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��MABtrN, Wenona, 39% "Washington Sq., W., - N.Y. City.

Author; b. Cincinnati, O.; dau. Vance and Mary Ellen (Porter) Marlln; grad. high school and attended private school and N.Y. Uni- versity; studied under tutors in France, Germany and Switzerland. Author: The Will o' the Wisp; Peeps at Panama; A Jaunt in Jamaica; also con- tributes articles and poems to various magazines and newspapers. Mem. Woman Suffrage Party of N.Y. City. Recreations: Horseback riding, mountain climbing. Member of Dickens Fellow- ship (Manhattan branch), Shakespeare Club, Twilight Club, College Equal SuSrage League, and active in the woman suffrage movement. Has traveled in 10 foreign countries and 35 SUtes.

MAKLOWE, Julia (Mrs. Edward H. Sothern),

Hlghmount, N.Y.

Actress; b. Caldbeck, E^ngland, November, l&So, her name being Sarah Frances Frost. Ck>me to U.S. with parents, 1875; ed. in schools of Cincin- nati; m. (1st) Philadelphia, May 28, 1894, Robert Taber (died March 7, 1904); (2d) Aug. 17, 1911, EJdward Hugh Sothern. Began stage career when 12 years old with a Pinafore company, touring the South and West, and under stage-name "Fannie Brough" continued in various juvenile parts until she was 16 years old, when she be- came a pupil, at Bayonne, N.J., of Ada Dow, who had been prominent on the English stage, and with her for three years studied the Shake- spearian rdles. Made first great success in tragedy as Parthenia in Ingomar at New London, Conn., where she appeared under her present stage name of "Julia Marlowe." Followed this with a New York engagement as Parthenia and several Shakespearian roles, including Juliet, in which she has achieved special distinction and has since appeared in many Shakespearian plays; also as star In the modern dramas: Collnette, Bonnie Prince Charlie, When Knight- hood Was in Flower, Barbara Frietchie, The Cavalier and Gloria. Since 1905 her appearances have been chiefly Shakespearian plays, starring jointly with E. H. Sothern in America and Great Britain.

MABOT, Helen, 43 E. Twenty-second St., N.Y.


Executive secretary of Woman's Trade Union League; b. Philadelphia, 1865; dau. Charles Henry and Griscom Marot; ed. Philadelphia private schools. Active in labor movement in its various phases in Philadelphia and N.Y. for past 20 years. Author: Handbook of Labor Litera- ture. Mem. Am. Ass'n for Labor Legislation, Nat. Child Labor Com., Socialist Party, Women's Trade Union League, Fabian Soc, London. Fa- vors woman suffrage; mem. Woman Suffrage Party.

MABOT, Mary Lonlse, Thompson, Conn.

Educator; b. Dayton, O., 1870; dau. Benjamin and Harriet (Sowers) Marot; ed. Wellesley Coll., Untv. of Chicago, B.S. Head of dep't of English, Elmlra Coll., 1897-1900; English, psychology. Miss Porter's School, Farmlngton, Conn., 1900-05; co- principal. Miss Howe and Miss Marot's School, Dayton, O., 1905-13; co-principal, Miss Howe and Miss Marot's School, Thompson, Conn., 1913 — . Favors woman suffrage. Congregationalist. Mem. Phi Beta Kappa, Beta Chapter of Illinois.

MARPLE, Florence Alice, 1203 E. Grand Av.,

Des Moines, Iowa.

Assistant curator; b. Sheffield, 111.; dau. Jo- seph and Elizabeth (Brown) Marple; ed. Sheffield (111.) High School; two years in 111. Wesleyan Univ. and summer term in Albany Library School, with private lessons in French, German and Shakespeare; mem. Kappa Gamma. Refer- ence librarian, seven years, Des Moines Public Library; ass't curator Historical Dep't of Iowa Bince 1910. Methodist. Recreations: Automobil- Ing, walking, reading. Mem. Professional Wom- en's League, Library Club.

"MARB, Isabello" (pen-name) — see Harrington, Mra. Oeorgre F.

��MARB, Jennie Lonlse Estes (Mrs. Walter E.

Marr), 986 Plymouth Av., Fall River, Mass.

Daughter of John H. and Caroline A. (Ling) Bstes; grad. Smith Coll., '93, B.S.; m. Jan. 22, 1898, Walter E. Marr (divorced after five years); children: Harold E. Marr, b. Oct. 27, 1898; Caro- line J. Marr, b. Dec. 15, 1903. Taught English and French two years in M. C. D. Borden High School, Fall River. Taught educational classes in Y.W.C.A., Honolulu, Hawaii (after marriage). Mem. Unitarian Church, Woman's Alliance; in- terested in Day Nursery work, under manage- ment of memibers of Fall River Branch of Col- legiate Alumnae. Favors woman suffrage; mem. Collfcge Equal Suffrage League. Unitarian. Mem. D.A.R (regent local chapter, Quequechan), Am. Peace Soc, Nat. Geographic Soc., Ass'n Collegiate Alumna, College Club, R.I. Smith College Club. Studied one year in Boston after grad. from Smith at E)merson Coll. of Oratory and later did considerable public reading; now makes frequent patriotic addresses for D.A.R.

MARRIOTT, Lucretia E. WiUiams (Mrs. J. H.

Wilson Marriott), Chapel Hill, N.C.

Author; b. Baltimore, Md. ; dau. Rev. Dr. J. W. M. Williams and Corinthia V. J. (Read) Will- iams; ed. private schools in Baltimore; m. Balti- more, April 17, 1S84, J. H. Wilson Marriott (died April 4, 1912); one son: Dr. Williams McKim Marriott, b. Mar. 5, 1885. Actively identified with Sunday-school, church and philanthropic ac- tivities. Against woman suffrage. Author: A Beautiful Life; The Little Boy that Santa Glaus Forgot, and stories and verses in various periodi- cals. Baptist. Mem. Woman's Literary Club of Baltimore.

MARSH, Eleanor Blake (Mrs. Lindus Cody Marsh), St. Barnabas Rectory, Upper Marl- boro, l^d., R.F.D. 2.

Born Sc Louis, Mo., 1884; dau. Charles Royal and Blanche (Morean) Blake; ed. Mary Inst., St. Louis; Monticello Sem., Godfrey, 111.; Mrs. Hazen's School, Pelham Manor; m. St. Louis, Mo., June 26, 1909, Rev. Lindus Cody Marsh. Against woman suffrage. Episcopalian.

MARSH, EUa Sherman (Mrs. Eben J. Marsh),

Waycross, Ga.

Born Chicago, 111., June 22, 1852; dau. Gen. Francis T. Sherman (postmaster of Chicago, mem. ot CJongress and brigadier-general U.S.V. in Civil War) and Eleanor (Vedder) Sherman (grandfather Francis Cornwall Sherman); ed. St. Mary's Hall, Faribault, Minn. ; m. Chicago, Eben J. Marsh; one daughter: Mrs. Margaret Marsh Sheldon. Mem. Protestant E>piscopal Church, D.A.R. (Mary Washington Colonial Chapter), Eclectic Club, N.Y. City; Little Mothers. In- terested in crippled children. Favors woman suffrage.

MARSH, Ellen J. F. Bennett (Mrs. Jamea H.

Marsh), 309 Broadway, N.Y. City.

Lawyer; b. London, England, July 25, 1866; dau. Charles and Marie (DeCourcy) Bennett; ed. State Normal School, Al'bany, N.Y. ; Univ. Law Sehool, N.Y. City; m. N.Y. City, April 10, 1900, James H. Marsh; one son. Admitted to bar 1899. Mem. law firm Bennett, Marsh & Bennett. Democrat Past matron O.E.3.

MARSH, Frances WcUock (Mrs. Albert Marsh),

Park St., West, Reading, Mass.

Bom Boston, Oct, 3, 1876; dau. Samuel Camp- bell and Frances (Pendergast) Wellock; ed. at home, with special courses in music, French and painting; m. Boston, Nov. 2, 1S9S, Albert Marsh, M.D. Charter mem. and treas. Old North Chap- ter D.A.R.; elected Worthy Matron Common- wealth Chapter Order Eastern Star, 1910; ap- pointed Deputy Grand Matron of Grand Chapter Order Eastern Star, 1912. Pres. Wilmington Woman's Club, 1910-12; mem. of the Public Health Dep't Mass. Slate Fed. of Women's Clubs; mem. Equal Suffrage Ass'n, Drama League, Woman's Municipal League, Literature Com. of Wilmington Women's Club, also several private clubs. Mem. Soc. of Colonial Families and Daughters of Civil War.


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