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��MARSH, Genevieve, The Ontario, Washington, D.C.

Teacher; grad. Smith Coll., B.A. '96; student In Anglo-Saxon, Harvard Summer Sthool, 1898; scholar in Am. history, Univ. of Neb., 1902-04, M.A. '04. Teacher of English and history, Thorn- ton Acad., Saco, Me., 1896-1902; teacher of Eng- lish and music and chairman of English dep't, Lincoln (Neb.) High School, 1903-09; English in Montclair, N.J., 1909; English in Technical High School, Wasiiington, D.C, 1910; head of history department since 1911.

MARSU, Genevieve Cutler (Mrs. Charles Mer- cer Marsh Jr.), 1S53 Ontario Place, Wash- ington, D.C.

Born Morristown, N.J., 1881; dau. Willard W. and Mary B. H. Cutler; ed. Miss Dana's Sem., Morrisiown, N.J.; m. Morristown, N.J., April 3, 1907, Charles Mercer Marsh Jr. Episcopalian. MAKSH, Juliet Garvin Hamill (Mrs. Fred H. Marsh), 229 W. State St., Harrisburg, Pa. Born Xenia, O. ; dau. Capt. Joseph and Leah (Creighton) Hamill; ed. Xenia High School; m. Dayton, 0., Jan. 12, 18SS, Fred Herman Marsh; one son: Colin Herman Marsh. Prominent in social life. Favors woman suffrage. Presby- terian. Republican. Mem. Mothers' Meeting. Recreations: Walking, out-door sports. Mem. Wednesday Afternoon Embroidery Club, Civic Club (Harrisburg), Weissnichtwo Walking Club, D.A.R. (Harrisburg Chapter).

MARSH, Mary Louise Montgomery — see Mont- gomery-Marsh, Mary Louise.

M.AUSH, Mary McWi'.Jiams (Mrs. John Porter Marsh), 5545 Woodlawn Av., Chicago, 111. Born Chicago, Jan. 13, 1876; dau. Lafayette and Mary F. (Goodman) McWilliams; ed. Smith Coll., A.B. '98; m. Chicago, 1902, John Porter Marsh; children: John McWilliams, Lafayett^ McWill- iams. Interested in church missions (foreign and home) and neighborhood philanthropies. Favors woman suffrage; mem. Honor Com. of Chicago Political Equality League; mem. 111. Equal Suf- frage Ass'n. Has assisted in work at polls during primaries, getting signatures to petitions and dis- tribution of literature at all times. Presbyterian. Recreation: Suffrage work. Clubs: College, Study (Smith College).

MARSHALL, Clara, 258 S. Sixteenth St., Phila- delphia, Pa- Physician; b. West Chester, Pa.; dau. Pennock and Mary (Phillips) Marshall; grad. Woman's Med. Coll. of Pa., M.D. '75. Practising medicine in Philadelphia from 1875. Demonstrator of pharmacy, 1875-76; prof, materia medica and therapeutics, 1876-1906; dean since 1888 of Wom- an's Med. Coll., Philadelphia. Obstetrician, Philadelphia Hospital, 1S82; attending physician, girls' dep't, Philadelphia House of Refuge, 1886; lecturer in Nurses' Training School of Jefferson Med. Coll., 1893. Contributor on medical subjects to the professional journals. Author: History of the V/oman's Medical College of Philadelphia. MARSHALL, EUa Ormsby (Mrs. Perry Mar- shall), New Salem, Mass.

Newspaper writer, bird protector; b. S. Wilbra- ham (now Hampden), Mass., 1857; dau. John and Cnroline (Bliss) Ormsby; ed. Springfield High School, Westfield State Normal School, giad, '78; m. New Salem, Mass., 1895, Dr. Perry Marshall; no children, but brought up three for Dr. Mar- shall. Writer for newspapers since 1878; for sev- eral years wrote on economic subjects for American Press Ass'n, but during recent years has written exclusively on the subject of birds and their preservation to the Sprmgfleld Re- publican, Country Life and other publications. Has been much interested in temperance work, woman suffrage, the public ownership of nat- ural monopolies and was secretary of clubs repre- senting these various reforms. Later, after mov- ing to country, became a grangi; lecturer; now Bee. Mass. State Grange Com. on Protection of Wild Birds, an organization which has been a potent factor in securing bird protection legisla- tion in Mass.; associate mem. Am. Ornithologists' Union. Unitarian. Founder and pres. Nature Study Club. Favors woman suffrage.

��SLiRSHALL, Jessie Ames (Mrs. Andrew Mar- shall), R.F.D. No. 5, Lowell, Mass. Born Lowell, Mass., Nov. 2, 1882; dau. Adelbert and Blanche (Butler) Ames; ed. grammar school; Rogers Hall School; Smith Coll., A.B.; m. Tewksbury, Mass., Aug. 16, 1911; one son: An- drew Marshall Jr. Favors woman sufirage. MARSHALL, Margruerite Mooers, The Evening World, N.T. City.

Author, newspaper writer; b. Kingston, N.H., Sept. 9, 1887; dau. Herbert Walter and Lela (Brown) Mooers; grad. Tufta Coll., A.B. (Phi Beto Kappa) '07. On staff of Boston Herald, 1908-09; since then with N.Y. World, and since 1910 with N.Y. Evening World. Author: The Drift, 1911.

ftLARSHALL, Mary Ellen C. (Mrs. F. H. Mar- shall), Equitable Bldg., St. Louis, Mo. Insurance underwriter; b. in Augusta, Arkan- sas; daughter of William Peyton and Virginia (Daner) Campbell; ed. LitUe Rock public schools; Ward's Sem., Nashville, Tenn. ; m. F. H. Mar- shall, Little Rock, Ark., Oct. 23, 1895; children: Campbell Marshall, Mary Ellen Marshall. Thrice mem. Southern Century Club of Underwriters; mem. Jubilee Convention, 1909, and Presidential Convention, 1912, N.Y. City. Presbyterian. Mem. Daughters of Confederacy, Daughters of Ameri- can Revolution. Clubs: Esthetic Club of Little Rock, Ark.; Business Woman's, Little Rock, Ark.

MARSHALL, Mary Louise Donnell (Mrs. George William Marshall), Milford, Del. Born Maryland; dau. Andrew and Rosa (Mathewson) Donnell; ed. private tutors and Mrs. Martha Chamberlain's Sem., Newark, Del.; m. Milford, Del., Dr. George William Marshall, A.M.; M.D. (State Senator); children: Andrew (lawyer, deceased), V/illiam Marshall Jr. (A.B., D.D.), George Chester, Samuel McD. Marshall (A.B., M.D.). Episcopalian. Favors woman suffrage. MARSHALL, »ina Levering, Woman's Univer sity Club, 17 Madison Av., N.Y. City. Teacher, author; b. Kingston, N.Y. ; dau. Arthur Ward and Caroline (Trumbull) Marshall; grad. Wellesley, A.B. '95. Engaged in teaching in N.Y. City. Author: The Mushroom Book, 1901; Mosses and Lichens, a Popular Guide to the Identification and Study of Our Commoner Mosses and Lichens-, 1907. Mem. Woman's Uni- versity Club of N.Y. MARSLAND, Cora, Ossining, N.Y.

Teacher; b. Ossining, N.Y., 1859; dau. Edward and Sarah (Ryder) Marsland; grad. N.Y. State Normal College, '82; special student at Wellesley College (English work), '84; Emerson College ol Oratory, B.O. '88, -M.O. '89. Held chair of ora- tory, Iowa State Coll. of Agriculture and Me- chanical Arts, 1889-1900; chair of elocution, ora- tory and dramatic art, Kansas State Normal School, 1900-04 and 1908-11; chair of English and oratory. Olivet Coll., 1905-08; chair of English, Cotner Univ., 1912 — . Interested in the Christian Ass'n work. Favors woman suffrage. Author: Interpretive Reading (text-book), 1902; The Angei of the Gila, 1912. Mem. Orthodox Soc. of Friends. Progressive. Mem. Nat. Speech Arts Ass'n. Charter mem. Mich. State Elocutionary Ass'n. Has coached college students for the presentation of sixteen of the world's great dramas.

INLARSTON, Mary Alice Day (Mrs. Anson Mars- ton), College Campus, Ames, Iowa, Born Niagara Co., N.Y., June 21, 1865; dau. Dudley Watson and Rachel (Scott) Day; ed. Pecatonica (111.) High School; Univ. of Mich.; m. Dec. 14, 1892, Anson Marston (dean of engi- neering, Iowa State Coll. of Ames, Iowa); chil- dren: Morrill Watson, b. Jan. 30, 1896; Auson Day, b. May 20, 1905. Was State regent of the Iowa D.A.R., 1911-12. Has held membership in various State and Nat. D.A.R. committees. Has served as president of the local chapter ol P.E.O. Sisterhood; organized local D.A.R. chap- ter and served three terms as chapter regent. Favors woman suffrage. Congregationalist. Mem. P.E.O., D.A.R. Mem. Priseilla Club (composed of faculty women of Iowa State Coll.), City Fed. of Women's Clubs and Parent-Teachers' Ass'n.


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