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��Playgoers, East Side Clinic, Kappa Kappa, Wom- en's Auxiliary of Harlem Hospital, Federation of Women's Clubs (city and State), Bachelor Girls', Hungry Club, Betterment League. McNEKLY, Frances Carlisle Jones (Mrs. Charles Wilson McNeely), 6408 Church Rd., Over- brook, Pa,

Bom St. Louis, Mo., July 19, 1SS9; dau. George P. and Louise (Crafton) Jones; ed. Mary Inst., St. Louis, Mo.; Briar Cliff, N.Y.; Miss Knox's School; m. St. Louis, Mo., Jan. 18, 1911, Charles \> ilson McNeely; one son: Prentice Jones, b. Jan. 25, 1913. Mem. Merlon Cricket Club, Over- brook Country Club.

MacNEILL, Clara Norwood, 7 W. 108th St., N.Y.


Pianist; b. Charleston, S.C, Oct. 7, 1888; dau. William D. and Mary (Norwood) MacNeill; grad. Greenville (S.C.) Female Coll., then studied In N.Y. City with Albert Ross Parsons and Harry Rowe Shelley, in Berlin with Jose Vianna da Motta and Frank La Forge. Since return from Berlin, in 1909, has given concerts in N.Y., Conn, and South. Interested in sculpture and painting. Recreations: Dancing, golf, riding. McNULTT, Anna (Mrs. J. J. McNuIty), 236

Lisgar St., Ottawa, Ontario.

Journalist; b. Holleford, Frontenac County, Ont., Nov. 9, 1864; dau. Luke O'Reilly, J.P. ; ed. Sydenham High School, Ottawa Normal School; m. 1893, J. J. McNulty of the Post Office Dep't, Ottawa, Ont. Taught school for five years; be- came a frequent contributor to American news- papers; since 1883 located at Ottawa as Cana- dian correspondent of the Utica (N.Y.) Globe. Roman Catholic.

MACOMBEB, Jennie, Westfleld, N.Y.

Born Westfleld, N.Y., Nov. 16, 1850; dau. Thomas and Sarah (Taylor) Maeomber; ed. West- fleld Acad., grad. '71; Vassar Coll., A.B. '76. Teacher high schools Owego, N.Y. ; Ottawa, 111.; Waterloo, la.; private tutor, Macomb, 111.; gen- eral sec. Y.W.C.A., Westfleld, N.Y., 1895-1909. Presbyterian. Mem. Women's Civic League of Westfleld. MACOrBEB, Mabel E., 170 Putnam Av.,

Brooklyn, N.Y.

Playground director; b. Brooklyn, N.Y., Oct. 12, 1876; dau. Walter Hyde and Harriet Mitchell (Lewis) Maeomber; grad. BrooKiyn public schools; Brooklyn Girls' High School; atteiided Chautauqua Summer School, 1896-97, 1900, at- tending general lecture courses, with special work in pedagogy and physical education. In 1903, before the profession of playground director had been developed, was asked, because of her Buccess in Sunday-school work, to take charge (on behalf of the Children's Aid Soc.) of a small yard in Poplar St., Brooklyn, equipped with swings and simple apparatus and opened free to the children of the neighborhood. Observing how character could be moulded through careful study and correction of faults while at play, became en- thusiastic in the work, and in Sept., 1903, won appointment in the municipal park playgrounds, serving until Dec, 1908, when the teachers most In earnest in their desire to develop this new profession organized the City Playground League Of N.Y. (first society of its kind in U.S.), of which has been president from organization, through which a system and "playground creed" has been evolved, which has been endorsed and adopted by educators, clergymen, physicians, business men and public officials throughout U.S. Has written: Crowds In Playgrounds, Their Manage- ment (Journal of Education, July 6. 1905); Char- acter in the Raw (Kindergarten Magazine, Nov., 1908); New York Park Playgrounds (The Play- ground, Dec, 1908); also little poems in Chil- dren's magazines. Episcopalian; active Sunday- school worker in early years. Favors woman suffrage; mem. Woman's Political Union. Eleventh Assembly Dlst. Suffrage Ass'n. Mem. Gramercy Neighborhood Ass'n, Child Welfare Ass'n of Brooklyn, Queens and L.I. ; Com. of 100 on Playgrounds, City Fed. of Women's Clubs (chairman of sub. com. on legislation and budget). Recreations: Walking, riding, music, amateur photography.

��M.\COMBER, Mary Elizabeth, St. Botolph

Studios, Boston, Mass.

Artist; b. Fall River, Mass., Aug. 21, 1861; dau. William and Mary White (Poor) Maeomber; ed. in schools of Fall River, Mass. ; student oj art under Robert Dunning of Fall River, Frank Duveneck and the Boston Art Museum. ESc- hibitor at numerous exhibitions from 1889; win- ner of Dodge prize and two bronze medals at Nat. Acad, of Design, N.Y. City; hon. mention Carnegie Museum, Pittsburgh, etc. ; specialty la ideal figure paintings. Mem. Copley Soc ol Boston.

McOUAT, Mary Elizabeth, 331 East Thirty- first St.. New York City.

Writer; b. Bcownsburg, P. Q., Canada; dau. late Walter McOuat, B.A., of the Canadian Geological Survey, and Janet (Dudderidge) Mc- Ouat; ed. Owen Sound Collegiate Inst, and To- ronto Univ., B.A. Writer on sociological and economic subjects and to some extent on popu- lar science; pen-name "Mary Dudderidge." Mem. Liberal Club, Woman's Municipal League. Suffragist; district leader of the Woman Suffrage Party. McFHERSON, L,ucy Belle Harmon (Mrs. Simon

J. McPherson), Foundation House, Lawrence-

ville, N.J.

Born Danville, 111., Feb. 18, 1855; dau. Col. Oscar Fitzalan and Elizabeth Catherine (Mc- Donald) Harmon; grad. Danville High School, 1873; had courses in music, French and English literature in Old Chicago Univ., 1877-78; m. Dan- ville, 111., May 15, 1879, Rev. Simon John Mc- Pherson; children: Jeannette (Mrs. C. H. Ray- mond), Oscar Harmon, Elizabeth (Mrs. R. G. Wright), John Finlay, Paul Crerar. Active in many religious and social duties as pastor's wife in East Orange and Chicago, 1879-99, and wdfe of head master of Lawrenceville School, 1899 to date. Mem. Consumers' League of N.J., Woman's For- eign Missionary Soc, Woman's Home Missionary Soc. (Presbyterian), Lawrenceville. N.J. ; Soc. of Colonial Dames of America, Woman's Glut) of Lawrenceville; Present-Day Club, Prince- ton, N.J.; Y.W.C.A., Trenton, N.J. Presbyterian. Favors woman suffrage. MACPHERSON, Margaret Campbell, 8 Villa

Michel Ange rue Bastlen Lepage, Paris,


Artist; b. St. Johns, Newfoundland; dau. Peter and Susanna (Campbell) Macpherson; ed. Edin- burgh, Neuchatel, Switzerland; matriculated with honors in Oxford local. Exhibited in One Man Show, Edinburgh, 1898; private exhibition in Col- onial Building, St. Johns, Newfoundland, 1899; One Man Show, Halifax, N.S., 1900; awarded bronze medal. Exposition Universelle, Paris, 1900; Pan-American Exhibition, Buffalo. 1901; gold medal, Rouen, 1903; gold medal. Mantes. 1906; gold medal. Woman's Exposition, Paris, 1902; exhibitor since 1894 at Salon Society Na- tionale, Paris; Royal Acad, and Royal Scottish Acad.

Mc-QUEEN, Katherlne Margaret, Box 205. Elgin,


Born McQueen, 111.; dau. John A. and Martha (Eakin) McQueen; ed. Elgin Acad., 1882-85; Rock- ford Coll., 1885-89; grad. '89. Favors woman suf- frage; mem. Civic Equality League. Elgin, 111. Non-seotarian in religion; mom. Y.W.C.A. Rec- reation's: Music, dramatics, t'^avel. Honorary mem. Ladies' Travel Class, Columbia Woman's Literary Club, Dundee, 111. Teacher 1S90-93; head reference dep't, Gail Borden Public Library, Elgin, 111., since 1893.

McQUIDE, Sarah Tappin (Mrs. Joseph Mc- Qulde), 208 Pawling Av., Troy. N.Y. Born Troy, N.Y., Mar. 23. 1868; dau. Samuel Charters and Marv L. (Toole) Tappin; ed. Emma Willard School, Troy; m. Troy, Feb. 5, 1891, Joseph McQuide; children: J. Charters. Kenneth Tappin. Pres. Stephen Van Rensselaer Chapter, Daughters of the Empire State; board mem. Emma Willard Ass'n; mem. Woman's Civic League of Troy, Troy Hospital Auxiliary; sec. Luccrnia Literary Club; chairman of reception com. of Woman's Auxiliary, Y.M.C.A.; mem. Woman's Club, Albany; mem. Patriotic Women


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