��posed to Woman Suffrage. Author: A Titled Maiden; A Wind Flower; The Little Green God; Lux Christi, A Study of India; A Woman of Yes- terday; The Binding of the Strong; The Spell of Italy; The Spell of France; A Minister of the World; The Quiet King; A Lily of France. Birthright a mem. Soc. of Friends; before mar- riage became a Baptist. Mem. Am. Peace Soc. Recreations: European travel, has familiarized herself with England, Germany, Holland and Latin countries. Mem. of various local literary clubs. Leisure given largely to study, especially history and sociology.
MASON, Conie Bear (Mrs. Charles Edgar Ma- son), 805 N. Richardson Av., Roswell, N.Mex.
Born Paola, Kan., Jan. 13, 1875; dau. J. A. B. and Clara (Munkres) Bear; ed. Paola High School and Kansas State Univ. (mem. Kappa Kappa Gamma); m. Roswell, N.Mex., June 11, 1901, Charles Edgar Mason; children: Barrett Bear, b. Dec. 19, 1902 (died May 13. 1905); Clara, b. Nov. 10, 1908. Pres. Board of Directors of Carnegie Library of Roswell. Cor sec. of State Fed. of Women's Clubs of N.Mex.: mem. Council of Civic League of Roswell. Favors woman suffrage. Has been active in newspaper work in all departments, editorial, news and special arti- cles. Three years pres. Woman's Club, also pres. Shakespeare Club (Roswell). Actively interested in educational and philanthropic work. MASON, Elizabeth Spaulding, 5 3 Crescent St.,
Northampton, Mass.
College professor; grad. Smith Coll., B.A. '67; student of chemistry, Mass. Inst, of Technology, 1889-90, 1891-93. Teacher, Hingham, Mass., 1888; Yonkers, N.Y., 1890-91; private ass't of Mrs. R. H. Richards at Mass. Inst, of Technology, 1893-96; associate prof, chemistry. Smith Coll., since 1896. Mem. Ass'n Collegiate Alumnse, Smith Coll. Alumnae Ass'n. MASON, Era Cordelia Child (Mrs. James R.
Mason), 62 Atwater Av., Derby, Conn.
Born Henrietta, Lorain Co., Ohio, July 16, 1859; dau. Abijah and Cordelia (Ennis) Child; ed. Oberlin Coll., Ohio, and Chicago Conserva- tory (hon. mem. Kappa Kappa Gamma); m. James R. Mason; children: James R. Jr., Evelyn Child. Dramatic reader and monologist, 1877-88. Identified with various social, religious and phil- anthropic activities. Favors woman suffrage. Has copyright for a play, Edelweisse: has con- tributed poems and other articles to various mag- azines. Protestant Episcopal. Mem. D.A.R. (regent and vice-pres. Sarah Riggs Humphreys Chapter, Derby, Conn., at various times); sec. tour years and vice-pres. four years, also di- rector Conn. Fed. Women's Clubs. Pres. two terms, vice-pres. t'wo terms and director many years of The Ansonia, Derby and Shelton Woman's Club of Conn.; mem. Civic Club -of Derby, Conn. Favors woman suffrage. MASON, riora L., 9 9 W. Britannia St., Taunton,
Born LakeviUe, Mass., Jan. 6, 1871; dau. Ly- man and Louise (Montgomery) Mason; ed. Taun- ton public schools: Abbot Acad., Andover, Mass. (special), '89; Berlitz School of Languages, Bos- ton, '92; Radcliffe Coll. (special), '07. Pres. Taunton Hampton Ass'n, which provides a schol- arship at Hampton Inst.; chairman botanical division of Bristol Co. Acad, of Sciences. Active in social work of church, Mass. Audubon Soc. (local sec.), local hospital, Taunton Girls' Club, Ingleside Home for Girls, Taunton Boys' Club. Against woman suffrage. Contributor of poems to several papers and magazines; also a small col- lection privately printed. Congregationalist. Mem. Old Colony Historical Soc, Mass. Ass'n Opposed to the Further Extension of Suffrage to Women. Recreations: Golf, canoeing, walking, nature study. Pres. Taunton Woman's Club. MASON, FranceH Bell, Boone, Iowa.
Teacher of art; b. Boone, Iowa, June 26, 1877; dau. Clinton S. and' Annette (Curry) .Mason; ed. Boone public schools, Boone. Iowa; Tilton Sem., Tllton, N.H., '95; Wellesley Coll., A.B. '99; Pratt Inst, Brooklyn, 19*11-03; Phi Sigma Soc. Taught for two years in Fairhaven, Mass.; ten years St. Louis, Mo. ; five years in supervision and five
��years in high school work. Mem. Wednesday Club, St. Louis; College Club, Wellesley Club, Monday Evening Club. Interested in the Ethical Culture Movement. Favors woman suffrage. Mem. Soc. of Western Arts and Manual Training Teachers, Soc. of Intercollegiate Alumna. Rec- reations: Out-door sports. 5I.\SON, Frances Fay Calhoun (Mrs. Henry Biir-
rell Mason), 150 E. Superior St., Chicago, III.
Born Bridgeport, Conn.; dau. John B. and Frances (Thompson) Calhoun; ed. Farmington School, Conn., and abroad; m. June 12, 1880, Henry Burrell Mason; children: Calhoun (de- ceased), Eleanor (Mrs. Arthur Manierre), Rosa- lind. Active on philanthropic boards of the city. Favors woman suffrage. Episcopalian. Mem. Fortnightly Soc. of Chicago; pres. Illinois Soc. Colonial Dames of America; ex-pres. Farmington Soc. of Chicago; mem. Soc. of Colonial Governors (ex-chairman for 111.). M.4SON, Grace Sartwell (Mrs. James Redfern
Mason), Carmel-by-the-Sea, Cal.
Writer; b. Port Allegheny, Pa., Oct. 27, 1877; dau. Stephen C. and Rosina (Thompson) Sartwell; ed. public and private schools; m. July, 1902, James Redfern Mason. Writer of numerous short stories publis'hed in the leading magazines. Au- thor: The Car and the Lady, 1909; The God- parents, 1910; Licky and His Gang, 1912; The Bear's Claws, 1913. MASON, Harriet Lawrence, Drexel Institute,
West Philadelphia, Pa.
Educator; b. Keene, N.H. ; dau. Andrew R. and Lucy (Lawrence) Mason; ed. N.H. Normal School, Plymouth; Radcliffe Coll., B.S.; Univ. of Pa., M.A. Formerly instructor (now prof.) En- glish language and literature, Drexel Inst. Fa- vors woman suffrage. Author: Readings and Questions in English Literature; American Lit- erature — A Laboratory Method. Unitarian. Mem. College Club, Philadelphia. MASON, Helen Jackson (Mrs. John Thompson
Mason). 114 Baldwin Av., Detroit, Mich.
Born Washington, D.C., 1851; dau. Alonzo C. Jackson, U.S.N. , and Dora Astor (Mumford) Jackson-; ed. St. Mary's Diocesan School, Raleigh, N.C. ; m. Schenectady, N.Y., 1875, John Thomson Mason, C.S.N. ; children: Dora Mumford, Stevens Thomson, Gertrude Franchot, Armistead Thom- son, Alonzo C. Jackson. Mem. King's Daugh- ters, Woman's Auxiliary Protestant Episcopal Church, Associated Charities (Baltimore and De- troit), Colonial Dames of America (Baltimore and Detroit), D.A.R. (Baltimore and Detroit). Against woman suffrage. Has taught Latin, Greek, German and French.'
M.^SON, Marion Houghton (Mrs. Stevens Thom- son Mason), 965 Jefferson Av., Detroit, Mich.
Born Buffalo, N.Y. ; daughter of Alfred Hough- ton and Caroline (Garlinghouse) Houghton; ed. Bryn Mawr Coll., A.B. '06: Columbia Univ., M.A. '11; School of Philanthropy, '11; m. Hartford, Conn., Aug. 8, 1911. Stevens Thomson Mason. Head worker in Guild of St. George. Baltimore, Md.; volunte-?r worker in Ass'n of Charities, De- troit, Mich. Interested in the National Flower and Fruit Guild, Christ Church Guild: mem. Ad- visory Board of District (S.E. and E.) of Ass'n of Charities; mem. Com. on Vocational Oppor- tunities for Women. Clubs: Country, College, Collegiate Alumnae, Bryn Mawr. Episcopalian. Favors woman suffrage: mem. Just Government League of Md., N.Y. Woman Suffrage Party, Mich. Equal Suffrage Ass'n, Detroit Equal Suf- frage League, Coll. Equal Suffrage League (com- mittee service in each of these).
- M.-V.S0N, Mary Louisa (Mrs. Edward Thorne
Mason), 4 0a N. Seventh St., Newark, N.J.
Born N.Y. City, Feb. 3, 1S64; dau. Daniel T. ajid Jane W. (Sherman) Samson; ed. N.Y. City Normal Coll.; m. Oct. 12, 1887. Edward Thorne Mason; children: Edna Thorne, Horace Samson. Interested In Home and Foreign Missionary So- cieties. Favors woman suffrage. Baptist. Mrm. D.A.R.; rec. sec. Woman's Health Protective .\ss'n of Brooklyn, Nat. Soc. Daughters Empire State, New Yorkers (N.Y. City), Travelers (Rose- vllle, N.J.), Nova Caeserea Chapter D.A.R., Con- ttmporary Club (Newark).