The Auk. Mem. Housekeeper's Alliance, Smith Students' Aid Soc., Smith Alumnae Chapter C.S.A., Washington Branch Ass'n of Coll. Alumnae, Ass'n for the Prevention of Tuberculosis, Nat. Housing Association, Playground and Recreation Ass'n of America, Working Boys' Home and Children's Aid Ass'n, Nat. Child Labor Committee (associate member); mem. Executive Committee Audubon Soc. of District of Columbia, Biological Soc. of Washington, Am. Ornithologists' Union, Cooper Ornithological Club, Wilson Ornithological Club, Twentieth Century Club. Favors restricted suffrage for men and women.
BAILEY, Florence Kate, Claremont, N.H.
High school teacher; grad. Smith Coll., A.B. '88; student of English, Harvard Summer School, 1894; English history, Radcliffe Coll., 1899-1900. Teacher in Stevens' High School, Claremont, N.H., 1889-91, and 1892-94, 1896-99, and 1900-03, and in Somerville (Mass.) High School, 1894-95. Mem. Smith Coll. Alumnae Ass'n.
BAILEY, Hannah Johnston (Mrs. Moses Bailey), Winthrop Centre, Me.
Supt, World's and National W.C.T.U. Dep't of Peace and Arbitration; b. Cornwall-on-Hudson, N.Y., July 5, 1839; dau. David (minister Society of Friends) and Letitia Clark Johnston; ed. public and private schools; m. Winthrop Centre, Me., 1868, Moses Bailey (died 1889). Taught school, 1859-68; has been head of Dep't of Peace and Arbitration of W.C.T.U. Former pres. Maine Equal Suffrage Ass'n, six years, former treas. Nat Council of Women, three years, has been a Maine representative on Nat. B'd of Chanties and Correction. Favors woman suffrage.
BAILEY, Jessie Emerson (Mrs. Francis Duncan Bailey), 10 West Sixty-first St., N.Y. City.
Writer; b. Fredonia, N.Y., Aug. 22, 1886; dau. Edward Randolph and Idanthea deLacey Emerson (of Revolutionary ancestry); ed. at home and in public schools at Fredonia, N.Y.; m. (1st) Sept. 11, 1898, Joseph A. Moffat; (2d) June 8, 1911, Francis Duncan Bailey. Contributor of short stories in various magazines. Author of a novel, A Friend at Court, and of a play, The Mirror of Miyama, staged and produced at the Herald Square Theatre (N.Y. City) in 1907. Mem. Actors' Church Alliance, D.A.R., Daughters of the Empire State. Pres. New Yorkers Club; mem Woman's Press Club, N.Y. City, and Athenia Club of Washingtonville, N.Y. Congregationalist.
BAILEY, Minnie Keith (Mrs. John Roberts Bailey), 621 E. Maple St., Enid, Okla.
Born Brown Co., Kan., 1869; dau. Uri Seeley and Mary F. (Grossman) Keith; ed. public schools of Kansas; Atchison (Kan.) Inst.; grad. Western Normal Coll., Shenandoah, Ia., A.B. '88 (valedictorian); m. McPherson, Kan., Oct. 10, 1889, John Roberts Bailey; one daughter: Mildred Keith, b. 1891. Taught school; interested in sociological and economic problems and helping others. Author of the first book of poems published by a woman of Oklahoma: Life's Undertow, 1905. Mem. Okla. Betsy Ross Ass'n, Woman's Relief Corps. Clubs: Alpha Chautauqua (Chautauqua Literary and Scientific Circle graduate), Enid Shakespeare Club, State and District Federations. Recreations: Music, dancing, gardening, reading. Universalist. Favors woman suffrage (worked through the Okla. Constitutional Conventions for Suffrage for Women), also on Initiative Amendment, and through campaign of 1910.
BAILY, Belle C. (Mrs. G. S. Baily), 31 S. Fifteenth St., Richmond, Ind.
Born New Castle, Ind., Oct. 18, 1858; dau. Robert Mason and Zurilda (Elliott) Chambers; ed. New Castle High School, Friends Acad. and two years in Univ. of Mich.; m. (1st) June 6, 1881, L. A. Estes. Always Interested in buying and selling real estate, in which has amassed a competency. Active worker in missionary work of the church at home and abroad; interested in all kinds of social betterment work. Associated Press correspondent for 10 years; wrote special articles from Pan-American Exposition (Buffalo) and World's Fair (St. Louis), also does feature work for magazines and papers. Mem. Friends Church. Mem. Historical Soc. and Athnae and Woman's Clubs, (both literary).
BAIN, Gertrude Benchley (Mrs. Ferdinand Randall Bain), 101 E. Ninety-fourth St., N.Y. City.
Born San Francisco, Cal.; dau. Leonidas B. and Helen (Kenyon) Benchley; ed. Clark Inst., San Francisco; Vassar Coll., Poughkeepsie; m. (1st) San Francisco, Frank Griswold Tefft (died); (2d) Charles Wooster Miller (died); (3d) N.Y. City, Feb. 12, 1911, Ferdinand Randall Bain; children: Erastus G. Tefft, Beatrice Wooster Miller. Interested in all questions affecting the working girls. Mem. Woman's Municipal League, N.Y. Episcopalian. Favors woman suffrage.
BAIN, Lydia Katherine Smith (Mrs. William H. Bain), Canajoharie, N.Y.
Born Canajoharie, N.Y., Jan. 7, 1862; dau. Adam and Catharine (Van Slyke) Smith; ed. Vassar Coll., '84; was "Spade Orator" on class day (pres. Students' League); m. Canajoharie, Sept. 21, 1887, William H. Bain; children: Margaret K., b. Dec. 31, 1891; Therese L. Bain, b. April 8, 1893. Interested in religious, social and philanthropic activities. Mem. Dutch Reformed Church. Mem. D.A.R., Canajoharie Colonial Club (one of founders).
BAINES-MILLER, Minnie Willis, Springfield, Ohio.
Writer; b. Lebanon, N.H.; dau. Horace F. and Minerva J. Tisdale Willis; ed. Springfield, Ohio, degree of A.M. from Wittenberg Coll.; m. twice: first husband, Evan Franklin Baines; second, Leroy Edgar Miller; children: Florence May Baines and Frank Willis Baines, both now deceased. Has written for publication since age of 14; always favored temperance, morality and religion. Author: The Silent Land; His Cousin; The Doctor; The Pilgrim's Vision; Mrs. Cherry's Sister, Author of innumerable short stories and poems in magazines and papers. Mem. Methodist Episcopal Church. Favors woman suffrage; has written and talked in its favor for many years; a very strong believer in equal rights.
BAIRD, Ellen Richardson (Mrs. John William Baird), Samokov, Bulgaria.
Teacher emerita; b. Granville, Ill., July 3, 1849; dau. Sanford and Rhoda Ann (Scott) Richardson; ed. at home; German Deaconesses' School, Smyrna, Turkey, 1861-64; Rockford Female Sem. (now college), Rockford, Ill., 1869; m. Broosa, Turkey, Sept. 17, 1873, Rev. John William Baird; children: Agnes Mary, Ethel Caroline, Clara Elizabeth, Emma Louise, Arthur Richardson, Alice Irene, Winifred Ellen. Although born in the U.S. has spent most of her life in various parts of the Turkish Empire and in Bulgaria, having gone to Turkey with parents in 1854, and lived in Erzroom, Arabkir, Broosa, Asia Minor and Constantinople, before marriage. Teacher, Rockford (Ill.) Sem., 1869-70; Girls' School, Broosa, Turkey, 1871-72; Girls' Coll., Constantinople, 1872-73; teacher of French, Collegiate and Theological Inst., Samokov, Bulgaria, 1901-08; teacher of French, English and domestic science, Girls' High School, Samokov, Bulgaria, 1901-08. Missionary of Am. Board of Commissioners of Foreign Missions, 1873—. In Monastir, Macedonia, Turkey, 1873-97; Salonica, Turkey, 1899-1901; Samokoy, Bulgaria, 1901—. Manager Associated Charities, Samokov, Bulgaria, 1903—. Contributor of occasional articles in missionary publications. Congregationalist. Somewhat interested in favor of woman suffrage.
BAIRD, Hattie E. (Mrs. Frederick S. Baird), Wayside. Neb.
Born Nora, Ill., Mar. 28, 1854; dau. James Hervey and Harriet Knight (Smith) Rogers: m. Warren, Ill., Nov. 9, 1876, Frederick S. Baird; children: Manley F., Harriet S., Frederick Rogers, Bruce, Robert Wilt, Maurice. Has taken active interest in church and philanthropic effort; active in club work for 20 years in Chicago and Nebraska. Presbyterian. Republican. Recreations: Traveling, summer outings. Mem. Tuesday Club of Chicago; Country Culture Club of Wayside, Neb.