��cratic State Central Com. ; mem. Election Com- mission of City and County of Denver for term expiring 1915. MEREDITH, Virginia Claypool (Mrs. Henry
Clay Meredith), Cambridge City-, Ind.
Live stocli breeder, lecturer; b. in Fayette Co., Ind., Nov. 5, 1848; dau. Austin B. and Hannah (Petty) Claypool; ^ad. Glendale (Ohio) Coll., A.B. '66: m. 1870, Henry Clay Meredith (died 1882). On death of husband took charge and per- sonally managed the stock farm in Wayne Co., Ind., making a specialty of thfe breeding of Shorthorn cattle and Southdown sheep. In which was very successful. Prof, home economics, Univ. of Minn., 1897-1902. Engaged for some years as lecturer at State Farmers' Institutes, etc., on farm and home topics, and contributor to agricultural journals. Mem. of Board of Lady Managers of World's Columbian Exposition, Chicago, 1893, and was chairman of its Committee of Awards. Pres. Ind. Union of Literary Clubs, 1893; pres. Indiana Home Economics Ass'n, 1913—. MERIWETHER, Elizabeth Avery (Mrs. Minor
Meriwether), 3716 Delmar Boulevard, St. Louis,
Author; b. Bolivar, Tenn., Jan. 19, 1824; dau. Nathan and Rebecca (Rivers) Avery; attended school until age of 12 in Memphis, Tenn., later education acquired by reading with her father's assistance; m. Minor Meriwether, a lawyer; three sons: Avery, Rivers, Lee. After rearing her boys to manhood began to write for news- papers, and later becajne a lecturer, first for temperance and later for Equal Rights. One of the pioneer woman suffragists; first woman who ever spoke for the cause in Tennessee (1882). Traveled with Miss Susan B. Anthony, lecturing on Equal Rights in New England. Author: The Master of Red Leaf; Black and White; The Ku Klux Klan; My First and Last Love. Methodist. Democrat. MERIWETHER, Lucy Underwood Western
(Mrs. Hunter McKeand Meriwether), 3616
Gladstone Blvd., Kansas City, Mo.
Born Bowling Green, Ky., Nov. 12, 1868; dau. William Wallace and Juliette (Underwood) West- em ; grad. Ward's Sem., Nashville, Tenn. (with honors of class); m. San Francisco, Cal., Sept. 28, 1887, Hunter McKeand Meriwether; children: William Western, b. July 18, 1888; Juliet Elgin, b. Mar. 20, 1893. Was four years regent Elizabeth Benton Chapter D.A.R. (now its historian); State vice-regent two years, D.A.R. ; vice-pres. State Soc. of Daughters of Founders and Patriots of America, State D.A.R. ; pres. of Girls' Home Makers of America, and mem. Nat. Conservation Com. of Advisory Board; mem. Colonial Dames of America, United States Daughters of 1812, Huguenots of America, Americans of Armorial Ancestry, Colonial Daughters of 17th Century. Recreations: Horseback riding, walking, physi- caJ culture, swimming, golf, tennis, lecturing, art, farming. Instigated the building of a memorial to Thomas Hart Benton. Established a scholarship in the Ozark School. Organized and named the George Edward Pickett Chapter United Daughters of Confederacy (ex-pres.). Writer of occasional poems. Episcopalian. Against universal suffrage for men or women; believes property-holding, wage-earning and in- telligence should regulate franchise, not sex. MERRIAM, Elizabeth, Framingham, Mass.
Born Framingham. Jan. 8, 1SC5; dau. Adolphu.^ and Caroline (McKinstry) Merriam; ed. Fram- ingham High School; Lasell Sem., Auburudale, Mass. Mem. .'ilxec. Com. Woman's Board of Missions. Spent winters of IPOO and 1901 in resi- dence at South End (settlement) House, Boston; later conducted, with assistance of Miss Edythe F. Hurd. a Rest House for Tired Women in Framingham for eight summers, 1903-11; trustee Framingham Hospital. Favors woman suffrage. Cong'.egationalist. Republican in political views. Mem. Framingham Woman's Club. Began iu 1908 a systematic distribution o£ the Bible, pub- lished iu thirty-one little three-cent books; this work is known as Gospel Extension; a thousand hooks a day aie now being sent out all over the world.
��MERRlAM, Nellie Bronson (Mrs. Jtrrank F. Mer-
riani), Box 344, Long Beach, Cal.
Bom Camden, N.Y. ; dau; Clark Minor and Abby Ann (Cornish) Bronson; m. Chicago, Dec. 1901, Frank F. Merriam (auditor of State of Iowa, 1899-1903). Favors woman suffrage. Presbyterian. Republican. Supreme pres., 1908-10, Pythian Sis- ters, an independent auxiliary organization of the Knights of Pythias, having 150,000 members. During her administration the altruistic work of the order was inaugurated, being charitable and philanthropic 1 in scope; mem. of P.E.O. Soc. (originally a college sorority, organized at Iowa Wesleyan Univ., Mt. Pleasant, la., in 1864, but now a woman's secret organization with chap- ters in nearly every State in the Union; main- tains educational fund tor loaning to deserving girl students, and supports works of charity and philanthropy). Was prominent in Federated Club circles in Iowa and Oklahoma. MERRICK, Eliza Johnson (Mrs. Richard L.
Merrick), 726 Rose Bldg., Cleveland. Ohio.
Physician; b. Hartland, Ohio, June 26, 1857; dau. Ralph C. and Eliza (Townsend) Johnson; ed. Oberlin Coll., A.B. '79, M.A. '96; Cleveland Homoeopathic Hospital Coll., M.D.; post-grad, at N.Y. Polyclinic, 1900; Vienna and Zurich, 1907; m. Fitchville, Ohio, Nov. 27, 1884, Richard L. Mer- rick; one daughter, Irene Townsend Merrick. Mem. staff of Women's Dispensary; prof, dis- eases of children for ten years in Cleveland Med. Coll. Favors woman suffrage. Baptist. Mem. of all local medical societies. SIERRICK, Mary George Seavey (Mrs. Charles
S. Merrick), Wilbraham, Mass.
Tea.cher; b. Conway, N.H., Mar. 17, 1867; dau. Richard Odell and Elizabeth (Charles) Seavey; prepared for college at Fryeburg (Me.) Acad., '86; Boston Univ., Ph.B. '92; m. Milton, Mass., 1897, Charles S. Merrick, Ph.D.; children: Ruth Emma, James Harold, Stuart Hallowall, Charles Llewellyn, Richard Odell, Theodore. After grad- uation from college taught four years in the Milton (Mass.) High School, one year in Girls' Latin School, Boston. Congregationalist. Rec- reation: Study of botany and geology. Mem. Study Club and Neighborhood Club (Wilbraham, Mass.). MERREFIELD, Izola L. Forrester (Mrs. Reuben
Robert Merrifleld), "Merrymount," South Can- terbury, Conn.
Author; b. Pascoag, R.I., Nov. 15, 1878; dau. George Wallingford and Ogarita Rosalie (Booth) Hills; adopted at age of 14 by George and Harriet N. Forrester, whose name she took; ed. in pri- vate schools; m. Chicago, 111., Oct. 29, 1899, Reu- ben Robert Merrifleld, artist; four children. Engaged in newspaper work as special writer for the daily papers of Chicago until her marriage; since then special writer on New York World, and contributor of short stories and special articles to the leading magazines. Favors woman suffrage; mem. Conn. Equal Suffrage League. Author of books for girls (pen-name "Izola L. Forrester"): The Girls of Bonnie Castle, 1900; The Rook's Nest, 1901; Us Fellers, 1907; Those Preston Twins, 1910; The Polly Page Ranch Club, 1910; The Polly Page Yacht Club, 1911; The Polly Page Motor Club, 1913. Mem. Sea Cliff Study Club, Pen-and Brush Club, N.Y. City. MERRILL, Dora Ellen, 147 Montowese St.,
Bi-i-uford, Conn.
Born La Grange, 111., Nov. 25, 1877; dau. Alba WeekH and Ida Frances (Mann) Merrill; ed. Kemper Hall, Kenosha, Wis.; Vassar (IIoll., A.B. '02; Paris, France; Heffley Business Coll.; Har- vard Summer School of Physical Training. Mem. Board of Managers of the Woman's Auxiliary to the Board of Missions. Head of the Junior Civic League of Branford, Conn., also of the Junior Auxiliary Protestant Episcopalian. MERRILL, Dora Estella, Lock Haven, Pa., and
Idaho Bldg., Boise, Idaho.
Orchardist; b. Shirley, Me.; dau. Paul Stevens and Caroline (Blanchard) Merrill; grad. Lock Haven High School (with honors); Millersville State Normal School (second honor) ; Wellesley (r;oll., elective course, 18S2-84. Prof, history, Butchel Coll., Akron, 0., 1885-90; principal, Mer-
- -ill van Laer School, N.Y. City, 1897-1909. Dl-