��1303-13; associate prof., 1913—. Fellow of
A.A.A.S.; mem. Am. Physical Soc.
MAI>TBY, Virginia Minerva (Mrs. Truman H.
Maltby), Carmi, 111.
Born Madison Co., 111., Sept. 18, 1S49; dau. Joshua and Susannah (Sanders) Vaughn; ed. Visitation Convent, St. LfOuis, Mo. ; Monticello Sem., Godfrey, III.; m. Jerseyville, 111., June 28, 1891, Truman H. Maltby; children: Ernest Vaughn, Florence Mae, Nellie Emily. A worker in the temperance cause and religious work. Sup't of franchise in W.C.T.U., circulating peti- tion for names of voters to be presented to the Legislature. Missionary Baptist. Pres. Am. Woman's League of White Co., 111.; pres. Home Culture Circle, for maintenance of public library; mem. Civic Club. MA>rCHESTER, Margaret MacGregor (Mrs.
William Charles Manchester), 219 Vlnewood
Av., Detroit, Mich.
Born Bay City. Mich., Jan. 30, 1874; dau. Dun- can Gregor and Martha (MacDonald) MacGregor; ed. Univ. of Mich., Ph.B.; m. Bay City, Mich., Dec. 27, 1S98, William Charles Manchester; chil- dren: Hugh Alexander, Mary Katherine, William Charles Jr., Helen Margaret, Susan Rosannah, Frances. Presbyterian. Clubs: College, Tuesday Musical (associate mem.). MAJVDL, Emma B. (Mrs. Bemhard Mandl), 4953
Grand Boulevard, Chicago, 111.
Born Pilsen, Austria, 1843; dau. Jonas and Charlotte (Goldscheider) Adler; ed. in Pilsen; m. Chicago, 1867, Bemhard Mandl; children: Sidney, b. 1868; Etta Klein, b. 1870. Pres. Baron Hirsch Woman's Club 14 years (now hon. pres.); founder of Home for Jewish Friendless and Working Girls; vlce-pres. of Home for Jewish Orphans; founder and vice-pres. of Chicago- Winfield Tuberculosis Sanitarium; founder of Ruth Club for Working Girls and of Home Find- ing Soc. for Children; first vice-pres. 111. Fed. of Wt.men's Clubs, Second Dist. Favors woman suf- frage. Jewish. Mem. Sarah Greenebaum Lodge, Deborah Soc; founder Grandmothers' Music and Reading Circle. Mem. of social clubs and of Chicago Ass'n of Je'W'ish Women. MANGUM, Clare Perkins (Mrs. Edward Man-
grum), 2304 Park St., Greenville, Tex.
Pianist; b. Greenville, Tex., 1885; dau. Judge George S. and Mary (Gaines) Perkins; pupil of Harold von Mickwitz, North Texas Coll.; South- western Univ., honorary mem. Zeta Tau Alpha; m. June 4, 1912, Edward Maiigum. Chairman of Music Com. and Art Com., Third Dist., Texas Fed. of Women's Clubs; mem. Music Com., State Fed.; director and pres. St. Cecelia Choral Club, Greenville, Tex. ; teacher of piano in South- western Univ., Georgetown, Tex. Mem. Meth- odist Episcopal Church, South. Pres. Standard Club, Entre Nous Club. Organist and choir di- rector of Kavanaugh Methodist Episcopal Church, South. Director of May Musical Festival in 1910. MANIERBE, Eleanor Mason (Mrs. Arthur
Manierre), 100 Bellevue PI., Chicago, III.
Born Chicago, 1SS4; dau. Henry B. and Fay (Calhoun) Mason; grad. Bryn Mawr Coll., A.B. '05; m. (ihicago, Dec. 22, 1906, Arthur Manierre. Vice-pres. Practical Housekeeping Centre; also actively Interested in the Psychopathic Inst., Juvenile Court, Hull House and the Public School Art Board. Favors woman suffrage. Mem. Equal Suffrage Ass'n, Bryn Mawr Alumnae Ass'n. Recreations: Drawing, painting, billiards. Menu BYiday Club, Bryn Mawr Club, Chestnut Street Tennis Club. MANN, Caroline Whallon Judd (Mrs. Charles
William Mann), Pasadena, Cal.
Born Port Henry, N.Y., Mar. 28, 1885; dau. Charles S. and Mary Elizabetn (Whallon) Judd; grad. Port Henry High School, '02; Cornell Univ., A..B. '06 (mem. Aftermath Soc); m. Port Henry, July 24, 1912, Charles William Mann. Taught biology and Latin, Wolcotl High School. 1906-09; Port Henry High School, 1909-12. Inter- ested in church work and Y.W.C.A., especially that of extension dep't. Favors woman suffrage. Presbyterian. Mem. Nat. Soc. D.A.R. Recrea- tions: Walking, snoW'Shoeing.
��MANN, Carrie Foote (Mrs. Arthur W. Mann),
Onawa, Monona Co., la.
Born Fort Atkinson, Wis. ; dau. Elisha L. and Ellen C. (Slmonds) Foote; grad. public schools, Fort Atkinson, Wis., 1883; m. Aug. 16, 1892, Ar- thur W. Mann. Interested in library work, which receives much of her attention. Works in all departments of federated club work; active in efforts for a better and more beautiful Onawa, also in local church work and in missions. Con- tributor to local papers. Now engaged in writing a brief history of Onawa from its first settle- ment for the benefit of school children and young people of the town (in compliance with the request of Nat. Soc. D.A.R. Mem. Disciples of Christ. Regent Onawa Chapter D.A.R.; sec. Civic Improvement League; pres. Onawa Chap- ter P.E.O. ; mem. library board; pres. 15 yeara Christian Aid Soc. ; chairman 11th Dist. la. Fed. Women's Clubs. Recreations: Home and foreign travel. Mem. and former pres. Onawa Art Club. MANN, Cynthia Pease (Mrs. Samuel B. Mann),
730 Warm Springs Av., Boise, Idaho.
Teacher: b. Breckenridge Co., Ky., 1853; dau. William Henry and Letitia (Dowell) Pease; ed. Lawrence (Kan.) High School; grad. Albion State Normal School, B.Pd. and M.Pd.; m. Lawrence, Kan., Sept. 13, 1875, Samuel B. Mann. Taught school since 1873; has been instructor in teach- ers' county institutes for 21 years. Appointed State Text-Book Commissioner, 1893. Nominated for State Sup't of Public Instruction for Idaho on Prohibition ticket, 1906, and County Sup't in 1908 by same party. Interested in philanthropies. Favors woman suffrage. Made speeches and wrote newspaper articles for equal suffrage. Pro- hibitionist. Mem. Y.W.C.A., Woman's Relief Corps, D.A.R., Columbian Club. Mem. Education Council of Idaho State Teachers Ass'n, and teacher of Children's Home Finding and Aid Soc; mem. board and sec. Gave three acres ground (worth $25,000) upon which the home is being erected for society, in one of best residence dis- tricts of Boise. MANN, Emma (Mrs. James R. Mann), Chicago,
and The Highlands, Washington, D.C.
Born in Champaign, Illinois; daughter of Cur- tis Fields and Nancy (Cox) Columbia; ed. Cham- paign schools and Univ. of 111., A.B. ; m. Cham- paign, 111., May 30, 1882, James R. Mann; one son: James R. Mann Jr. Unitarian. Mem. Chi- cago Woman's Club, Congressional Club of Washington. MANN, Floris Janette Perkins (Mrs. W. S.
Mann), McRae, Ga.
Born Chesterfield, S.C, Oct., 1885; dau. Will- iam James and Ida C. (Mulloy) Perkins; at 16 received diploma from Southern Normal Coll., Douglas, Ga. ; specialized in music, literature and oratory, Brenan Coll., Gainesville, Ga., one year; degree from Emerson Coll. of Oratory, Boston, during the three years there specialized in music in New England Conservatory (first pres. Dixie Club, Boston); m. Montgomery, Ala., Aug. 15, 1909, Hon. W. S. Mann, of Georgia; children: William S. Jr., b. July 14, 1910. Mem. Methodist Home and Foreign Mission Soc Favors woman suffrage. Amateur writer for home papers and magazines. Episcopalian. Recreations: Sum- mering in mountains, wintering in South Florida. Pres. McRae Improvement Club and Literary Club. Since marriage actively identified with social service along civic. Intellectual and spir- itual lines. MANN, Kristine, 215 W. 100th St., N.T. City.
Teacher; grad. Smith Coll., A.B. '95; student Harvard Summer School, 1898; Univ. of Berlin, 1899; student of philosophy and English, Univ. of Mich., 1900-01, A.M. '01; Columbia Univ., 1905-06, Cornell (medical), 1909-10. Ass't editor, 1896-98; teacher of science, Dearborn-Morgan School, Orange, N.J., 1898-99; teacher of English, Willard School, Berlin, 1899-1900; ass't Univ. of Mich., 1900-01; instructor Vassar Coll., 1901-05; Brearley School, N.Y. City, 1907-09. Mem. Smith Coll. Alumnae Ass'n.
MANX, Martha Elizabeth Toss (Mrs. Benja- min Houston Mann), 2 Commonwealth Av.,
Boston, Mass.
Physician; b. Boston, Mass., March 9, 1848;