Nov. 25, 1891, Frank E. Matthews; one daughter: Esther Alfreda, b. March 25, 1897 (died Nov. 12, 1910). Author: Under a Circus Tent; Once a Merman, and articles in several periodicals. Mem. United Brethren Church. Democrat. Mem. Rebecca Lodge. Recreations: Raising of flowers, experiments with camera, and psychological study.
MATTHEWS, Jane Skinker (Mrs. Claude Lev. ering Matthews), 4261 McPherson Av., St. Louis, Mo.
Born St. Louis, April 9, 1886; dau. T. K. and A. Bertha (Rives) Skinker; ed. Mary Inst., St. Louis (cum laude), 1897-1903; St. Margaret's, Waterbury, Conn., summa cum laude, 1904; m. 1906, Claude Levering Matthews; children: Rives Skinker, Jane Skinker, Claudia Levering. Vicepres. Maternity Hospital Board. Favors woman suffrage. Episcopalian. Recreations: Rowing, swimming, motoring, tennis, skating, riding, dancing, bridge, reading, plays. Clubs: Imperial, Country.
MATTIS, Elsie Curtis (Mrs. George McKinley Mattis\ 203 N. Prospect St., Champaign, 111. Born Chicago, 111., July 5, 1881; dau. William Eleroy and Cora (Kepler) Curtis; ed. private schools in Washington and Miss Baldwin's School, Bryn Mawr, Pa.; m. Washington, D.C., Oct. 16, 1909, George McKinley Mattis; one daugnter: Molly, b. Oct. 1, 1910. Traveled almost continuously in all parts of the world with her father; when traveling acted as his secretary in his newspaper work until 1909. Presbyterian. Republican.
MAULE, Mary Katherine (Mrs. John P. Maule), Rye, N.T.
Writer; b. Pekin, 111., Apr. 9, 1861; dau. Hehry P.^and Margaret (F^nnelley) Finigan; ed. Univ. of 'Neb.; m. Lincoln, Neb., 1878, John P. Maule; children: Frances, Florence, Harry E. Began writing as a profession in 1898; in 1900 went on Denver (Colo.) Times, editor woman't dep't, 190005; special correspondent N.Y. papers, 1905. Mem. Denver Woman's Club; officer Denver Press Club; mem. Sorosis, Cliff Dwellers' Ass'n, and social clubs. Author: Molly Bawn; The Little Knight of the X Bar B; serial story. The House of the Purple Windows; short stories. The Verdict, Branded, Bill Crowther's Last Stand, Petro, The Great Transformer, Along the Red Trail, and many others. Recreations: Swimming, tramping, bird and nature study. Favors woman suffrage; mem. Nat. Woman's Suffrage Ass'n, Woman's Suffrage Party, N.Y. Woman's Suffrage Ass'n.
MAULL, Millicent Howell (Mrs. James Lehman Maull), W. Whiteland P.O., Pa. Born Philadelphia, May 8, 1868; dau. William Rumford and Millicent Ann (Gottier) Howell; ed. St. Agnes School, Philadelphia; m. Philadelphia, Jan. 2, 1889, James Lehman Maull; children: William Raymond, Margaret Howell, Millicent Luisa. Mem. Sedgeley Club, Philadelphia. Episcopalian. Favors woman suffrage.
MAURY, Antonia Coetana, Hastlngs-on-Hudson, N.Y. Astronomer and teacher; b. Cold-Spring-on Hudson, N.Y., Mar. 21, 1866; dau. Rev. Mytton Maury, D.D., and Virginia (Draper) Maury; grad. Vassar Coll., A.B. '87. Engaged in Harvard Coll. Observatory,1889-95; teacher of physical science in the Oilman School, Cambridge, Mass., 1891-94; Miss Mason's School, Tarrytown, N.Y., since 1909. Specializes in astronomical research. Author: Classification of the Spectra of Bright Stars (Harvard Annals, 1897). Mem. Brooklyn Inst, of Arts and Sciences.
MAURY, Carlotta Joaqulna, Hastings-on-Hudson, N.Y. Geologist; b. Hastings-on-Hudson, N.Y.; dau. Rev. Mytton and Virginia (Draper) Maury; ed. Cornell Univ., Ph.D. '96; Univ. of Paris, 1898-99; Cornell, Ph.D. '02; Schuyler fellow in geology, 1897-98, Sigma Xi '98 (Delta Gamma). Ass't Columbia Univ., dep't of palaeontology; lecturer palaeontology, Barnard Coll.; ass't Louisiana State Geological Survey; lecturer Huguenot Coll., Univ. of the Cape of Good Hope. Author: Comparison of the Oligocene of Western Europe and the Southern United States; New Oligocene Shells from Florida; Deep Well Fossils from Terrebonne Parish; Rock Salts (with others); Quaternary and Recent Mollusca of the Gulf Coast; contributor to t^e Palaeontology of Trinidad Island. Fellow A.A.A.S.; cor. mem. Philadelphia Acad. Science. Recreation: Traveling. Episcopalian. Favors woman suffrage.
MAUS, Mattie Lindsay Poor (Mrs. Marion P.
Maus), care War Departm-ent, Washington,
Born Skaneateles, N.Y., Nov. 7, 1875; dau. Charles H. and Cornelia (Longstreet) Poor; ed. private schools, Washington, D.C; Mrs. Collier's School, Mrs. Piatt's School, Utica; Milles, Thavonet and Taylor, Neuilly sur-Seine, France; m. Skaneateles, N.Y.. June 2S, 1899, Gen. Marion P. Maus, U.S.A. E>piscopalian. Mem. Nat. Soc, Colonial Dames of America, Army and Navy League, Army Relief. MAUZT, Anna J. Koss (Mrs. Hugh Elliott
Mauzy), 5th and Morgan Sts., Rushville, Ind.
Musician; b. Rushville, Ind., Jan. 25, 1885; dau. Emerson and Judith (Theis) Ross; ed. Richmond (Ind.) schools; Cincinnati Coll. of Music, Fairmont Coll., Washington D.C; m. Richmond, Ind., Sept. 8, 1909, Hugh Elliott Mauzy; one daughter: Judith Mauzy, b. 1911. Accompanist at May Festival in 1907, Richmond; pianist in orchestra during high school years; organist at Grace M.E. Church, 1906-09. Prss. of Rushville Music Club and Eutopia Club. Mem. Christian Church.
MAXIM, Florence, 40 Maple St., Hyde Park,
Writer, composer; b. Brooklyn, N.Y., June 4, 1S73; dau. Hiram S. and Jane (Budden) Maxim; ed. grammar and high schools of Hyde Park, Mass.; grad. New England Conservatory of Music. Club: Hyde Park Current Events. Favors woman suffrage.
MAXWELL, Anna Caroline, 41 East Seventieth
St.. N.Y. City.
Sup't School of Nursing, the Presbyterian Hospital, N.Y. City; b. Bristol, N.Y., 1851; dau. Eglinton and Diantha (Brown) Maxwell; home education in Western N.Y.; grad. Training School for Nurses, the Boston (Mass.) City Hospital. Sup't Training School for Nurses, Mass. General Hospital, Boston, Mass.; sup't Training School for Nurses. St. Luke's Hospital, N.Y. City. Author: Practical Nursing (Maxwell and Pope). Mem. Boston City Hospital Alumnae, Am. Nurses' Ass'n, the Women's Cosmopolitan Club, Caroline County Club. Episcopalian. Against woman suffrage; mem. N.Y. State Ass'n Opposed to Woman Suffrage.
MAXWELL, Carrie Est*lle, 67 West St., Portland, Me.
Teacher of china painting, oil and water colors; b. Cape Elizabeth, Me., Dec. 29, 1863; dau. Eben and Mary C (Jordan) Maxwell; ed. Portland (Me.) public schools; studied drawing and oil painting with Miss Henrietta Quincy and Harrison B. Brown at Portland; china painting with S. T. Callowhill and Gertrude Cherney Davis at Boston. Teacher of china painting since 1900, doing her own firing and that of pupils, using original designs and studies made in water colors from nature. Many original paintings, both in oil and water colors, have been accepted and hung by the Portland Soc. of Art at the annual exhibitions. Mem. Elizabeth Wadsworth Chapter D.A.R. Clubs: Brush and Thimble, Nature Study, Woman's Literary Union. Methodist. MAXWELL, Clara M. Barry (Mrs. Lawrence Maxwell), Edgecliffe Rd., Cincinnati, Ohio. Born Ann Arbor, Mich.; dau. Robert John and Sarah Amelia (Moseley) Barry; ed. Ann Arbor, Mich.; m. Ann Arbor, Lawrence Maxwell, of Cincinnati, Ohio (Solicitor-General in second Cleveland administration); children: Eleazer Darrow, Marjorie Graydon, Jean Schmidlapp. Pres. Widows' and Old Men's Home; pres. Cincinnati Woman's Club; chairman Cincinnati Biennial Board of 1910; chairman of Dep't of Music of Gen. Fed. of Women's Clubs. Against woman suffrage.