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��rector, sec. and general manager Idaho Orchards Co., 1911-12; pres. Lock Haven Civic Club. Fa- vors woman suffrage; mem. Nat. Suffrage Ass'n; mem. Pa. Limited Suffrage -League. Episco- palian. Mem. Am. Civic Ass'n, Drama League of America.

MERRrLL, Ellen Byrne (Mrs. George Fisk Mer- rill), 219 St. Clair St.. Ashland, Wis.

Born Otsego, Wis., Aug, 11, 1849; dau. John Anthony and Marie (McKinnon) Byrne; ed. Madi- Bon (Wis.) public schools and Univ. of Wisconsin; m. Madison, Oct. 13, 1875, George Fisk Merrill; children: Grace, Agnes, Elinor, Winifred. Fa- vors woman suffrage. Episcopalian. Charter mem. Outdoor Art League (pres. 1907-09); charter mem. Monday Women's Club (pres. 1893-94 and 1896-97). MERRILL, Helen Abbot, Wellesley College, Wel-

lesley, Mass.

Associate prof, of mathematics; b. Orange, N.J., Mar. 30, 1864; dau. George and Emily Dodge (Abbot) Merrill; ed. high school, Newburyport, Mass.; Wellesley Coll., B.A. '86; Unlv of Chi- cago, 1896-97; Univ. of Gdttingen, 1901-02; Yale Univ., 1902-03, Ph.D. '03. Taught in private schools, 1886-89, 1891-93; Instructor in mathe- matics, 1893-1901; associate prof, mathematics since 1901, Wellesley Coll. Mem. College Settle- ments Ass'n, Consumers' League, Religious Edu- cation Ass'n, Mass. Civic League, National Child Labor Ass'n, Am. Soc. for Judicial Settle- ment of International Disputes, Am. Mathemati- cal Soc, Deutsche Mathematiker Vereinigung, felloTV A.A.A.S.; mem. Phi Beta Kappa Soc. Presbyterian. Favors woman suffrage. MERRILL, Helen M., 4 Prince Arthur Av.,

Toronto, Can.

Poet; b. Napanee, Ont. ; dau. late Judge Ed- wards and Caroline (Wright) Merrill (of French Huguenot extraction); ed. Picton, Ottawa and Toronto. Has contributed verse and prose to Canadian and American magazines and periodi- cals; has made a special study of Northern On- tario, and has written several series of articles on that part of the province of Ontario, topo- graphical and relating to conditions, colonization, etc. Adopted Into the Oneida Band of the Six Nations Indians at the Sir Isaac Brock Centen- ary Commemoration at Queenston Heights, of which meeting she was honorary sec; received the tribal totem, and an Indian name: "Ka-ya- tonhas," "a keeper of records." Mem. United Empire Loyalists Ass'n of Canada (hon. ass't sec), Canadian Defence League, Canadian Soc. of Authors, Ontario Hist. Soc, Woman's Hist. Soc, Woman's Art Ass'n, Canadian Folk-Lore Soc. (gen. sec). Daughters of the Empire. Rec- reations: Canoeing, entomology, botany, Indian curios. Mem. Canadian Woman's Press Club. MERRILL, Jane Sunrmerside (Mrs. Alfred E.

Merrill), 1516 Harmon PI., Minneapolis, Minn.

Born Pisa, Italy, Feb. 2, 1849; dau. George and Mary (Cant) Summerside; ed. Milton Acad., Wis.; m. Necedah, Wis., June 30, 1869, Alfred E. Mer- rill; children: Nellie Louise, Hoy WlUard, Guy Summerside. Favors woman suffrage. Metho- dist. Mem. Minikaiida Club; charter mem. Wom- an's Club; also of Minneapolis Branch of the Needlework Guild of America. MERRILL, Jenny Biggs, 112 E. Eighty-first St.,

N. y. City.

Teacher; b. N.Y. City; dau. Benjamin B. and Jane A. (MacBride) Merrill; ed. public schools of N.Y. City; grad. Normal Coll., '71; N.Y. Univ., Pd.D. '92; grad. Kraus Sem. tor Training Kin- dergarteners (mem. Alpha Beta Gamma). Tutor In Normal Coll., 1878-95; supervisor of public kindergartens, 1895-1911; pres. Kindergarten Dep't of the Nat. Educational Ass'n, 1904; vice-pres. Internat. Kindergarten Union, 1903; hon. pres. N.Y. Public School Kindergarten Ass'n, 1913. In- terested in Lenox Hill Settlement and in recrea- tion centres for the people; in the extension of the kindergarten and Montessori principles in school and family lite; Fresh Air schools, garden work for children. Author of revised edition of Paradise of Childhood, 1910; Outlines for Vaca- tion Kindergartens; Bible Stories (Cassell); writ- er of educational articles In Mother's Magazine, Am. Motherhood, Kindergarten Magazine and

��religious periodicals. Baptist. Mem. Associate Alumnae of Normal Coll., Nat. Educational Ass'n, Internat. Kindergarten Union. Recreation: Walk- ing. Favors woman suffrage.

MERRILL, Kate Pomeroy (Mrs. Anthony French Merrill), 5102 Hlbbard Av., Chicago, III.

Lecturer; b. Milwaukee, Wis., Oct. 26, 1855; dau. Fenimore Cooper and Mary Stella (Woolson) Pomeroy; ed. -in schools of Wis., State Normal School; m. Milwaukee, Wis., May 25, 1875, Anthony French Merrill; children: Katharine, b. Oct. 20, 1876 (artist); Edith Mary, b. Dec. 24, 1878 (died July 8, 1889); Alice French, b. Jan. 12, 1881 (musician); Pomeroy Cooper, b. April 14, 1888 (mining engineer); William Fennimore, b. Nov. 4, 1890 (dramatist). Mem. and active in literary work of Chicago Woman's Club, Fort- nightly of Chicago, 111., and Society of Colonial Dames of America. Has given courses of lec- tures in parlors, before schools and clubs, also for church societies— all denominations. Lec- tures upon literary subjects. Has contributed stories and essays to magazines and newspapers. Roman Catholic. Recreations: Gardening, walk- ing.

MERRILL, Katherine L. Yancey (Mrs. George P. Merrill), 1422 Belmont St., Washington, D.C.

Teacher; b. South Boston, Va. ; dau. Edward B. and Susan A. (Jeffress) Yancey; ed. Scottsburg Normal Coll., B.A. '97; George Washington Univ., B.S. '99; m. Washington, D.C, Feb. 13, 1900, George P. Merrill; one daughter: Katherine Dorothy Merrill; also mother by marriage to Joseph P., A. Margaret, Mildred H. and Ruth Merrill. Ass't in sciences and English, Scotts- burg Normal Coll.; ass't in science in charge of laboratory, Nat. Park Sem., 1899. Interested In educational problems, child welfare, household economics. Baptist. Mem. Daughters of the Confederacy (charter mem. South Boston Chap- ter), Washington Soc. of Fine Arts. Recreations; Fishing, study of birds and plants (made collec- tion of seaweeds of the region of the Isle of Springs, Me., 1903). Mem. College Women's Club, Eistophas Science Club (pres. 1910-12), Soc. of Columbian Women, Housekeepers' Alliance. MERRILL, Lillie McDonald (Mrs. Charles Hertry Merrill), 3036 Evanston Av., Chicago, 111. Pastor's assistant; b. Rochester, Wis., Oct 28 1868; dau. George and Elizabeth (Blake) McDon- ald; ed. district school, Rochester, Wis.; Roches- ter Sem., '83-'87; Univ. of Wis., B.L. '02 (English courses); m. Rochester, Wis., Jan. 4, 1894, Charles Henry Merrill (died 1896). Public school teacher, 1887-93; teacher in Chicago training School for city, home and foreign missions, 1903-05; pastor's assistant, 1906. Interested in Woman's Trade Union League, Lake View Juvenile Protective League, Advisory Board of United Charities. Mem. Congregational Woman's League of Pas- tor's Assistants (pres. 1912), ally Woman's Trade Union League. Mem. Lake View Juvenile Pro- tective League, Lake View Woman's Club (Chi- cago), Friends in Council, Social Service Club (social workers). Congregationallst. Favors woman suffrage.

RfERRILL, Mary Sroufe (Mrs. John F. Merrill), Menio Park. San Mateo Co., Cal. Bom Eldorado Co., Cal.; dau. John and Zelda A. (Coberly) Sroufe; ed. public schools of Cal. and Mills Sem., Benicia, Cal.; m. San Francisco, 1874, John Francis Merrill; children: Henrr C. (died), John S. (died), Ralph Dodge, Mary Gladys (Mrs. Harry Sears Bates), Charles Holbrook, Ruth Frances, (Mrs. Leonard C. Hammond). Mem. Council of Women, Women's Board Panama Ex- position Com.; pres. Hospital Aid Ass'n of San Francisco; first vice-pres. San Francisco Chapter American National Red Cross, Century Club of Cal. ; hon. mem. Sorosis Club of San Francisco. Congregationallst. Favors woman suffrage. Re- publican.

MERRILL, Sara Ann Louise Taylor (Mrs. Will- iam Bradford Merrill), Great Neck, L.I., N.Y. Born Georgetown, D.C, 1850; dau. Vincent J. and Ann Elizabeth (Massey) Taylor; ed. Chi- garry Inst., Philadelphia; m. Philadelphia, Sept 12, 1882, William Bradford Merrill; children:


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