��MASTICK, Josephine Hlnchman (Mrs. Reuben Wood Mastlck), Hayward, Cal., Route No. 1, Box A.
Born San Francisco; dau. Thomas Walworth and Josephine H. (Squire) Hlnchman; ed. Clark's Inst.; Misses Metcalf School; Advanced School, Utlca, N.Y. ; m. Alameda, Cal., 18S4, Reuben Wood Mastlck; children: Reuben Wood, Mrs. Henry W. Blagen, Margery. Favors woman suffrage; pres. Ellen Sargent Club, San Fran- cisco; former pres. Franchise League, Hayward; now pres. Union Civic Centre of Hayward. Pres. Alameda Club; mem. California Club; mem. Hill and Valley Club, Hayward.
MASTIN, Flora WiUiams (Mrs. W. H. Mastin), Frankfort, Ky.
Physician; b. FYankfort, Ky., July, 1864; dau. Henry R. and Sara (Gayle) Williams; ed. Univ. of Mich., '86; m. Louisville, Ky., 1889, W. H. Mastin; children: Stewart, Sherley. Favors woman suffrage. Methodist. Mem. Franklin Co. Med. Soc, Ky. Midland Med. Soc., Ky. State Med. Soc.
MATHEWS, Blanche Dingley (Mrs. W. S. B. Mathews), 25 W. Eighteenth Av., Denver, Colo.
Composer and teacher; b. Auburn, Me., May 27, 1873; dau. Frank L. and Lucinda Mary (Greeley) Dingley; ed. Auburn, Me.; Boston, Berlin, Chi- cago; m. W. S. B. Mathews. Special attention given to the placing of music upon a graded basis, that teachers of music may pass examina- tions, same as teachers in other branches. Fa- vors woman suffrage. Author: Class Book in Music; Musicians' Music Sheet; Graded Course of Study. Founder of Piano School in Chicago. Teacher in special normal and in large convent communities and works in different centres of United States.
MATHEWS, Frances Aymar, care Bobbs-Merrlll Co., Indianapolis, Ind.
Writer; b. N.Y. City; dau. Daniel A. and Sara Eayres (Webb) Mathews. Interested In the stage and foreign politics. Against woman suffrage. Author: Little Tragedy at Tietsin; My Lady Peggy Goes to Town, 1901; Pretty Peggy (play); Christmas Honeymoon (novel); Joan D'Arc (play); If David Knew; The Red Swan; Mam- zelle; My Lady Peggy Leaves Town; Stranger Passing By (play); Up to Him (novel and play). Episcopalian. Recreations: Horses, dancing, travel, orchestral music.
MATHEWS, Helen Whitman (Mrs. Edward Bennett Mathews), 1410 Linden Av., Balti- more, Md.
Born Troy, N.Y., April 17, 1876; dau. William Warren and Nancy (3rane Whitman; ed. Troy Female Sem.. The Elms, Springfield; grad. Vas- sar Coll., A.B. '98; m. Troy, N.Y., Sept. 12, 1900, Edward Bennett Mathews (prof, of mineralogy in Johns Hopkins Univ.); one daughter: Mar- garet, b. Aug. 2, 1903. Corresponding sec. Board of Managers Light St. Free Kindergarten, Balti- more; chairman local Executive Com. Woman's Missionary Union, Auxiliary to Southern Baptist Convention. Baptist. Mem. College Club of Baltimore.
MATHEWS, Rachel ElUcott (Mrs. Edward L. Mathews), 901 Ditmas Av., Flatbush, Brook- lyn, N.Y.
Bom Baltimore Co., Md., Feb. 23, 1870; dau. Thomas P. and Caroline M. (Allen) Ellicott; ed. Baltimore, Md. Edgeworth School, Bryn Mawr School; m. Baltimore, Md., Dec. 27, 1894, Ed- ward L. Mathews; children: Edward L., Sarah White, Thomas Poultney Ellicott. Mem. Soc. of Orthodox Friends. Favors woman suffrage. MATHOT, Alice Croly (Mrs. William L. Mathot), Groton, N.Y., Box 208. Bom N.Y. City; dau. David G. and Jane (Vaughn) Croly; ed. N.Y. City and abroad; m. William R. Mathot; one daughter: Josephine Alice. Against woman suffrage. Congregatlon- ftllst. Sec. Woman's Missionary Society, Groton, N.Y.; mem. Sorosla Club, N.Y. City. MATLACK, Mrs. George S., 106 S. Second St., Lewlsburg, Pa,
Bom Milton, Pa.; dau. Philip and Susan (Foll- mer) BUlmeyer; ed. Bucknell Sem., Lewlsburg,
��Pa.; m. Nov. 28, 1877, George S. Matlack; ona daughter: Mary Matlack Raignel. Pros. Univer- sity Club of Lewisiburg. Favors woman suffrage. Presbyterian. Mem. Bucknell Alumnae Club (Lewlsburg).
MAT80N, Anna Glover (Mrs. Nathaniel Mat- son), 1249 Pacific St., Brooklyn, N.Y. Born Brooklyn, N.Y., April 18, 1851; dau. John I. and Rhoda A. (Hallock) Glover; m. Brooklyn, June 14, 1871, Dr. Nathaniel Matson; children: Esther, Clarine Van Bergen, Anna Nathalie. Interested in free kindergarten and library movements, Y.W.C.A. Mem. Soc. of Mayflower Descendents, State of N.Y. ; Long Island Soc, D.A.R., N.Y. Peace Soc, Brooklyn Woman'a Club, Brooklyn Heights Seminary Club, Fire- place Library Club of Brook Haven, L.I. Rec- reation: Gardening. Unitarian. Favors woman suffrage; mem. Brooklyn Woman Suffrage Ass'n. MATSON, Kathleen Connor (Mrs. Joseph Mat- son), Fort Washington, Md. Born Burlington, la., June 10, 1877; dau. Ed- ward W. and Kate (Darrow) Connor; ed. Bur- lington High School; Iowa State Univ.; Cornell Univ., A.B. '98 (Kappa Alpha Theta); m. Ithaca, N.Y., Apr. 26, 1904, Capt. Joseph Matson, U.S.A.; children: Joseph, Francis Connor, Edward. So- cial duties largely confined to army post where stationed. Oongregationalist.
MATTERN, Gertrude Lewis (Mrs. Edwin L.
Mattern), 1008 Farragut St., Pittsburgh, Pa.
Born Pittsburgh, Pa., Oct. 29, 1873; dau. John L. and Annie (Glosser) Lewis; ed. Stevens' School for Girls, Philadelphia; Bryn Mawr Preparatory School. Pa. Coll. for Women; m. Pittsburgh, Pa.. 1901, Edward L. Mattern. Cor. sec. of Board of Directors Juvenile Court Ass'n of Allegheny Co., Pa. ; chairman Social Service Group of Women of First Baptist Church. Favors woman suffrag*. Mem. Equal Franchise Ass'n, Western Pa. (membership com.). Baptist. Mem. Soho Baths Settlement, Civic Club of Allegheny Co., Pa.; Consumers' League of Allegheny Co., Art Soc, Associated Charities. Mem. Tuesday Musical Club, Twentieth Century Club, Pittsburgh, Pa.
MATTHEWS, Agrnes Rounds (Mrs. Edwin Scott Matthews), 117 W. Fifty-eighth St., N.Y. City. Author and lecturer; b. Cleveland, O. ; dau. Dr. Charles C. and Kate Nixon (Stowell) Rounds; ed. at home. Miss Wesselhoeft's School, Boston; State Normal School, Wellesley Coll., and Cour Desir, Paris, France; m. Plymouth, N.H., July 10, 1888, Edwin Scott Matthews, engineer, inventor and patent expert; one son: Harold Nixon. Lecturer and director of Training School for Teachers, Cambridge, Mass., before marriage. Author of special articles and stories; Training of Teachers (education); Composition (serial in New England Journal of Education); The Seven Champions of Christendom, 1911. Addressed the National Educational Ass'n and other educational bodies; lectured for the N.Y. Board of Education and for the Brooklyn Institute of Arts and Sciences. Mem. Equal Franchise Soc. of N.Y. City; for- mer mem. New England Woman's Club of Bos- ton; mem. D.A.R.
MATTHEWS, Florence B. (Mrs. Joseph H. Mat- thews), 731 S. Fifth St.. Arkansas City, Kan. Physician; b. Greenville, 111., Feb. 6, 1857; dau. Clifford Ward and Malvina (Richardson) Hol- den; grad. Greenville High School, '73; Almlra Coll., Greenville, 111., '76; Univ. of Mich. Homoeo- pathic Dep't, M.D. '81; m. Gainesville, Tex., 1888, Joseph H Matthews; children: Daniel A. (died), Arthur M., Robert L.. William U. (died), Bar- bara (died). Prof, of anatomy, Women's Med. Coll., St. Louis, 1883; prof, of anatomy to women, Homoeopethic Coll. of Mo., 1SS4. Interested in Sunday-school work; was sec. of Bond Co. Sun- day-school Ass'n for several years; worker In Adult and Home Dep'ts. Recreations: Reading, gardening. Presbyterian. Favors woman suf- frage. Republican.
MATTHEWS, Tmia Blanchard (Mrs, Frank E.
Matthews), 300 N. Vernon Av., Pasadena, Cal.
Author; b. Barry Co., Mich., Sept. 16, 1872; dau. James A. and Alice (Baldwin) Blanchard; ed. Barry Co. graimnar and high schools; m.