��MEIXON, Jennie King (Mrs. Richard Beatty
Mellon). 6500 Fifth Av., Pittsburgh, Pa.
Born Pittsburgh, Pa.; dau. Alexander and Sarah Cordelia (Smith); ed. Pittsburgh, Pa.; m. Richard Beatty Mellon; children: Richard King, Sarah Cordelia. Mem. Twentieth Century Club, Pittsburgh Golf Club, Allegheny Country Club. Presbyterian. MELLOR, Laura Keinhart (Mrs. Charles Chaun-
cey Mellor), 415 Maple Av., Edgewood Park,
Pittsburgh, Pa.
Born Pittsburgh, Pa.; dau. Aaron Grantly and Katharine Hay (McHenry) Reinhart; ed. Pitts- burgh Female Coll. and School of Design, Pitts- burgh; m. Pittsburgh, June 20, 1867, Charles Chauncey Mellor; children: Walter Chauucey, b. Mar. 6, 1870; Charles Stanley, b. May -31, 1872 (died); Gertrude, b. Feb. 12, 1876 (died); CJeorge Edward, b. Mar. 3, 18S0; Harry, b. July 1?., 1382 (died); Arthur Dudley, b. Nov. 7, 1887. Inter- ested in home and foreign mission work. Home for Aged Protestant Couples (Wilkinsburg), Day- tonia Industrial School for Negro Girls (Florida). Clubs: Twentieth Century, Tuesday Musical, EMgewood Woman's. Recreation: Singing. Pres- byterian. Favors suffrage for property owners. MELONEY, Agatha P. (Mrs. Henry T. Meloney),
summer address. Owl's Rest, Ledger, N.C. ;
winter address, 1617 Grove Av.. Richmond, Va.
Born Baltimore, Md., Jan. 3, 1863; dau. Benja- min Francis and Isabella Cole (Ashton) Parlett; ed. Roland Acad., Baltimore, Md. ; musical in- struction in Baltimore, Peabody Inst., and in Berlin, Germany; m. Baltimore, Md., July 31, 1889, Henry T. Meloney. Founder of the Oratorio Soc., known as the Wednesday Club for twenty years in the city of Richmond, Va. ; devoted in a non-professional way to teaching singing, and philanthropic work among needy students of tal- ent, restoring voices and healing throats by proper tone productions. Episcopalian. Favors woman suffrage; mem. Suffrage League of Va. MELOY, Luella Price, Pennsylvania College for
Women, Pittsburgh, Pa.
Professor of sociology; b. Philadelphia, Pa.; dau. Rev. John C. and Louise Price; grad. Pa. Coll. for Women, A.B. ; graduate student in American universities. College preparatory teacher, 1888-1900; social worker, N.Y. City, 1901- 1908; Pittsburgh, 1909; teacher, Social Service, 1909; sociology since 1910, Pa. Coll. for Women. Interested in settlement v/ork and social legisla- tion. Lectures on child welfare before clubs, church societies, etc. ; active in other non-pro- fessional interests growing out of work of pre- paring young women for social work. Favors woman suffrage. Presbyterian. Has been em- ployed by Charity Organization of N.Y. City, State Charities Aid Ass'n, N.Y., five years; Asso- ciated Charities of Pittsburgh. V/as called to Pa. College for Women to develop a dep't of social service.
MELVAIN, Janet Frederica, 11 Park PI., Bloom- field, N.J.
Librarian; b. East Orange, N.J., May 24, 1883; dau. Robert Curry and Sophia Darling (Burger) Melvain; grad. South Orange (N.J.) High School, ■99; Vassar Coll., A.B. '03; N.Y. Public Library School, 1913. Interested in church work, particu- larly Sunday-school and young people's work. Against woman suffrage. Presibyterian. Recrea- tion: Walking. Taught for several years before taking up library work. MENDEI.SON, Ethel Morrison (Mrs. Hans
Mendelson), Edgar, Mont.
Daughter James C. and Elizabeth Milton (Mc- Gehee) Morrison; ed. Omaha, Neb.; Vassar Coll., A.B. '03; m. June 16, 1909, Hans Mendelson. Taught in high school (physics and chemistry) tor six years prior to marriage. Has been called to Billings to teach two terms in high school since marriage. Mem. Phi Beta Kappa. Favors woman suffrage. Episcopalian. MENDENHALL, Alice Ann, R.F.D. 4, Richland
Center, Pa.
College professor; b. Indiana; grad. Earlham Coll., A.B. 1900; graduate student in Semitic languages and New Testament Greek, Univ. of Chicago, 1894-95; foundation scholar in Semitic
��languages and Biblical literature, Bryn Mawr Coll., 1895-96. Teacher of Latin and mathe- matics, Bloomingdale (Ind.) Acad., 1890-94; prof, of Hebrew and the English Bible, Earlham Coll., 1896-98; pastor Friends Church, Bloomingdale, Ind., 1898-90, 1903-05; teacher of Biblical litera- ture ana preceptress of girls, Oakwood Sem., Union Springs, N.Y., 1899-1902; instructor In mathematics in the seminary at Holidaysburg, Pa., 1906-07; prof, of Latin, Keuka Coll., Keuka Park, N.Y., 1907-12; literary editor, 1913, Allen- town, Pa. MENDENHALL, Dcrctliy Reed (Mrs. Charles
Elwood Mendenhall), 510 N. Carroll St., Madi- son, Wis.
Physician; b. Columbus, Ohio, Sept. 22, 1874; dau. William Pratt and Grace (Kimball) Reed; ed. by governesses in U.S. and Germany; Smith Coll., B.L. '95; graduate student Mass. Inst, of Technology, Boston, 1895-96; Johns Hopkins Med. School, M.D. 1900; m. Madison, Wis., 1906, Prof. Charles Elwood Mendenhall; one son: Thomas Corwin, 1911. Resident house officer, Johns Hop- kins Hospital, Baltimore, 1900-01; fellow in path- ology, Johns Hopkins Univ., 1901-02; resident phy- sician, N.Y. Infirmary for Women and Children, 1902; resident physician. Babies' Hospital of City of N.Y., 1903-06. Author: B. Pseudo-tuberculosis Murium (its streptothrix form and pathogenic action), Hodgkins disease (the Johns Hopkins Reports) ; Ac. Leukaemia (Am. Journal of the Medical Sciences). Episcopalian. Favors woman suffrage; mem. of Political Equality League, Woman Suffrage Ass'n of Wis. ; officer of Dane Co. Equal Suffrage League, Wis. MENDES, Grace P. (Mrs. Isaac P. Mendes),
210 Gwinnett St., Savannah, Ga.
Born St. Croix, Danish West Indies, Dec. 7, 1854; dau. Jacob Osorio and Hannah (De Sola) De Castro; grad. public schools of New Orleans, '72 (rank No. 1) ; m. New Orleans, 1877, Dr. Isaac P. Mendes; children: Alma, Dora, Joseph, Ziphrah, Joy. Jewess. Active in work of Temple Guild Mickva Israel League, Ladies' Hebrew Benevolent Soc, Savannah Ass'n of Jewish Women, Orphan Aid Soc, Savannah Branch Needlework Guild. Mem. at large of the Georgia Joint Com. of Nat. Educational Ass'n, Savannah Chapter United Daughters of the Confederacy, Savannah Educational Ass'n for Georgia Moun- taineers. MERCER, Mary Elizabeth, 35 Benevolent St.,
Providence, R.I.
Born Johnston, R.I., 1880; dau. Joseph and Mary E. (Cullen) Mercer; ed. Windham High School, Willimantic, Conn.;. Women's Coll. in Brown Univ., Ph.B. (mem. Alpha Beta). Inter- ested in child welfare work and scientific house- keeping. Mem. R.I. Housewives' League: was corr. sec. Willimantic Women's Club, 1905. MEREDITH, Elisabeth Gra.v (Mrs. Albert A. H.
Meredith), 136 Reedsdale Rd., Milton, Mass.
Born Boston, Mass., Jan. 17, 1858; dau, George Theodore and Sally (Otis) Lyman; ed. home and at Miss A. B. Lane's boarding school, N.Y. City; m. "Woodacres," Bellport, L.I., N.Y., Sept. 5, 1895, Albert A. H. Meredith. Against woman suffrage; chairman for six years of Milton Branch of Mass. Ass'n Opposed to the Further Extension of Suffrage to Women. Unitarian. Mem. Con- sumers' League of Mass., Women's Auxiliarj Civic Service Reform, Mass. MEREDITH, Ellis, 3325 Decatur St., Denver,
Writer; b. Bozeman, Mont.; dau. Frederick A. and Emily R. (Sorin) Meredith; public school education; m. Sept. 2, 1899, Howard S. Stansbury (divorced 1901). Elected to First Charter Con- vention of Denver, 1903; elected to Election Com- mission of Denver, May, 1910. Author: The Master Knot, 1901; Heart of My Heart, 1904 (fourth edition, 1913); Under the Harrow, 1908; Sharp Arrows, 1913; Waters of Strife. 1914. Life mem. Nat. Am. Woman Suffrage Ass'n; hon. mem. Y.W.C.A. Clubs: Charter mem. Woman's Club of Denver, Woman's Public Service League. Recreations: Reading, walking, horseback riding; fond of animals. Episcopalian. Favors woman suffrage; active in Colo, campaign in 1893, and in politics since. Twice vice-chairman Demo-