��keepers, Stenographers and Accountants' Union, and delegate to Brooklyn Central Labor Union. Favors woman suffrage. Mem. Intercollegiate Socialist Soe.
MEYN, Antoinette Affeld (Mrs. Hans H. A.
Meyn), 1155 Dean St., Brooklyn, N.T.
Born Brooklyn, N.Y., Aug. 23, 1879; dau. Fran- cis Otto and Caroline (Ruh) Affeld; ed. Miss Round's Sciool, Brooklyn; Vassar Coll., A.B. ; Columbia Univ., A.M.; Univ. of Munich; m. Brooklyn. N.Y., May, 1911, Hans H. A. Meyn. Favors woman suffrage; mem. Collegiate Equal Suffrage League of N.Y., Woman Suffrage Party of Brooklyn.
MICHAEI., Rachel Stii (Mrs. Elias Michael), 4383 Westminster PI., St. Louis, Mo. Born Cincinnati, Ohio, Jan. 2, 1866; dau. Aaron and Hannah (Rice) Stix; ed. Cincinnati public schools; grad. Hughes High School; attended McMlcken Univ., Cincinnati, and Washington Univ. of St. Louis for special courses; m. June 17, 1886, Elias Michael of St. Louis; one daughter: Selma, b. Aug., 1887 (died July, 1894). Chairman Jewish Day Nursery of St. Louis; director St. Louis Training School of Nurses, St. Louis School of Housekeeping. Favors woman suffrage. Jew- ish. Mem. Miriam L. Gertrude Lodge, Ben Akila Lodge, Wednesday Club.
MICHELSON. Miriam, care Doubleday, Page
& Co., Garden City, L.I., N.Y.
Author; b. Calaveras, Cal., 1870; dau. Samuel and Rosalie (Przulbsha) Michelson; ed. San Francisco schools. Engaged in newsptaper work In San Francisco and later in Philadelphia; writer of short stories in the magazines. Author: In the Bishop's Carriage, 1903; The Madigans, 1904; A Yellow Journalist, 1905; Anthony Over- man, 1906; Michael Thwaites' Wife, 1909; The Awakening of Zojas, 1910. BUCKLEY, Minnie Eogel, Mlckleys, Allentown,
Pa., and Washington, D.C.
Genealogist; b. Hokendauqua, Pa.; dau. Ed- win and Matilda (Fogel) Mickley; ed. Elmira Coll. Founder of Liberty Bell Chapter Nat. Soc. D.A.R., Oct. 12, 1892. Compiled and published Mickley Genealogy; genealogist and compiler (with Mrs. James R. Mellen of Pittsburgh) in her book: Larimer, Hughey, McMasters auj Al- lied Families; also contributor to magazines. Registrar general Nat. Soc. D.A.R., 1901-02 (busi- ness manager of its Am. Monthly Magazine, 1909-10); first vice-pres. Woman's Nat. Press Ass'n. Presbyterian. Fellow Soc. of Genealo- gists of London; fellow and first vice-pres. Nat. Genealogical Soc, Washington, D.C; mem. Columbia Historical Soc, Washington, D.C; com. of history, Lehigh County Historical Soc. of Pa.; sec. Mary Washington Memorial Ass'n; co-vice-regent Pocahontas Memorial Ass'n, Pa.; mem. Am. Hist. Ass'n; hon. regent Liberty Bell Chapter Nat. Soc D.A.R.; White House Chapter, Am. Woman's League and Republic, New Eng- land Hist. Genealogical Soc, Elmira College Club (N.Y. City), Gen. Robert Patterson Chap- ter U.S. Daughters of 1812 (Philadelphia), Nat. Peace and Arbitration Soc. (Washington). MIDDLESWABT, Belle Otis (Mrs. Clarence C.
Mlddleswart). 527 Third St., Marietta, Ohio.
Bom Deer River, N.Y., Aug. 18, 1873; dau. Ste- phen and Emma (Penniman) Otis; ed. Carthage (N.Y.) High School, Univ. of Mich., Ph.B. '97, Phi Beta Kappa; m. Ann Arbor, Mich., Sept. 10, 1900, Clarence C Mlddleswart; one daughter: Helen. Teacher of English, Monroe (Mich.) High School, 1897-1900. Interested In missionary and benevolent work in church. Mem. Associated Charities, Press Com. Equal Suffrage Club. Pres- byterian. Mem. Columbus Branch of Collegiate Alumnae. Recreations: Tennis, walking, rowing. Mem. Woman's Centennial Ass'n, Modern Drama Club.
MTDDLETON, Mrs. Joseph M., 46 Prospect St.,
Trenton, N.J.
Bom East Orange, N.J. ; ed. East Orange; m. Chicago, 1890, Joseph Middleton; children: Mar- garet, Arthur Gabriel. Assistant editor of Wom- an's Special Newspaper for Charity. Mem. So- cial Workers of Trenton. State Charities Aid
��(exec com.). Mothers' Congress; now sec. S^ftta Fed. of Clubs of N.J.; ex-pres. Contemporary Club, Trenton, N.J. ; State sec to Gen. Fjd., N.J., 1909-11. Episcopalian. Against universal woman suffrage; favors limited suffrage for both sexes.
MIEKSCn, Ella E., Public Library, South- bridge, Mass.
Librarian; b. Allegheny, Pa.; ed. in schools of Allegheny, Vassar Coll., A.B. '97; N.Y. State Library School, 1897-99, B.L.S. '99. Librarian of Southbridge (Mass.) Public Library since 1899. MIESSE, Kate DeWitt (Mrs. William H. Miesse), •64 N. Fourth St., Easton, Pa. Physician; b. Harmony Village, N.J. ; dau. Dr. James D. and Mrs. Rachel Blair (Brands) De- Witt; ed. public schools of native village; Wyo- ming Sem., Kingston, Pa.; Woman's Med. Coll. of Pa., M.D. ; Philadelphia Polyclinic; N.Y. Post- Grad. School of Medicine (mem. Woman's Med. Coll. Alumna Ass'n, Woman's Med. Ass'n of N.Y.); m. Harmony, N.J., May, 1883, Rev. WiU- iam H. Miesse; one daughter: Edith DeWitt Miesse (wife of Samuel T. D. Jones, lawyer, N.Y. City). Mem. Northampton Co. Med. Soc, Pa. State Med. Soc, Lehigh Valley Med. Soc, Am. Med. Ass'n; mem. Internat. Congress of Hygiene and Demography, Women's Med. Coll. Alumns, Woman's Med. Ass'n of N.Y. Mem. Board Directors of Y.W.C.A., Woman's Club of Easton, Hist. Soc. of Northampton Co., Pa. Mem. M.E. Church. Favors woman suffrage. Identified with many religious, social and phil- anthropic activities.
MIHILLS, Carrie Sizer (Mrs. W. D. Mihllls),
2S1S Austin St., Houston, Tex.
Born Adrian, Mich., Sept. 10, 1861; dau. Joel F. and Susan (Hardy) Sizer; grad. Fond du Lac (Wis.) High School; m. Nov. 1, 1882, Wilber D. Mihills; children: Maude, Mildred, Mabel, Flor- ence. Sunday-school teacher 20 years; continu- ous work in W.C.T.U. for 17 years. Started first boarding home for young women In Houston, this developing into the Y.W.CA. On State W.C.T.U. Exec Com. 14 years, several years cor. sec. Baptist. Mem. Ladies' Aid and Mis- sionary Soc, D.A.R., Y.W.C.A., Woman's Pro- tective Ass'n, Texas Woman's Press Ass'n, Hous- ton Settlement Ass'n, Houston Pen Women. MIHLLLS, Mildred, 2818 Austin St., Houston,
Teacher; b. Houston, Tex., Feb. 27, 1886; dau. Wilber D. and Carrie (Sizer) Mihills: ed. Houston High School; Baylor Coll., B.L. ; Post- Graduate School of Expression, class poet, pres. Historical Literary Soc, winner of two medals of Skinner scholarship in expression; Vassar one year, S. H. Clark Dramatic School, Chau- tauqua, N.Y. ; Univ. of Texas, A.B.; charter mem. and critic Pierian Literary Soc; awarded Helen Day Gould Scholarship in School of Peda- gogy, N.Y. Univ.; in Europe, 1910. Delegate to Internat. Conference, Brussels. Teacher ol physical culture, Baylor Coll.; of English in Houston Heights High School. Interested in re- ligious and philanthropic activities. Mem. Alumni Ass'n of Baylor and Univ. of Texas, Y.W.CA., Baptist Young People's Union, D.A.R., Nat. Art Soc, Student Volunteers. Recreations: Tennis, apparatus work, Delsarte. Mem. CoUega Woman's Club. Favors woman suffrage.
MLLAM, Avis Sanders (Mrs. A. L. Milam),
Worthington, Ind.
Born Quincy, Ind., April 11, 1860; dau. Leroy M. and M. (Vest) Saunders; ed. Indiana Univ.; m. Bloomington, Ind., 1881, A. L. Milam; chil- dren: Hazel, John S., Pat. Mem. of several clubs. Has been pres. and vice-pres. Twentieth Century Club for several years. Sec. Library Board; mem. Charity Com. Favors woman suf- frage. Baptist
MII.ES, Emma Bell (Mrs. Frank Miles), Albion
View, Tenn.
Magazine writer, artist; b. Evansville, Ind.; dau. Benjamin T. and Martha A. (Mirlck) Bell; ed. two terms in Chattanooga Normal School; two winters In St. Louis Acad. ; m. Albion View, Tenn., Oct. 30, 1901, Frank Miles; children: