��assoc. prof., 1909-11; prof., 1911. Author: Zur Analyse der Untersciedsempfiadlichkeit, 1S99 (co- author); Uber Aesthetische Synasthesie, 1909; Zur Lehre von der Bewegungsvorslellungen, 1910; Die Projekiions methode und die Lokallsation visueller und anderer Vorstellungsbilder; also articles In psychological and other journals. Protestant. Progressive Party. Mem. Am. Psychological Ass'n, Kongress fiir Experimentelle Psychologie; Sigma Xi. Hon. mem. Century Club of Cal. ; mem. Lyceum Club, London. Favors woman suffrage; vlce-pres. San Francisco Coll. Equal Suffrage League, 1910-12 (pres. 1912).
MARTIN, I>ou:sa, 120 South Leavltt St., Chi- cago, 111.
Physician, surgeon; b. Mt. Pleasant, Green Co., "Wis., July 26, 1852; dau. Ebenezer and Lucia (High) MarUn; ed. Univ. of Wis., B.L. '80; Northwestern Univ., M.D. '86; Chautauqua, '06. Mem. Am. Medical Ass'n, Illinois Medical Soc., Chicago Medical Society, Chicago Medical Wom- an's Ciub. Uecreations: Housekeeping, garden- ing. Mem. Association of Collegiate Alumnse, Chicago Political Equality League, the Chicago Chicago Political Equality League, the Chicago Wis., No Vote No Tax League of Chicago. Uni- tarian. Republican. Suffragist.
MARTIN, Martha Evans (Mrs. Edwin Camp- bell Martin), S15 West End Av., N.T. City (summer, Watchung, N.J.). Bom Terre Haute, Ind. ; dau. John Evans, M.D., and Margaret (Briggs) Evans; ed. De Pauw Univ., Greencastle, Ind., M.A. (Kappa Alpha Theta) ; m. Sullivan, Ind., Edwin Campbell Martin. Editor and writer; associate editor (with husband) of Richmond Daily Telegram, 1886-91; editor Demoresfs Magazine, 1896-1900. Author: The Friendly SUrs, 1907; The Ways of the Planets, 1912; also contributor to various maga- zines of articles on nature topics, short stories and poems. Mem. Daughters of Indiana, Au- thors' League of America, Nat. Geographic Soc, Audubon Soc. of N.J., Collegiate League for W'oman Suffrage, Pen and Brush Club of N.Y. City. Recreations: All out-door sports, garden- ing.
MARTIN, Mary Augusta Ricker (Mrs. Samuel
A. Martin), Easton, Pa,
Born Madison Furnace, Ohio; grad. Vassar Coll., A.B. '85; m. Dec. 19, 1900, Rev. Samuel A. Martin, now prof, philosophy, Lafayette Coll., and prof, homlletics in Princeton Theological Sem.; children: Drew Potter, b. Dec. 30, 1901; Elizabeth Gordon, b. Oct. 30, 1903. Teacher, Ger- mantown. Pa., 1887; prof, mathematics and dean Wilson Coll., Chambersburg, Pa., 18OT-19O0. Re- sided several years in Shippensburg, Pa., where husband was principal of State Normal School. Pres. Daphne Club (musical); mem. Tuesday Club (literary), and Civic Club, all of Shippens- burg. Presbyterian.
MARTIN, Mary Etta, Oxford School, Hartford,
Teacher; b. New Hampshire; dau. Willis B. and La Dora (Smith) Martin; ed. public schools and by tutors. Public school work In Massa- chusetts and Connecticut about 20 years; In own private school four years. Has written a few articles for educational magazines. Congrega- tlonalist.
MARTIN, Mary Tredlck (Mrs. Emlen Martin),
Bristol, Pa.
Born Union, Carroll Co., N.H. ; dau. John and Mary Wendall (CJopp) Tredlck; ed. Andover and Salem, Mass.; m. Philadelphia, Jan., 1890, Emlen Martin; children: Emlen Linton, Charlotte Tre- dlck, John Tredlck (deceased). Founder of Young Men's Ass'n. Undenominational. Pres. and founder of Bristol Travel Club.
MARTIN, Matilda Work (Mrs. George W. Mar- tin), Mantl, Utah.
Bom Lancaster, O., Feb. 16, 1848; dau. Joseph and Henrietta (Peebles) Work; ed. Lancaster public school and Sandusky High School, 1854-65; grad. Northington Normal School, '72; m. Lan- caster, July 15, 1879. Rev. (Jeorge W. Martin; children: Mary Henrietta, Jane P^illerton. Theo- dore Day, Ruth (deceased); also two foster chil-
��dren, Hal and Winifred Fitzhugh. Preceptress two years Wllloughby Coll., Ohio; State pres. of Utah W.C.T.U. five years; pres. Woman's Pres- byterial Missionary Soc. of the Presbytery of Utah; pres. Woman's Presbyterial Missionary Soc. of Presbytery of Southern Utah; sup't ol local mothers' meetings; mem. Board of Directors of Carnegie Library of Manti; sup't of Presby- terian Sunday-school. Presbyterian. Republican. Clubs: Ladies' Literary (Manti), chairman Civil Service Reform of Utah State Fed. of Women's Clubs.
MARTIN, Myra B., 27 William St., N.Y. City. Secretary; b. Grafton, N.H., Oct. 6, 1861; dau. Isaac Bullock and Almlra Helen Mar (Haskins) Martin; ed. public schools of Boston and South- bridge, Mass.; prepared to enter sophomore class at Wellesley Coll. Taught one year In Oil City, Pa.; six years Wlllimantlc, Conn.; one year Win- chester, Mass. First woman elected pres. of Eastern Connecticut Teachers' Ass'n. Prepared young men and women for colleges. Retired from teaching 1889 and became associate manager of N.Y. office of Prang Educational Co., 1889-93; since then sec. of several important corporations; at present sec. and treas. San Luis Mining Co.; sec. George A. Treadwell Mining Co.; sec. and treas. Copete Consolidated Copper Co., Fahne- stock Electric Co. Mem. Board of Managers of Guild for Crippled Children of the Poor of N.Y. City, Am. Anthropological Soc., D.A.R., Dickens Fellowship, Am. Scenic and Historic Preserva- tion Soc, Nat. Soc. of Craftsmen; mem. Nat. Arts, Portia and Drawing Room Clubs. Mem. Board of Governors of Am. Playgoers. MARTIN, Nellie B. Barton (Mrs. Theodore Cor- son Martin), 1927 Linwood Av., Toledo, O. Teacher of piano and dramatic art; b. Mon- clova, Lucas Co., 0.; dau. John and Margaret A. (Shepler) Barton; ed. high schools of Whitehouse and Waterville, 0.; took course in music at Adrian Coll., Mich.; grad. Detroit Training School of Elocution and English Literature; m. Monclova, 0., June 28, 1888, Theodore Corson Martin; one daughter, Margaret. Public reader for 15 years. Mem. King's Daughters. Has worked for years in the Tole<3o City Fed. of Women's Clubs (pres.). Favors woman suffrage; mem. Equal Suffrage League. Methodist. Mem. Nat. Music Teachers Ass'n, Nat. Speech Arts Ass'n, Internat. Lyceum Ass'n cf America, Toledo Woman's Ass'n. Recreations: Reading, concerts, lectures, travel, amusement. Pres. 1900 Study Club; ex- pres. Readers' Dramatic Club, Informal Study Club, Nautilus Club, Music Study Club; mem. Woman's Educational Club. One of organizers, sec. and treas. Toledo Musical Coll. Has taught music more than 20 years.
MARTIN, Victoria Claflin WoodhuU (Mrs. John Biddulph Martin), Norton Park, Bredon's Nor- ton, near Tewkesbury, England. Born Homer, Ohio, Sept. 25, 1838; dau. Reuben Buckmen and Roxanna (Hummel) Claflin; ed. Ohio schools; self-educated in study of life; m. (1st) Dr. Canning Woodhull (died 1873); children: Byron Woodhull, Zula Maud Woodhull; m. (2d) John Biddulph Martin (died 1897). Opened bank In Wall St., N.Y. City, 1870. Memorialized Con- gress for woman's suffrage, 1870. Editor Wood- hull & Claflin's Weekly, N.Y. City, and Humani- tarian Magazine, London. Nominated for Presi- dent of the U.S. in 1872 by the Equal Rights Party. Carried on a continuous propagandist work in the interests of the working classes for over forty years; lectured throughout the U.S., Canada and England on the Scientific Improve- ment of the Human Race by the means of eman- cipated and Intelligent motherhood. Author: The Origin, Tendencies and Principles of Government; Social Freedom; Garden of Eden; The Human Body — The Teinple of God; Argument for Wom- an's Electoral Rights; Pharmacy of the Soul; Aristocracy of Blood; Humanitarian Govern- ment; Rapid Multiplication of the Unfit, etc. Mem. Psychical Research Soc. Recreations: Scientific agriculture, psychical research, motor- ing, collecting works of art. Mem., and with daughter, Zula Maud Woodhull, founder of Woman's International Agricultural Ass'n. Mem. Ladies' Automobile Club, Manor House Club.