Clubs; mem. Women's Literary Club of Baltimore; bon. mem. 20th Century Club.
MARIS, Anna M. (Mrs. George L. Maris), Sanford, Fla., R.F.D. No. 1. Born Chester Co., Pa., Sept. 30, 1845; dau. Elisha C. and Rebecca (Stiteler) Pinkerton; ed. at West Chester, Pa., and at Mansfield State Normal School, Pa.; m. Philadelphia, June 17, 1869, George L. Maris; children: Herbert L. Maris (lawyer, Philadelphia), Helen Maris (Philadelphia). Favors woman suffrage. Author: The Maris Family Record. Mem. Soc. of Friends. Pres. Wednesday Club, Sanford, Fla. Originator, and for six years pres., of Newtown New Century Club, Newtown, Pa.
MARK, Mary Louise, Westerville, Ohio. Statistician; b. Buena Vista, O., Jan, 6, 1878; dau. P. Lewis and Mary P. (Humphrey) Mark; ed. Ohio State Univ., A.B. '03; Columbia Univ., A. M. '07. High school teacher New Cumberland, W.Va. 1904-05; East Palestine, O., 1905-06; grad. student Columbia Univ., 1906-07; special agent U.S. Immigration Commission, 1907-10; special agent U.S. Census, 1911; expert agent U.S. Bureau of Labor, 1912-13; statistician Ohio State Board of Health, 1913—. Favors woman suffrage. One of the two authors of Immigrants in Cities. Mem. Methodist Episcopal Church. Mem. Am. Statistical Ass'n, Am. Economic Ass'n, Am. Sociological Soc, Am. Ass'n for Labor Legislation, Phi Beta Kappa, Stanton Suffrage Club of District of Columbia.
MARK. Nellie Virgrinia, 823 Hamilton Terrace, Baltimore, Md. Physician; b. Cashtown, Adams Co., Pa., July 21 1867; dau. Jacob and Mary (Cover) Mark; grad. Md. Coll. for Women, Lutherville, Md., A.M. '75; Boston Univ. Med. Dep't, M.D. '84. Lectures on personal hygiene, literary topics and on woman suffrage. Mem. Just Government League of Baltimore and of Equal Suffrage League of Baltimore. Mem. Nat. Geog. Soc; was vice-pres. for number of years of Ass'n for Advancement of Women. Recreation: Lecturing. Mem. Arundell Club of Baltimore.
MARKHAM, Anna Catherine (Mrs. Edwin Markham), Westerleigh Pk., W. New Brighton, S.I., N.Y. Formerly teacher and writer; b. Sierra Nevada Mountains, Cal.; ed. Normal School; Univ. of Cal.; took special literary course In latter; m. San Francisco, Cal., June, 1898, Edwin Markham (the poet); one son: Virgil, b. April 2, 1899. Taught school six years in Los Angeles City. Wrote for newspapers and magazines of the West and East; wrote several text-books, also lectured for clubs, etc. Interested in movements for the uplift of the oppressed. Has lectured on child labor questions; also lectured at clubs and conventions on the Old Missions in Cal. and on many phases of literature, such as: The Poetry of To-Day; The Tendencies of Modern Literature, etc. Favors woman suffrage. Author of stories, verse, reviews, sketches and school books; among her most popular stories are: The Lion and the Two McCarthys (McClure's); The Madonna of the Blue Veil (Sunday Magazine); A Set of Born Fools (Overland Monthly), and a play: How Christmas Was Saved (St Nicholas). Mem. Poetry Soc. of America, Browning Club (N.Y. City). Mem. Fed. of Women's Clubs, Press Club of San Francisco. Interested In all her husband's literary, social and philanthropic work and working with him.
MARKLE, Bessie (Mrs. Grant C. Markle), Wiuchester, Randolph Co., Ind. Born Wiachester, Ind.; dau. William Grey and Julia (Lucas) Smith; grad. Winchester public school, '89; Teachers Coll., Indianapolis, '90; m. Winchester, Ind., Dec. 30, 1897, Dr. Grant C. Markle. Taught for seven years in Winchester public schools. Favors woman suffrage. Mem. First Presbyterian Church, Winchester Woman's Club (pres. 1907-08) ; now on second term as treas. of Indiana Fed. of Clubs.
MARKS, Jeannette, South Hadley, Mass. Author; b. Chattanooga, Tenn., Aug. 16, 1875; dau. William D. and Jeannette Holmes (Colwell) Marks: ed. Welleslay Coll., B.A., M.A. (mem. Zeta Alpha); also in Germany, and in special studies in the Bodleian Library and British Museum. Held an assoc. professorship of English literature at Mt. Holyoke Coll. for a time, which was ended by ill health, from which she found recuperation in a prolonged visit to the Welsh mountains, where also she found the inspiration for her books about Wales. Interested in settlement work, child welfare, etc. Author: Through Welsh Doorways; The End of a Song; Gallant Little Wales; The English Pastoral Drama; A Girl's Student Days and After; Story Told Science Series (in collaboration with Julia Moody), of which Little Busybodies (a book on insects) and A Holiday with the Birds are published. Episcopalian. Mem. Authors' Soc. (England). Recreations: Out-door sports. Clubs: Boston Authors', Lyceum (England), College Club (Boston). Winner of Lord Howard de Walden prize offered in behalf of Welsh Nat. Theatre, the winning plays being The Merry Cuckoo and Welsh Honeymoon. Writer of short stories, articles and verse for magazines. Has contributed to Harper's Weekly, Harper's Bazar, Outlook, Atlantic Monthly, McClure's, Churchman, Metropolitan, Smart Set, International, Success, Youth's Companion, D. C. Cook publications, etc.
MARKS, Josephine Preston Peabody (Mrs. Lionel Marks), Cambridge, Mass. Poet; b. N.Y. City; dau. Charles K. and S. Josephine (Morill) Peabody; ed. Girls' Latin School, Boston, and Radcliffe Coll., two years (special student); m. June 21, 1906, Lionel Marks, prof, of engineering in Harvard Univ.; children: Alison Peabody Marks, b. July 30, 1908; Lionel Peabody Marks, b. Feb. 10, 1910. Won Stratford-on-Avon (Memorial Theatre) prize for play, The Piper (already published), 1909; play produced In Stratford and London, 1910-11; New Theatre, N.Y. City, 1911. Interested in social progress, especially woman suffrage and questions affecting women, children and working people; modern drama and poetry. Hon. vice-pres., Cambridge Political Equality Ass'n; hon. vice-pres. Mass. Woman's Suffrage Ass'n. Author: The Wayfarers' Fortune and Men's Eyes; The Singing Leaves; Books of the Little Past; The Singing Man (poems). Plays: Marlowe; The Piper. Episcopalian. Mem. Am. Folk-Lore Soc., Copley Soc. of Am., Poetry Soc. of Am. Clubs: Lyceum (London), Authors' (Boston). Best known by her maiden name of Josephine Preston Peabody, with which she still signs her work, with her married name in parenthesis.
MARKWELL, Lulu Alice (Mrs. J. W. Markwell), 1422 Rock St., Little Rock, Ark. Born Corydon, Ind., Oct. 1, 1864; dau. B. S. J. and P. J. (Mathes) Boyers; ed. in Corydon schools and Bryant & Stratton Business Coll., Louisville, and private training in expression; m. Little Rock, Ark., June 15, 1892, Dr. J. W. Markwell. Teacher four years; official court stenographer one year. Pres. Woman's Christian Temperance Union of Ark. 10 years; lecturer for W.C.T.U. Favors woman suffrage. Presbyterian; mem. of four church and two fraternal societies. Mem. Co-operative Club and Educational Aid Soc. Appointed by Governor of Ark. as delegate to Southern Sociological Congress, Nashville.
MARLATT, Abby Lillian, University of Wis- consin, Madison, Wis. Professor of home economics; b. Manhattan, Kan.; dau. Rev. W. and Julia Ann (Bailey) Marlatt; ed. public schools Kan.; Kan. State Coll., B.S. '88, M.S. '90; graduate student Brown Univ. and Clark Univ. Prof, home economics, Utah State Coll., 1890-94; Technical High School, Providence, R.I., 1894-1909; prof, home economics, Univ. of Wis., since 1909. Mem. Am. Home Economics Ass'n, Nat. Educational Ass'n, Nat. Soc. for the Promotion of Industrial Education, Am. Ass'n for the Advancement of Science, Am. Chemical Soc, Am. Ass'n for Study and Prevention of Infant Mortality, Internat. Congress on School Hygiene. Favors woman suffrage. Magazine writer in professional journals, as Am. Home Economics Journal. Unitarian. Progressive Republican. Mem. Providence Mothers' Club, Madison Woman's Club.