��MARBLE, Annie Russell (Mrs. Charles Francis
Marble), 4 Marble St., Worcester, Mass.
Author; b. Worcester, Mass., Aug. 10, 1864; dau. Isaiah D. and Nancy D. (Wentworth) Rus- sell; grad. Worcester High School, '82; Smith Coll., A.B. '86, A.M. '95; m. Worcester. Mass., Nov. 18, 1890, Charles Francis Marble; two adopted children: Anna Bell, Paul Francis. Trus- tee of Home for Aged Women (Worcester) ; in- terested in the Trade School for Girls. Au- thor: Thoreau — His Home, Friends and Books; Books In Their Seasons; Books That Nourish Us; Heralds of American Literature; editor of The Marble Faun; Heroes and Hero Worship, and reviewer of books for Dial. Mem. Boston Authors' Club, Boston College Club, Ass'n Colle- giate Alumnae, Worcester Woman's Club, Smith Coll. Alumnaa Ass'n, Congregationalist. Against woman suffrage. MARBLE, Mizabeth Dana, 3201 Figueroa St.,
Los Angeles, Cal.
Missionary, teacher; ed. L<os Angeles High School, Miss Mary E. Stevens' School, German- town, Philadelphia; Bryn MawT Coll., A.B. '02. Worker in American Mission in Meerut, India, 1905-06; principal of the Howard Plested Me- morial School, Meerut, and ass't sec. of Nortii- west India Conference of the Woman*'s Foreign Missionary Soc, 1906-07. Mem. Methodist Episco- pal Church. Honorary cor. sec. Bryn Mawr College. MARBLE, Harriet FnUer (Mrs. Thomas^ Llt-
tlefield Marble), Gorham, N.H.
Born Tenants Harbor, Me., Dec. '9, 1874; dau. Alfred W. and Georgia (Hodgman) Fuller; ed. Gorham High School; Emerson Coll. of Oratory; special course at Radcliffe Coll. ; m. Gorham, N.H., Aug. IB, 1906, Thomas Littlefleld Marble. Taught elocution and English in Gouverneur High School, Gouverneur, N.Y., from 1900-04; elocution and nature study in Potsdam Normal School, Potsdam, N.Y., 1904-06. Against woman suffrage. Universalist. Mem. Order of Eastern Star, Gorham Woman's Club. MARBOURG, Dolores (pseudonym); see Bacon,
Dolores. MARBURG, Fanny Dulany Moncnre (Mrs. Ed- gar Marburg), 4319 Baltimore Av., Philadel- phia, Pa.
Born Shreveport, La., April 22, 1868; dau. John Con'way and Fanny Dulany (Tomlin) Moncnre; ed. Kate Page Nelson School, Shreveport, La. ; C!olumbia Inst., Columbia, Tenn., '86; m. Shreve- port, La., Aug. 14, 1893, Dr. Edgar Marburg; children: Frances Tomlin, Edgar Jr., Clara, Anita. Mem. Philadelphia Chapter United Daughters of the Confederacy, Drama League of Philadelphia, Home and School League of Phila- delphia, Philadelphia Mothers' Club, Faculty Tea Club of the Univ. of Pa., Philomuslan Club. Episcopalian. MARBURY, Elisabeth, 122 E. Seventeenth St.,
N.T. City.
Authors' representative; b. N.Y. City, June 19, 1856; dau. Francis Ferdinand and Elizabeth (McCoun) Marbury; ed. New York and Paris. Pres. American Play Co. Am. representative of many leading European authors, (jatholic. Mem. Lyceum Club, London; one of the governors of the Colony Club of N.Y. City. MARCY, Mary Elizabeth Smith (Mrs. Seneca S.
Marcy), lyyons, Ionia Co., Mich.
Teacher; b. Beirut, Syria, Aug. 6, 1847; dau. Rev. Eli and Hetty (Butler) Smith (both mls- slonariee in Beirut); ed. Hartford (Conn.) Fe- male Sem. and Ipswich (Mass.) Female Sem.; m. Lyons, Mich., 1875, Seneca S. Marcy; children: Hetty, Mabel. Taught in the Female Sem. at Mt. Auburn, Cincinnati, for seven years; was meim. of Board of Education in Lyons, Mich. Interested In public schools and libraries; vice- pres. Fed. of Women's Clubs of Ionia Co., Mich.; ex-pres. and chairman Board of Managers of Research Club of Lyons, Mich. One of the founders of the Ladies' Library of Lyons. Fa- vors woman suffrage. Congregationalist. Mem. Ladles of the Modern Maccabees. MARDEN, Clare Evans (Mrs. Orison Swett
Marden), Marden Farms, Sea Cliff, L.I., N.Y.
Oratorio and concert ainger; b. Glasgow. Ky.,
��April 11, 1878; dau. William T. and Laura (Mof- fett) Evans; ed. putiLic stiiools of Louisville, Ky., and in Paris, France; m. N.Y. City, May 16, 1905, Orison STvett Marden; children: Mary NeweU Marden, Laura Fletchin Marden. Favors woma' suffrage. Treas. Suffrage Study Club, Sea Cliff L.I. Christian Scientist. MARDEN, Elizabeth M. (Mrs. Wilbur Lev:
Marden), Rye, N.H.
Born Johnsonburg, N.J., Sept. 1, 1878; dau. Rev. Harry J. and Mary DeLina (Phillips) Rhodes; ed. Starkey Sem., Eddytown, N.Y.; Portsmouth (N.H.) High School; m. July 25, 1895, Wilbur Levi Marden; children: Lucy Roena, b. 1896; Florence May, b. 1898. Interested in local educational and charitaible work. Pres. of Church Aid Soc., 1903-04, 1910-11. Mem. Every Other Tuesday Club (pres. 1911-13), N.H. State Fed. Christian Church. Against woman suffrage. MAREAN, Elizabeth Richards (Mrs. Joslah
Taylor Marean), Hotel Bossert, Montague St.,
Brooklyn, N.Y. (country seat. Green's Farms,
Born Morristown, N.J. ; dau. Rev. James Rich- ards. D.D., LL.D., and Sarah (Wisner) Richards; ed. in Packer Inst., Brooklyn, N.Y. ; m. Hon. Josiah Taylor Marean (justice of Supreme Court of State of N.Y.). Mem. Colonial Dames of America, D.A.R., Colonial Dames. MAREAJif, 'Eftama Endicott (Mrs. Joseph Mason
Marean), 151 Brattle St., Cambridge, Mass.
Editor, writer; dau. Henry and Abby Hastings (Browning) Endicott; ed. Cambridge, Mass., and in Dresden and Hanover, Germany, by private teachers; m. Cambridge, Jan. 20, 1876, Joseph Mason Marean; children: Edith (now Mrs. Rod- erick Stebbins of Milton, Mass.), Henry Endi- cott, Parker Endicott, Browning Endicott, Endi- cott. Favors woman suffrage. Mem. Cambridge Political Equality Ass'n since it was founded. Has written countless editorial and unsigned articles; also stories and poems for St. Nicholas, Youth's Companion and other magazines or journals. Unitarian. Recreation: Walking. Mem. Chicago Women's Club, Boston Authors' Club, Twentieth Century, Pentagon, American Drama Club. MARGESSON, Helen Pearson, luu Melville Av.,
Dorchester Center, Boston, Mass.
Daughter Alexander and Harriette A. (Pearson) Margesson; ed. Wellesley Coll., B.A. '96. Mem. Board of Directors Boston Branch Ass'n of Col- legiate Alumnae; second vice-pres. Ck>llege Club (Boston). Interested in college settlements. Episcopalian. Mem. Am. Historical Ass'n, Old Smith Historical Soc., Wellesley College Club of Boston. aLiRLNE, Harriet Perkins, 2514 Madison Av..
Baltimore, Md.
Professional reader; b. Ellicott City, Md. ; dau. Hon. William Marine (lawyer, historical writer) and Harriet Perkins (Hall) Marine; ed. public schools of Baltimore, Md.; Maryland Inst.; Bard- Avon School of Expression. Has been engaged for several years as successful professional reader; was for some time pres. of Bard-Avon Alumni Ass'n (still mem.) and in 1907 organized the Crescentia Players, of which she is pres. and business manager. This is an organization of ten of the leading professional readers of Bal- timore City, and has made many notable ap- pearances, particularly in Ye Maryland Mayde, given for the benefit of the Edgar Allan Poe Me- morial Ass'n in April, 1910, in which she played the part of Winokee, the Indian Princess. Authoi of historical papers: Maryland's Relation to tht Revolution; The Hero of the Peggy Stewart, Three Graves of- the Potomac; Gen. WiUiaa SmallTTOod; The True History of the Stai Spangled Banner; The Flags that Have Waved Over the United States and Her Possessions; alsc blank verse drama. The Muse and Maryland Fail Women, successfully used by several organiza- tions as a Maryland Day celebration. Methodist Historian of General William Smallwood Chap ter D.A.R. ; mem. Historical Research Com., Nat. Soc. D.A.R. ; sec. Nat. Soc. of U.S. Daugh- ters of 1812; mem. Acad, of Sciences, Edgar AllaB Poe Memorial Ass'n. Pres. Delphian Club; mem. Exec. Board of Maryland State Fed. Womea'i