< Page:Woman's who's who of America, 1914-15.djvu
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��MERRY, Anna Wall (Mrs. Emmet Lee Merry), Gage, Okla. . „ ^-^ ,^ -^a. Born Winchester, Va., Apr. 9, 1872; dauV Dr.

MERRIMAN, Effie Woodward— See Fifield, Effle r^, y^ ^^^^^ Emily B. (Paneoast) Wall; ed. Fairfax

��Bradford, Jr., "Elizabeth Dorothy. Episcopalian. Mem. United Daughters of the Confederacy.

��W. Merriman. MERRIMAN, Helen Bigelow (Mrs. Daniel Mer- riman), Intervale, N.H., and Boston, Mass. Author; b. Boston, Mass., July 14, 1844; dau

��Hall, Winchester, Va.; State Normal School, Warrensburg, Mo. ; m. Guthrie, Okla., Emmet Lee Merry. Treas. Second Dist. Fed. Clubs of Oklahoma; on Dist. Civic Com.; interested in all

��Frastus 'Brieham and Eliza Frances (Means) civic and religious work of practical kind; mem. i;?^finw- efl Ronton Mass ■ m Kew England, W.C.T.U. Favors woman suffrage. Presbyterian. i^fT 18?4- D^r° D°aAief Mer'riSan (died Se^t. Is', Mem_^. Oklahoma City (Chapter United Daughters S Author; What Shall Make Us Whole? °i. 0°?,f,e^er^=/J„„D-A ,^-.„ ^^}±T.L.^^?.\^Jl- 1888; Religio Fictoris, 1899. Congregatlonalist. 3IERRIMAN, Mabel LUlian, R.F.D., Route L., Northfleld, Mass,

��,llToltla\'^n^' Z]^!:ir%t'^fa^n{, MERSEREAU Nellie Coln^an ( ioyogy^'uSiv. of Chicago, 1896-97; botany. Marine Mersereau) Pasadena, CaL

��State Fed. Women's Clubs. Recreations: Riding, walking, tennis, boating, fishing, hunting. Clubs: Chautauqua, Athena Reading (Arnett, Okla.); pres. Optimistic Study Club (Gage, Okla.).

Mrs. J. D


Biological Laboratory, Wood's Hole, Mass., sum-

"^^ '• PaLd^efa!""c\l':°'W-"#t^Echo A.B./81; m. June 2(), 1883, J, D.. Mersereau; one

��Born St. Louis, Mo.; grad. Ann Arbor (Mich.) High School, in two courses, '77; Univ. of Mich.,

��Teacher, "^^;if"'^' "^p"' A""^ "Jiogr^^^^^ daughter, b. Mar. 30, 1888 (Stanford Univ., A.B.

Ele'lf^ainHTgh School 1897-98; Dorch^^ter '11, A.M.' '12). Was mem. of Schoolcraft County

(Mass) High School, 1902-05; N.Y. Normal High (Mich.) Board of Teachers' Examiners for sev-

c;^h,?ni 1%fi 09- instructor NY. Normal Coll. eral years; chairman Schoolcraft County Board

since 1910 Author of articles resulting from in- of Woman Commissioners serving under Mrs.

vPc:tLations in Plant cytology in Botanical Ga- Julia A. Pond for the World's Columbian Exposi-

lette on Nuclear DiviSon in Zygnema, Spiro- tion. Mem. D.A.R., Colonial Dames, Soc. of

lyra'and other plants. Descendants of Colonial Governors.

MFRRIMAN Margaret Mather (Mrs. Thad- MERTZKE, Emma Virginia (Mrs. Henry G.

deus Merriman), Essex Fells, N.J. ^^^^t?^' Sf''w°' ^^ 9 ie.A ^

Born New Haven, Conn., April 6, 1880; dau. Born Baraboo Wis., Jan 2, 1854; dau. James Thomas William and Margaret Wade (Linton) and Harriet (Chapman) (Jowles; ed private Mather eranddaughter of William James Linton, schools of Baraboo; grad high school, '74; m. .1^. Jnn^ Pne^ver and Doet- grad HiUhouse Baraboo, Mar. 22, 18S8, Henry G. Mertzke; chil- sS- Tew Hal^n, -94? vS con.-, B.A. '03; dren: Martha M (Mrs. F. D Faust), Ida E., m M kmi Fla. Jan. 12, 1904, Thaddeus Merri- Katherine. Taught for over three years. Inter- m. ai.ia.iui, ria^, o , ,,_£,___ ,^ — .„„„ I, ested m church society work; sec. Sauk Co.

(Wis.) W.C.T.U. Favors woman suffrage; mem. Political Equality League. Has written occa- sional papers and magazine articles. Congrega- tlonalist. Mem. Royal Neighbors of America (beneficiary soc). Recreations: Music, drama. Mem. 20th Century Club (Baraboo); vice-pres Third Dist of Wis. Fed. of Women's Clubs.

��man; children :' Margaret Mather Merriman, b. Oct 19 1904; Mansfield Merriman, b. Jan. ZH, 1907' Interested in religious and philanthropic work especially work connected with hospitals. Favors woman sufirage. Episcopalian. MERRITT, Emma Laura Sutro (Mrs. George

Washington Merritt), 2323 Washington St.,

San Francisco, Cal.

��Ihysic an b San Francisco, Cal.; early educa- BIERYWEATHER, Mary Benson (Mrs T. Max- i-nysiciau,^u^^ocL.ii ^^^^ Vassar A.B. '77, A.M. well Meryweather), Spring Lane, "Ardale,'

��tion in California; gr_— . • . „r

'82; student of medicine, 18'78-87^^m__ Wonia.n_s

��Chestnut Hill, Pa,

Born Philadelphia, June 2, 1883; dau. R. Dale

��a, lieorge ^*'^,?"'"f„'-""„'=p;;;^' ,-:„"■ here was Dana's School, Morristown, N.J., SiiSfar^o^^thfysplnTar^^^rYh^ ^c|l fe|s ;A— -^Z' Devon, P.. Oct._9,. 1909, T. /Max-

��ff^,; of Pal MD '81- Ecole de Medicine, and Mary Watson (Eckert) Benson; ed. Miss

^ ,' Kf V, „ H <>„,^/iom t^rarlnm '87' m Mar. 27, Case's and Miss Hallowell's private school; grad.

^o^?^'^^-°- w Jh,nttnn Mer^ltt m'd Engaged Miss Hill's School for Girls, Philadelphia Miss

1883, George Washington Mejnt_t,^^d^U.^^^ii.uga^^eu ^^^^,^ School. Morristown. N.J.. 1901-02; m

09, T. I

Hospital, 1887-1906; Jurg-eon in Hospital for jeU Meryweather, ^^'^^^ :,I>ebo-h ^a ^^, b

L'[ o'\"stltrin'cali?o7nia"l°n"d'"Nevada.' Con Dale Benson,' b. Oct. 23, 1912. Protestant Epis-

fributor of professional articles to the medical copalian.

iournals Mem. Am. Med. Ass'n, Cal. State Med. MESEROLE, Katherine Eouise Maltby (Mrs.

i ■ " Darwin James Meserole), The Sojern, Bellport, MERRITT, Ethel Moore (Mrs. Harry Tirrell

���Moore; grad. Forster

ville, '95; Somerville Latin School

��Tufts Darwin James Meserole. Principal Nassau Inst.,

Polf' AB '037hono;i in F;encjr)Tm: Somerville, Brooklyn; Katherine Maltby School, Brooklyn:

V,?i\;'9iwfi Harrv Tirrell Merritt; one son: Rob- now engaged m experimental farming. Mem.

ert^l9M ■ Husbydi^tercher iii Brewster Free Woman's Municipal League, Woman's Health

ArT-rt Wolfeboro N.H., so her activities are Protective Ass'n, Vassar Alumnaj Ass'n, Vassal

AC"Q-, vvui^fuu , ' (jpynin and athletic Aid Soc, Women s Trade Lnion League, Soc.

fn?p"f., s P^pifs (they'have Xrge Of a dor- for Better Legislation, Liberal Club, N.Y. City

l^itnrvhouse^or boy students). Mem. Order of Woman's University Club, N.Y. City; founder ol

Fn.^ern St^ar Ass'n of Tufts Alumnae, Women's Civitas Club of Brooklyn. Recreations: Sailing,

Missionary Soc. of Wolfeboro, Hospital Ladies' skating^ motoring^ gardening. Interdenomina- Aid Ass'n of Wolfeboro. '""■■"-■ '^ Woman's. Universalist.

��Club- Wolfeboro tional Christian. Favors woman suffrage; mem. Suffrage Ass'n, College Equal Suffrage League. Socialist.

MESSENGER, Lillian Rozell (Mrs. North Allar Messenger), 1308 Connecticut Av., Washington, D.C.

Author; b. Milburn, Ballard Co., Ky. ; dau. Dr. Telcher 'o^f ycTence7 Pl"ym'ou'tir' (MassO High F. O. and Caroline (Cole) Rozell; ed Forest Hil) School 1887-88; Gambler, Ohio, 1888-91; graduate Inst., near Memphis, Tenn., grad high honors; wnrk TIniv of Mich 1891-92; graduate ass't graduating essay was a poem. The Empire ol Unlv' oY Mich , 1893-94 prof botaly. R.I. State Thought; m. 1861, North Allan Messenger, editor, rnllpWe since 1895 Mem. Botanical Soc. of Tuscumbia, Ala.; one son: North Overton Mes- Arnerick- fellow Am Ass'n for Advancement of senger, journalist. Fond of poetry, painting ib S ence oils, music. Had always a passion for history

��MERROW, Harriet Lathrop, Rhode Island State

College, Kingston, R.I. o ■ o

Professor of botany; b. Merrow, Conn., Sept. 8,

iS".8- dau. Joseph Battell and Harriet (Millard)

Merrow ed. Wellesley Coll., B.S. '86, A.M. '93


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