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��MEEKER, Clara Ella (Mrs. Henry N. Meeker), 101 Hancock St., Brooklyn, N. T. Born Melrose, Mass. ; dau. J. W. and Clara (Jackson) Jones; ed. Northwestern Female Coll., Evanston, 111.; m. Henry N. Meeker; children: Luella, Harold, Edward, Hazel. Favors woman suSrage. Methodist. Mem. Pepperell Ass'n, Kit- tery. Me.; Brooklyn Woman's Club, Chiropean Club (pres. three years), Photerene Club, Soc. of New England Women.

MEEKryS, Katherjce Webster (Mrs. Lynn Roby Meekins), 241S N. Charles St., Baltimore, Md. Born Baltimore, Md., Nov. 22, 1862; dau. Rev. Dr. Augustus and Mary Jane (Hines) Yv'ebster; ed. privately; studied voice culture under lead- ing teachers; sang in chorus and concerts, Bal- timore and Washington; m. Nov. 5, 1891, L.ynn Roby Meekins; one son, Lynn Webster Meekins, of Johns Hopkins Univ. Interested in church work and charities. Mem. ofBcial boards of Home for Incurables, Aged People's Home (both of Baltimore), and Home for the Aged at West- minster, Md. ; mem. auxiliary board Maryland Gen. Hospital. Has contributed articles anony- mously to various publications. Mem. St. John's Independent Church, Baltimore, of which her father was pastor for over 50 years. Against suffrage for women.

MEEKS, Frances Rebecca Pearson (Mrs. James A. Meeks), Spring Glen, Danville, III. Teacher; b. South Vallejo, Cal., Jan. 15, 1870; dau. Gustavus Clark and Hattie (Brown) Pear- son; grad. Danville High School (first honors), '88; Mich. State Normal Coll., '90; Pd.B. '98; Pd.M. '99; Cornell Univ., Ex-'97; 111. Wesleyan (in absentia), Ph.B. '04, M.A. '08; 111. Univ. (sum- mers and correspondence) ; Chicago Univ. (Kappa Kappa Gamma, Cornell); m. Danville, Aug. 27, 1S98, James A. Meeks, lawyer. Taught science at age of 21 in home high school; English, 1901; English and history, 1902 — . ' Organized Phi Kappa Gamma (known later as Girls' Club of High School) and conducted it. Interested as counselor in advising about colleges and courses for young people, the promotion of good citizen- ship and 'Tolstoism applied, eugenics and ora- tory. Favors woman suffrage. Episcopalian. Mem. Nat. Educational Ass'n., Nat. Geog. Soc, D.A.R., Y.W.C.A. Recreations: Gardening, ath- letics, out-door sports, sunshine work, motoring, traveling, kodaking. Pres. and charter mem. Woman's Club of Danville; traveled in Canada and British Isles, 1900; has given talks on Shakespeare's Country, etc.; has given addresses on Rational Amusements at State Y.W.C.A., and on work of Woman's Club.

5IEETEER, Henrietta Josephine, Swarthmore

College, Swarthmore, Pa.

Teacher; b. Laporte, Ind., June 1, 1857; dau. Joseph Chamberlain and Henrietta (Churchman) Meeteer; ed. Indiana Univ., A.B. '01; Univ. of Pa., Ph.D. '04; Frances Sergeant Pepper fellow in classical languages, Univ. of Pa., 1901-04 (Phi Beta Kappa, Ind. Univ.). Dean of women, Univ. of Colo., 1904-06; dean of Swarthmore Coll., 1906—; ass't prof, of Greek, 1909—, Swarthmore Coll. Mem. Classical Ass'n of Atlantic States, Archaeological Inst, of America, Woman's Club (Swarthmore), College Club (Philadelphia).

MEIER, Gertrude GIbbs (Mrs. Ferdinand

Meier), Woodland, Cal.

Bom Geneva, Minn., Nov. 26, 1870; dau. Elam S. (M.D.) and Martha Jane (Brown) Gibbs; ed. Univ. of Minn., B.S. '93; Cornell Univ., M.S. '96 (Kappa Alpha Theta) ; m. Monticello, Ferdinand Meier; one daughter: Gretchen. Episcopalian. Recreation: Hunting charming mountain spots In California. Favors woman suffrage.

MEIGS, Grace Lynde, 1259 -North State St..

Chicago, 111.

Phvsician; b. Keokuk, loTva; ed. Keokuk High School. Bryn Mawr Coll., A.B. '03; Keokuk Med. Coll., 1904-05; Rush Med. Coll. of Univ. of Chi- cago, 1905-08, M.D. '08. Ass't teacher of English and Latin in Keokuk High School. Interne Cook County Hospital, Chicago, 1908-09. Practising physician in Chicago since 1909.

��MEIGS, Katliarine H., IDS Leffierts PI., Brook- lyn, N.Y. Teacher; b. N.Y. City; dau. Charles A. and

Katharine A. (Bryan) Meigs; grad. Smith Coll..

A.B.; Columbia Univ., A.M. Congregationalist.

Mem. Humane Soc, A.A.A.S., Nat. Geog. Soc.

and various teachers' ass'ns. Mem. Smith Coll.

Club (N.Y. City), Women's Univ. Club (N.Y.


MEIGS, Louise Lawrence (Mrs. F. J. Meigs),

Lawrence Park, Bronxville, N.Y.

Born Montreal, Can., 1871; dau. William Van Duzer and Sarah E. (Bates) Lawrence; ed. Ama- ron-Clements School, Berthier, Can.; Vassar, A.B. ; m. N.Y. City, 1897, Ferris J. Meigs; chil- dren: Lucia Lawrence, Margery Lawrence, Hes- ter Oakley. Recreations: Camping, walking, ca- noeing, motoring. Mem. Women's University Club.

MELCHEB, Bertha L. Corbett (Mrs. George

Henry Melcher), Topanga, Cal.

Miniature painter, illustrator; b. Denver, Colo., Feb. 3, 1872; dau. Waldo Flint and Lottie E. (Robinson) Corbett; ed. Minneapolis School of Fine Arts, Drexel Acad, (under Howard Pyle), Philadelphia; m. Los Angeles, Cal., Aug. 5, 1910, George Henry Melcher; one daughter: Charlotte Roseneath, b. May 3, 1911. Originator of "The Sunbonnet Babies." Has given Chalk Talks for many women's clubs, a humorous collection of short stories, illustrated by chalk sketches drawn before the audience, two minutes each. Inter- ested in all lines pertaining to the betterment of children in homes, or homeless; has given many entertainments for the enjoyment of teach- ers and pupils. Has illustrated children's books. Author: A Sunbonnet Record— a Baby's Birth- book, written and illustrated by the author. Illustrated: The Sunbonnet Babies' Primer; The Overall Boys' First Reader. Mem. Chicago Wom- an's Press Club, 1907-09; mem. Cal. Woman's Press Club since 1909. Recreation: Horseback riding. Favors woman suffrage.

MELENEY, Carolyn Cort (Mrs. Clarence Ed- mund Meleney), 15 Wellington Court, Brook- lyn, N.Y.

Born Everettstown, N.J., Aug. 12, 1858; dau. Rev. John Summerfield and Ellen (Neafie) Cort; ed. Newark High School, Newark Normal School, Kraus Sem. (for kindergartners); m. Newark, N.J., May 20, 18S5, Clarence Edmund Meleney, associate sup't of schools, N.Y. City; children: Robert Cort, b. 1886; Henry Edmund, b. 1887; Frank Lamont, b. 1889; Clarence Cort, b. 1892; Graee, b. 1896; George Letoer, b. 1901. Lectured to kindergarten teachers, 1885-86; Martha's Vine- yard Summer Institute, 1898-1900; talks to moth- ers, Brooklyn, N.Y., since 1896. Mem. Exec. Board of N.Y. Branch of Woman's Foreign Mis- sionary Soc, 1910 — . Mem. Brooklyn Free Kin- dergarten Soc, Board of Managers of Brooklyn Orphan Asylum; mem. Exec. Com. Bedford Branch Brooklyn Bureau of Charities, Adelphi College Auxiliary. Favors woman suffrage. Has written numerous magazine articles on child training. Mem. Methodist Episcopal Church. One of the founders of the Kraus Alumnae Ass'n. Mem. Brooklyn Woman's Club, Fortnightly of Flatbush.

MELLEN. Ellen Johnson (Mrs. William Mel-

len), 214 Spicer Av., Victor, Colo.

Born Romney, W.Va., Nov. 5, 1863; dau. Z. and Rebecca (Stickley) Johnson; ed. private school; Berkley Sem., Martinsburg, W.Va.; State Nor- mal School, Fairmont, W.Va. ; m. Romney. W.Va., 1887, William Mellen; children, George, Romney. Teacher. Mem. Order Eastern Star, Ladies' Aid Welfare Club; Sunday-school teacher; chairman United Charities of Cripple Creek Dis- trict. Favors woman suffrage. Presbyterian. Recreation: Traveling. Pres. Chicago Douglas Park Woman's Club, 1908-09; pres. Woman's Club of Victor, 1910-12; vice-pres. Shakespeare Club of Chicago, 1907-08; mem. History Club, Monday Club; former mem. of Chautauqua Lit- erary and Scientific Circle, and of Bay View Club.


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