��Judith, Jean, Joe Winchester, Kathcrine. Frank Miriek. Favors woman suffrage. Author: The Spirit of the Mountains; contributor to maga- zines. Mem. Southern Authors' Press Club.
MTLHAU, Zella de, Southampton, L.I., N.T.
Artist and sportswoman; b. N.Y. City, April, 1870; dau. Edward Leon and Mary (Manning) de Mllhau; studied at Art Students' League, N.Y. City; pupil of Arthur W. Dow, N.Y. City; also studied in Paris and Munich. Etcher, aquatints and mezzotints; best known works: Series of Etchings on Egypt; Canada and the Rockies; Long Island Coast and Sand Dunes. Interested In improving the breed of sporting dogs in America; owner of the Pepperidge-Alredale Ken- nels; master of the Shinnecock beagles; mem. of the Nat. Beagle Club, Am. Fox-hound Soc, Ladles' Kennel Ass'n of America. Mem. Ramabal Soc. of Philadelphia, Meadow Club, Plastic Club, Acorn Club (Philadelphia), Suf- folk Hunt Club, Art Workers' Club, Art Stu- dents' League, Arts and Crafts Club, National Arts Club. Recreations: Riding and driving, sailing, motoring, hunting and beagling.
MrLHOLLAJiTD, Sara Aggies, R.F.D. No. 4,
Norfolk, Va.
Born Pittsburgh, Pa., Jan. 1, 1871; dau. John Bower and Tamar (Matthews) Milholland; grad. Pa. Coll. for Women, B.A. '92. Charter mem. local Y.W.C.A., Norfolk branch; mem. Needle- work Guild, Norfolk County Historical Soc. ; teacher In Sunday-school. Deeply Interested in botanical research and identification of local his- toric localities. Author of paraphrases of several Psalms and other rhymes in United Presbyterian. Mem. United Presbyterian Church. Founded County Historical Soc; active in movement for County Botanical Soc. Recreations: Riding, driving. Mem. Decade Clut) I (Pa. Coll. for Women, Woman's Reading Club. MLLHOLLAND-BOISSEVAIN, Inez, Manhattan
Hotel (office, 9 E. Ninth St.), N.Y. City.
Lawyer; b. Brooklyn, Aug. 6, 1S86; dau. John E. and Jean (Torrey) Milholland; ed. Comstock School, N.Y. City; Kensington High School (Lou- don); Willard School (Berlin, seminary); Vassar, A.B.; N.Y. Univ. Law School, LL.B. (attempted to enter Harvard and Columbia Law Schools); m. London, England, July, 1S13, Eugene Bois- sevain of Amsterdam, Holland. Active as agi- tator for organizations of labor, especially in shirt-waist and laundry strikes in N.Y. City; suffrage propagandist; mem. and active worker with Woman's Trade Union League and Woman Suffrage Party, N.Y. City. Mem. Woman's Social and Political Union (England), Woman's Political Union, Political Equality Ijcague, Col- lege Equal Suffrage League, State and National Woman Suffrage Ass'ns, Fabian Soc. (England), Ass'n for Advancement of Colored People, Peace Soc. Socialist. Recreations: Riding, swimming, tennis, dancing, hockey, basket-ball, baseball.
MELINOWSKI, Harriot Ransom (Mrs. Arthur Mllinowski), Cricket Lodge, North Boston, N.Y.
Born Earlviile, Madison Co., N.Y., Apr. 21, 1857; dau. David and Martha Ann (Towne) Ran- som; grad. Vassar Coll., '7S, with commencement honors and made mem. Mu Chapter Phi Beta Kappa So-c. (mem. Philalethean Soc); m. Buf- falo, N.Y., 18S2, Arthur Milinowski (lieutenant in Prussian army); children: Arthur Siegfried, Marta. Taught history of education for several years in Buffalo, in connection with the work of the Kindergarten Training Class, first taking certificate as kindergartner. Life mem. Coll. Suffrage League. Translator of Utfelmann's Hygiene of the Child in the Family; also of the diary of Adolph Franckenberg in winter of 1S3S, while founding, with FroebeJ, the first kinder- garten in Saxony (unpublished). Unlversaliet. Mem. Ass'n of Coll. Alumna;; hon. mem. Ass'n of Kindergarten Alumnae of Buffalo (called the Kindergarten Union); 20th Century Club (Buf- falo); hon. mem. Saturday Class. Lived in Ger- many 16 years.
MILENOWSKI, Marta, Cricket Lodge, North Boston, N.Y. Pianist; b. Berlin, Feb. 1, 18S5; dau. Arthur
��and Harriot (Ransom) Mllinowski; ed. In Hohere Toehter Schule in Hanover, Germany; Buffalo schools (public and private); Vassar Coll., grad. with comjiiencemrnt honors, '07 (Phi Beta Kappa- Philalelhean Soc); principal teachers In music were Maria Reinecke, Hanover, Germany; Buonomlcl, Boston; Moszkowskl, Paris; Brel- haupt, Berlin; Madam Carreiio, Berlin. Gave a recital in the Bechstein Sail in Berlin, 1911; played in the Singakadamie, Berlin, with Phil- harmonic Orchestra, 1911.
MLLITZ, Annie Rii (Mrs. Paul Mllltz), 802 S.
Union Av., I^os Angeles, Cal.
Editor, spiritual teacher; b. San Francisco; dau. Judge Hale and Alice Pearson (Locke) Rix; ed. San Francisco Girls' High School; m. Chi- cago, 1891, Paul Militz. Received instruction in Christian Science in April, 1887, from Mrs. Emma Curtis Hopkins, a student of Mrs. M. B. G. Eddy, and at one time editor of the Christian Science Journal. Founded the Home of Truth in San Francisco, and many others on the Pacific Coast; establisued the magazine. The Master Mind, 1911, of which is editor; has devoted the last 26 years to healing and teaching the world, without charge for any servic* rendered. Autbor of seven books, booklets, principal ones being: Christian Living and xaealing; Sermon on the Mount; Concentra- tion, or Spiritual Housekeeping. New-Thought Christian. Non-partisan in politics. Favors woman suffrage. Traveled around the world, starting at San Francisco, spending seven months in Japan, four months in India and six months in England, teaching and healing.
anLLAB, Ellen Maud Graham (Mrs. Frederick Gourlay Millar), Hawkesbury, Ont., Can. Born Owen Sound, Ont., Can., 1876; dau. Sam- uel Graham and Lydia (Meir) GraJiam; grad. Toronto Univ., B.A. 1896; Bryn Mawr Coll., fel- low In history, 1896-97; m. Owen Sound, 1908, Frederick Gourlay Miller (B.A. Toronto), now principal Hawkesbury High School; one son: Frederick Gourlay Millar (B.A. Toronto), now ernment to South Africa, 1S02, teacher; prin- cipal Girls' High School, Quebec, 1906-08. Mem. Daughters of the Empire, Soc. for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals; pres. of the Hawkesbury Ladies' Music Club. Favors woman suffrage. Author: Canadian Girl in South Africa, and va- rious magazine articles on South Africa and French Canada. Anglican. Recreations: Riding, golf, tennis, snowshoeing.
AnLLABD, Alice Welch Kellogg (Mrs. Colum- bus Norman Millard), S37 Richmond Av., Buf- falo, N.Y.
Formerly teacher; b. St. Louis, Mo., Nov. 14, 1871; dau. Hon. Sanford Brown and Louise Par- ker (Allen) Kellogg; ed. St. Louis public schools, St. Louis High School (valedictorian), Wellesley Coll., B.A. '94; received B.A. also from Univ. o) the Cape of Good Hope, '99 (mem. Zeta Alpha); m. Clinton, N.Y., Aug. 4, 1904, Ojlumbus Nor- man Millard; children: Ruth Alice, b. 19(^; Mar- jorie Louise, b. 1907 (died 1908); Norman Kel- logg, b. 1909; Helen Frances, b. 1912. Head Eng- lish Dep't Huguenot Coll., Wellington, Soutt Africa, 1896-1900; head English Dep't Genesee (N.Y.) State Normal School, 1900-04. Intere-stoo in church work, woman suffrage, municipal re- form. Mem. Buffalo Political Elquality Club. Presbyterian; mem. Woman's Ass'n of Lafayette Av. Presbyterian Church, Wellesley Coll. Alum- nse Ass'n. Recreations: Reading, walking. Mem. Highland Park Literary Club, Wellesley College Club, Western N.Y. Branch of Ass'n of Collegiate Alumnae (pres. N.Y. branch of ass'n, 1911-12).
M1M>ARD, Gertrude Binnpy (Mrs. Byron Mil- lard), 555 N. Second St., San Jos6, Cal. Born July 8, 1872; dau. Bryant P. and Gertruda B. (Pope) Tllden; ed. Boston, Mass. (private school), Jamestown, N.Dak. (Presbyterian Coll.); m. Jamestown, N.Dak., Oct. 14, 1891, Byron Mil- lard; children: Phoebe J., b. 1892; Bryant T. b. 1S96; Roger B., b. 1903. Author of short sto- ries in magazines. Episcopalian. Independent ("Mugwump"). Recreations: Cajnping, tramping. Mem. Short Story Club.