��at home by tutor and two years at boarding schools; m. Murfreesboro, Tenn., Fletcher Burr Martin; children: Jesse Glen, b. Nov. 11, 1887; Fletcher B. Jr., b. Oct. 27, 1898. Interested in missionary work (foreign), Y.W.C.A., Homeless Gentlewoman Orphanage, mountain schools in Tenn., colored kindergartens in Daytonia, Fla. ; mem. U.D.C., D.A.R., Palmetto Club (Daytonia, Fla.), City Beautiful Club and Woman's Club (Chattanooga). Mem. Christian Church (Disci- ples). Democrat. Vice-pres. Old Ladies' Home, Chattanooga, and of Ladies' Church Improvement Soc. (First Christian Church). Recreations: Mo- toring, rowing, fishing, walking, riding. Favors woman suffrage. MABTIN, Fraaoes MoG. (Mrs. Edgar Martin),
541 Fourtb St., Santa Rosa, Cal.
Lawyer; b. Gettysburg, Pa.; dau. Hugh F. and Jane (Walker) McGaughey; ed. In public schools and grad. third State Normal School of Minn., at St. Cloud; m. Heald3burg, Cal., Edgar Martin (died six years after marriage); children: Enabel (deceased), EJdgar L. Was teacher in public schools for 12 years (principal for last five or six); elected county sup't of schools of Sonoma Co., Cal., 1885, serving until January, 1895; first woman to hold the office in that county, whioh has more sei>arate school districts than any other county of the State. Admitted to practice law in all courts of Cal., December, 1895; since then in active practice of law. Was pres. Po- litical Equality League of Santa Rosa during successful campaign of 1911, carrying the city by a .good majority. Presbyterian. Progressive Republican. Mem. Woman's Relief Corps. MABTIN, Mrs. Frank A., 621 Trade St., Win- ston-Salem, N.C.
Editor; b. Raleigh, N.C, Mar. 4, 1858; dau. Rev. L. L. Hendren, D.D., and Ellen (Eldridge) Hendren; grad. Greensboro B"'emale Coll., '78 (valedictorian of class); m. Gary, N.C, May 3, 1882, F. A. Martin; children: Frank, Eva, Lin- vllle. Woman editor for past six years of Senti- nel; chairman literature dep't of N.C. Fed. of Women's Clubs. Deeply interested in all activi- ties tending to uplift our women; especially for young people. Methodist. Mem. Daughters of the Confederacy (James B. Gordon Chapter), W.C.T.U., Woman's Foreign Missionary Soc; lady manager of Light Bearers (children's dep't); dist. sec. Woman's Foreign Missionary Soc. : mem. Winston-Salem Sorosis; pres. Greensboro Coll. Alumnse Ass'n of N.C. ]\IABT1N, George Madden (Mrs. Attwood R.
Martin), The Anchorage, Anchorage, Ky.
Author; b. Louisville, Ky., May 3, 1866; dau. Francis and Anne (McKenzie) Madden; ed. pub- lic schools and by private teachers; m. Louis- ville, Ky., 1892, Attwood Reading Martin. Au- thor: E^mmy Lou— Her Book and Heart; Abbie Ann; The House of Fulfilment; Letitia; Nursery Corps U.S. Army; also numerous short stories in American and English magazines. Mem. Wom- an's Club of Louisville, Monday Afternoon Club, The Fortnightly Club, Lyceum Club of London and of New York. Recreations: Farming, gar- dening. Episcopalian. MABTIN, Gertrude Shorb (Mrs. Clarence A.
Martin), Cornell Heights, Ithaca, N.Y.
Elducator; b. Decatur, 111., Oct. 21, 1869; dau. William H. and Mary Magdalene (Zcrger) Shorb; grad. Univ. of Mich., Ph.B. '94; Cornell Univ., Ph.D. 1900; m. Ithaca, N.Y., June 30, 1896, Clar- ence A. Martin; children: Gertrude, b. Feb. 18, 1902; Clarence A., b. Oct. 3, 1903. Teacher 'English literature and German), Mt. Clemens, Mich., 1894, and Ithaca (N.Y.) High School, 1894- 06. Appointed adviser of women (dean of women), Cornell Univ., 1909. Active in all local soc;al and philanthropic movements. Bible teacher; first woman mem. of the Ithaca Board of Educa- tion, taking office Jan. 1, 1913. Mem. Parent- Teachers' Ass'n. Favors woman suffrage. Mem. Political Study Club, Ithaca; mem. Board of Di- rectors of Cornell Suffrage Club. Baptist. Mem. Ass'n of Collegiate Alumnae, Board of Directors of Nat. Fed. of College Women, Ithaca Women's Club, W.C.T.U., Cornell Women's Club (Ithaca), Women'a Educational and Industrial Union (Boston),
��MARTIN, Helen Beimensnyder (Mrs. Frederic
C. Martin), Harrlsburg, Pa.
Author; b. Lancaster, Pa.; dau. Rev. Cornelius and Henrietta (Thurman) Reimensnyder; ed. Swath. Coll.; Radcliffe Coll. (special student); m. Prof. Frederic C Martin; two children. Au- thor of stories of Pennsylvania Dutch life and character for all the leading periodicals and of the novels of "Dutch"-American Life; TlUie; Tha Crossways; The Fighting Doctor.
M.\BTIN, Ida Shaw (Mrs. William Holmea Martin), 1 Cardington St., Roxbury, Mass. Editor, publisher; b. St. Louis, Mo., Sept. 7, 1867; dau. Edwin H. and Eliza (Poynton) Shaw; grad. Boston Girls' High School, '82; Boston Girls' Latin School, '85; Boston Univ., A.B. '89 (mem. Delta Delta Delta); m. Boston, Dec. 24, 1896, William Holmes Martin. Teacher in Med- way (Mass.) High School, 1889-90; Meriden (Conn.) High School, 1890-92; Clinton Liberal lust. (Fort Plain, N.Y.), 1892-93; Lynn (Mass.) Classical High School, 1894-96. Interested in college education as it affects college girls (I.e., housing, curriculum, social life). Favors woman suffrage. Author: The Sorority Handbook (four editions). Libera.1 in religion. Mem. Mass. Soc. for University Education of Women, Boston Woman's College Club.
MABTIN, Isabel Eleanor, 1336 Q St., N.W.,
Washington, D.C.
Computer; b. Old Orchard Beach, Me., July 11, 1881; dau. William Henry and Isabel (Manson) Martin; grad. Auburn (N.Y.) High School, '99; Cornell Univ., A.B. '03; A.M. '05 (specialized in mathematics). Worked for Prof. Simon New- comb, the astronomer, Dec, 1905-Mar., 1908, upon varied astronomical work; since then in the Nau- tical Alumnae office at the Naval Observatory. Opposed to vivisection and interested in all ef- forts to prohibit it. Interested in the work of all humanitarian organizations which have in view the moral and social improvement of tha human race and the lessening of cruelty in tha world. Favors woman suffrage. Taught school. Summit, N.J., 1904. Returned to Cornell Univ. to study astronomy and advanced mathematics, and prepared to take the civil service examina- tion for the Naval Observatory. Recreations: Walking, swimming, skating, rowing and tennis.
MABTIV, Mrs. Leila Moss, 421 Wheaton Av.,
Wheaton, 111.
Social work; b. Chicago, 111., Jan. 2, 1873; dau. George White and Hannah Maria (French) Moss; grad. Chicago West Division High School, '91; at Oberlin Coll., 1892-93; m. Feb. 22, 1884, Edward P. Martin (died 1896); one son: Edward Mosa Martin, b. Sept. 24, 1895. Founder of Gads HUJ Center, a social settlement of which has been executive sec. for 10 years. Favors woman suf- frage. Methodist. Mem. Chicago Woman's Club, Woman's City Club, Chicago.
MABTIN, Leonora Monteiro (Mrs. Harry Culver Martin), 1620 Rose Av., Knoxville, Tenn. Born near Richmond, Va. ; dau. Edward Horace and Leonora L. (Kean) Monteiro; ed. In Convent of the Visitation, Abingdon, Va., and Univ. of N.C; m. Baltimore, 1887, Harry Culver Martin. Specially interested in literature, history, arts and crafts, interior decoration, sociology and civics. Chairman of study courses of sociology, French history and Romantic Histories of Six States. Favors woman suffrage. Author of the North Carolina State Toast, "The Old North State"; also numerous short stories, verses and essays on literature, interior decoration, architec- ture and civics. Ass't editor Woman's Edition Knoxville Sentinel, and editor of Wit and Wis- dom page of Knoxville Sentinel, Woman's Edi- tion. Former mem. Writers' Club of Knoxville. Roman Catholic. Charter mem. Fortnightly Re- view Club, Raleigh, N.C; mem. Ossoll Circle and City Beautiful League of Knoxville; chairman Arts and Crafts, Tenn. State Federation, 1910-12.
MARTIN, Lillien Jane, Stanford University, Cal. University prof; b. Olean, N.Y., 1851; dau. Rus- sell and Lydia (Hawes) Martin; ed. Vassar, A.B. 'SO; Univ. of Gottingen, 1S94-98. Ass't prof, psychology. Leland Stanford Jr. Univ., 1899-1909;