��MAKTY, Aletta Elise, Collegiate Inst., Ottawa,
Teacher; b. Mitehell, Ont., Can.; dau. Fred- erick and Magdalene (Joss) Marty; ed. Mitchell High School, Hamilton Collegiate Inst., Queen's Univ., Kingston, Ont., M.A., first honors in mod- ern languages with university medal. Head of modern language dep't of the Ottawa Collegiate Inst, since 1903 and before that taught in the public and high schools of Otta-wa. Visited some of the leading secondary schools of Europe, 1902, to inquire into their methods of teaching modern languages. Second woman to be elected to the Council of Queen's Univ.; has always taken an active interest in the university and president of the Alumnffi Association, 1912-13. Memiber Executive of Women's Canadian Club of Ottawa, 1913. Favors woman suffrage. Author: Principles and Practice of Reading (text book on reading in the high schools of Ontario). Mem. Board of Translators of German Classics. Pres- byterian. Mem. Women's Univ. Club of Ottawa, Women's Canadian Club of Ottawa. MAKTYN, Anna Thompson (Mrs. Chauncey W.
Martyn), 1343 Madison Park, Chicago, 111.
Born Ripley, Miss., March 17, 1873; dau. Joseph Sidney and Jane (Cole) Thompson; ed. Colorado, student in Teachers' Certificate and Graduating Class of Chicago Musical Coll., medals for piano in both classes; m. Pueblo, Colo., Oct. 24, 1894. C-^auncey W. Martyn; one son: Chauncey W. Martyn Jr., b. Feb. 6, 1305. Clubs: Horn ©wood Country, Kenwood, University. Recreations: Golf, bridge, music. Mem. Christian (Disciples) Church. Against woman suffrage.
iVIAKVEl., Mary Jackson (Mrs. Josiah Marvel),
1207 Van Buren St., Wilmington, De'..
Born Salisbury, Md., Oct. 16, 1875; dau. Hon. William H. (several terms Congressman from 1st Dist. of Md.) and Jane (Humphreys^ Jackson; is a sister of U.S. Senator "W. P. Jackson; ed. privately; m. Salisbury, Md., April 20, 1898, Jo- siah Marvel; children: Jackson, b. 18&9; Jane, b. 1900; Mary, b. 1902; Josiah, b. 1904; Ann, b. 1907; V/illlam, b. 1905; Robert, b. 1911. Supports as mem. or contributor all the important musical, literary and charitable societies of Wilmington. Clubs: Wilmington Country, New Century. Rec- reations: Music, drama. Episcopalian. Against woman suffrage. MARVELL, Mary Brayton (Mrs. Edward Ira
Marvell), 33S Locust St., Fall River, Mass.
Born Fall River, May 20, 1880; dau Thomas Edward and Martha (Ireson) Brayton; ed. Bryn Mawr Coll., A.B. '01; m. Fall River, Feb. 20, 1912, Edward Ira Marvell. Mem. Ass'n Coll. Alumns, Departmental Com. of Appointment Bureau of Women's Educational and Industrial Union of Boston; treas. Fall River Working Girls' Club; sec. Southeastern Mass. Junior Auxiliary of Domestic and Foreign Missionary Soc. of Protestant Episcopal Church; assoc. Girls' Friendly Soc. Favors woman suffrage. Mem. Bryn Mawr Alumnae Ass'n, Ass'n Coll. Alumnse, Nat. Geog. Soc. Recreations: Traveling, mostly abroad; climbing in Switzerland, motoring trips through England and France. Mem. College Club of Boston; founder Fall River Dramatic Club; mem. Women's Club of Fall River, Fall River Golf Club. Has conducted mission study classes in Fall River and nearby cities; has ad- dressed various societies on ethical subjects; has given talks on travels (has been abroad five times).
MABVIK, Adelaide Hoffman '(Mrs. Wa.lter Tay- lor Mai-vln), *6 Senior St., New Brunswick,
Born Brooklyn, N.Y., Sept. 26, 1877; dau. Luther and Margie (McRobbie) Hoffman; ed. Barnard Coll., A.B. '99 (mem. Kappa Alpha Theta); m. Brooklyn, April 14, 1S03, Walter Tay- lor Marvin; children: Dorothy Hope, Hoffman. Congregationalist. Mem. Present Day Ciub of Princeton, N.J., and City Improvement Soc. of New Brunswick, N.J. MASCHMEDT, Flora Huntley (Mrs. Heinrich
Maschmedt), 1912 Fourteenth Av., North,
Seattle, Wash.
Bom Appleton, Wis.; dau. Daniel and Helen
��(Britell) Huntley; ed. Lawrence Univ., B.L. (sec- ond honor prize in English composition) ; m. Seattle, Wash., 1909, Heinrich Maschmedt; one son: Herbert Heinrich. Taught English in high schools of Wis.; Seattle High School since 1899. Favors woman suffrage. Author: The Altar Cloth, and other short stories; articles in Youth's Companion, Woman's Home Companion, Mothers' Magazine, Designer, Scrap Book, Munsey's; also religious, household and farm publications. Uni- tarian. Progressive in politics. Mem. D.A.R., Order Eastern Star. Pres. Seattle Writers' Club for four years; mem. The Scribes.
MASLAND, Mary Elizabeth, 607 Fifth Av., N.Y.
School principal; b. Philadelphia, 1878; dau. Joseph H. and Mary (Dalzell) Masland; ed. Bryn Mawr Coll., A.B. '01; special student Columbia Univ., 1994-05. Assoc, principal, Gardner School, N.Y. City, 1907-10. Favors woman suffrage.
MASON, Alby AValker (Mrs. William Harrison Mason), 47 49 Westminster PL, St. Louis, Mo. Born St. Louis, Mo. ; dau. Willis C. and Rus- seila Easton i Watson) Walker; ed. Mary Inst.; m. St. Louis, Feb. 28, 1888, William Harrison Mason; children: Alby Walker, Walker. Episco- palian. Against woman suffrage. MASON, Amelia Kuth Gere (Mrs. Alverln Ar- mington Mason), 645 Cass St., Chicago, 111. Born Northampton, Mass. ; dau. Frederick and Ruth Sheldon (Warner) Gere; grad. of Mt. Hol- yoke Coil. ; m. Chicago, Dec. 18, 1872, Alverin Armington Mason. Author: Women of the French Salons; V/oman in the Golden Ages; also various magazine articles in the Atlantic, Cen- tury and other publications. Presbyterian. Mem. ■The Fortnightly of Chicago, Antiquarian Soc. of Chicago Art Inst. Recreations: Literature, music, travel. Clubs: Woman's City, The Little Room, Lovers of Italy (Chicago), Drama League of America. Favprs woman suffrage (not militant). MASON, Cara Pratt (Mrs. Alexander Osborne Mason), "Comely Bank," Highland Park, 111. Born Kewanee, 111., Sept. 12, 1855; dau. Norman Hyde and Louisa A. (Sloan) Pratt; ed. in Chi- cago and Europe; grad. Conservatory of Music, Stuttgart, '79; Neue Academie der Tonkunst, Berlin, '80; pupil of Dr. Lebert and Dionyse Pruckner (court pianist of Wiirtenburg) and of Theodore Kullak (court pianist of Prussia); mem. class of Franz Liszt, Weimar, '80; m. Kewanee, 111., Sept. 3, 1882, Alexander Osborne Mason; children: James Alexander, Norman Clifford, Marion Louise, Archibald Osborne, Blanche Adalina Van Dyke. Baptized and educated in the Protestant Episcopal Church; became a mem- ber of the Unitarian Church of Jenkin Lloyd Jones of Chicago, 1886. Favors woman suffrage. Composer (songs): Awakening; The Year's at the Spring; A Song of Life; Flower in the Cran- nied Wall; Seven Songs from "The Silence of Love"; Short Songs from Many Lands; Three Serious Songs. Instrumental: Minuet, Sara- bande, Nocturne (piano) ; Fantasie, Capricclo (violin), and others. Writer of poems. Recrea- tions: Flowers, garden, music, poetry, travel. Mem. Chicago Woman's Club, Chicago Amateur Musical Club (pres. 1911, 1912); honorary mem. Nat. Federation of Musical Clubs. MASON, Caroline Atwater (Mrs. John H. Ma- son), 2133 Culver Rd., Rochester, N.Y. Author; b. Providence, R.I., July 10, 1853; dau. Stephen and Mary (Weaver) Atwater; ed. Friends Boarding School, Providence and N.Y., with a year's study in Germany; m. Rochester, N.Y., May 29, 1877, Rev. John H. Mason (prof. English Bible in Rochester Theological Sem.); children: Mary Atwater (Mrs. Henry W. Taylor), Ruth Little (Mrs. Willis B. Rice), Helen Carol (died in infancy). Had several years of hard study in the British Museum reading room, the Royal Library at The Hague, and study travel in the Roman Campagna. Was active in church and missionary work during 25 years of her husband's ministry. Interested in the work for working girls and in uplift social measures; strongly sympathetic with the peace movement, with all efforts for socialization of industry and tha progress of true democracy. Mem. of Soc. Op-