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��A.B. '98 (mem. Alpha Phi); m. 1898, Minneapolis, Frank L. MeVey, Ph.D., LL.D., pres. Univ. of N.Dak.; children: Virginia, Frank, Jr., Janet (all under ten years of age). Director Assoc. Charities, Grand Forks, N.Dak. (chairman Frlendy Visitors Com.). Director State Fed. Women's Clubs. Favors woman suffrage. Pres- byterian. Mem. Franklin Club and Civic League (Grand Forks) ; charter mem. Minneapolis Wom- an's Club; mem. Ass'n of Collegiate Alumnae.

McVICKAB, Estelle K. (Mrs. Robert McVickar), 269 N. Fulton Av., Mt. Vernon, N.Y. Bom Vlncennes, Ind. ; dau. John Kingsley and Isabelle (Jenney) Case; ed. Vlncennes Univ. (val- edictorian); m. Dec. 21, 1886, Vlncennes, Ind., Robert McVickar; children: Frederick, Helen Isa- belle, Estelle Elizabeth, Dorothy. After mar- riage lived in Indianapolis about two years, since then in Mt. Vernon, N.Y. Pres. N.Y. State Con- sumers' League; director Visiting Nurses' Ass'n of Mt. Vernon; mem. Realty Co. of the West- chester Woman's Club; director in N.Y. State Ass'n Opposed to Woman Suffrage. Mem. Presbyterian Church and chairman of Woman's Com. of Italian Mission. Chairman of Mt. Ver- non Auxiliary of Assn Opposed to Woman Suf- frage; ex-mem. Exec. Board of State Ass'n. Au- thor of Ismene, a Greek play, and several pam- phlets against suffrage, besides magazine articles, poems, and a paper on Anne .Hutchinson pub- lished by State Historical Soc. Presbyterian. Mem. State Historical Soc. Recreation: Driving. Charter mem. Westchester Woman's Club (was pres. one term).

McWHIETER, LueUa Frances Smith (Mrs. Fe- lix T. McWhirter), 2330 College Av., Indian- apolis, Ind.

Bom Perrysville, Ind., Oct. 1, 1859; dau. Rev. Hezekiah and Susan Davis ^Marters) Smith; ed. Eiast Tennessee Wesleyan and De Pauw Univer- sities; m. Greencastle, Ind., Nov. 18, 1878, Felix r. McWhirter; children: Luella Smith [now Mrs. Frank F. Hutchins), Ethel (now Mrs. Thomas Scoggins), Felix Marcus, Susan (now Mrs. Henry Ostrom Jr.). Editor of The Message (State W.C.T.U. publication) since 1897. Pres. Indiana W.C.T.U., 1896 to 1900. Mem. Methodist Episco- pal Church. Public speaker on temperance, suf- frage and educational topics; teacher of parlia- mentary law classes. Favors woman suffrage; vice-pres. Woman's Franchise League of Ind. ; vice-pres. People's State Bank of Indianapolis; director local Council of Women of Indianapolis; mem. Caroline Scott Harrison Chapter D.A.R., Woman's Research Club, Art Ass'n, Woman's Department Club. Pres. Indiana Federation of Clubs.

MoWrLUAMS, Margraret Stovel (Mrs. Roland F. Mc Williams), 3 Lllfic Court, Winnipeg, Canada.

Born Toronto, Ont., Jan. 27, 1875; dau. Samuel and Thomasine (Callaway) Stovel; grad. Toronto Univ., B.A. '98, first class honors in history and political science; m. Minneapolis, 1903, Roland F. McWllllams. Reporter and editorial writer on Detroit Journal before marriage, and since then In magazine and newspaper work. Sec. Women's Canadian Club of Winnipeg, 1911-13; pres. Uni- Tersity Women's Club of Winnipeg, 1913; sec. Babies' Milk Depot, Winnipeg, 1911-13. Favors woman suffrage. Presbyterian. Mem. Winnipeg Free Kindergarten, Y.W.C.A. Recreations: Walk- ing, canoeing, mountaineering. Mem. Social Science Club, Frlends-ln-Council, Alpine Club of Canada.

MACY, Kdith Brander (Mrs. Nelson Macy),

"Hope Farm," Greenwich, Conn.

Bom Orange, N.J., Mar. 3, 1875; dau. Brander and Ada Montgomery (Smith) Matthews; ed. Brearley School, N.Y. City; m. N.Y. City, April 30, 1906, Nelson Macy; one son: Nelson Macy Jr., b. Mar. 12, 1910. Was cor. sec. for some years of Stony Wold Sanatorium; now connected with United Workers, Greenwich Hospital and Alliance Frangalse (Greenwich). Against woman suf- frage. Author of volume of translations from Hal6vy: Parisian Points of View; a little play, Six Cups of Chocolate; a few short stories, pub- lished In Harper's Bazar, Munsey's, Outlook and

��some reviews in the Critic; has not written since marriage. Protestant Episcopalian. Recreations: Farming, yachting, driving, walking, fishing. MACV, Elizabeth Wise (Mrs. Joslah Macy), 13

James St., Morristown, N.J.

Born Annapolis, Md., May 30, 1887; dau. Fred- eric May and Lizzie Danels (Adams) Wise; ed. Arundell School, Baltimore; m. Roland Park, Md., May 22, 1909, Josiah Macy; children: Joslah Jr., Aline. MADDEN, Eva Anne, 36 Via dl' Servl, Florence,


Writer, journalist; b. Kentucky, 1863; dau. Frank and Anne Louise (MacKenzie) Madden; ed. Louisville public schook; Alethean Soc. lit- erary honor of I ouisville Female High School. Was engaged in newspaper work in N.Y. City; now Nev,' York Herald correspondent at Florence, Italy. Favors woman suffrage. Author: The Little Crusaders; The I Can School; The Little Queen (ran as serial in Girls' Realm, England); The Soldiers of ihe Duke; Two Royal Foes; also stories in Century and Craftsman, and essays in Atlantic Monthly, Lippincott's, etc. Episco- palian. Mem. Lyceum Club of Florence, Italy. MADDISON, Isabel, 217 Roberts Rd., Bryn

Mawr, Pa,

Bom Cumberland, Eng. ; ed. Univ. of South Wales, Monmouthshire, 1886-89; Girton Coll., Cambridge, Eng., 1889-92; Bryn Mawr Coll., 1892- 94; Univ. of Gottiugen, Germany, 1894-95; Bryn Mawr Coll., 1895-96; Univ. of London, B.Sc. '94; Trinity Coll., Dublin, B.A. 1907; Mathematical Tripos, First Class, 1892; Oxford University (mathematical honor school) '92; Bryn Mawr, Ph.D. '96. Ass't to pres. of Bryn Mawr Coll., 1896 — . Recording dean of Bryn Mawr Coll., 1910. Formerly reader and associate in mathe- matics, Bryn Mawr Coll. ; mem. of the London Mathematical Soc, Am. Mathematical Soc. MADDOCK, Catherine Young: Glen (Mrs. Fred- erick Richard Maddock), The Hamilton,

Munn Av., East Orange, N.J.

Writer; b. Elizabeth, N.J., Aug. 26, 1872; dau. Charles T. and Catherine Frances (Young) Glen; ed. Mt. Holyoke Coll., South Hadley, Mass.. L.B. '94; m. N.Y. City, April 24, 1909, Fred- erick Richard Maddock. Contributor of short stories and poems to Century, St. Nicholas, Har- per's, Youth's Companion and other periodicals since 1S95. Has written several songs, one of wnich — Absent — is well known. Presbyterian. >IAJ)DOCKS, Caroline Shaw, the Chicago Trib- une, Chicago, III.

Writer; b. East Eddington, Me., 1866; dau. John Saywood and Eliza Ann (Tbomas) Mad- docks; grad. Edward Little High School, Auburn, Me., '88; Wellesley College, A.B. '92; Univ. of Chicago, A.M. '95; graduate work, '99-1900. Col- lege prep, teacher, two years; teacher of English and dean of women, Washburn Coll., Topeka. Kan., 1896-99; on staff of Chicago Tribune, 1910. Managed the Boston Fresh Air Fund Home for two years. Work on the Chicago Tr'bune is syndicated, and appears in some leading cities, East, West, South and in Canada; writes undei the name of "Jane Eddington." Congregational- ist. Favor.s woman suffrage. M.VDDOX, Emily Christy (Mrs. George Amorj

Maddox;, 1S39 Wyoming Av., Washington,


Born Washington, D.C, June 30, 1883; dau Henry and Margaret (Stuart) McNamara; grad Central Higli School, 1899; m. Baltimore, Md. Nov. 2, 1912, George Amory Maddox; one son George Amory Maddox Jr. Roman Catholic Mem. Christ Child Soc. Recreations: Tennis, motoring. Mem. Cultus Club, Wednesday .Morn- ing .^Iuslc Club, also three bridge clubs and dancing class. MADDOX, riorence Spring; (Mrs. William Hed-

rick Maddo.x), Wauseon, Ohio.

Trained nurse; b. Tedrow, Fulton Co., Ohio Sept. 30, 1S70; dau. Cornelius Milton and Saral Ann (Eldndge) Spring; grad. Ohio Wesleyat Univ., Delaware, Ohio, L.B. 1894 (mem. Castaliai Literary Soc); m. Tedrow, Ohio, June 29, 1S99 Dr. William Hedritk Maddox (Ohio Wesleyai Univ., '95; Ohio Med. Univ., '98); children: Cor


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