��Howell; grad. Cornell Univ., Ph.B. '94 (mem. Alpha Phi, Phi Beta Kappa): m. Haverhill, Mass., May 15, 1903, William Mailly. Teacher in Chi- cago high schools and in Milwaukee Normal School; exec. sec. of Rand School of Social Science. Writer in newspapers and magazines. Favors woman suffrage. Mem. Nat. Woman's Committee Socialist Party. MAIN, Charlotte Emerson (Mrs. Herschel
Main), "The Wellington," Washington, D.C.
Born Westminster, Mass.; dau. William Saun- ders and Elizabeth (IDmerson) Bradbury; ed. Greenleaf Female Sem., Brooklyn, N.Y. ; m. (1st) August, 1864; (2d) 1876, Herschel Main (U.S. Navy); children: Mabel Frothlngham, Lawrence Emerson, Russell Burton, Margaret EUizabeth. Pres. Aid Ass'n for the Blind (to which most of her time is given) and Industrial Home for the Indigent Blind. Favors woman suffrage. Mem. D.A.R., Daughters of Founders of Patriots, Twentieth Century Club, Dis.t. Fed. of Women's Clubs, U.S. Daughters of 1812, etc. MAINE, Clara Horton (Mrs. Herbert E. Malne^,
89 Parade St., Providence, R.I.
Born Dover, N.H., 1858; dau. Alfred Z. and Mary A. (Goodwin) Horton (family removed, 1864, to Providence, where has since resided; ed. in Providence public schools and by private instruc- tors; special student at Women's Coll., Brown Univ.; m. Pn^idence, R.I., 1879, Herbert E. Maine; one child: Bertha Maine (deceased). Pres. Y.W.C.A. ; vice-pres. Alliance Francaise Groupe de Providc-nce; mem. Board of Directors of Consumers' League of R.I.; delegate to local Council of Women. Baptist. Mem. R.I. School of Design, the Sprague House Ass'n of Provi- dence, Providence Art Club, Handicraft Club of Providence, R.I. Women's Club (mem. Board Directors, 1901-04; vice-pres. 1904-05); R.I. Soc. tor Collegiate Education of Women; R.I. Ass'n Opposed to Woman Suffrage.
MAINE, Mary Talulah, Brantwood Hall, Law- rence Park, Bronxvllle, N.Y.
Educator; b. North Stonington, Conn., Oct. 6, 1869; dau. E. W. and Catherine (Thompson) Maine; grad. Wellesley Coll., A.B. (Zeta Alpha). After graduating engaged, 1898-1906, in prepara- tion of students for college. Established, 1906, and principal of Brantwood Hall School for Girls at Bronxville. N.Y. Baptist. Mem. D.A.R. MAINUS, Polly (Mrs. John Tyler Malnus),
Posey, Owsley Co., Ky.
Born Clay Co., Ky. ; dau. Joseph G. and Nanty Morgan; ed. in public school; m. Dec. 1, 1889, John Tyler Malnus; children: William T., Lucy G., Lummia M., Frank M., Arch G., Joseph H., Isaac S., Bessie K., John T. Malnus Jr. Donor and founder of Ky. Model School; now pres. of Helping Hand Club for Consumption and Hy- giene. Interested in tuberculosis prevention. Methodist. Republican. MAXCHOW, Stella Wellington (Mrs. Frederick
E. Malchow), Wilder, Minn.
Born near Oskosh, Wis. ; dau. Samuel A. and Lucelia (Cliae) Wellington; ed. St. Paul, Minn., through common and high schools; m.- Wahpeton, N.Dak., Jan. 16, 1901, Frederick E. Malchow; children: Althea Wellington, b. 1905; Samuel Byron, b. 1909. Interested especially In foreign missionary work, also International Sunshine Soc. movement. Congregationalist Recreations: Rifle shooting and lake sports. Specializes along the lines of art; water colors and Irish crochet. MALCOLMSON, Margaret Ewing (Mrs. Charles
T. Malcolmson), 923 Airdie PI., Chicago, III.
Born St. Louis, Mar. 17, 1878; dau. John Ca- bell and Margaret (Ewing) Wilkinson; grad. Mary Inst., St. Louis, '95; Smith Coll., B.L. '99 (mem. Alpha, local honor soc); m. St. Louis, Nov. 22, 1905, Charles Tousley Malcolmson, M.E., R.E. ; one son: Charles T. Malcolmson Jr., b. Aug. 16, 1906. Contributor of verse and stories to periodicals. Mem. Methodist Episcopal Church, South. Mem. Chicago Coll. Club. MALEY, Anna Agues, 111 N. Market St., Chi- cago, 111.
Speaker and organizer; b. Faxon, Sibley Co., Minn.; dau. John and Catherine (Graham) Maley; ed. Minneapolis common and high schools; Minn.
��State Univ , Minn. School of Business, Rand School of Social Science, N.Y. Financial sec. N.Y. Dally Call (Socialist) for one year; editor of Everett Commonwealth (Socialist) one year. Campaigned • for suffrage under the auspices of the Nat. Socialist Party in S.Dak. and Wash- ington when amendments were pending there. Has been a contributor from time to time to most of the Socialist papers of America. Recrea- tions: Dancing, bicycling. Was candidate on the Socialist ticket for Governor of Washington State in 1912; polled 37,000 votes; was on the platform every night between June 12 and No- vember 4. Recreations: Walking, dancing, bi- cycling, cards, theatre.
MALEY, Rose Anna Bird (Mrs. John Thomas Maley), Cheyenne, Wyo.
State Superintendent of Public Instruction; b. Stevens Point, Wis., 1884; dau. John Thomas and Anna Mae (Potter) Bird; ed. in public schools of Wyoming; grad. Cambria High School, State Normal School and Univ. of Wyo., 1904; m. Cheyenne, Wyo., Nov. 18, 1912, John Thomas Maley, attorney of Denver, Colo. Taught in the rural and graded schools of Wyoming. Elected County Sup't of Weston Co. for term 1908-10; State Sup't of Public Instruction, 1910-14. Home- eteaded under the old Homestead Act, living on ranch five years and teaching schools within riding distance. Favors woman suffrage. Catho- lic. Democrat. Mem. Royal Neighbors of America.
MALONE, Maud, 231 W. Sixty-ninth St., N.Y. City.
Librarian; b. N.Y. City, 1877; dau. Edward and Annie Loyola (Flynn) Malone; ed. private schools. Agitator and free lance for woman suffrage. Pres. Harlem Equal Rights League, N.Y. City; started the suffragette movement In the U.S.-, held the first street meeting In U.S. for woman suffrage. Organized the first parade tor woman suffrage in the U.S., 1908. Recreation: Walking.
MALLOKY, Helen Newberry Ladne (Mrs. James Halsey Mallory), Shandon Annex, Columbia, S.C.
Born Detroit. Mich., Nov. 12, 1872; dau. Austin Yates and Mary A. (Newberry) Ladue; ed. De- troit High School; Vassar Coll., A.B. '95, A.M. '96; m. Aug. 21, 1899, James Halsey Mallory Jr.; children: Helen Ladue, Halsey Ladue, Ruth Aus- tin. Favors woman suffrage. Protestant Epis- copalian. Mem. D.A.R., Ass'n Collegiate Alum- na, Alumnae Ass'n of Vassar Coll. Mem. Current Literature Club of Columbia, S.C; S.C. Fed. of Women's Clubs, College Club of S.C. MALLORY, Leila Fish (Mrs. Henry Foster Mal- lory), 5444 Ingleside Av., Chicago, 111. Born Chicago, June 21, 1875; dau. Selden and Carrie Theresa (Gaylord) Fish; grad. Univ. of Chicago. Ph.B. '97 (mem. Idlers) ; m. Chicago, 1898, Henry Foster Mallory; children: Ruth Gay- lord and Norman Harper. Favors woman suf- frage. Baptist. Mem. Chicago Alumnae Club of U. of C. ; Univ. Settlement League. MALTBY, Edith Frances, 112 Elm St., North- ampton, Mass.
Bom N.Y. City, Oct. 15, 1S74; dau. MarUn Marshall and Louise (Bogardus) Maltby; grad. Northampton High School; Smith Coll., B.A. '97. Opposed to woman suffrage. Congregationalist. Vice-pres. Hampshire County Branch of the Woman's Board, director Hospital Aid Ass'n; vice-pres. Woman's Missionary Soc; pres. New Century Club (literary); mem. Clef Club (mu- sical).
MALTBY, Margaret E., Barnard Coll., Columbia Univ., N.Y. City.
College professor; b. Bristolville, Ohio, Dec. 10, 1860; dau. Edmund and Lydia J. (Brockway) Maltby; grad. Oberlin Coll., A.B. '82, A.M. '91; Mass. Inst. Technology, B.S. '91; Univ. of Got- tingen, Germany, Ph.D. '95; private research ass't to the president of the Pbysikallschtech- nische Reichsanstalt, 1898-99; Clark Univ., 1899- 1900; fellow Mais. Inst, of Technology, 1893-95; fellow Ass'n of Collegiate Alumna;, 1895-96. In- structor dep't of physics, Wellesley Coll., 18S9- 93; associate prof. 1896-97; instructor Barnard Coll.. dep't of chemistry, 1900-03; adjunct prof.