MacirOVNTES, Alice Jones (Mrs. Frederick economics of woman's work. Contributor of
Macllonnies), Giverny-Vernon, Eure, France. stories and essays to London Times, the
Sculptor; b. San Francisco, Cal.; dau. Hon. University Magazine, Canadian Courier, Cana-
John Percival Jones (U.S. Senator from Nevada) dian Magazine, Harper's Bazar, The Lamp,
and Georgina (Sullivan") Jones; prepared by pri- Short Stories, The Bookman, and in the Christ-
vate study and grad. Bryn Mawr Coll., A.B. '07; mas number of the Toronto Globe and Saturday
student of sculpture from 1906; m. Lucerne, Night. Mem. Toronto Ladies' Club, Canadian
Switzerland, Mar. 23, 1910, Frederick MacMon- Women's Press Club (was pres. 1909-13, hon.
nies, distinguished American sculptor. pres. 1913-16).
McllX;LIJ>f, Jessica Genevieve Lake (Mrs. MacMlRPHY, Mary Stuart (Mrs. Jesse Gibson
Frank Roswell McMullin), the Blackstone MacMurphy), Derry Village, N.H.
Hotel, Chicago, 111.; summer. Lake Forest, Lecturer; b. Deerfield Center, N.H.; dau. Capt.
I]l_ Joseph Warren and Harriet (Hoitt) James; ed.
Born Chicago, HI.; dau. James K. and Char- Pinkerton Acad., Derry, N.H.; Salem (Mass.)
lotte Whitney (Clark) Lake; ed. St. Margaret's Normal School; Mile. Tribou's Acad., Pans,
School; m. Chicago, 111., Frank Roswell Mc- France; special work at Vassar Coll.; m. Derry.
Mullin; children: James Campbell, Roswell Her- N.H., IS69, Jesse Gibson MacMurphy; children:
man, Charlotte. Founder and pres. of the Ra- Sarah Russell, James Alexander, Jerome Case,
vinia Club, a musical organization, to promote First ass't m Albany Female Acad, for many
the best interests of Ravinia Park as a musical years; principal of College Preparatory School,
center and to give the best in music to poor peo- Racme, Wis., for lo years. Head of dep t ol
pie at low cost and assist voung artists to obtain history. Waller High School, Chicago, 12 years,
public recogniUon. Honorary pres. (for nine Interested m art work m the Art Institute ol
years acting pres.) Arden Shore Ass'n, formerly Chicago. Author: Only Glimpses; Ferns of Wis-
Gad's Hill, one of the first organizations to give consm, also French translations. Episcopalian,
summer outings to the deserving poor of Chi- M^- D.A.R., Racine (Wis.) Chapter, ten years;
cago: mem. 111. Children's Home and Aid Soc., nc™ historian of D.A.R. Chapter, Derry, N.H.
the Anti-Cruelty Soc. of Chicago and many other Recreations: Walking, ridmg. Mem. Woman s
societies and philanthropic organizations. Has Club, Chicago, 111.; pres. Woman's Club, Racine,
written articles for The Children's Star; inter- Wis., two years; mem. Glaux Syntelia, Chicago;
ested in protecting children from use of the col- lecturer to Sesame Circle, Oak Park, 111., four
ored supplements of Sunday newspapers and for years; Avon Art Class, Racine Wis., ten years;
better literature. Chairman George Washington ^^oman's (^lub Derry, N.H. ; leader of Culture
Memorial Society of Washington for the State Club, North Chicago, four years,
of Illinois; chairman State Conservation Com. McMtJKRAY, Lida Brown (Mrs. William P.
for the Nat. Soc. D.A.Tl. ; chairman Girl Work- McMurray), 340 Linden PL, DeKalb, 111.
ers' Com. (or Home Keepers) of the Women and Training teacher; b. Kiantone, Chautauqua Co.,
Children Welfare Ass'n. Recreations: Horse- N.Y., Feb. 6, 1853; dau. Russell McCrary and
back riding, tennis, golf. Corporation and life Electa Louisa Brown; grad. State Normal School,
mem., director and treas. Woman's Athletic Normal, 111., 1874; m. Hudson, 111., July 7, 1878,
Club; mem. Chicago Woman's Club, Chicago William P. McMurray; children: Fred Russell,
Colony New England Women, Amateur Musical b. July 3, 1879; Karl Franklin, b. Oct. 31, ISSO.
Club, Ossoli Club of Highland Park; regent Chi- Began teaching at age of sixteen; after gradu-
cago Chapter Nat. Soc. D.A.R. ; mem. Continen- ating from Normal School taught until mar-
tal Hall Com. at Washington; mem. Drama riage. Resumed teaching again in fall of 1884.
League of America, the Chicago Woman's City and taught in public school seven years; then
Club, Federation of Musical Clubs of America. became training teacher in primary grade, State
McMULLEN", Virginia McNulty (Mrs. Thurlow Normal School at Normal, 1S91; since then simi-
McMulUn), 2200 California St., San Francisco, lar position m State Normal School at DeKalb,
Ca^l_ 111. Several years hon. vic-e-pres. 111. Ck)ngres3
Born Pittsburgh, Pa.; dau. Charles A. and of Mothers; mem. local Woman's Club. Favors
Frances Sophia (Miraben) McNulty; ed. St. '"'cman suffrage. Author: Classic Stories for the
Mary's Hall, Burlington N.J.; m. San Francisco, Little Ones; More Classic Stones; Robinson Cru-
Feb. 15, 1871, Thurlow McMullin; one son: soe for Boys and Girls (with Mary Hall Hus-
Latham, b. Mar. 17, 1872. Protestant Episcopal, ted); Fifty Famous Fables ; Tell Me a Story;
Sec. of the Cal. State Branch of the Am. Nat. Our Language; Songs of Treetop and Meadow
Red. Cross until its dissolution, Aug. 9, 1910; sec. (^it^ ^Snes Cook Gale); Songs of Mother and
of the San Francisco Chapter Am. Nat. Red. Child ^with Agnes Cook Gale); Nature Study
Cross since its organization, Oct. 11. 1910. Lessons. Baptist.- Mem. Northern State Teach-
MacMURCHY, Helen, 133 Bloor St., Toronto, ers Assn. Recreation: Bird study.
Ont., Can. McNAIR, Grace Elizabeth, Erodhead, Wis.
Phv'sician; b. Toronto, Can.; dau. Archibald Born Brodhead, Wis.; dau. Miles M. and Eliz-
and Marjory Jardine (Ramsay) MacMurchy; ed. abeth (Melendy) McNalr; ed. Brodhead High
Toronto Collegiate Inst., Woman's Med. Coll., School; Univ. of Wisconsin, B.L. '98, M.L. '99;
Toronto; Toronto Univ., M.B. 1900, M.D. 1901; scholar in history, 1S9S-99; fellow in history, Bryn
Johns Hopkins Med. School, Baltimore; Woman's Mawr Coll., 19CO-01. Favors woman suffrage.
Med. Coll. of Philadelphia. Formerly, teacher, Congregationalist. Mem. Brodhead Woman's Club,
first ass't mistress Toronto Collegiate Inst., McNAIR, Jean Ferguson, Glendora, Cal.
1881-1901: resident med. ass't Toronto General Graduate nurse; b. Hazelton, Pa.; ed. in
Hospital, 1901, since then engaged in general schools of Hazleton, Pa.; Vassar Coll., A.B. '97;
practice of medicine in Toronto. Med. inspector Nurses' Training School of Philadelphia Hospital,
Toronto public schools. 1910-11. Ass't demon- 1.898-1901. Practised as graduate nurse at Los
strator Toronto General Hospital and Faculty of Angeles, Cal., 1903-05; Morencl, Ariz., 1905-06;
Medicine, Univ. of Toronto; appointed by On- now resident at Glendora, Cal. Pres. Woman's
tario Government in 1913 to be Inspector of the Club of Glendora.
Feehlo-Minded, and ass't Inspector of public McNAMAR.4, Adelaide Lnisita, 504 W. One charities and hospitals. Editor of The Canadian Hundred and Eleventh St., N.T. City. Nurse from its founding, 1905-11. Mem. Univer- Singer; b. N.Y. City; dau. James Thynne and sity Women's Club of Toronto (pres. 1905), To- Ellen MacDonald (Lawless) McNamara; ed. pub- ronto Ladies' Club, Lyceum Club, London, Eng. lie and private schools and privately tutored. MacMCRCHY, JIarjory, 133 Bloor St., E., To- Interested In settlem-ent and hospital work, tu- ronto, Can. berculosis campaign, municipal government, re- Born, Toronto, Ontario; dau. Archibald Mac- search, suffrage and newspaper work. Mem. Murchy, LL.D., and Marjory (Ramsay) Mac- Nineteenth Assembly Dist. Suffrage Club and Murchy (dau. of James Ramsay of Linlithgow. Woman Suffrage Party, city, State and national. Scotland); ed. Jarvis St. Collegiate Inst, and Catholic. Mem. Catholic Oratorio Soc, Primary Toronto Univ. Literary editor of the News, Council, City and State Civil Service socs; chair- Toronto, and contributor of editorials to same; man publicity Com. N.Y. Civ. Ser. Soc; Guild press representative at coronation of King of St. Catharine. Recreations: Golf, tennis, bowl- George V. and Queen Mary; recently writer on ing. dancing. Clubs: N.Y. Mozart, American