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��MAXWELL, Ellen Blackniar — see Barker, Ellen Blackmar.

MAXWELL, Emma Eliza, North Side High

School, Denver, Colo.

Teacher; b. Clymer, N.Y. ; dau. C. M. and E. A. (Brown) Maxwell; ed. Cornell Univ., B.S.; Chi- cago Univ., Univ. of Cal. Favors woman suf- frage. Independent in politics. Mem. D.A.R., Ass'n Collegiate Alumnae, Denver Teachers' Club, Woman's Educational Club.

MAXWELL, Ernestine McDaniel (Mrs. J. A.

Maxwell), Ft. ilorgan, Colo.

Born Beech Grove, Ky. ; dau. A. X. and Frances (Brown) McDaniel; ed. in Ky. and Ark., in pub- lic schools and by private teachers; m. Greenville, Miss., 1900, J. A. Maxwell. Taught in public schools in Ark. before marriage. Mem. State Central Com. of Citizens' Party; mem. dist. com. of women for Progressive Parly. Writes for magazines and local papers under a nom-de- plume. Author: Memories of the Old South; Colorado in the Making; Pioneer Days as Told by the Old Timers. Eligible to D.A.R. ; worker in Episcopal Guild. Club: Shakespeare (organ- ized in 1910, federated 1911). Recreations: Boat- ing, riding in Western style (astride), croquet, walking. Episcopalian. Favors woman suffrage. Progressive Party.

MAXWELL, Gertrude .\ppleget Wyckoflf (Mrs.

James M. Maxwell), Hightstown, X.J.

Born Wyckofl's Mills, X.J., May 7, 1S40; dau. Peter and Elizabeth (Baird) Wyckoff; grad. Free- hold Y&ung Ladies' Sem., '59; m. Highstown, N.J., Oct. 26, 1S65, Rev. James M. Maxwell. Pres. Hightstown Improvement Ass'n; registrar Mon- mouth Chapter D.A.R. ; sec. Monmouth Presby- terian Home Missionary Soc. ; pres. local church soc. ; interested in W.C.T.U. Writer of various newspaper articles and reports of societies, clubs and associations. Favors woman suffrage.

MAXWELL, Laura, Easton. Pa.

Born Easton, Pa., Feb. 5, ISoS; dau. Henry D. Maxwell (Judge of Northampton County) and Maria Louise (Honeyman) Maxwell (dau. of Dr. John Honeyman, M.D., of Hunterdon Co., N.J.); ed. Miss Porter's School, Farmington, Conn., 1874-75, and Miss McCarrell's School, Easton, Pa. Mem. Executive Board of Y.W.C.A. ; mem. Charity Organization Soc, Woman's Club, Fort- nightly Literary Club, MoAU Mission Auxiliary, Bible-class teacher. Favors woman suffrage. Author: In Suabia Land. Presbyterian. Recrea- tions: Nature study, botany.

MAY, Winifred Martin (Mrs. Glenn F. May), 441 Columbia PI., East St. Louis, 111. Born Salem, 111., Feb. 4, 1869; dau. Thompson S. and Jennie (Wren) Martin; ed. Salem (111.) public school; m. Vincennes, 111., 1889, Glenn F. May; children: Maybelle Lawrence, Helen, Doro- thy. Interested in East St. Louis Y.W.C.A. (board of directors); Ladies' Auxiliary of Hen- rietta Hospital; Woman's Foreign Missionary Soc; Ladies' Aid of M.E. Church. Gluts: Wednesday (pres.). Ladies' Literary, Schubert Musical. Methodist. Favors woman suffrage.

MAYER, Belle Faick (Mrs. Joseph B. Mayer),

14 E. Sixtieth St., N.Y. City.

Born Palmyra, N.Y. ; dau. Abram and Kathryn (Adler) Falck; ed. Buffalo private schools and in England; m. Buffalo, N.Y., 1874, Joseph B. Mayer; children: Eugenie Marion Grimes, Jack Arthur, Lawrence Julian. Interested in various social and philanthropic organizations; charter mem. Twentieth Century Club, Buffalo; former vloe-pres. Woman's Educational and Industrial Union (Buffalo); former mem. Board of Trus- tees (Auxiliary) Gen. Hospital, Children's Aid Soc. Favors woman suffrage; captain 29th As- sembly District Women's Political Union, Wo- men's Suffrage Party. Episcopalian (mem. St. Thomas Church) Mem. Post Parliament, Auxil- iary No. 1 of Little Mothers' Aid Ass'n, Women's College Club. Appointed by Gov. Odell one of the managers for the Blind Inst, at Batavia, N.Y., sorved 1901-05. Chairman Exec Com. for an organization formed to ass't volunteers on their return from the Cuban War.

��M.4lYER, Mary Hicks (Mrs. George H. Mayer), Kinmundy, 111.

Born Covington, Ind., Jan. 1, 1876; dau. Fran- cis Marion and Mary Elmira (Sloan) Hicks; ed. Indianapolis High School and Girls' Classical School; m. Champaign, 111., Nov. 2S, 1904, George H. Mayer. Mem. DuQuion (111.) Woman's Club, Kinmundy (111.) Woman's Club. Recrea'ions: Hunting, riding, driving, out-of-door sports. MAYER, Mrs. Max, 714 College St., Iowa City, Iowa.

Bom Iowa City, Iowa, 1872; dau. Moses and Sarah (Wise) Bloom; ed. St. Mary's Acad., South Bend, Ind.; State Univ. of Iowa, St. Katherine'a Hall, Davenport, Iowa; m. Iowa City, March 20, 1894, Max Mayer; one son, Edward B. Mayer, b. July 4, 1895; step children: Florence, b. Jan. 27, 18S8; Lawrence, b. Oct. 16, 1889. Helped establish free garbage system in Iowa City and several other towns; also public playgrounds, visiting nurses. Home for Aged Women and White Cross Home. Favors woman suffrage. Author of two Year Books for Iowa Fed. of Women's Clubs. Jewess. Mem. State Fed. of Women's Clubs, Art Circle, W. W. Club, SUte Historical Soc, Drama League, Associated Char- ities, Hebrew Inst, of Chicago, Elk's Ladies. Recreations: Golf, bridge, playgrounds, writing, sewing. Mem. Reading Circle, two evening bridge clubs, Country Club. Cor. sec. Iowa Fed. of Women's Club; pres. Iowa City Improvement League; chairman of Visiting Nurses' Ass'n; treas. Home for Aged Women; chairman of Play- grounds Ass'n.

M.\ YNARD, Lucy Julia Warner (Mrs. George Colton Maynard), The Woodley, Washington, D.C.

Born Halstead, Pa., Feb. 18, 1852; dau. Henry and Julia (Truesdell) Warner; ed. Millersville, Pa.; studied piano with William Mason; m. Hal- stead, April 10, 1879, George Colton Maynard, curator U.S. National Museum; children: (iolton, Henry Warner, Chandler, George Maudsley. Au- thor: Birds of Washington and Vicinity; Letters and Journals of Colton Maynard, Warner Genealogy; essays on various subjects. Presby- terian. Mem. D.A.R., Colonial Dames of America, Audubon Soc; pres. Eistophos Science Club, 1899-1901; mem. Twentieth Century Club, Washington, D.C. Recreations: Music and gar- dening.

>L\.YXAKD, Slargaret Ryerson, 84 S. Broadway, Xyack, N.Y.

Tutor; b. Nyack, N.Y., Feb. 9, 1885; dau. Ed- ward H. and Elsie (De R. Morford) Maynard; ed. Nyack High School; the Baldwin School; Bryn Mawr Coll., A.B. Assoc, mem. Women's Board of Domestic Missions of Reformed Church in America; interested in Sunday-schools. Mem. Women's University Club (N.Y. City), Nyack Country Club, Bridge Club. Recreations: Tennis, walking, driving, boating, music, piano, travel- ing. Mem. Dutch Reformed Church. Favors woman suffrage.

M.\YXARD, Mila Tnpper (Mrs. R. A. Maynard), 1634 W. Thirty-ninth St., Los Angeles, Cal. Lecturer, writer; b. Brighton, la.; dau. Allen and Ellen (Smith) Tupper; grad. Cornell Univ., B.L. '89 (mem. Kappa Kappa Gamma); m. Chi- cago, 1893, R. A. Maynard; one daughter: Kath- erine, b. 1900. Ordained to ministry (Unitarian), 1889. at La Porte, Ind. ; pastor Unitarian Church, Grand Rapids, Mich., 1891-93; Reno, Nev., 1893-95; Santa Monica, Cal.. 1895-97; Salt Lake City, 1897- 99; Broadway Temple, Denver, 1899-1900. Edi- torial writer. Rocky Mountain News, 1903-07. L6H;turer on modern drama, Cumnock School of Expression, Los Angeles. Lecturer in social and literary lines, 1907—. Has done much writing for Socialist press. In charge of drama dep't in Eball Club, 1911-12, and 1912-13. In campaigns for suffrage amendment in Cal., 1896-11; pros. Los Angeles Suffrage Ass'n, 1896. Lectured through- out the campaigns; helped in campaign of 1911. A voter of Utah and Colorado for years. .Author: Walt Whitman. Poet of Wider Selfhood; Brown- ing's Saul (a monograph). Unitarian. Socialist. Mem. Intercollegiate Socialist Soc, Press Club. Mem. Ebell Club, Los Angeles; Woman's City Club, Gelpin Shakespeare Club. Was in the min-


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