��John T. Wallace fLulu Norvell Meriwether); ed. Hosmer Hall, St. Louis, four years; Mary [nst., St. Louis, seven years (mem. Delta Kappa Phi); m. St. Louis, April 17, 1911, Norman Roose- velt McLure. Interested in the Kingdom House Mission, St. Louis. Mo. Recreations: Tennis, golf, traveling. Presbyterian. Favors woman suffrage.
McMAIIAN, Anna Benneson (Mrs. Robert W.
McMahan), Biyn Mawr., Pa.
Author, lecturer; b. Quincy, 111., July 24, 1S46; dau. Robert Smith and Electa Ann (Park) Ben- neson; ed. Rockland Inst., Nyack, N.Y.; m. Nov. 19, 1S68, Dr. Robert W. McMahan; children: Una, Florence Logan. Author: Best Letters of Horace Walpole, ISiK); Best Letters of William Cowper, 1S93; The Study Class— A Guide to the Student of English Literature, 1891; Florence in the Poetry of the Brownings, 1904; With Shelley in Italy, 1905; With Byron In Italy, 1906; With Words- worth in England, 1907; Shakespeare's Christmas Gift to Queen Bess, 1907; Shakespeare's Love Story, 1909. Unitarian. Hon. mem. Friends in Council, Quincy, III.; hQi. mem. N.Y. Browning Soc; mem. The Lyceum, Paris, France. Edi- torial contributor to Chicago Tribune, 1893-94; contributor to The Dial since 1889; leader of Art and Literature Dep't Chicago Woman's Club, 1894-98.
McMAIN, Eleanor Latira, 1202 Annunciation St.,
New Orleans, La.
Soci.ll worker; b. East Baton Rouge, La., Mar. 2, 1868; dau. Jacob West and Jane Josephine (Walsh) McMain; ed. Free Kindergarten Train- ing School, New Orleans, and extension courses Df Columbia Univ. and the Univ. of Chicago. Since October, 1900, head worker of the Kinsley House Social Settlement, New Orleans. Active In the movements for playgrounds, children's gardens and vacation schools, all of which she Introduced in New Orleans; has established large social settlement and recreation centre work; pres. New Orleans Tenement House Commission; mem. New Orleans Playground Committee, New Orleans Humane Soc, Soc. for Prevention of Cruelty to Children. Protestant Episcopalian. Mem. Charity Organization Soc, Woman's League. Civic Improvement Ass'n.
McMANUS, Blanche — see Mansfield, Blanche McManus.
McMANUS, Emily JoUan, Collegiate Institute,
Ottawa, Ont., Can.
Teacher; b. Bath, Ont., Can.; dau. P. T. and Julian (Koen) McManus; ed. Queen's Univ., Kingston, M.A., with honors in political science, history and English literature. Teacher English literature, staff of Ottawa Coll. Inst. Favors woman suffrage. Contributor of short poems, sketches and critical essays to various maga- zines; literary reviewer for several years for the Free Press and the Ottawa Journal. Mem. Chil- dren's Flower Guild; Queen's Alumni of Ottawa. Clubs: Women's Canadian, University Women's.
MacMARTIN, Mary, Mlddlebury, Conn.
Teacher; b. Schenectady, N.Y., May 30, 1864; dau. David and Mary (Blgelow) MacMartin; ed. Sdhenectady Classical Inst, Wellesley CoU. ; grad. School of Music, '84. Taught at Dana Hall, Wellesley, Mass.; St. Katharine's Hall, Davenport, la.; N.Y. City. Organist and teacher of piano at Westover School since 1908. Inter- ested In settlement work. Favors woman suf- frage. Episcopalian. Recreations: Tennis, rid- ing, swimming. Mem. N.Y. Wellesley Club.
McMICKEN, Trances Marsh (Mrs. Thomas D.
McMlcken), 5252 Magnolia Av., Chicago, III.
Born Shabbona, 111., Feb. 23, 1865; dau. C. W. and Sara Frances (Waite) Marsh; ed. by private tutors and In Rockford Coll.; Woman's Med. Coll. of Chicago, two years; m. DeKalb, 111., Sept. 10, 1902, Thomas D. McMlcken. Lived at DeKalb, 111., until marriage. Active In work for advancement of vocational training for giUs and in all movements for civic welfare. Mem. Ravenswood Woman's Club, Woman's (jlty Club of Chicago. Her father, C. W. Marsh, was the Inventor of the Marsh harrester and one of the pioneers of Illinois.
��MACMILI..\N, Isabel (Mrs. Newton Macmlllan), 251 W. Ninety-seventh St., N.Y. City. Physician; b. Williamstown, N.Y. ; dau. Hirajn and Delia (Fish) Taylor; ed. Oswego (N.Y.) Nor- mal School, Northwestern University Medical College, Chicago, M.D.; m. May 21, 1894, Newton Macmlllan, journalist, N.Y. City. Chief of gynecological clinic, dispensary of N.Y. In- firmary for Women and Children. Mem. Am. Med. Ass'n; N.Y. State, N.Y. County and N.Y. State Women's Med. Socs. ; N.Y. City Women'3 Med. Ass'n. Mem. Woman Suffrage Party, 17th Assembly Dist., N.Y. City. Episcopalian. Rec- reations: Walking, swimming.
MacMrLLAV, Lucy Hayes (Mrs. Robert R. Mac- Millan), 173 Forest Av., Lyndhurst, N.J. Writer; b. Deaham, Mass., Feb. 10, 1868; dau. John Hayes (U.S. Volunteer, G.A.R.) and Anne Maria (Thynne) Hayes; ed. private school, pub- lic school, Dedham High School; grad. Dedham Training School for Teachers, 1885; m. 1st, Stone- ham, Mass., June 18, 1892, Alexander M. Mac- queen, copy editor, Philadelphia Record; 2d, Hoboken, N.J., Aug. 29, 1908, Robert R. MacMil- lan; one son: John Hayes Macqueen, b. Mar. 16, 1S94 (died May 1, 1894). Poetry editor New England Journal of Education, 1888-90; editor of Werner's Magazine, N.Y. City, 1900-02; pub- lished translations from Spanish and French for Werner's Publishing Co. Asst. editor Putnam's Magazine, 1906-07. Teacher Spanish and French, Jamaica High School, N.Y. City, 1898; reviser Funk & Wagnall's Dictionary, 1903. Spanish and French correspondent Internat. Coll. Languages, 1907-10; principal private school for young ladies, Lyndhurst, N.J., 1910-13; head of Vacation House for N.Y. Working Women, 1912-13, at Lyndhurst, N.J. Favors woman suffrage. Mem. Philadel- phia Woman Suffrage Ass'n. Author of transla- tions from Spanish and French, stories and spe- cial articles on education and home problems. Harper's Magazine, Good Housekeeping, Picto- torial Review, New England Journal of Educa- tion and all the leading magazines. ., Catholic. Mem. V/omen's Relief Corps, D.A.R., Jos. Hook- er Post, N.Y. City. Recreation: Outdoor sports. Mem. New England Women's I^ess Club.
MacMILLAN, Mary, 1915 Bigelow St., Mt. Au- burn, Cincinnati, O.
Writer; b. Butler Co., O., June 19, 1870; dau. Rev. William and Sarah (Wade) MacMillan; ed. high school, Hamilton, 0.; Wells Coll., Bryn Mawr Coll. Literary editor of Club Woman's Magazine (Cincinnati). Favors woman suffrage; mem. Coll. Equal Suffrage League, Cincinnati Chapter. Author of special articles in Cincinnati, The Queen City, a history; author of The Shad- owed Star (play), published by the (Consumers' League; and of verses, articles and stories in magazines and papers. Recreations: Photography, walking. Mem. the College Club of Cincinnati.
McMTLLLN, Mrs. Benton, Duncan Hotel, Nash- ville, Tenn.
Born Shreveport, La. ; dau. Capt. J. M. and Marie EHinor (Long) Foster; grad. B.S. (with English honors in dramatic expression) from Mary Baldwin Sem., Staunton, Va. ; m. 1898, Gov. Benton McMillin; one daughter: Ellinor. Pres. State Fed. of Women's Clubs of Tenn. Against woman suffrage. Presbyterian. Demo- crat. Mem. United Daughters Confederacy, D.A.R., State Historical Ass'n (was its second pres.). Recreations: Swimming, walking. Clubs: Centennial, Housekeepers' (Nashville. Tenn.). Reads frequently for charitable purposes; baa given public readings In N.Y. City, Washington and Nashville.
McMIXriN, Ruth Strong: (Mrs. S. Sterling Mc- Millin), 63 E. lOGth St., Cleveland, O. Born Cleveland, Aug. 11, 1880; dau. Charles Henry and Elizabeth (Roe) Strong; ed. Bryn Mawr Coll.; m. Cleveland, Oct. 16, 1905, S. Ster- ling McMillin; children: Samuel Sterling XL, David Strong, Ruth Jean. Mem. Church of tha Incarnation (Episcopal), East End Neighbor- hood House, Babies' Plospital, Consumers' League, Anti-Tuberculosis League, Klndoreaxten Ass'n. Recreations: Horseback ridlns, goll, gama humtiiie.