brother; The Woman's Club; Nimpo's Troubles; Little Folks in Featherwood Fur; Little People of Asia; Book of Birds; Kristy Series (three vols.), and others. Mem. Ornithologiats' Union, Audobon Soc. of Cal., Brooklyn Woman's Club, Meridian, N.Y. City; Sorosis, N.Y. City. Recreation: Reading. New Thought. MILLER, Helen Richards Guthrie (Mrs. Walter
McNab Miller), Columbia, Mo.
Born Zanesville, O., Sept. 2, 1862; dau. Stephen Hand and Mary Annette (Strong) Guthrie; ed. Putnam Sem., Zanesville, O. ; special work In universities of Missouri, Nevada, Leland Stan- ford and in Europe (Kappa Kappa Gamma): na. San Francisco, 1889, Walter McN'ab Miller, B.S.. M.D.; children: 'Guthrie McNab, b. 1889; Charles Edward, b. 1903. Teacher for several years. Mem. State Board of Charities and Correction; mem. Exec Board State Conference Charities; chairman of Public Health Dep't; chairman Anti- Tuberculosis Nurse Com., Columbia, Mo.; chair- man Mo. School Patrons' Dep't Nat. Education Ass'n; director Am. School of Household Eco- nomics, Chicago; mem. Am. Red Cross, Gov. Hadley's Tuberculosis Comm'n; editor of reports to the governor; chairman Pure Food Com.; chairman Endowment Fund for Mo. Gen. Fed. Women's Clubs; organized work in country for pure food and carried it on until after passing