��MASON, Mary L,yman, The Normandle, Colum- bus, Ohio.
Teacher: grad. Smith Coll., B.A. '84; graduate student in Greek and comparative philology, Cornell Univ., M.A. '92. Teacher In Mrs. May Wright Sewali's School for Girls, Indianapolis, 1886; Boston, private school, 1889; Central High School, Columbus, Ohio, 1892-1901, and again since 1902. Mem. Smith Coll. Alumnae Ass'n (vlce- pres. 1886-88).
MASON, Mary Quaife Smith (Mrs. Charles Tru- man Mason), 317 Henry Av., Grand Rapids. Mich.
Born Elkhart, Ind., Nov. 29, 1872; dau. Ed- ward C. and Susan Jane (Bushnell) Smith; ed. Brainerd, Minn.; m. Oct. 14, 1902, Charles Tru- man Mason; children: Jerome H., Evelyn Al- berta, both married. After leaving high school was a stenographer and for three years head stenographer for Nelson Morris & Co. Interested in all public welfare movements. Favors v/oman suffrage. Congregationalist. Officer in Daugh- ters of Veterans; active worker in A. B. Watson Woman's Relief Corps. Mem. Igarasil Club (three times elected) ; pres. Grand Rapids Fed. of Women's Clubs (representing over 2,000 club women).
MASON, Maud M., 218 W. Fifty-ninth St., N.T. City.
Artist, teacher of art; b. Russelleville, Ky., 1870; dau. Damascus K. and Sarah (Ryan) Ma- son; ed. Louisville High School, Art Students' League, N.Y. City; Pratt Inst., Brooklyn; Lon- don School of Art, pupil of Arthur W. Dww, William M. Chase, Frank Brangwyn, Henry B. Snell. Vice-pres. National Soc. of Craftsmen of N.Y. ; mem. Boston Arts and Crafts Soc, Municipal Art Soc, National Arts Club, Pen and Brush Club; pres. Ass'n of Women Painters and Sculptors (formerly The Woman's Art Club of N.Y.).
MASON, Rebecca P. Stevenson (Mrs. Frederick Thurston Mason), 2118 Walnut St., Philadel- phia, Pa.
Born Philadelphia; dau. A. May and Anna (Phillips) Stevenson; ed. Philadelphia; m. Phila- delphia, Frederick Thurston Mason. Episcopal- Ian. Mem. Acorn Club.
MASON, Susan Hinke (Mrs. Calvin Day Mason), 527 W. Pleasr.nt St., Ashland, Ohio. Born Indianapolis, Dec. 1, 1861; dau. Josiah Locke (formerly editor Indianapolis Journal and manager Chicago Advance) and Frances (Spren- gle) Locke; ed. public schools, private school in N.Y. City, and Pa. Coll. for V/omen, Pittsburgh, A.B. '77 (class poet); m. Ashland, Ohio, May 7, 1891, Calvin Day Mason; children: Josiah Locke, James Day, Frances Elizabeth. Formerly mem. Indianapolis Women's Club and Ashland Lotus Club (both literary); charter mem. Ashland Music Club; vice-pres. Women's Missionary Soc. of First Presbyterian Church; mem. Mothers' Club. Favors woman suffrage. Mem. Aohland Public Library Ass'n, Alumnse Ass'n of Pa., uollege for Women, Women's Home and Foreign Missionary Soc. of Presbyterian Church; in choir work 20 years. Mem. Indianapolis Woman's Club, Ashland Lotus Club, Ashland Bible Study Club, Ashland Music Club, Ashland Mothers' Club.
MASON, Virginia Murdoch Wilson (Mrs. John Quincy Mason), 2501 Washington Av., North, Tacoma, Wash.
Born Oanonsburg, Pa.; dau. Thomas McKean and Elizabeth H. (Murdoch) Wilson; ed. put>lic schools, later by tutors at heme; m. Moberly, Mo., June 8, 1875, John Quincy Mason of Chi- sago, 111.; children: Edward Wilson, Charles Wilson, Thomas Wilson Mason. Mem. various philanthropic and charitable organizations, and active in all altruistic affairs for the betterment of conditions and the uplift of humanity regard- less of credal or social distinctions. Suffragist; vice-pres. Washington Equal Suffrage Ass'n. Campaign manager during "Votes for Women" campaign; vice-pres. Nat. Council of Women Voters; State pres. Council of Women Voters; Berved twice as foreman of the jury in police
��court, and also served 30 days as juror in th« Superior Court. Non-sectarian in religion. Mem. D.A.R., P.E.O. Sisterhood, Municipal Ss<:ial Service Board (appointed for one year, and at expiration of term reappointed by mayor for fiva years) ; mem. Presidents' Council of Women's Organizations; charter mem. Woman's Club; founder of Nesika Club; originated, planned and founded the Query Club. Her home is a center of social life and many distinguished guests are met at her social functions. MASSE, Mathilde Marie von Eschenbach, Hotel
(.'xford, Copley Sq., Boston, Mass.
Physician; b. in Canada, July 7, 1880; dau. Odilon von Eschenbach and Virginia (Plourde) Masse; ed. public schools. Convent of Notra Dame, Diplome SupSrieur, Paris, France, M.D.; Tufts Medical School, Boston. Engaged in prac- tice of medicine. Also Stock Exchange operator, though never on margin. Mem. Tufts Med. Alumni Ass'n, Women's Municipal League, League for the Relief of Tuberculosis, Taber- nacle Soc (sewing for poor churches). Favors woman suffrage. Author of articles on soci- ology. Roman Catholic Fellow Boston Med. Library; mem. Alliance Frangaise. Recreations: Music, piano and German language. Mem. Salon Frangaise Club. MASSINGHAM, Agnes Boyce (Mrs. Sherman
Massingham), Crafton, Pa.
Born Midway, Pa., Apr. 23, 1873; dau. Richard and Sarah (Lindsey) Boyce; efl. Pittsburgh Acad.; Slippery Rock (Pa.) State Normal Scfiool, B.A., M.A.; m. Pittsburgh, June 28, 1898, Sher- man Massingham; children: Sherman, Richard, Ruth, Elizabeth, Esther. School teacher. Epis- copalian. Recreations: Tennis, walking. Mem. Woman's Club of Crafton. MASTERS, Edna Crocker (Mrs. F. N. Masters),
Oneida, 111.
Born Clay Centre, Neb., Apr. 13, 1888; dau. Ed- gar P. and Mary (Kennedy) Crocker; ed. Lombard Coll., Galesburg, 111.; m. Knoxville, 111., Jan. 22, 1907, Fred Nation Masters; one daughter: Verna Beunier. Musician, singer and piano player. In- terested in church work and charities. Mem. Disciples of Christ Church. Mem. New Century Club of Oneida. Interested in Dis't and State Federation work, and has held office in Fifteenth Dis't Fed. of Women's Clubs of 111. since ' its orKanization; director Chicago College Club, 1913-15. MASTERS, Helen Jenkins (Mrs. Edgar Lee
Masters). 4S53 Kenwood Av., Chicago, III.
Born Chicago; dau. Robert E. and Marcia (Raymond) Jenkins; ed. Rockford (lil.) Coll.; grad. Rockford Coll. Conservatory of Music, 1893; m. June 21, 1898, Edgar Lee M'^.sters, lawyer and author; children: Hardin, Maneline, Marcia Lee. In 190-> was a delegate to tD« Ountinental Congress, D.A.R.; served as an cflBcer of Chi- cago Chapter D.A.R., and of Rockford Coll. Ass'n; mem. Council of Actors' Church Alliance (Chicago Chapter, 1908-1910). Charter mem. Chi- cago College Club (the Woman's University Club), chairman Social Com. and in charge of all social work of Chicago College Club, 1910-13. Favors woman suffrage.
MASTERSON, Mrs. Kate, The Criterion, 6 W.
Tenth St., N.Y. City.
Author, journalist, playwright; b. Newburgh, N.Y., 1870; ed. in convent school. On leaving school engaged in newspaper work, first on Dramatic Mirror, afterward ed'Ltorial work on N.Y. Herald, and later correspondent in the field for N.Y. Americah during the Cuban in- surrection in 1896, and other work for that and other newspapers in N.Y. City, including Loudon and Paris correspondence. Won the prize of- fered by N.Y. Sun for answer to Edward Mark- ham's Man With a Hoe, 1900, and contributed numerous sketches to the Sun afterward. Author: The Dobleys, 1901; won Munsey prize for topical poems, 1904; special writer Philadelphia Press Syndicate, 1905-7; contributor to many magazines and weeklies. Author: The Thirteenth Apostle, 1904; A Yellow Primrose (three-act comedy), 1906.