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��MARTENS, Teetina Gladys (Mrs. Glaus Mar- tens), Superior, la.

Born Union town, Kan., Jan. 10, 1872; dau. Her- bert D. and Sophia A. (Bensley) Scobey; ed. Kansas public schools; Chicago public school (Forrestville school); grad. Chicago Female Coll., Morgan Park, 111., A.B.; m. Morgan Park, 111., Nov. 25, 1896, Claus Martens; children: Alice Sophia, Grace Katherine. Sec. Superior Town- ship School Board five years; sec. and manager Superior Cooperative Creamery Asis'n two years; mem. Superior M.E. Aid Soc, Superior Culture Soc. (pres. for years), Superior Cemetery Ass'n. Favors woman suffrage. Christian Scientist. Mem. Royal Neighbors of America. Recreations: Reading, painting, working In the garden, fish- ing, etc.

MARTIN, Anne Henrietta, 157 Mill St., Reno, Nev.

Writer; b. Empire City, Nev., Sept. 30, 1875; dau. William O'Hara and Louise (StadtmuUer) Martin; ed. Univ. of Nevada, B.A. '94; Leland Stanford Jr. Univ., B.A. '96, M.A. '97 (Kappa Kappa Gamma). Prof, of history, Univ. of Ne- vada, 1897-1901; lecturer in history of art, Univ. of Nevada, 1902-03. Has written suffrage articles for N.Y. newspaper syndicates, articles in Votes tor Women, the Woman's Journal, the London Standard and for the Nevada and California press. Mem. Soc. of Am. Women, London; Am. His- torical Ass'n, Nevada Historical Soc, Fabian Boc. and Women's Social and Political Union, London. Clubs: Lyceum, Ladies' Park (London), Flackwell Heath Golf (Buckinghamshire), Twen- tieth Century (Reno), International Women's Franchise Club (London). Recreations: Tennis, mountain climbing, riding, golf, travel. Wom- an's tennis champion. State of Nevada, 1893, 1894; tennis champion, Stanford Univ., 1895, 1896. Fa- vors woman suffrage; pres. of Nev. Equal Fran- chise Soc, 1912-14.

MARTIN, Catharine, Imperial Hotel, St. John, N.B., Canada- Librarian; b. Edinburgh, Scotland; dau. James and Matilda Percy (Douglas) Martin; ed. in London, England, and St. John, N.B., Canada; grad. Normal School, Fredericton, N.B., degree from McGill Univ., 1908. Librarian of the St. John Free Public Libraj-y since 1883. MARTIN, Catherine E. Dodg:e (Mrs. H. C. Mar- tin), Darlington, Wis.

Born Etna, Wis., Oct. 11, 1859; dau Amml and Anne E. (Dering) Dodge; ed. private school and Platteville Normal Schooi; m. Etna, Wis., Nov. 15, 1882, H. C. Martin; one daughter: Anne Dodge. Interested in all re- ligious and social philanthropic work of the com- munity. Favors woman suffrage; vice-pres. county suffrage organization. Protestant Epis- copal. Republican. Recreation: Travel. Mem. Study Club.

MARTIN, Clara Brett, Continental Life BIdg., Toronto, Can.

Lawyer; b. Toronto; dau. of the late Abram Martin and Elisabeth R. (Brett) Martin; ed. pri- vately and Trinity Univ., B.A. '97; Toronto Univ., B.C.L., LL.B. '99. Pioneer in opening the legal profession to women in Ontario; first woman to practise law in the British Empire; first woman graduate in law from Toronto Univ Has practised law in Toronto since 1899; head of her own firm. Only woman ever elected to Board of Education of Toronto; was a member for seven years and in 1908 headed the poll by over 2,000 majority.

MARTIN, Clara Davis (Mrs. Henry Gibson Mar- tin), 2004 Center St., Little Rock, Ark. Bom Litchfield, 111.; dau. Charles S. and La- vinia (Thalls) Davis; grad. Little Rook High School and has taken several reading courses- m Little Rock, Ark., July, 1884, Henry Gibson Mar- tin. Favors woman suffrage. Press correspond- ent Ark. State Federation two years, and has reported many church, club and social entertain- ments. Writer of brief articles on religious and other subjects. Mem. Disciples of Christ Y.W.C.A., W.C.T.U. Mem. Esthetic and Edel- weiss clubs, Woman's Cooperative Ass'n- as- sociate mem. Musical Coterie (largest musical club in Southwest).

��MARTIN, Edith Copeland (Mrs. James S. Mai - tin), 3513 Fifth Av., Beaver Falls, Pa. Born Parnassus, Pa., Nov. 9, 1865; dau. A.B and Mary H. (Hill) Copeland; ed. public school; Parnassus Acad.; Geneva Coll., B.S. '86; m. May 21, 1891, Rev. James Sankey Martin; chil- dren: Sloane Copeland, Donald McAllister, Mary Edith Hathaway. Pres. in Lawrence and Beaver counUes W.C.T.U.; pres. Pittsburgh Presbyterial Woman's Missionary Soc. three years; teacher women's Bible class for years, and active In all church and reform work. Author: Relation o! Reform Work to Missionary Work. Editor o( women's dep't Church Missionary Magazine. Reformed Presbyterian. Chairman Woman's Auxiliary Alumnae Ass'n of Geneva Coll. Clubs: College, Fancy Work. Recreations: Reading, croquet, boating. Favors woman suffrage.

MARTIN, Eliza Gathright (Mrs. Clarence L.

Martin), 749 S. Second St., Louisville, Ky.

Born Oldham Co., Ky., Oct. 20, 1847; dau. Owen and Eliza Ann (Austin) Gathright; ed. Louisville Girls' High School, 1864 (valedictorian of class); m. July 1, 1879, Clarence Linden Martin; chil- dren: Clarence L., Owen Gathright (twins). Taught 1864-79. Was offered chair of mathematics, Girls' High School; declined. Favors woman suf- frage. Mem. Relief Union, Church Ass'n Chari- ties, Salvation Army, Children's Home* Sinking Soc, Humane Soc, Am. Home Economics Ass'n, Filson Club (historical soc. of Ky. for research work). Christian (Disciples of Christ). Demo- crat. Recreations: Reading, painting, cards, mu- sic, drama. Clubs: Alumnae, Girls' High School, Ky. Fed. of Women's; chairman Dep't of House- hold Economics; Com. Tax of Household Econo- mics of Gen. Fed. Women's Clubs. Has charge of Southern States. Leader in discussion of ex- tension work by clubs at the conference of Household Economics at Biennial of Gen. Fed. of Women's Clubs, San Francisco, June 25-July 5. 1912.

MARTIN, EUen Annette, Room 411, 118 N. La

Salle St., Chicago, 111.

Lawyer; b. Kiantone, N.Y., Jan. 16, 1847; dau. Abram and Mary Eliza (Bumham) Martin; ed. public school; Jamestown Acad.; Randolph Acad.; grad. Clinton Liberal Inst., '65; law dep't Univ. of Mich., LL.B. '75. Prepared the brief and secured the voting of 15 women at the char- ter election of Lombard, 111., in April, 1891. This showed the power of Legislature to extend suf- frage to women for all elections not mentioned or provided for in the State Constitution. One of organizers of the Chicago Political Equality League, 1S94 ^mem. Board of Directors 12 yeara and part of time cor. sec). Author: Admission of Women to the Bar in the United States and the Law in the Different States in Reference Thereto (Chicago Law Times, 1886). Mem. Chi- cago Woman's Club and D.A.R. Was law part- ner of Mary Frederick Perry until her death in 1S83.

MARTIN, Emllie Norton, Mt. Holyoke College,

South Hadley, Mass.

Professor; b. Elizabeth, N.J., I>ec. 30, 1869; dau. Robert Wilkie and Mary Holmes (Ford) Martin- ed. Bryn Mawr Coll., 1890-99; A.B. '94; Ph.D. '01- resident fellow (mathematics) at Bryn Mawr' 1895-96; Mary E. Garrett European fellow, study- ing in Gottingen, 1897-98. Private tutor in mathe- maUcs and Latin. 1893-1903; instructor mathe- matics, Mt. Holyoke Coll., 1903-05, 1907-11; assoc prof, mathematics, Mt. Holyoke Coll., 1911—. Author (thesis subject): On the Imprlmitive Substitution Groups of Degree Fifteen and the Primitive Substitution Groups of Degree Eigh- teen, Jan., 1901; Index of Bulletin of Am. Mathe- matical Soc, first ten volumes, 1904. Presby- terian. Mem. Am. Mathematical Soc, A. A. A S Am. Geog. Soc. Club: College (Philadelphia).

MARTIN, Mrs. Fletcher Burr, 422 Oak St., Chat- tanooga, Tenn.

Born McMinville, Tenn., May 12, 1866; dau. Henry Jackson and Frances (Huddleston) Batey (great-grandfather, Capt. William Batey, was a pioneer settler in Tenn., besides being given a grant of land for services rendered in establish- ing the Government during the Revolution); ed.


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