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��of America, N.T. City; pres. Troy Girls' Club, 1909-12. • E>piscopalian. "Woman mem. Board of Troy Tuberculosis Relief Com.; chairman Third Judicial Dist. N.Y. State Fed. of Women's Clubs; chairman Anti-Tuberculosis Com. of State Fed.; chairman Social Activities, East Side Club, Troy. MacQUrcriX, rillian Gertrude, Churchill House, 115 Angell St.. Providence, R.I. Business manager; b. Newbury, Mass., Oct. 28, 1876; dau. John Franklin and Josephine (Nason) MacQuillin; ed. public schools, Providence; Brown Univ., Ph.B. (Phi Beta Kappa) '99 (ad- dress to undergraduates at commencement day; mem. Alpha Omicron Pi). Business manager Churchill House Corporation, which she worked up from its inception to a dividend-paying in- vestment for its stockholders. Staged old morality play, Wyt and Science, for Alumna of Brown Univ. Writer of occasional magazine arti- cles and newspaper specials. Baptist. Recrea- tions: Sailing, reading, dramatics, drawing, em- broidery. Often considers property and invest- ments in advisory capacity; social sec; cata- loguer of private collections; interested in the designing and manufacture of novelties in needle- work; nat. registrar of Alpha Omicron Pi, 1908- 10; nat. grand treas., 1910-14.

McRAE, Emma Mectgomsry (Mrs. Hamilton S. McRae), Purdue Univ., Lafayette, Ind. Prof. English literature; b. Loveland, Ohio, Feb. 12, 1848; dau. William and Anna (Newton) Montgomery; ed. Brookeville Coll., M.A. from Wooster Univ.; m. Shelbyville, Ind., Aug. 6, 1&68, Hamilton S. McRae; children: Bertha, b. 1873; Charline, b. 1876. Prof. English literature in pKirdue Univ. since the death of her husband, 1887. Mem. Monday Club of Lafayette, Ind., for 26 years; served one term as pres. of Ind. Fed. of Clubs; pres. Ind. State Teachers' Ass'n; was mem. Tesieiers' and Toung People's Reading Circle Board 25 years. Favors woman suffrage. Mem. Franchise Lieagfue. Has been for years lecturer for teachers' institutes and literary clubs; has written articles for educational jour- nals on educational subjects and a brief history of Indiana literature; also Introductions contain- ing suggestions for the study of The Tempest, Henry VIII, and A Tale of Two Cities. Unita- rian.

HcRA£, Fannie Collier (Mrs. Floyd Wilcox Mc- Rae), 1914 Peachtree St., Atlanta, Ga. Bom in AtlanU, Georgia; daughter of Judge John and Henrietta E. (Wilson) Collier; ed. grammar and Girls' High School, Atlanta, Ga. ; to 1888, Dr. Floyd Wilcox McRae; children: Floyd N. Jr., Kenneth Collier, John Collier. Pres. Home for Incurables; sec. Nineteenth Century History Class; mem. of many religious and social organizations. Methodist. Against woman suf- frage.

McRAVEN, Hortense McMorries (Mrs. L. H. McRaven), 1211 Twenty-fourth Av., Meridian, Miss.

Bom Brooksville, Miss., Sept. 29, 1886; dau. Edwin and Carrie (Love) McMerries; ed. Me- ridian High School and Converse CJoU. ; m. Me- ridian, July 9, 1912, L. H. McRaven. Mem. Phila- thea Sunday-school class of First Baptist Church (reception com., hospital com), Society of Kail In the GroTe, ChautaiMjua Literary and Scientific Circle, Woman's Auxiliary First Baptist Church (program and visiting committees). Clubs: Gal- axy Literary, Swastika Social. Favors woman Bufirafe.

McRETNOLDS, Jennie Elizabeth DaTis (Mrs. John Ixjwndea McReyonlds), 2901 Morrison Av., Houston, Tex.

Bom Luling, Tex.; dau. Dr. Francis Marion and Margaret (McFarland) Davis; grad. Sam Houston Normal Coll., with high honors; m. June 10, 1908, John Lowndes McReyonlds, pro- fessor. Leader in educational work several years in city schools of Houston; last four years before marriage as special teacher of methods in science work. Mem. Bible class and its ass't teacher; interested in social life of community; vice-pres. of permanent Clean-Up League, under the auspices of Chamber of Commerce of city of Houston. Frequent contributor to local

��papers; author of numerous short poems. Pres- byterian. Mem. of two missionary societies. Recreations: Out-door life, tennis, croquet, mu- sic, drawing. Pres. Twenty-six Club; formerly pres. Mothers' Club, also Shakespeare Club. McSHERBY, Jennie Emma, 811 South Negley

Av., Pittsburgh, Pa.

Born Warsaw, Ind., Feb. 19, 1880; dau. Charles and Ellen Isabelle (Pears) McSherry; grad. Irving High School, Chicago, with honors; West Division High School, Chicago; Allegheny High School, awarded honors and scholarship; Pa. Coll. for Women, A.B. '03. Interests are singing, church and concert work, Greek art, sometimea lecturing. Favors woman sufirage. Episco- palian. Mem. Coll. Club of Pittsburgh, Tuesday Musical Club. MACURDY, Grace Harriet, Vassar College,

Poughkeepsie, N.Y.

Professor; b. Robbinstown, Me.; dau. Simon Angus and Rebecca (Thomson) Macurdy; ed. Radcliffe Coll., A.B.; Univ .of Berlin, Columbia Univ., Ph.D. Teacher in Cambridge, Mass.; In- structor and associate professor of Greek, Vassar College, since 1907; professor of Greek, summer session, Columbia Univ. Favors woman suffrage. Contributor to American and English classical periodicals. Baptist. MACVAITE, Edith, Via Angela Brunettl, 46,

Rome, Italy.

Writer; b. Boston, 1880; dau. Silas Marcus Macvane (prof, ancient and modern history in Harvard Univ.) and Emily Grace (de Mille) Macvane; ed. Radcliffe Coll. Author: The Ad- ventures of Joujou, 1906; The Duchess of Dreams, 1908; The Black Flier, 1909; The Thoroughbred, 1909; Tarantella, 1911; Her Word of Honor, 1912, Contributor of short stories to the magazines. McVAT, Anna Pearl, Wadleigh High School,

N.Y. City, or Athens, Ohio.

Teacher; b. Athens, O., Nov. 12, 1871; dau. Wallace W. and Anna P. (MoCune) McVay; ed. Ohio Univ., A.B. '92; D.Litt. '09; Bryn Mawr Coll., 1895-97; Columbia Univ., A.M. '08. Prin- cipal High School, Ashtabula, 1892-95; teacher Greek and Latin, Girls' High School, Philadel- phia, 1897-1900; teacher Wadleigh High School, 1900—. Sent by N.Y. Board of Education to ex- amine teaching of classics in Great Britain and Ireland, 1908. Lecturer on educational and his- torical subjects before Ohio teachers' institutes and university summer schools, and under aus- pices of N.Y. Board of EMucation. Leader Women's Bible class. Brick Presbyterian Church, N.Y. City; censor N.Y. Latin Club, 1310-12. Contributor to Educational Review, Classical Weekly, Record of Christian Work. Presby- terian. Mem. Classical Ass'n of Atlantic States, N.Y. Latin Club, Grenfell Ass'n of America, Am. Waldenslan Aid Soc.

McVEA, Emille Watts, 3 Hedgerow Lane, Clif- ton, Cincinnati, O.

Educator; b. Clinton, La.; dau. Judge John and Mrs. Emille (Watts) McVea; ed. George Wash- ington UnlT., Washington, D.C., A.B. and A.M.; also studied at Cornell and Harvard. Teacher and principal St. Mary's, Raleigh, N.C. ; instruc- tor Univ. of Tenn. ; now ass't prof, of English and dean of women, Univ. of Cincinnati. One of the founders of the Southern Ass'n of Coll. Women; mem. Board of the Juvenile Protective Ass'n, Board of the Woman Teachers Ass'n; pres. Cincinnati Woman's Club. Favors woman suffrage; speaker at various meetings in interest of equal franchise in Ohio. Author (monograph): equal franchise in Ohio. Author (monograpnj : Suggestions for Teaching Literature in the Grades; also articles on James Madison, John Mai shall, Edgar Allan Poe and Sidney Lanier in the Encyclopaedia Americana; articles in edu- cational and literary magazines. Episcopalian. Mem. Social Workers' Club, Coll. Equal Suffrage League, Consumers' League. Lecturer on educa- tional and literary subjects before numerous clubs and other organizations. McVEY, Mabel Sawyer (Mrs. Frank L. McVey), Grand Forks, N.Dak.

Bora in Illinois, 1875; dau. James M. and Jana Elizabeth (Wilson) Sawyer; grad. UniT. of Minn.,


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